THE SECRETARY’S PAGE Membership Application The next step will be for the AKC to put all HEAD AND SKULL: Skull moderately wide and Salisbury Maryland Kennel Club of the recommendations made by the committee flat between the ears, with definite though mod­ in proper form and order, so that the committee erate stop. Muzzle to measure about three members will have an opportunity to review Delegates Credentials inches in length, or in proportion to the skull them before they are submitted to the Board as three to five. Muzzle medium i.e. neither too Buris R. Boshell, M.D., Birmingham, Alabama of Directors for preliminary consideration. The pointed nor too blunt but somewhat less fine to represent the Birmingham Kennel Club, recommended changes that are tentatively ap­ than the Pembroke. Nose black. Nostrils of Inc. proved by the Board will then be published in moderate size. Underjaw clean cut and strong. Frank Wall, Whiting, Indiana the Gazette as being “ considered for adoption” so that obedience people in general will have an EYES : Medium to large, and rather widely set, to represent the Lake Shore Kennel Club, with distinct corners. Color dark to dark amber Inc. opportunity to comment on them before final adoption. Since there will probably be a num­ but clear. Blue eyes, or one dark and one blue eye, permissible in blue merles. ber of changes which require some re-training Notice of dogs, the revisions when adopted will prob­ M O U T H : Teeth strong and regular, neither overshot nor undershot. Pincer (level) bite per­ Acting on an application, the Board of Direc­ ably not be effective until some months after missible but scissor bite preferred e.g. the in­ tors has reinstated the judging privileges of the new Obedience Regulation Books have been distributed. ner side of the front teeth resting closely over Ralph S. Roberts (Covina, California). The members of the Committee who were the front of the lower front teeth. selected by the Board of Directors on the basis E A R S : Large and prominent in proportion to Notice of their obedience knowledge and experience, size of dog. Slightly rounded at the tips, moder­ The Bench Show Committee of the Poodle with some consideration for geographical rep­ ately wide at the base, and carried erect, set resentation, were as follows: Club of Oklahoma City suspended Mrs. Mar- well apart and well back, sloping slightly for­ cellia Harris (Oklahoma City, Okla.) from all Mrs. Fred Buchholz ward when erect. Flop ears a serious fault. privileges for conduct at its show on November Merritt Island, Florida N E C K : Muscular, well developed, especially in 13, 1966. Mrs. Harris did not file an appeal Mr. Richard H. D’Ambrisi males, and in proportion to dog’s build; fitting from the decision but submitted an application New Providence, New Jersey into strong, well shaped shoulders. for reinstatement. This application has been Mr. James C. Falkner FOREQUARTERS : Chest broad, deep, and well approved by the Board of Directors, to be effec­ Richardson, Texas let down between forelegs. Forelegs short, tive January 15,1967. Mr. James M. Frey strong, and slightly bowed around chest, and San Francisco, California with distinct but not exaggerated crook below Notice the carpus. Elbows close to side. A straight ter­ Mr. Loy F. Green rier like front is a fault. The Bench Show Committee of the Newtown Berea, Ohio b o d y : Long and strong, with deep brisket, Kennel Club suspended Robert Abady (Storm- Mr. Nicholas L. Kay well sprung ribs with moderate tuck up of loin. ville, N.Y.) from all privileges for conduct at Fullerton, California Top line level except for slight slope of spine its show on August 27, 1966. Mr. Abady filed Mrs. Kenneth Meyer above tail. an appeal from the decision which was heard Rockford, Illinois by the New York Trial Board. The Trial Board HINDQUARTERS: Strong, with muscular affirmed the Bench Show Committee’s decision Mr. Milo D. Pearsall thighs. Legs short and well honed. Bristow, Virginia and denied Mr. Abady’s appeal. F E E T : Round and well padded. Hind dew Mr. John F. Ringwald claws, if any, should be removed. Front dew Notice Malverne, L.I., New York claws may be removed. Mr. Robert T. Self T A I L : Long to moderately long resembling a An Obedience Advisory Committee, the mem­ Galesburg, Illinois fox brush. Should be set fairly low on body bers of which were selected by the Board of Mr. John S. Ward line, carried low when standing or moving Directors to advise the Board on revisions of the Arlington, Virginia slowly, streaming out when at a dead run, lifted Obedience Regulations, met at the Club’s offices Miss Mary Lee Whiting when tracking or excited, but never curled over on December 1, 2, and 3. This meeting was Minneapolis, Minnesota the back. A rat tail or a whip tail are faults. called in accordance with the notice sent last C O A T : Medium length but dense. Slightly April to all obedience judges, clubs, and asso­ John A. Brownell, Assistant to the Executive Vice-President of the American Kennel Club, harsh texture but neither wiry nor silky. ciations, and published on the Secretary’s Page was Chairman of the Committee, and Arthur Weather resistant. An overly short coat or a of the May issue of Pure-Bred Dogs—American long and silky and/or curly coat are faults. Nor­ Kennel Gazette. The notices invited the judges, Marsh and Alma Rosser, former obedience judges who are now members of the AKC staff, mal grooming and trimming of whiskers is per­ clubs and associations to submit specific sugges­ participated actively in the discussions. mitted. Any trimming that alters the natural tions for changes in the Regulations, and stated length of the coat is not permitted and is a seri­ that any individuals interested in obedience ous fault. A distinctly long coat is a disquali­ were also free to submit their suggestions. fication. The meeting was originally planned for S I Z E : Height approximately 12 inches at the Thursday and Friday, December 1 and 2, but Notice highest point of the shoulder blades. Length because of the tremendous number of ideas The following proposed new Standard for Car­ usually between 36 and 44 inches from nose to submitted to AKC, and in order to permit the digan Welsh Corgis has been submitted by the tip of tail. In considering the height, weight, committee to give careful consideration to each Cardigan Welsh Corgi Club of America: and length of a dog, overall balance is a prime suggestion, it was necessary to continue the GENERAL APPEARANCE: Low set, sturdily factor. meeting until 10.30 p.m. on Friday, and again built, with heavy bone and deep chest. Over-all COLORS : Red, sable, red-brindle, black-brin- on Saturday, December 3, from 8:30 a.m. to silhouette long in proportion to height, culmi­ 5:00 p.m. dle, black, tri-color, hlue merle. Usually with nating in low tail set and fox-like brush. Ex­ white flashings on chest, neck, feet, face or tip The meeting was most productive, and each pression alert and foxy, watchful yet friendly. member of the committee contributed substan­ of tail. No preferences among these colors. A General impression: a handsome, powerful dog predominantly white in color should be tially to the discussion of the many recommen­ small dog, capable of both speed and en­ dations made. seriously faulted. Pure white is a disqualifica­ durance, intelligent, sturdy, but not coarse. tion. JANUARY, 1967 115 ,343 1,252 B u lld o g s ............. 388 301 Basset Hounds ............................ 113 90 Notice B e a g l e s ............................................ ,238 4,454 Chow Chows 39 45 Dalmatians .... 458 284 Bloodhounds ................................ 7 — Chapter 16, Section 9-B, states “ No dog shall 46 21 French Bulldogs B o r z o i s ............................................. 162 124 he eligible to compete at any show and no dog 13 33 Keeshonden .... Coonhounds (Black and Tan) 107 79 shall receive any award at any show in the event ,294 3,990 Lhasa Apsos D ach sh u n d s ................................... 18,712 15,531 the natural color or shade of natural color or Deerhounds (Scottish ............. 1 7 P o o d le s ............... Schipperkes 124 107 natural markings of the dog have been altered Foxhounds (Am erican) ........... 8 ----- 3 Greyhounds ................................... 3 Total Non-Sporting Dogs . 21,275 17,425 or changed by the use of any substance whether 2 1 such substance may have been used for cleaning H a r r i e r s .......................................... Irish W olfhounds ...................... 18 14 Total for M onth ...................... 64,800 55,400 purposes or for any other reason. Such cleaning Norwegian Elkhounds ........... 216 219 substances are to be removed before the dog Otter H ounds ............................... — 2 enters the ring.” Rhodesian Ridgebacks .......... 13 10 The records of the Montgomery County Ken­ S alu k is ............................................ 14 17 nel Club show (October 9, 1966), as sub­ W h ip p e ts ........................................ 58 44 Judging Applications mitted, disclose a violation of this section and L.600 10,400 The following persons who are presently eli­ the records of the American Kennel Club gible to be approved to judge one or more have been marked to indicate that an award breeds at dog shows or one or more classes at GROUP NO. 3— W O R K IN G DOGS was withheld from the Airedale Terriers, obedience trials have applied for additional 107 102 “ Ch. Navaho Warriors Shag,” R-376386 and Alaskan M alamutes .................
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