INDEX A-l evaporites, 178 zonal data, 82 A-2 evaporites, 178 zonation, 90 Aalenian, 267 Amundson Member, 369 Abathomphalus mayaroensis, 284 Angular discordance, 313 Accomodation, 50, 56, 83, 110, 156 Anisian, 251 and accumulation digrams, 65 "Anodontia?" augustana, 322 definition of, 110 Antarctica, 33 in vertically stacked events, 377 Apparent sea-level negative, 48 contemporaneous fluctuations in, 27 of sediment accumulation, 47 estimates for magnitude of, 23 potential, 377 fall of, 20 realized, 377 record, 19 Accommodation envelope, 110 Aptian, 81, 93, 275 illustration of, 114 Ar isotope ratios, 76 Accommodation potential, 162 Arabian Peninsula, 275 Accretionary tectonics, 25 Arabian Sea, 381 Active-sediment influx, 56 Aragonitic mollusc molds, 314 Adaville Formation, 379 Arizona, 229, 234 Age dating, 72 Arkansas, 170 direct methods, 72 Aruma Group, 277 indirect methods, 72 Asia, 236 with biostratigraphic events, 72 Atlantic Ocean, 26, 381 with climatic events, 72 Deep Sea Drilling Project, 32, 35 with magnetic-polarity events, 72 seafloor spreading profiles, 78 with radiometric horizons, 72 Austin Formation, 280 Age estimates Australia, 236 K/Ar, 76 tectonic provinces within, 24 Rb/Sr, 76 Authigenic minerals Aggradation, 48, 49, 51 marine, 76 rate of, 52 Autochthonous lowstand wedge Aggradational facies, 56 examples of, 176 Alabama Autochthonous wedge, 179 Braggs, 200, 318 Butler County, 301 B central, 299 Backstepping marine parasequences, 299 chronostratigraphy chart, 340 Backstripping Clarke County, 314 diagram of, 7 Crenshaw County, 301 Bad Heart formation, 369 estimated sea level, 351 Bahama Platform, 158 Henry County, 313 Bajocian, 267 Little Stave Creek, 196 Baltimore Canyon Trough, 289, 329 Lowndes County, 202, 301, 314, 318 U.S.G.S. Line 25 through, 290 offshore, 329 Bane Royal miliolids, 89 offshore interpreted seismic line, 340 Banda arc, 25, 26 Pike County, 301 Bank margin, 159 St. Stephens Quarry, 196 Barbados Washington County, 317 eustatic records in coral reefs of, 8 Wilcox County, 301, 314 Barremian, 275 Alabama River, 301 Barrow Formation, 251 Alberta, 229, 285, 365 Jenness Member, 251 Albian Barton Formation, 314 marine sediments, 294 Barton Stage, 316 middle-late, 294 Bartonian, 93, 319 Alexander's Landing, 301 Basal lithologies Algal stromatolites, 6 characterized by rip-up clasts, 313 Allochthonous, 227 Base level Allochthonous lowstand wedge and stream equilibrium profile, 132- examples of, 173 Basement subsidence Allochthonous wedge, 179 global comparison of, 8 Allostratigraphic units, 309 Basin Alluvial equilibrium, 58 evolution, 22 Alluvial sediments, 55, 56 Basin floor facies belt, 160 Alportian Stage, 231 Basin floor fan, 42, 139 Alps, 82 Basins Aluvial plain onlap, 12 foreland, 19 Ammonite, 92 intracratonic, 19 biozones, 76 Bass River Formation, 294 Dienerian, 251 Bathonian, 81, 267 Greisbachian, 251 Bay of Bengel 393 Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/books/book/chapter-pdf/3788988/9781565760899_backmatter.pdf by guest on 01 October 2021 394 INDEX thick sedimentary loads in, 22 need for data integration in, 77 Bayline sources of error in, 77 definition, 131 Callovian, 81, 93, 267 vs. shoreline, 118 Cambrian, 242 Bayline position Campanian, 287, 289, 294 and lowstand deposits, 147 Canada Beach facies, 50 Arctic Islands, 235 Bearpaw Formation, 287 Canadian Arctic, 258 Bencliff Grit, 264 T-R cycles, 259 Benthic foraminifera, 289 Canadian Rocky Mountains, 258 Benthic macroinvertebrates, 219 Cane River, 201 Benthic organisms, 6 Canyon fan system Benton Formation, 287 seismic facies diagram of, 382 Bentonites, 76 Cap d' Antifer section, 207 Berriasian, 275 Cape Fear Arch, 324 Best-fit age models, 72 Cape Foulwind, 198 Best-fit of magnetic anomaly ages Cape Hatteras table of, 105 stratigraphic cross section of shelf of, 23 Bickerdike Member, 357 Capitan reef, 165 Bigenerina biofacies, 195 Caradocian diamictites, 224 Biochronostratigraphic framework, 75 Carbon isotope Biochronozone, 72 and condensed section correlation, 208 definition of, 73, 184 Carbon isotope ratio values, 207 Biofacies Carbon isotope ratios, 317 analysis across Cretaceous/Tertiary, 318 Carbon isotope record, 31 analysis across Eocene/Oligocene, 317 Carbon isotope variations distribution of in New Jersey, 295 as age indicator, 72 foraminiferal, 290 Carbonate accumulation Biogenic depositions, 84 depth-dependent, 221 Biostratigraphic data Carbonate deposition profiles sources of error in, 77 schematic diagram of, 158 Biostratigraphic events Carbonate facies, 31, 155 calibration of, 74 Carbonate lithofacies Biostratigraphy, 71, 72, 183, 200 schematic illustration of, 177 illustration using, 185 Carbonate platform, 155, 275, 338 Biozone, 72 Carbonate sedimentation, 47 ammonite, 76 Carbonate sequence stratigraphy, 155 definition of, 73, 184 Carbonate stable isotope, 321 Bjorne Formation, 250 Carbonates, 49, 55, 313 Black Band, 207 Carboniferous, 229 Black organic shales, 49 coastal-onlap curve for, 243 Black Prince Limestone, 229 Cardium Formation, 357 Black Ven Marls Formation, 264 location map, 358 Blackriveran strata, 223 stratigraphic cross section, 358 Blackstone Formation, 358, 364 Carribean Sea, 35 Blake Spur Magnetic Anomaly, 81 Carizzo Sand, 204 Blind Fiord Formation, 250 Carnian, 176, 251 Blue Lias Formation, 264 Carrot Creek Member, 365 Bolivina spp., 198 Castle Hayne Limestone, 314, 321 Bounding surface, 47 Catch-up carbonate systems Bounding unconformities, 309 definition of, 164 Bracklesham Group, 316 Catch-up deposition Braggs, 299 rates of, 162 condensed section examples, 200 Catch-up systems tract iridium anomalies, 299 interpretation of, 179 British Columbia, 229 Caucasus, 82 Bulimina biofacies, 196 Cenomanian, 79, 207, 277, 287 Bumpnose Limestone, 198 data integration within, 90 Burdigalian, 335 early, 294 Burnstick Member outcrop studies of, 89 illustration of origin of, 367 Cenomanian-Turonian boundary, 208 photo of typical features, 366 Cenozoic, 34, 71, 72, 92, 227 Burrowed surface, 183, 304, 313, 317 chronostratigraphic and eustatic-cycle chart, 94 Burrows, 6 cycle chart, 83, 193 glacial events, 19 global oxygen isotope signal for, 32 Calcareous nannofossil zones, 93 global plate reorganization, 26 Calcareous nannoplankton, 302 magnetic anomalies, 83 Calcareous plankton, 75 oxygen isotope record for, 31 Calcite radiometric dates, 79, 80, 81 above hardgrounds, 317 sea-level cycle charts, 71 Calcite compensation depth, 319 sea-level events, 32 Calibrating geolotic time time scales for, 71 Downloaded from http://pubs.geoscienceworld.org/books/book/chapter-pdf/3788988/9781565760899_backmatter.pdf by guest on 01 October 2021 INDEX 395 variables affecting oxygen isotope signal in, 32 Coencorrelation curve, 223 Cenozoic cycle chart Coinstone after Haq and others, 306 concretionary limestone horizon, 264 Cenozoic sequences, 106 Colorado, 285 Cenozoic, early, 75 Compaction, 10, 11, 47, 51, 56 Cenozoic, Late algorithms for estimating, 12 basins of the Mediterranean region, 26 effect of 6, 7 Cephalopod zone, 227 Complexiopollis-Atlantiopollis Channel levee complex, 383 pollen zone, 294 seismic strike line through, 388 Composite standard Chattian, middle, 319 definition of, 283 Cherry Canyon Sandstone Tongue, 189 Compressive-stress field, 25 Chhidru formation, 91 Conceptual model Chickasawhay Limestone to predict lithologic succession, 109 Waynesboro Sand Member, 319 Concordant boundaries, 61 China, 229 Condensed section, 5, 44, 84, 109, 261, 285, 300, 312 Chokierian Stage, 231 age determination from, 183 Chronostratigraphic and depositional sequences, 186 chart, 5 and surface of maximum starvation, 317 distribution, 150 and toes of the clinoforms, 319 framework, 90 and water depth, 188 framework for eustatic cycle charts, 71 between Navarre and Midway stages, 202 surfaces, 4 correlation of three examples, 203 units (stages), 73 definition of, 110, 186 Chronostratigraphic diagram, 185 example of in Alabama, 196, 198 Chronostratigraphic surfaces, 44, 61 example of in Gulf of Mexico, 192 Chronostratigraphy examples of from Gulf Coast, 204 and lithostratigraphy, 324 geochemistry, 207 Chungo Member, 368 Oligocene, 191 Cibicidoides biofacies, 195 predictive model, 187 Claggett Formation, 287 recognition of, 186 Claiborne Stage, 204, 316, 319 seismic expression of, 188 Clayton Formation, 299, 319 Condensed sections, 47 Clayton Limestone Member, 200 Conformity, 41 Clear Fork sequences, 167 Conglomerates, 358 Clearwater Formation, 287 Coniacian, 287 Clementon Well, 290 Conodont, 92 Climate Continental interiors, 217 as control on carbonate facies development, 162 Continental margin, 47 Clinoform units, 57 sequence boundaries, 186 Clinoforms, 188 sequences, 183 Coal distribution Continental margin sedimentation in the Western Interior United States, 371 parameters of simulation of, 11 Coarsening-upward sequence, 357 simulation of, 9 Coastal aggradation curve Coral reef terraces, 6 of Vail, 14 Correlative conformity, 51 Coastal onlap, 4, 5, 47, 52, 68, 93, 115 Cost B-2 Well, 290, 330 definition of, 283 geohistory curve, 346 illustration of, 154 Cost B-3 Well, 290, 330 relative change of, 5 Cow Creek Limestone, 281 Coastal onlap curve Cretaceous, 79, 92, 189, 321, 369 elements of, 120 boreal macrofossil zones, 92 illustration of elements of, 122 changes in spreading rates since the, 23 Coastal onlap/offlap, 23 Chronostratigraphic and eustatic-cycle chart, 96 Coastal plain, 48, 49, 54, 57 coals, 378 facies, 55 comparison of sea-level curves for, 276 New Jersey, 289 cross section across, 287 sediments, 49 eustatic
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