aqua Journal of Ichthyology and Aquatic Biology Vol. 8 (2), March 2004 Aquapress ISSN 0945-9871 aqua - Journal of Ichthyology and Aquatic Biology Managing Editor: Scope and aims Heiko Bleher aqua is an international journal which publishes original Via G. Falcone 11, 27010 Miradolo Terme (PV), Italy scientific articles in the fields of systematics, taxonomy, Tel.: +39 0382 754707/08 - Fax: +39 0382 754129 biogeography, ethology, ecology, and general biology of e-mail: [email protected] fishes, amphibians, aquatic invertebrates, and plants. Papers on freshwater, brackish, and marine organisms will be considered. aqua is fully refereed and aims at Scientific Editor: publishing manuscripts within 2-4 months of acceptance. 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China © 2004 aqua , Journal of Ichthyology and Aquatic Biology aqua, Journal of Ichthyology and Aquatic Biology The subadult of the labrid fish Novaculoides macrolepidotus , a mimic of waspfishes of the genus Ablabys John E. Randall and Andreas Spreinat Bishop Museum, 1525 Bernice St., Honolulu, HI 96817-2704, USA Domäneweg 1, D-37079 Göttingen, Germany Accepted: 17.09.2003 Keywords portamento, mostrandosi riluttante a muoversi e Mimicry, marine fishes, Novaculoides , Ablabys tenendo completamente eretta la sua pinna dorsale. Abstract Introduction A brief review of mimicry in marine fishes is followed There has long been confusion regarding the terms by the example of the subadult of the labrid fish protective resemblance and mimicry. Poulton (1898) Novaculoides macrolepidotus believed to be a mimic defined them as follows: “In the former an animal of venomous scorpaeniform fishes of the genus resembles some object which is of no interest to its Ablabys . In addition to the resemblance in form and enemy, and in so doing is concealed; in the latter an colour to species of Ablabys , the subadult of this animal resembles an object which is well-known and labrid fish mimics Ablabys behavior by showing a avoided by its enemy, and in so doing becomes con - strong reluctance to move and by holding its dorsal fin spicuous.” After their discovery of the blenny Aspi - fully erect. dontus taeniatus mimicking the cleaner wrasse Labroides dimidiatus , Randall and Randall (1960) Zusammenfassung revised Poulton’s definition of mimicry: “…an animal Nach einer kurzen Übersicht über Fälle von Mimikry resembles an object which is well-known and is bei Meeresfischen wird das Beispiel der subadulten avoided or not preyed upon by its enemy, and in so Lippfische beschrieben , die als „Nachahmer“ der gifti - doing becomes conspicuous.” gen Skorpionsfische der Gattung Ablabys aufgefasst Far from being avoided, the cleaner wrasse is werden. Neben der Ähnlichkeit in Form und Farbe zu sought by other fishes of the community for its para - den Ablabys -Arten, ahmen die subadulten Tiere des site removal services (but it also feeds heavily on Lippfischs auch das Verhalten von Ablabys nach, mucus). It serves as the model for the mimicking indem sie sich bei der Bewegung stark zurückhalten blenny to enable the latter to get close enough to nip und die Rückenflosse gänzlich aufgerichtet halten. the fins of its reef-fish prey. Cott (1957) differentiated two well-known types of Résumé mimicry, Batesian and Müllerian. Batesian mimicry is Un bref survol du mimétisme chez les poissons de when “a relatively scarce, palatable, and unprotected mer est suivi par le cas du subadulte du labridé species resembles an abundant, relatively unpalat - Novaculoides macrolepidotus susceptible d’être un able or well-protected species, and so becomes dis - imitateur des poissons-scorpions venimeux du genre guised. In Müllerian mimicry, on the other hand, a Ablabys . En plus de la ressemblance de forme et de number of different species all possessing apose - couleur avec des espèces d’ Ablabys , le subadulte de matic attributes and appearance resemble one ce labridé imite le comportement des Ablabys en another, and so become more easily recognized.” montrant une forte répugnance au mouvement et en The resemblance of the harmless black-barred érigeant au maximum sa dorsale. snake eel Myrichthys colubrinus to the venomous sea snake Platurus colubrinus has long been given as a Sommario classic example of Batesian mimicry in the sea. Una breve rivisitazione del mimetismo nei pesci Another is the black-marked pectoral fin of the com - marini è qui proposta traendo come esempio il mon sole Solea vulgaris which resembles the black subadulto del labride Novaculoides macrolepidotus, dorsal fin of the venomous weeverfishes (Trachinus ritenuto assumere le sembianze di scorpeniformi draco and T. vipera). velonosi del genere Ablabys. Oltre alle somiglianze di Remarkable examples of Batesian mimicry are colore e forma, il labride imita Ablabys anche nel com - those blennies of the genera Ecsenius , Petroscirtes , 45 aqua vol. 8 no. 2 - 2004 The subadult of the labrid fish Novaculoides macrolepidotus , a mimic of waspfishes of the genus Ablabys and Plagiotaenia that mimic the venomous fang dorsal ray of the flatfish Asterorhombus fijiensis has blennies of the genus Meiacanthus (Springer and been shown to serve as a lure (Amaoka et al., 1994). Smith-Vaniz, 1972; Losey, 1972; Smith-Vaniz, 1976). Examples of entire fishes that are aggressive mim - Also mimicking the venomous fang blennies, though ics of benign fishes to get closer to prey are species less precisely, are one species of cardinalfish of the of the western Atlantic butter hamlets ( Hypoplectrus ) genus Cheilodipterus and two species of the that resemble damselfishes (Pomacentridae) (Ran - nemipterid genus Scolopsis (Allen et al., 1975),. dall and Randall, 1960); the juvenile of the snapper Unique is the example of McCosker (1977) depicting Lutjanus bohar that resembles the damselfishes the fright posture of the plesiopid fish Calloplesiops Chromis ternatensis
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