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EL-HI TEXTBOOKS & SERIALS IN PRINTÒ A Volume 1 Subject Index Art for All the Children: Approaches to Art Therapy for Children with ArtTalk: Reproducible Lesson Plans. Ragans. 2005. s.p. 28.50 A Disabilities. 2nd ed. Frances E. Anderson. (Illus.). 398p. 1992. 72.95 (978-0-07-860003-6(0)) Glencoe/McGraw-Hill. (978-0-398-05797-8(4)); pap. 48.95 (978-0-398-06007-7(X)) Thomas, Charles Arttalk: Reteaching Activities. 2000. s.p. 26.97 (978-0-02-662453-4(2)) C. Pub., Ltd. Glencoe/McGraw-Hill. ART (TEACHERS’ PROFESSIONAL BOOKS) Art for the Fun of It: A Guide for Teaching Young Children. Peggy Jenkins. ArtTalk: Teacher Classroom Resources. 4th ed. Ragans. 2005. s.p. 269.97 1980. pap. s.p. 5.56 (04723-3) Prentice Hall (Schl. Div.). (978-0-07-830601-3(9)) Glencoe/McGraw-Hill. Aesthetics: Issues & Inquiry. E. Louis Lankford. (Point of View Ser.). 106p. Art for Young Children. Donna Mussain. Leslie Britt, ed. (Kids’ Stuff Ser.). 1992. pap. 18.00 (978-0-937652-60-2(1), 214) National Art Education Assn. ArtTalk: Teacher Wraparound Edition. 4th ed. Ragans. 2005. s.p. 68.97 (Illus.). 80p. 1995. (gr. -1-k). pap. 9.95 (978-0-86530-309-6(6), IP 309-6) (978-0-07-830600-6(0)) Glencoe/McGraw-Hill. Architecture in Education: A Resource of Imaginative Ideas & Tested Incentive Pubns., Inc. Activities. Marcy Abhau, ed. (EIH) (gr. k-12). pap., tchr. ed. 25.00 resource Basic Technical Drawing: Instructor Resource Guide. 8th ed. Spencer, et al. bk. (9670-F3, Zephyr Pr.) Chicago Review Pr., Inc. Art, Grade 1: Teacher Resource Book. 3rd ed. Harcourt School Publishers 2004. (gr. 6-12). s.p. 70.98 (978-0-07-845750-0(5)) Glencoe/McGraw-Hill. Staff. (Harcourt School Publishers Art Everywhere Ser.). (ENG., Illus.). 96p. Art Activities for Children. George Hardiman & Theodore Zernich. 1981. s.p. Best of the Mailbox Arts & Crafts: Grades 2-3. The Mailbox Books Staff. 112p. 2003. (gr. 1-1). pap., tchr. ed. 44.55 (978-0-15-339496-6(X)) Harcourt Schl. 15.96 (04663-1) Prentice Hall (Schl. Div.). 2007. (gr. 2-3). 16.95 (978-1-56234-758-1(6), Mailbox Bks., The) Education Pubs. Art & the Child: An Integrated Art Curriculum, 7 vols., Set. Mary Lonergan. Ctr., Inc. 100 pgs. ea. vol. 1995. (E) (gr. k-6). Set pap., tchr. ed. 500.00 Art, Grade 4: Teacher Resource Book. 3rd ed. Harcourt School Publishers Book/Movie/Art Reviews S-X. Benchmark Education Company, LLC Staff, (978-0-9648575-0-6(2)) Lonergan, Mary. Staff. (Harcourt School Publishers Art Everywhere Ser.). (ENG., Illus.). 96p. compiled by. (Readers’ & Writers’ Genre Workshop Ser.). 2011. 195.00 Vol. 1. (978-0-9648575-1-3(0)) 2003. (gr. 4-4). pap., tchr. ed. 44.55 (978-0-15-339499-7(4)) Harcourt Schl. (978-1-4509-2913-4(3)) Benchmark Education Co. Pubs. Vol. 2. (gr. 1). (978-0-9648575-2-0(9)) Briefing Papers. 5.00 50 copies. (403) National Art Education Assn. Vol. 3. (gr. 2). (978-0-9648575-3-7(7)) Art History: A Contextual Inquiry Course. Virginia L. Fitzpatrick. (Point of View Cartooning 101: 6 Pack. Katherine Scraper, et al. (Early Connections Ser.). Vol. 4. (gr. 3). (978-0-9648575-4-4(5)) Ser.). 78p. 1992. pap. 18.00 (978-0-937652-59-6(8), 213) National Art 2011. 46.00 (978-1-4509-3205-9(3)) Benchmark Education Co. Vol. 5. (gr. 4). (978-0-9648575-5-1(3)) Education Assn. CEOE OSAT Art Sample Test Field 02. Sharon Wynne. XamOnline Staff, ed. Vol. 6. (gr. 5). (978-0-9648575-6-8(1)) Art in Story: Teaching Art History to Elementary School Children. Marianne (Xam Osat Ser.). (ENG.). 76p. 2006. per. 16.50 (978-1-58197-775-2(1)) Pub: Vol. 7. (gr. 6). (978-0-9648575-7-5(X)) Saccardi. (Illus.). xi, 313p. 1997. pap. 35.00 (978-0-208-02431-2(X), Library XAMonline, Inc. Dist(s): Ingram Publisher Services Art As a Basic: The Reformation in Art Education. W. Dwaine Greer. 137p. Professional Pubns.) Shoe String Pr., Inc. Child Development in Art. Anna Kindler, ed. 1997. pap. 22.00 1997. pap. 30.00 (978-0-87367-497-3(9), AB) Phi Delta Kappa Educational Art in the Classroom Series, 3 bks. suppl. ed. 4.95 ea. blackline masters. (978-0-937652-77-0(6), 221) National Art Education Assn. Foundation. Hayes Schl. Publishing Co., Inc. ChildArts: Integrating Curriculum Through the Arts. J. Garritson. 1979. (PE) Art, Books & Children: Art Activities Based on Children’s Literature. Joan Art Projects for Every Week of the School Year. 64p. (E) gr. k-3. 6.95 (gr. -1-2). s.p. 12.60 (978-0-201-02874-4(3)) Addison-Wesley Longman, Inc. Frost. (Illus.). 88p. 1984. (E) (gr. 1-6). spiral bd. 17.95 (978-0-938594-03-1(6)) (0-88313-897-2, H-AB825R) Child’s Right to the Expressive Arts. Mary R. Jalongo. 1990. 2.50 Special Literature Pr. Fifty Ready-to-Use Art Activities. 48p. (EI) (0-88313-866-2, H-AB823R) (978-0-87173-120-3(7), 229) Assn. for Childhood Education International. Art Connections. Kimberly B. Thompson & Diana S. Loftus. (Illus.). 176p. 1994. Three-Dimensional Art Projects for Holidays and Seasons. 48p. (E) gr. Claude Monet, Edward Degas, Mary Cassatt, Vincent van Gogh Teacher’s (EI) (gr. 4-8). pap. 17.95 (978-0-673-36080-9(6)) Good Year Bks. k-3. (0-88313-894-8, H-AB824R) Guide. Benchmark Education Company, LLC Staff. (Reader’s & Writer’s Art Connections: Teacher Support Materials, 6 levels. (E) (gr. k-5). 41.00 ea. Art Lessons for the Middle School: A Dbae Curriculum. Mary Walkup Genre Workshop Ser.). 2011. (978-1-4509-3051-2(4)) Benchmark Education Artist Profile Bk.; Grades k-5, Animals Through History Time Line. 10.00 Reynolds. (Illus.). 73p. 1992. (EI) (gr. 6-8). RL. 8 tchr. ed., per. 15.95 Co. (978-0-02-688374-0(0)); suppl. ed. 113.50 ea. large prints (12).; suppl. ed. (978-0-8251-2143-2(4), 0-21434) Walch Education. Collaboration in Art Education. Albert Hurwitz. (Illus.). 58p. 1993. pap. 18.00 51.50 ea.; stu. ed. 26.00 ea.; tchr. ed. 51.50; suppl. ed. 228.00 ea. Big Bk.; Art of Public Speaking: Instructor Annotated Edition. 8th ed. Lucas. 2004. (978-0-937652-67-1(9), 212) National Art Education Assn. suppl. ed. 172.50 Art Manipulatives Kit. (978-0-02-674357-0(4)); suppl. ed. (gr. 6-12). tchr. ed. s.p. 82.75 (978-0-07-293168-6(X)) Glencoe/McGraw-Hill. Crafts of Many Cultures: Thirty Authentic Craft Projects from Around the 3.18 student portfolios. (978-0-02-688375-7(9)) SRA/McGraw-Hill. Art of Public Speaking: Instructor CD-ROM (Testbank, PowerPoint(r)) 8th ed. World. Aurelia Gomez. (Instructor Bks.). (ENG.). 112p. 1992. (E) (gr. 1-6). Art Connections: Teacher Support Materials. (gr. 1-18). 49.77 Artist Profile Lucas. 2004. (gr. 6-12). cd-rom s.p. 15.00 (978-0-07-256413-6(X)) pap. 14.95 (978-0-590-49182-2(2)) Scholastic, Inc. Bk. (978-0-02-688339-9(2)); suppl. ed. 144.69 large prints. Glencoe/McGraw-Hill. Creating & Understanding Drawings: Teacher’s Resource Binder. Gene A. (978-0-02-688345-0(7)); suppl. ed. (978-0-02-688351-1(1));stu.ed. Art Projects by Design: A Guide for the Classroom, 1 vol. Del Klaustermeier. Mittler & James D. Howze. 2001. s.p. 168.45 (978-0-02-662234-9(3)) (978-0-02-688315-3(5)); tchr. ed. (978-0-02-687813-5(5)); suppl. ed. Big (Illus.). 199p. 1997. (EI) (gr. k-8). pap., tchr. ed. 28.00 (978-1-56308-441-6(4), Glencoe/McGraw-Hill. Bk. (978-0-02-688312-2(0)) LU4414, Libraries Unlimited) ABC-CLIO, LLC. Creating Curriculum in Art. Phillip C. Dunn. 96p. 1995. 18.00 Write Direction. Sharon Sicinski-Skeans. 1997. (gr. 4-18). 49.77 Artist Art Projects Made Easy: Recipes for Fun, 1 vol. Linda J. Arons. (Illus.). 165p. (978-0-937652-88-6(1), 256) National Art Education Assn. Profile Bk. (978-0-02-688342-9(2)); suppl. ed. 144.69 large prints. 1995. (E) (gr. 1-6). pap. 21.00 (978-1-56308-342-6(6), LU3426, Libraries Creative Responses: Art Ideas & Techniques to Use Across the Curriculum. (978-0-02-688348-1(1)); suppl. ed. (978-0-02-688354-2(6));stu.ed. Unlimited) ABC-CLIO, LLC. Sherryl Compston, et al. 96p. pap. 21.00 (978-0-7901-0925-1(5)) (978-0-02-688318-4(X)); tchr. ed. (978-0-02-687816-6(X)) arte de hacer tarjetas y regalos (Teacher Guide) Benchmark Education. Heinemann-Raintree. Write Direction. Sharon Sicinski-Skeans. 1997. (gr. 5-18). 49.77 Artist (Navigators Ser.). (SPA.). 2004. (gr. 4). instr.’s gde. ed. 3.00 Design Standards for School Art Facilities. 2nd ed. Mac A. Goodwin, ed. 34p. Profile Bk. (978-0-02-688343-6(0)); suppl. ed. 144.69 large prints. (978-1-4108-1997-0(3)) Benchmark Education Co. 1993. pap. 14.00 (978-0-937652-66-4(0), 204) National Art Education Assn. (978-0-02-688349-8(X)); suppl. ed. (978-0-02-688355-9(4));stu.ed. Arte Del Renacimiento Teacher’s Guide. Benchmark Education Company, LLC Designing Assessment in Art. Carmen L. Armstrong. 216p. 1994. pap. 25.00 (978-0-02-688319-1(8)); tchr. ed. (978-0-02-687817-3(8)) Staff. (Navigators Ser.). (SPA.). 2012. (gr. 6). (978-1-4509-6754-9(X)) (978-0-937652-71-8(7), 203) National Art Education Assn.

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