Index of Manuscripts

Index of Manuscripts

Cambridge University Press 0521827175 - History and Memory in the Carolingian World Rosamond McKitterick Index More information Index of manuscripts AMSTERDAM, Universiteitsbibliotheek Pembroke College MS 108 281 S XV.G (81) 193–4 n.32 n.57 ASSISI, Biblioteca Communale CIVIDALE, Museo Archeologico San Francesco 585 79, 81–2 Nazionale MS XXVIII 79 n.84 BAMBERG, Staatsbibliothek MS 1 (Gospels) 167 Class. 54 Table 9.1, 190 E.III.3 105 n.89 COLOGNE, Dombibliothek MS 83, II 96 n.48 BERLIN, Deutsche Staatsbibliothek zu MS 164 122, 195 Berlin, Preussische Kulturbesitz MS 212 186, 187 Diez. B. Sant. 66 39 n.33, 46 n.62, 80–1, 208–9 COLOGNE, Historisches Archiv des lat. Qu. 364 193 n.32 Erzbistums Phillipps 1676 (50) (Egino Homiliary) Sankt Maria in Kapitol AII/18 21–2, 130, 53 271 Phillipps 1831 (128) 53, 95 Phillipps 1885+1896 53–9 COPENHAGEN, Kongelige Bibliotek Phillipps 1887 82 n.98 Gl. Kgl.S.163 Table 9.3, 212, 213–4, 240 Rhedigeranus 107 48 Gl. Kgl. 2158 4o 78 n.73 F84 193 n.30 BERN, Burgerbibliothek F86 193 n.30 MS 83 82 n.98 MS 289 239 DARMSTADT, Hessische Landes- und MS 330 194 n.32 Hochschulbibliothek MS 451 194 n.32 MS 4262 93 n.38, 94 MS 599 15, n.34 DUSSELDORF,¨ Universit¨atsbibliothek BRESCIA, Biblioteca Civica Queriniana MS D.1 (Essen Sacramentary) 167 cod. G.VI.7 166 EINSIEDELN, Stiftsbibliothek BRUSSELS, Biblioth`equeroyale MS 3565 97 n.55 MS 7666–71 141 n.27 FLORENCE, Biblioteca Medicea BUCKEBURG,¨ Nieders¨achsisches Laurenziana Archiv plut. 63.20 193 n.30 Dep. 3 Bedafragment III–VIB 93 n.38 plut. 65.1 47 plut. 68.1 Table 9.1, 190 CAMBRIDGE, University Library Kk.5.16 (Moore Bede) 39 n.34, 49, 75, FULDA, Hessische Landesbibliothek 209 fragm. 24 Table 9.1, 190 323 © Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 0521827175 - History and Memory in the Carolingian World Rosamond McKitterick Index More information 324 Index of manuscripts GIESSEN, Universit¨atsbibliothek LUCCA, Biblioteca Capitolare MS 233 44 n.53 MS 490 33, 51–2, 194, 195 MS 688 82 n.98 LUXEMBOURG, Biblioth`eque GOTHA, Forschungs- und nationale Landesbibliothek MS I:110 (olim 22) Table 9.2, 201 Membr I.75 98 Membr. I.101 43 n.46 MARBURG, Hessisches Staatsarchiv MS Hr. 4, 17 Table 9.3, 212 s’GRAVENHAGE (The Hague), Koninklijke Bibliotheek MILAN, Biblioteca Ambrosiana 74.J.19 77 n.73 C. 91inf. 240 n.95 C. 105inf. 47 HEIDELBERG, Universit¨atsbibliothek pal. lat. 894 Table 9.2, 210 MONTPELLIER, Biblioth`eque pal. lat. 912 82 n.98 de la Facult´edeM´edecine H406 238 HEREFORD, Cathedral Library O.3.2 239 MUNICH, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek Clm 6220 188 JESIBiblioteca capitolare Clm 6308 188 8 (lost) 42, 190 Clm 6330 105 n.88 Clm 8112 189 n.9, 281 n.60 KARLSRUHE, Landesbibliothek Clm 14641 97 Aug. CLXVII 96 n.48 Clm 22053 (Wessobrunner Gebet) 27, Aug. CCLXI80 235, 262–4 Rastatt 22 189 n.9, 281 n.60 MUNICH, Hauptstaatsarchiv, KASSEL, Gesamthochschulbibliothek Hochstift Freising, lit. 3a 159 40 Ms astron. 2 Table 9.1, 190, 277 MUNSTER-IN-WESTFALEN,¨ 40 Ms hist 72a–c 82 n.98, 190 Staatsarchiv 20 Ms philol. 27 190, 202 MSC I243 93 n.38 40 Ms theol. qu. 2 Table 9.1, 190 NAPLES, Biblioteca Nazionale KOBLENZ, Staatsarchiv IV.A.8 195 MS 710/759 III Table 9.3, 212 ORLEANS, Biblioth`equeMunicipale MS 184 82 n.26 LEIDEN, Bibliotheek der Rijksuniversiteit Perizoni 17 248 OXFORD, Bodleian Library Scaliger 28 98 Laud misc. 129 263 n.48 Voss. lat. Q.32 44, 194 n.32 Voss lat. Q.60 75 n.62, 211, Table 9.3, PARIS, Biblioth`equenationale de 212 France Voss. lat. Q.101 44 lat. 1 (Vivian Bible) 242, 246, 248 lat. 528 69 LEIPZIG, Stadtbibliothek lat. 753 80 129a 34–5 lat. 1141 242 lat. 1564 254 LONDON, British Library lat. 1750 42 n.44 Arundel 393 262 n.44 lat. 1791 239 Cotton Domitian A. VII 167 lat. 1850 211 n.101 Cotton Vespasian B. VI277 lat. 2718 270 Stowe 944 167 lat. 2769 260 © Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 0521827175 - History and Memory in the Carolingian World Rosamond McKitterick Index More information Index of manuscripts 325 lat. 3859 252 pal. lat. 243 36, 55 n.86, Table 9.2, 201, lat. 4950 44 204, Table 9.3, 212 lat. 5596 16 pal. lat. 277 Table 9.2, 201, 204 lat. 5716 28 pal. lat. 814 Table 9.2, 201, 203 lat. 5724 194 n.34 pal. lat. 822 Table 9.2, 201, 203, lat. 5730 (Puteanus Livy) 42, 193 n.30, 239 203 pal. lat. 829 Table 9.2, 201, 203 lat. 5763 194 n.32 pal. lat. 833 Table 9.2, 201 lat. 6115 41 pal. lat. 886 42 n.44, 50, 201 lat. 7530 81 pal. lat. 899 190, Table 9.2, 201, 203, lat. 7906 15, Table 9.2,201 205 lat. 7950 193 n.30 pal. lat. 909 43 lat. 9434 168 n.41 pal. lat. 920 Table 9.2, 201, 204 lat. 9451 80 pal. lat. 966 Table 9.2, 201, 204 lat. 10318 82 n.97 pal. lat. 1448 Table 9.2, 201 lat. 10399, fol. 4,5 194 n.34 pal. lat. 1631 (Virgilius palatinus) 202, lat. 10910 37 203, 209 lat. 10911 13–19, 51 pal. lat. 1877 197–9, 236 lat. 12021 252 reg. lat. 213 124, 138–9 lat. 12048 (Sacramentary of Gellone) 235, reg. lat. 762 193 n.31, 203–4 261 reg. lat. 1021 251 lat. 12161 223, 238 reg. lat. 2077 223, 238 lat. 13090 265 lat. 13159 147 n.51 ROME, Chiesa di San Paolo fuori le mura lat. 14000, fol. 27 194 n.34 s.n. Third Bible of Charles the Bald 243, lat. 16024 193 n.32 248 lat. 17654 98 lat. 18237 12 ST GALLEN, Stiftsarchiv lat. 18282 194 n.34 MS C3 B55 164 n.a. lat. 1601 44 ST GALLEN, Stiftsbibliothek PERUGIA, Biblioteca Capitolare MS 22 (Golden Psalter) xii, 248 32 797 n.82 MS 108 80 MS 227 80 PFAFERS,¨ Stiftsarchiv in Stiftsarchiv MS 248 96 n.48 St Gallen MS 250 98 Codex Fabariensis 1 164–5, 175, MS 623 44 186 MS 635 79 ROME, Biblioteca angelica ST OMER, Biblioth`equemunicipale cod. 10 167–72 MS 697 50–1, 58 MS 706 50–1, 58, 112 ROME, Biblioteca apostolica vaticana Barberini lat. 679 253 ST PAUL IN LAVANTTAL, Stiftsarchiv Barberini lat. 2154 186 cod. 8/1 107 lat. 1873 190, 202, 203 lat. 3256 209 ST PETERSBURG, Saltykov-Schedrin lat. 3734 33 National Library lat. 3864 193 n.30, 203 F.v.1 194 n.35, 240 lat. 3867 209 F.v.IV.4 14 n.31, 21, 58, 112 lat. 5760, fols. i–ii 240 n.95 Q.v.IV.5 53–9 lat. 6808 252 Q.v.Class no. 9 53–9 pal. lat. 24 201, 202 n.67 pal. lat. 57 199 SALZBURG, St Peter, Archiv pal. lat. 170 Table 9.2, 201, 203 MS A1 163–4, 176–80 © Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 0521827175 - History and Memory in the Carolingian World Rosamond McKitterick Index More information 326 Index of manuscripts SELESTADT, Stadtbibliothek VIENNA, Handschriftensammlung des MS 11 34 Haus-, Hof-, und Staatsarchivs Blau 70 159 MS STUTTGART, W¨urttemburgische Landesbibliothek VIENNA, Osterreichische¨ MS theol. et phil. fol. 188 141 Nationalbibliothek n.27 cod. 430∗ 35 n.19, 36, 190, 281 n.59 cod. 449 143 n.34 TRIER, Domschatz cod. 473 14 n. 31, 17, 21, 24, 58, 113, MS 61 106 121–3, 128, 139, 146, Table 9.3, 212, 215–16 cod. 510 19, 130 n.35 TURIN, Biblioteca Nazionale cod. 515 4 n. 13, 104, 105–7 F.IV.18 195 cod. 751 189, 281 F.IV.29 240 n.95 cod. 1616 80 P. graec. 29810 47 n.63 UTRECHT, Bibliotheek der Rijksuniversiteit WETZLAR, Staatsarchiv MS 32 (Utrecht Psalter) 163 MS 46 239 WINCHESTER, Cathedral Library VALENCIENNES, Biblioth`eque MS XXV 281 n.57 Municipale MS 33 211 n.101 WOLFENBUTTEL,¨ Herzog August MS 95(88) Table 9.3, 212 Bibliothek MS 293 262 n.46 Helmsted. 513 80 MS 330bis Table 9.3, 212 Weissenburg 99 264 n.50 MS 545(499) Table 9.3, 212 WURZBURG,¨ Universit¨atsbibliothek Table 9.3, 212 VERCELLI, Biblioteca Capitolare Cod. CLXV 27, 235, 256–9 ZURICH,¨ Zentralbibliothek Cod. CLXXVII 44 MS Rh.hist.27 165 © Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press 0521827175 - History and Memory in the Carolingian World Rosamond McKitterick Index More information General index Aachen 102, 106, 107, 122, 266, 267; Ancyra, council of 255 assembly at 127 Angenendt, A. 148 a-b script 194, 240 Angilram, bishop of Metz 67, 76, 124 Abd-ar-Rahman 266 Anglo-Saxon Chronicle 279, 280 Abodrites see Obodrites Anglo-Saxon historiography 279–81 Adalhard, abbot of Corbie 67, 194, 240 Annales Bertiniani (Annals of St Bertin) 50, Adalhard, abbot of St Amand 172 51, 101, 112, 128 n.33, 218 Adalperga, duchess of Benevento 63, 67, Annales breves fuldenses 190 68 Annales Einhardi see Annales regni Adalung 197 francorum, revised version Adam 36, 55, 107, 191, 215 Annales fuldenses 21, 22, 33–5, 101, 218 Admonitio generalis (789) 91, 172, 250 n.1; Bavarian continuation 34–5 Adomnan, abbot of Iona 178 Annales laureshamenses 108 Adoptionism 64–5, 66, 74, 104, 109 Annales mettenses priores 21, 125, 130 n.35; Aeneas 10, 15, 40, 56, 125, 210, 209 on Pippin III’s accession 136 n.11 Aethelstan, king of England 164 Annales mosellani 108 Aethelwulf, king of the Mercians 166 Annales nazariani 201 Aethicus Ister 181 Annales regni francorum 29, 33, 51, 75, Agilulf, king of the Lombards 71 196; account of conquest of Lombards Airlie, S.

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