g/« AMERICAN FOREIGN SERVICE vo, 20, N„. 7 JO U RNAL Jr"'1943 A Friend from Home CONTENTS JULY, 1945 Cover Picture Amalfi, Italy Contributed by the Hon. J. C. Grew The Quartermaster Corps Delivers the Goods.... 337 By Ruth C. Carll Official Text of the Proposals for the Reform of the British Foreign Service 341 Holland “Keeps ’Em Flying” 345 Naming of the Liberty Ships 349 Editors’ Column 350 News from the Department 351 By Jane Wilson News from the Field 354 The Bookshelf 356 Washington's Francis C. de Wolf, Review Editor Address by Mr. Justice Roberts Before the Finest Hotel American Society of International Law, May 1, 1943 358 ■ Favorite meeting place of For¬ eign Service men in the Nation’s Argentina and All That 360 Capital. Four blocks from the De¬ By Richard Ford partment of State. Convenient to all points of interest in Washing¬ Service Glimpses 363 ton. Exclusive Men’s Bar. Famous food. Coffee Shop. Gay Cocktail Educational Facilities for Foreign Service Chil¬ Lounge. Air Conditioned in the dren 364 summer. Visitors 387 (TlnvFumiER Issued monthly by the American Foreign Service Associa¬ WASHINGTON, D. C. tion, Department of State, Washington, D. C. Entered as C. J. MACK, General Manager second-class matter at the Post Office in Washington, D. C., under the act of March 3, 1879. JULY, 1943 333 No Passport Needed! ROYAL SCARLET FINE FOODS Recognized Everywhere For Fine Quality Since 1811 Don't you agree that the reputation behind a food product offers a sound buying guide? R. C. Williams & Company (distributor of Royal Scarlet Foods) has a reputation for fine quality that goes back 131 years ... further than any other food wholesaler in New York. How was that reputation won? By making certain that every package carrying our label meets the highest standards of quality. Over a period of years, it has been our privilege to serve many Embassies, Consulates and Legations throughout the world. Our knowledge of the details incidental to this type of trade enables us to offer the most complete type of service . under all conditions. You are invited to investigate — no obligation whatsoever. Your inquiry or order will receive special attention when sent to: EXPORT DEPARTMENT R. C. WILLIAMS & CO., Inc. 25th STREET and 10th AVENUE NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. R. G. WILLIAMS & CO., INC. NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. NEW YORK CITY LIC. LL No. 1 We carry a complete line of wines and liquors including the finest available domestic and imported brands. Every care is taken to provide efficient service and to assure your complete satisfaction. For further information, please do not hesitate to communicate with our Export Department. 334 THE AMERICAN FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL INDEX FOR ADVERTISERS American Security and Trust Company 365 American Tobacco Company. 376 Association of Pacific Fisheries 387 Calvert School 388 Chase National Bank __ 387 Curliss-Wright 385 Federal Storage Company t , 369 Firestone Tire and Rubber Co 336 Goodyear _■ . 367 Grace Line 368 Glide’s _ , . 388 International Telephone & Telegraph Co. .... ... .. 381 Leggett, Francis C. & Co Liggitt & Myers Tobacco Co 383 Mayflower Hotel 333 Montgomery Ward _ : 335 Today, more than ever, it is important to select your National City Bank — 374 source with extreme care. Dependability, permanency National Geographic Magazine 371 and responsibility, coupled with products of modern de¬ sign and sound values are no doubt the guiding factors Pan-American Airways, Inc. 379 in the selection of each of your sources. Concentrate your dealings in Montgomery Ward and be assured of Schenley Products , II & III COVERS these basic advantages. Procure all your varied require¬ Security Storage Company of Washington 365 ments from this Strong Central Source of Supply. Wards have been in business 71 years —in the export Socony-Vacuum Oil Co., Inc 378 business 57 years. This great corporation has produc¬ Texaco Petroleum Products.— _. 1 375 tion alliances with many leading industries — a constant research and engineering program —huge annual oper¬ Tyner, Miss E. J. i j. E 387 ations to effect better products, competitively priced. Representative of profitable lines available to you today United Fruit Company 386 at Montgomery Wards are: United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company 386 Farm Equipment Sound Equipment Automotive Products Sporting Goods Waldorf-Astoria Hotel ; ...IV COVER Tools and Hardware Electrical Goods Building Supplies House Furnishings Westinghou.se Electric International Co. ... 373 Paints and Enamels Dinner and Glassware For information write or cable Montgomery Ward. Williams, R. C., & Co., Inc ... 334 MONTGOMERY WARD Please mention THE AMERICAN FOREIGN SERVICE JOURNAL EXPORT DIVISION CHICAGO, U. S. A. when writing to advertisers. JULY, 1943 335 UPORT TO AMERICA SY!iTHETIC RUBElt TWENTY years ago, Harvey S. Firestone said synthetic rubber, called Butaprene, the same “Americans should produce their own type that was later adopted by the Government. rubber.” That statement started a chain of In 1942, Firestone became the FIRST company events that changed the course of history. to produce synthetic rubber in a Government- After a world-wide survey of areas where rubber owned plant and this same plant later became could be grown under American control and the FIRST to produce synthetic rubber using protection, Firestone established rubber Butadiene made from grain alcohol. plantations in the West African republic of Naturally, with this unsurpassed record of Liberia — one of the few sources from which experience, Firestone has been a pioneer and our country still gets natural rubber. leader in developing new and exclusive methods Working with his close personal friend, for processing synthetic rubber and these have Thomas A. Edison, he investigated many types been made available without royalty to the of domestic plants as possible sources of rubber Government and to the rubber industry. and pioneered the study and development of Today, Firestone is making many widely- synthetic rubber products. diversified wartime products with Butaprene. As a result of these years of research, Firestone And, based on progress and development to built in 1933 the FIRST synthetic rubber date, indications are that thousands of products airplane tires for our armed forces. In 1940, not even thought of today or now being Firestone built synthetic rubber passenger car fabricated from other materials will soon be tires in its factory at the New York World’s made with BUTAPRENE—the marvelous new Fair and began the production of its own Firestone synthetic rubber. FIRESTONE SYNTHETIC RUBBER FIRESTONE SYNTHETIC , RUBBER PRODUCTS FOR WARTIME PRODUCTS FOR PEACETIME TIRES, TU8ES, REPAIR MATERIALS SEADROME BUOYS. TIRES.TUBES, REPAIR MATERIALS SEADROME BUOYS'. BUTAPRENE AND CAMELBACK lor All Types AND CAMELBACK for Military RAINCOATS, Water-Repellent Clolh. Vehicles end Aircraft. RAINCOATS. Water-Repellent Clolh. of Passenger Cars. Trucks, Buses, Tractors, Aircraft, Motorcycles. MECHANICAL RUBBER GOODS for BARRAGE BALLOONS. THE MARVELOUS NEW •MECHANICAL RUBBER GOODS lor WRINGER ROLLS. All Types of Passenger Cars. GAS MASKS. All Types of Military antf Essenlial PACKAGING MATERIALS. Trucks, Buses, Tractors, Aircraft, Civilian Vehicles and Aircraft, BULLET-SEALING FUEL CECLS. SEALING STRIPS for Windows, Motorcycles, including Motor including Motor Mountings, Doors. Hatches, Port Holes, etc. Mountings, Bumpers, Fan Belts. TRACK BLOCKS AND BOGIE Bumpers, Fan Belts, Hose, Hose, Gaskets and Many Other FABRICS, THREAD. SHEETING for ROLLERS for Army Tanks and Products. Gaskets and Other Products. Drapes, Curtains and Garments. Hall-Tracs. INFLATABLE B0ATS> RAFTS, LATEX PRODUCTS including .Seal \ INFLATABLE BOATS, RAFTS, LATEX PRODUCTS including Crash Tire$foitt PONTONS, LIFE BELTS and Cushions, Mattresses and for j PONTONS. LIFE BELTS and Pads, Pilot Seat Cushions and Other Flotation Pioducts. Other Upholstery Uses. i Other Cushioning Equipment Other Flotation Products. SYNTHETIC RUBBER Copyright, 1943. The Firestone Tire & Bubber Co; ■ . THE FOREIGN JOURNAL tn PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY THE AMERICAN FOREIGN SERVICE ASSOCIATION Vh VOL. 20, NO. 7 WASHINGTON, D. C. JULY, 1943 The Quarter master Corps Delivers the Goods By RUTH C. CARLL TODAY’S war has lifted the Army’s Quarter¬ plastic industry that it was impossible to produce master Corps from the realm of the purely prac¬ heavy-wall, hollow items with an aperture consider¬ tical, and given it problems that have challenged ably smaller than the cross section of the article. the Corps’ ingenuity and imagination. The brilliant Refusing to accept this theory, the Quartermaster results are ample evidence of America’s inventive found a molder willing to experiment. The result genius. Past wars have followed a somewhat pre¬ is a plastic canteen almost two ounces lighter than scribed pattern. This was is like no other, in that the old aluminum canteen. Filled with water it each “front” has had its own particular problems, will withstand a ten-foot drop to a concrete floor each peculiar to its own locale. at room temperature. It will withstand a six-foot The needs of the civilian living in far places are drop after being subjected to a temperature of 20 different from those of the soldier fighting in far degrees below zero, Fahrenheit, for two hours, and places. Faced with the task of feeding, clothing it will resist the action of water, coffee, lemonade, and equipping our soldiers, the Quartermaster Corps alcoholic beverages, milk, and any other fluids for soon found that much of what it needed did not which it might be used. Even though aluminum exist. Consequently, it was necessary to devise, will be available again, it is doubtful if the Army design, and manufacture the equipment that would canteen will revert. The substitute has qualities keep our fighting men well and comfortable. The that are lacking in the original. list of such items is legion, and from them will A recently completed study of Quartermaster come many ideas to influence our post-war living. items, adopted since the beginning of the war, In many instances substitute materials have proved reveals an amazingly wide range of articles, extend¬ to be practical and better than the original.
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