NAGARA BOOKS -------------------------------------------- 139 ----------------------------------------------------- Persian Studies) 3 vols. Islamabad 2004-06 9694980291 11,400 :Persian poets -- Biography -- 18th century II IRANIAN STUDIES 2025 Âzâd-e Belgrâmî, Gholâm 'Alî (1116-1200 h.q) イラン研究 Tadhkereh -ye Khazâneh -ye 'Âmereh. ed. by Hûman Yûsofdehî 2 vols. Tehran 1393(2014) 9786002202154 7,860 :Persian poets -- India -- Biography 2016 2026 Âbâdeyân, Hosayn Âzher, Amîr Esmâ'îl Taqdîr -e Târîkhî -ye Andîsheh dar Îrân -e Daureh -ye Elahî -nâmeh -ye 'Attâr, dar nazarîyeh -ye neshâneh - Qâjâr. 297p Tehran 1393(2014) 9789642246113 ma'nâ -shenâsî -ye âlzîr -e girams va shekr -shenâsî -ye 2,860 zharâr -e zant. 282p Tehran 1393 :Intellectual life -- Qajar dynasty -- History 9789643727185 1,960 2017 2027 Âdhar, Amîr Esmâ'îl 'Abd al-'Azîz, Manâl al-Yamanî 'Ebratgâh -e Târîkh: sargodhasht -hâ -ye khvândanî va Manzûmat Khusraw -nâm ah, li -farîd al -dîn al -'Attâr al - 'ebrat -âmûz -e târîkh -e îrân. 565p Tehran 1389 Nîshâbûrî: dirâsah tahlîlîyah naqdîyah muqâranah. (Al- 9789643724399 3,960 Maktabat al-Sûfîyah) 232p Cairo 2014 2018 9789773416270 2,080 Âdharnûsh, Âdhartâsh :Sufi poetry -- Dar Bâb -e Adâb -e Tâzî: majmû'eh -ye maqâlât -e 2028 Doktor Â. Âdharnûsh. ed. by Redvân Massâh 2 vols. 'Abd Allâh Afandî Isfahânî (1066-1130 h.q.) Tehran 1392(2013) 9786006326245 11,600 Riyâd al -'Ulamâ' va Hiyâd al -Fudalâ'. tr. by Mohd. :[Reflections on Arabic Literature (collected papers Bâqer Sâ'edî 6 vols. Mashhad 1389(86) of Azartash Azarnoosh)] 9789649713496 28,900 2019 :Shiism -- Muslim – Biography, Persian translation Âdher, Amîr Esmâ'îl 2029 Qor'ân dar She'r -e Pârsî. ed. by Barâdarân 'Abd Allâh Kâshânî, Abû al-Qâsem (m. 738 h.) Fellâhteyân 4 vols. Tehran 1394 9789643727314 'Arâyes al -Javâher va Nafâyes al -'Atâyeb 22,900 (javâhershenâsî, k âshîgarî va 'attâr -hâ). ed. by I. Afshâr :Qur'an and literature -- Persian poetry -- history 404p ills. facs. Tehran 1386 9789647553179 2,980 and criticism :Gems -- Precious stones -- Perfumes -- Early works 2020 to 1800 Âl Dâvûd, 'Alî 2030 Fehrest -e Tausîfî -ye Âlbûm -hâ -ye Boyûtât. 567p 'Abd al-Razzâq Kâshânî ills. facs. Tehran 2011 9789644265396 3,300 Ta'vîlât -e Qor'ân -e Hakîm, mashhûr beh Tafsîr -e Ebn :[A Descriptive Catalogue of the Royal Documents 'Arabî. tr. by S eyyed Javâd Hâshî 'Olyâ 2 vols. (in the age of Naser al-Din Shah Gajar)] Tehran 1393 9786003390140 19,600 2021 2031 'Âlamî, Mohammad Redâ 'Abd al-Razzâq Samarqandî, Kamâl al-Dîn (816-887 Ansâb -negârî -ye Shî'eh tâ payân -e qarn -e haftom -e h.q.) hejrî. 232p Qom 1393 9786002980427 4,130 Matla' -e Sa'dayn va Majma' -e Bahrayn. ed. by 'Abd :[The genealogy of Shia, until the end of 7th al -Husayn Navâ'î Vol. 1/pts. 1 -2 & Vol. 2/pts. 1 -2 century] 4 vols. Tehran 1372-1383 9644260422 14,800 2022 :Timurids --Iran -- History -- 640-1500 Âryânpûr Kâshânî, Manûchehr 2032 Farhang -e Bozorg -e Yek Jeldî: the Aryanpur 'Abdulî Âshteyânî, Asad Allâh Progressive Persian -English dictionary, one volume, Asnâd -e Sâdât -e Hosaynî Âshteyânî (Âqâ Mîr concise. 1596p Tehran 1387(83) Kâzem). 102p facs. 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NAGARA BOOKS -------------------------------------------- 140 ----------------------------------------------------- 2034 2042 Abû 'Abd Allâh Zanjânî Adelkhah, Fariba Târîkh -e Nazarîyeh -ye Vahdat -e Vojûd. ed. & tr. by The Thousand and One Borderes of Iran: travel and Yûsof Nozohûr 175p Tehran 1393(2014) identity. (Iranian Studies) 318p London 2015 9789645281968 1,620 9781138919716 21,330 :[On the Unity of Being by Abû Abdullâh Zanjânî] :Written by a leading anthropologist, it draws upon 2035 fieldwork carried out in Iran and Iranian migrant Abû al-Rajâ' al-Qommî communities across Dubai, Tokyo and Los Angeles Dhayl -e Nafthat al -Masdûr. ed. by H.M. Tabâtabâ'î from 1988 to 2015. 360p Tehran 2010 9786005594522 1,600 2043 :Iran -- Seljuks -- History Adhkâ'î, Parvîz 2036 Târîkh -negârân -e Îrân. 458p Tehran 1373(1994) Abû Bakr Ibn al-Zakî 1,800 Ravzat al -Kuttâb va Hadîkat al -Albâb. yayın.: Ali :[The Historians of Iran : from Ibn al-Faqih to Hafiz Sevim (T.T.K. XIX.Dizi-Sayi 2) ix,77p+298p(per.) Abrû] Historians -- Iran -- Historiography -- Biography Ankara 2011(1972) 9789751623607 1,600 2044 :A 15th century work on cultural and literary life in Afrûgh, 'Emâd Asia Minor. Mâ Qâl va Man Qâl, daftar -e 1: Qabl va hîn -e Iran -- Poetry -- History -- 640-1500 -- Sources namâyandegî, 1378 -1387, 2: Ba'd az namâyandegî, 2037 Khordâd 1387 -tîr 1390), 3: Ba'd az namâyandegî, Murdâd Abû Jamîl, 1390 -esfand 1391). 3 vols. Tehran 1392 Tashjîr -e 'Omdat al -Tâlib: ma'rûf beh Mushajjar Abû 9789642412471, 2488, 2495 18,230 Jamîl. 296p Qom 2008 :Iran -- Politics and government -- Presidents -- 9789648179460 1,800 Election -- 1997- :Alids -- Geneaology -- Early works to 1800 2045 2038 Afsaf-zâdeh, A'lâ Khân Abû Tâleb Behbahânî Naqd va Barrasî -ye Âthâr va Sharh -e Ahvâl -e Jâmî (a Minhâj al -'Ulâ (resâleh'î dar bâb -e hokûmat -e qânûn . critical study of Jami's biography and writings). ed. by H. Sa'îdî (Mîrâth-e Maktûb 192, Rasâ'el 8) 134p (Mîrâth-e Maktûb, 59, Zabân va Adâbeyât-e Fârsî, 18) Tehran 1389(2010) 771p Tehran 1999 9646781160 3,800 9789648700909 920 2046 :[A dissertaton on the rule of law] written in Nâser Afshâr Orûmî, 'Ali bn Amîr Lûyeh Khân al-Dîn Shâh era. Târîkh -e Akrâd: sharh -e vâqe'eh -ye hamleh -ye Shaykh 2039 'Obayd Allâh Kord beh Âdherbâyjân dar s -al -e 1297 q. Abû Torâbeyân 189p Tehran 1393(2014) Godhar -e Îlchî: qatl -gâh -e gerîbâyedûf dar Tehrân -e 9786002202079 1,220 'atî q. (Nashr-e Târîkh-e Iran, Qesseh-ye Tehrân, 1) :[History of Kurds] details of Shaikh Ubaidullâh 358p photos. Tehran 1393 9789646082953 2,220 Kurd's attack on Azerbaijan in 1297 A.H.] :Tehran -- Qajar dynasty -- History 2047 2040 Afshâr, Îraj Adamova, Adel T. & Manijeh Bayani Daftar -e Târîkh. jeld -e avval: majmû'eh -ye asnâd va Persian Painting: the arts of the book and portraiture. manâbe' -e târîkhî. 656p Tehran 1380 552p ills. photos. London 2016 9646053920 2,100 9780500970683 7,900 :[Hekm-hâ-ye pâdshâhân-e safavî, Ma'ather al- :A stunning catalog of Persian miniature paintings sadrîyeh, Safar-nâmeh-ye sarreshteh-ye dâr, Târîkh-e and manuscripts from The al-Sabah Collection, placed sefârat.... etc.] in their historical and artistic context 2048 2041 Afshâr, Îraj Adang, Camilla & Sabine Schmidtke (ed.) Daftar -e Târîkh. jeld -e dovvom. 846p Contacts and Controver sies between Muslims, Jews Tehran 1384 9646053211 2,100 and Christians in the Ottoman Empire and Pre -Modern :[Târîkhcheh-ye safavîyân, Safar-nâmeh-ye bokhârâ Iran. (Istanbuler Texte und Studien, 21) 421p sâl 1260 qamarî, Safar-nâmeh-ye tabrîz, sal 1289 qamarî, Würzburg 2010 9783899137385 13,125 Manâzel-e pîshâvar tâ bokhârâ (sâl 1227 qamarî), ... :The relations between the Muslim majority and etc.] members of the Jewish and Christian minorities in the 2049 Ottoman Empire as well as in pre-modern Iran received Afshâr, Îraj a series of new impulses from the 15th and 16th Daftar -e Târîkh: majmû'eh -ye asnâd va manâbe' -e centuries onwards, which were reflected in intensified târîkhî. daftar -e sevvom 591p Tehran 1387 encounters in the intellectual and literary, as well as the 9789646053465 2,100 social and political spheres. :[Ketâbcheh-ye Ghafârîyeh (joghrâfîyâ-ye balûchestân), Rasadkhâneh-ye marâgheh, ... etc.] NAGARA BOOKS -------------------------------------------- 141 ----------------------------------------------------- 2050 :novel Afshâr, Îraj & Kâveh Bayât (ed.) 2060 Daftar -e Târîkh: majmû'eh -ye asnâd va manâbe' -e Ahmadî, Ahmad Redâ târîkhî, jeld -e pajom. 491p Tehran 1391 Âyâ Mî'tavân bâ faqr Pârîs râ dûst dâsht. 219p 9786005942231 3,800 Tehran 1393 9786005906981 1,960 2051 :novel Afshâr, Îraj 2061 Ha ftâd Goftâr az Îraj Afshâr. ed. by Mîlâd 'Azîmî Ahmadî, Nozhat (Sarrâf) 989p Tehran 1390 9786005942194 3,980 Ro'yâ va Siyâsat dar 'Asr -e Safavî. (Nashr-e Târîkh-e 2052 Îrân) 112p Tehran 1388 9789646082717 1,480 Afshâr, Îraj (ed.) :Dreams -- Iran -- History -- Safavid dynasty, 1501- Ketâbshenâsî -ye Ferdowsî va Shahnâmeh: az âghâz -e 1736 neveshteh -hâ -ye pazhûheshî tâ sâl -e 1385. (Mîrâth-e 2062 Maktûb, Ketâbshenâsî, 1) 564p Tehran 2011 Ahrâr, Khvâjeh 'Obayd Alla^h (806-895 h.q.) 9786002030078 3,220 Rasâ'el -e Khvâjeh Ahrâ r (Faqrat, Vâledîyyeh va :[Bibliography of Firdawsî and Shâhnâmah: Hûrâ'îyeh). ed. by 'Aref Noush -ahî 187p photos. including the information of 5,867 articles, books and Herat 1394(2015) 9789936606135 1,820 manuscripts till 2005] :[The letters of 'Ubayd Allâh ibn Mahmûd ahrâr, 2053 1403/04-1489/90, Fiqarât, Hûrâ'îyah, Vâlîdîyah] Afshâr, Hamîd 2063 Ganjîneh -ye Asnâd -e Bonyâd -e Îrânshenâsî. 318p Aigle, Denise facs. Tehran 1394(2015) 9789648776904 2,960 The Mongol Empire between Myth and Reality: 2054 studies in anthropological history. (Iran Studies, 11) Afshâr, M. Tavassolî xii,393p ills. maps Leiden 2014 9789004277496 Ravand -e Zohd va Tasavvof va 'Erfân dar Gostareh - 18,725 ye Eslâmî -ye Îrân. 415p Tehran 1387 :Aigle presents the Mongol empire as a moment of 9786005429152 1,800 contact between political ideologies, religions, cultures :Sufism -- Iran -- History and languages, and, in terms of reciprocal 2055 representations.
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