Jana Sena would be an insignificant factor in the next Modern Telugu script evolved Y S Jagan elections and the fight would be only between the YSRC and Mohan from the old Telugu script from Reddy, the 11th to the 19th centuries the TDP. And I a going to co e to !ower and this is certain YSRC chief TIRUPATI SUNDAY 03 29�10�2017 Steps taken to curb road accidents: SP EXPRESS NEWS SERVI CE @ Kadapa !+ A Ba) <ee said that concrete steps were taken to c r) road accidents in the district and modern technology is )eing sed to contain crimes. The !+ held a crime review meeting here on !at rday in which $is" trict :egal !ervices A thority @$:!AA !ecretary == +rasad and $ep ty Transport (ommis" sioner % Basi 'eddy attended. !peaking on the occasion# the !+ directed the police and transport officials to keep strict tem has come in handy to police vigil# where highways are in preventing ) rglaries and crossed and cond ct patrolling ho se)reakings# the !+ said. to prevent road accidents. The $T( e.plained the steps He asked the police and trans" taken to c r) mishaps in the ac" port officials to work in a coor" cident prone areas. The $:!A dinated manner to contain road !ecretary clarified the do )ts accidents in the district. Top of police personnel on vario s FLORAL OFFERINGS TO LORD priority is )eing given to check legal iss es. Additional !+ A illegal sand mining and smug- Srinivasulu 'eddy, ASP Krish- Pushpa Yagam being performed at Sri Venkateswara temple at Tirumala on Saturday. The Lord is worshipped with a gling of red sanders. The na 'ao and $!+s and (Is at" wide variety of flowers as part of the temple festival | EXPRESS :ocked Ho se %onitoring !ys" tended the meeting. WATER FOR 4.92 LAKH ACRES OF LAND IN NELLORE DIST Desilting of Kandaleru reservoir and irrigation canals to be taken up to store more water; drinking water to be supplied to Gudur, Tirupati and Chennai EXPRESS NEWS SERVI C E @Nellore water storage level of *andaler der the !o th 8eeder canal from Employ skilled local reservoir is ,-.1 tmc and the res" !omasila and *andaler youth, industries told Water storage THE Irrigation Advisory Board ervoir is receiving 2#1-- c secs of reservoirs. Agriculture Minister Somireddy Somasila, Kandaleru getting inflows meeting has decided to provide inflows# he said. %eanwhile# mem)ers of 0illa Chandramohan Reddy slammed water for 4.92 lakh acres in the 3%aharashtra# *arnataka and +arishad e.pressed their dis" industries that were failing to ater district d ring this season. Andhra +radesh have to provide pleas re over the district man" supply rovide em loyment to local 50.05 !peaking to mediapersons ,1 tmc of water to (hennai city agement for not removing the silt youth! "e artici ated in a 2.47 lakh here on !at rday after the meet" for drinking p rpose. 4e dis" in the canals for the free flow of rogramme along with #ndustries tmc Somasila water. acres in ing# $istrict Incharge %inister & c ssed the iss e with with the Minister N Amarnath Reddy at reservoir Amarnath 'eddy said they wo ld (hief %inister. He also wrote a +$8 %:( ; Balas )ramany" Penna delta $olden Ju%ilee "all in the city on disc ss the iss e with (hief %in" letter to the *rishna 'iver %an" am alleged that the government Saturday and said industrial 60,000 ister & (handra)a) &aid to agement Board a)o t release of had not taken p any canal repair organisations have to adhere to acres under get *rishna water from +othired" ,1 tmc of water#5 !omireddy said. works d ring the last seven assurances li&e em loyment after 10.5 Kan ur dypad head reg lator for irriga" 4ater wo ld )e diverted to months. &ow# they had taken p setting u their units! "e said it tmc Kandaleru canal tion and drinking needs of &el" *andaler from !omasila reser" the works while the water is flow" lore. %eas res wo ld )e taken to voir after releasing water to the ing in the canals# he said. %+ %e" seemed they were not following Inflows 1 lakh acres desilt *andaler reservoir ena" Distri t !n harge "inister # $marnath %eddy speaking at the !rrigation $dvisory delta areas# he added. %eas res kapati 'a<amohan 'eddy de" those and only filling u uns&illed under Kavali )ling it to store more water. The &oard meeting in #ellore on Saturday | EXPRESS wo ld )e taken to provide drink- manded the ministers to complete osts from the district! 'he canal a thorities have to create aware" ing water to (hennai city# Tir " ;eligonda project at the earliest minister directed the district collector to collect data of eo le 50,000 ness among the farmers to c lti" +arishad across the district# said Agric lt re %inister !omired" pati# !rikalahasti and 6 d r as it wo ld )ring more land n" 9,000 whom avenues were rovided in acres under vate more than ,-#--- acres with Amarnath 'eddy. The a thorities dy (handramohan 'eddy said from *andaler and the rest der c ltivation in =dayagiri area. the entire district through various cusecs North , tmc of water with )etter man" had noted the iss es raised )y the !omasila reservoir has )een re" wo ld )e s pplied for irrigation# !arvepalli %:A * 6ovardhan industrial organisations! Somasila Feeder canal agement practices. The district mem)ers of the 0+ and wo ld ceiving 9#--- c secs of inflows a he said. 'eddy# ! ll r peta %:A * !an" wo ld receive water d ring the take meas res to resolve them ac" day and the storage level of the % nicipal Administration <eevaiah# Atmak r %:A % #ndustries Minister Amarnath 35,000 ne.t two months. E.cess water cordingly#he added. reservoir is now at 1-.-1 tmc. The %inister + &arayana said water 6o tham 'eddy# *ov r %:A + Reddy said industries have to acres under wo ld reach !omasila reservoir wo ld )e released to 2.42 lakh !rinivas l 'eddy# *avali %:A treat it as a moral res onsi%ility 7,500 South in &ovem)er and $ecem)er and acres of land nder +enna delta# +rathap * mar 'eddy# 6 d r to rovide em loyment for local c ltivation of more acreage All the issues raised by Zilla Parishad members to be addressed 7-#--- acres nder *anp r canal# %:A + ! nil# ;enkatagiri %:A eo le! Munici al Administration cusecs Feeder canal at the earliest. Efforts will be made to supply more irri atio! Minister ( Narayana suggested to Kandaleru wo ld )e possi)le. !teps wo ld )e water to the farm la!d i! Nellore distri"t , lakh acres nder *avali canal# * 'amakrishna# %:( B 'avi taken to desilt the canals as per 1-#--- acres nder the &orth (handra >adav and others were convert local )o%less youth as re/ est of the mem)ers of 0illa N Amarnath Reddy, District Incharge Minister 8eeder canal# and 91#--- acres n" present. technically s&illed ersonnel! Dr &indu "enon' neurology hief' $pollo (ospitals' speaking at an awareness programme on paralysis in #ellore on Saturday | EXPRESS "#ess inta$e of salt hel!s !re%ent !aralysis& EXPRESS NEWS SERVI C E @ Nellore ?&E person is getting affected )y paralysis every two seconds in the world and a)o t ,7 million people are affected with this across the glo)e# said $r Bind %enon# ne rology chief# Apol" lo Hospitals. Apollo Hospitals organised a special awareness programme here on !at rday to mark 4orld +aralysis $ay. $r Bind %enon talked a)o t the stalls set p at the hospi" tal to create awareness on paralysis. !he said even people aged )etween 21 and 4- years were getting affected with pa" ralysis. !ymptoms of paralysis m st )e identified at the earli" est and the patients )e shifted immediately to the hospital. A)o t 4- to 1- per cent patients s ccessf lly recovered from paralysis after they were shifted to the hospital# said $r Bind %enon. !he also s ggested intake of less salt to pre" vent paralysis. Every person m st take only 2.4 grams of salt per day and e.cess intake wo ld raise health iss es. !he s g" gested the st dents to do e.ercise daily to keep the )ody healthy and avoid giving < nk food. Apollo Hospitals &ellore nit head &avin 'eddy# hospital s perintendent !wetha 'ed" dy and others were present. KSRM students selected for !"#$ s%orts &eet Kada a+ 'wo students of KSRM College of ,ngineering have %een selected for the s orts meet to %e held at JN'-A! College rinci al .SS Murthy, in a statement here on Saturday, said $ /ohit Pawan and Y Sri Charita were selected to re resent the institution in ka%addi and %all %adminton in the s orts meet! ,NS.
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