![Implementing Agreement Between the National Aeronautics and Space](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
-I Document t-53 [II Implementing Agreement Between the National Aeronautics and Space Administration of the United States of America and the Russian Space Agency of the Russian Federation on Human Space Flight Cooperation PREAMBLE The Nadonal Aeronautics and Space Administration (hercaftcr rcfcrrcd to as ‘NASA3 and the Russian Space Agency (hereafter referred 10 as ‘RSA”).joindy rcfcrred to as ?hc Partia.‘have agreed to coopente in the area of human space Ihght. This coop entivc program consists of three inur-rclated projects: the flight of Russian cosmonauts on IIIC US. Space Shurtlc; drc flight of US. astronauts on the Mir Space Suuon; and a joint miuion involving the rcndawuss and docking of tJre US. Space Shuttle with the Mir Space Station. These will apindy referred to in the future as the “ShutdcMir Program.‘ The Parties have agreed as followx ARTICLE I: DESCRJPTION OF COOPERATION 1. The cooperation set forth in IMP Implementing Agreement will be undertaken in accordance wirh the Agreement Bccwcn Qe Uniced States of America and rhe Russian Fcdcndon concerning Coopendon in the Escplontion and’Ur of Outer Space for Peaceful Purposes, ofJune 17.W92 (hereinafter theJune 17.1992 Agreement). 2. An experienced cosmonaut will fly aboard the Space Shuule on me STS-60 mis- sion. which is currently scheduled for Novcmbcr 1993. The cosmonaut will be an integral member of the orbiter crew, and will bc uained as a Mission Specialist on Shuttle systems, flight opcntions. and manifested payload procedures following existing Shuttle pncdces. 3. The RSA will nominate LWJcosmonauts. for appronl by N&A as candidates for the STS-60 Space Shutde mission. In accordance with Anicle Iv, one of the two cosmo- nauts will be designated the Primary Russian+ponsored crewmember. with the other being designated as a backup crewmember. Both crewmembers will receive [2] Mission Specialist Astronaut uaining, until tie time thati tie SDS-60 crew begins dedicated mission training. From chat poink the backup crewmember will receive as much training as pac- tical. The two cosmonauts will be scheduled for arrival ar the Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas, in October, 1992. Their names. experience and personal history will be provided to NASA by the RSA prior to the initiation of uainmg. - 224 THE DEVELOPMEMOF INTIRNATIONMSPACE COOPEKATION 4. An experienced NASA astronaut will fly on the Mlr Space Stauon as an Integral longduation crewmember (e.g., longer than 96 days) paruclpatmg as an integral mem- ber of the crew in a variety of openlions and experiments. The uming of this flight will be consistent with a Shurtle docking flight in 1994 or 1995. The astronaut will be flown 10 the Mu on a Soyuz transportation system. Special emphasis will be placed on science, par- ticularly liic science, as well as engineering and opentional ObJectives.Astronaut and cos- monaur participation before, during and after the longdurauon flight ~11 be emphasized to accomplish all flight objectives. 5. NASA will nominate twu as~onauts for apprw?l by RSA as candidates for a long- duntion Mir missron (e.g., longer than 90 days) to occur in conjunction with the t-en- dczvous and docking of the Space Shuttle with Mir. In accordance with Article IV, one of the two astronauts will be designated as the primary U.S.+ponsored crewmember. with the other being designated as the backup u-ember. Both crewmembers will receive full cosmonaut uaining with their cosmonaut crew. The (WDastronauts till be scheduled to agin tnining no later than 12 months prior to the agreed upon flight date. They will k US. cicirens. and their names. experience and personal history till be provided to RSA by NASA no later than one month prior IO the initiation of training. 6. The Space Shuttle will rend-us and dock with Mir in conjunction with rhe fltght of the NASA astronaut abard hfir. NASA will uansport two Russian cosmonauts in the Shuctlc LO replace the two cosmonauts on board Mir. Training for these cosmonauts will be in accordance with At-tide V of this Implementing AgrecmcnL Life sciences cxper- imcnts invohring the NASA astronaut and the twu cosmonauts who have been on board le Mir for 90 days or more will be conducvd while the Shuule is docked to the Mir. The NASA astronaut and the two cosmonauts who have hccu on rhe Mir for 90 days or more will be returned in the ShuttJe for contmued postllight life sciences experiments. 7. As part of the technical discussions leading up to the Mir rendezvous. join1 implc mentauon teams will explore the use of the Androgynous Peripheral Docking Assembly developed by NPO l&&a. consistent with the June 17. 1992 Agreement and thts Implementing Agreement (If such used appears techtucally [S] feasible. NPO Encrgi}a will enter mto a scpanre contract vnth an American company IO pro\?dc, modify or intc- gmtc this dcwcc or its dcri\ativcs with the Shut&.) 8. Jomt rmplcmentauon teams wII also consider exchange of Mtr crewmcmbcrs, tnnsportation of experimental and logistic equipment. and Extra Vehicular Activity (EVA), and will dcline the respecuve responsibiliues of the Parues. consistem ~th the June 17.1992 Agreement and this Implementing Agrecmcnr The tmplcmcntation teams ~111JOandy develop a conungcncy plan which will cover procedures for invcsogadon. con- suluuon, and exchange of data m the event of a mishap which causes damage to equip mcnt or mJury to personnel during the conduct of the ShutdcMtr Program. 9. Conststcnt ~7th the June 17, 1992 Agreement. each Party will bc rcsponslblc for fundmg its rcspccure rcsponsibilmcs, conststcnt with tls domcsuc laws and rcgulaoons. and SubJecl IO the awlabiht) of appropriated funds All uaming. m-country tnvel and hv- mg arrangcmcnu. flrght and other associated posts for each Party’s crew members and dcpcndents will be borne by the host country, in a manner it deems appropnatc. at a stan- dud afforded its own flight crews. ARTICLE II: DESIGNAnON OF REPRESENTATIVES AND ORGANIZA%IONS Destgnatrd Points of Contact for the implcmcnta~on of the acuwties described here- tn are contamcd m Annex I to thts Implcmcntmg AgrecmcnL Annex 1 may be modiftcd by crrhcr Party upon noufrcation to the other Party NPO Energiya and the Yun Cagann Cosmonaut Trammg Facrluy wll bc Ihe lead ccchmcal ~mplemcntors ol’ d~c Shuula-MK Program m Ruswa ARTICLE III. JOINT IMPLEMENTATION TEAMS The Parties agree to establuh jomr ~mplcmentauon teams to coordtnam and implc- mcnt rhc acoviun dcscribcd hcrcin. Designated team members wll be idenulicd by each side within 30 days or IJIC envy into force of thu hnplemenung Agrcemcnt. Each Parry may modi@ the membership of iujoinc implementation teams PI its discretion. The jomr implementation learns will develop a plan for impkmenution of the nctivuies descnbcd herem on the basis of equality, reciprocity and mutual bcnefn, consuwn~ wnh the June 17.1992 apcemcm. ARTICLE Iv: SELECTION OF CANDIDATES 1. Selection of flight candidates will be based on mumal agrccmeru prior to any announccmcn~ Candidams sclectcd will be (41 current, acdvc members of each ude’s astronaut or cosmonaut corps. 2. Flight candidam sclccmd will have previour space flight experience. The corms- nauu sclecmd for uaining shall have sullidenc knowledge in verbal and wnuen English. The NASA asuonauu sclccrd for uaining shall have sullic~cnt knowledge in verbal and w-men Russian. Information that each side’s candidaces meet the critcna in this Aruclc shall be exchanged prior to any announcement on crew selections. ARTICLE W TRAINING 1. Throughout chcir training prognms. Ihe Russian cosmonauuwll be based at the Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas, and will be assigned to tie Asuonaur Office in the Flight Crew Opctations Diictorac. ‘Thc,NASA astronauts till be based at Yuri Gap-in Cosmonaut Training Facility (Star City3 in le Moscow Region. 2. At the beginning of the ualnlng prognms, each Party will require its candidates to enter into a Standards of Conduct Agreement wiUr Lhe other Party. which will include, inter aha. installation safccy and security maucrs. provisions related to prohibitions on use of position for privacc gain. authority of the Mission Commander, and limiudons on use of rnformadon received during uaining and flight. Each Party will ensure that ifs candl- dates comply with Ihe provisions of such an agreement 3. The candidates will have completed 111aspecu of the required uaining to rhe full and fmal satisfaction of the host Parry prior to cetication for flight. 4. By mutual agreement. the Parties wll tdendfy any support personnel required for the fhght cam&dates selected. ARTICLE VI: SCIENCE 1. The Parries will establish a Scientific Working Group to coordinate appropnare scienufic experiments and activities to be conducted by each side on tie respective mir- lions. Designated working group members will be identified by each side whhin 30 days of the entry into force of this Implementing Agreement. Each Puty may modify the mem- bership of its Scientific Working Group at iu diction. 2. Rcsulu of Lhe scientific expcrimenu conducted by each Party under this Implementing Agreement will be made available to the scientilic community in general 226 THE DEVELOPMENT OF IKTEPNATIONAL SPACE COOPERATION through publication in approprlav journals of other estabhrhcd channels. In the event [5] such reports or pubhcauons are copyrighted, NASA and RSA shah have a royalty-kc right under the copyright to reproduce, diiuibuce and USC such copyighled work for Iheir own purpoSeS. ARTICLE VII: IL4BIL.n-Y 1. A comprehensive cross-waiver of liability between the two Parucs and their relat- ed entities (e.g., conanors. subconuactors. and other participating entities associated with the Parties including any state from which RSA procnres a launch to carry out us obligations under this agreemmt) shall apply to the activiues under this agreemenr The crosswaiver of liabihty shall be broadly construed.
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