'k r' . ~ * Bringing Africa South Vol No 537 N$1.50 (GST Inc.) Friday November 11 1994 Jud-ge·ment- 00' hold in Mwandingi case JUDGE President Strydom yesterday re­ Fis indus ry served judgement in the case in which Israel Mwandingi is claiming damages from the Ministry of Defence following an incident on July 9 1987, when he was shot by SADF soldiers at Ongwediva, and was partially paralysed. Mwandingi was together with his girlfriend Laina Taapopi, who was shot to death. Yesterday defence counsel for the Minis­ under thr a try, George Coleman, and Dave Smuts, rep­ resenting Mwandingi, presented their final arguments. During arguments Coleman aban­ doned his initial plea in terms of the curfew provision of Proclamation AG9. Pilchard stocks 'dangerously low' ;;l~~~~~~~~~~i; ~&iiiii~~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilllllfi ·GRAHAMHOPWOOD will also look at the sci­ 11~1X•• ;, , 1f_-Il.'].1~1~~;lill.!'" THE Namibian Government is fac- entists' arguments and the recommendation of ing a dilemma over the future ofthe the Fisheries Advisory Council if it differs from multi-million dollar pilchard indus­ the Ministry's own pro­ try in Namibia. posal. The pilchards in individuals from the pri­ A fisheries expert told the N amibian that the Namibian w~ters have vate sector and scien­ been hit by the same tific community. _ Ministry's own scientists unusual ocean condi­ The effects of a zero or had expressed concern tions which have re­ , very low quota could be over the viability of the sulted in the deaths of catastrophic for the in­ pilchard stock in tens of thousands ofseals dustry which is worth up Namibian waters. As a this year. to N$400 million in result the scientists have called for a zero quota. Consequent1Y "~' le n­ market sales annually tists within the Mirristry and employs several The experts said that of Fisheries have appar­ thousand workers. even when concerns ently called for a zero On ,the other hand a about the socio-eco­ quota for pilchards for high quota for next year nomic impact of steeply 1995 to allow a recovery could lead to a collapse reducing the quota had of stock. in the level of pilchard been taken into account In oppoSition to the stock harming the in­ a T AC of 50 000 tonnes scientists' views, the dustry for years to come. should be the absolute Ministry's own body, the Fisheries permanent top limit. Fisheries Advisory secretary, Jan Jurgens, Two scientific surveys Council, has put forward confirmed to The of the pilchard stock un­ BLEAK FUTURE ••. Two women and children who live at a squatter camp (Unit A) in Gobabis' a proposal for a Total Namibian that the Min­ dertaken by Ministry re­ Epako township. Residents in the town centre yesterday blamed the influx of squatters into the Allowable Catch (TAC) istry is due to decide a searchers came to the eastern town for the worsening water situation, which has now reached crisis proportions. of 125 000 tonnes, the fin"al figure for the quota conclusion that there However, Mayor Pio Nganate maintained that they did pay their waters bill and for their plots. See same quota as this year. this week. It is expected were between 250 000 also report on p3. Photo: Christof Maletsky The Fisheries Advi­ that Cabinet will discuss and 260 000 tonnes of _­ sory Council includes the Ministry's recom­ pilchards in Namibian representatives from the mendation at its meet­ waters. fishing industry, Minis­ ing next Tuesday. Battle of skies rages on continued on page 2 try officials, and other Jurgens said Cabinet • LUCIENNE FILD DEPUTY Minister ofWorks, Transport and CommunicationS, Dr Klaus Dierks, yester­ day came down hard on Air Namibia and accused, the airline of making "a lot of noise about nothing". In a new development, The Namibian learned yesterday that in tenns of a recent agreement, which has yet to be finalised, Belgian airline Sabena will be allowed to fly to Namibia. Commenting on Air Namibia's reaction to the '---. outcome of the bi-Iateral talks between Namibia -....... and Germany, Dierks said "their attitude is hard to understand". He also described Air Namibia advert as "undiplomatic and a declaration of war against ............ ....... its owner", namely the Government. Following two days of talks between the Ministry of Works, Transport and Communication and the German government, attended by representatives from Lufthansa, L TU and Air Namibia a memoran- continued on page 3 '1It~'" "2 I- I Friday I Ndve'rn be'r ' 1:1 1994 " I I - important" to Walvis Bay I Pilchard poser and Namibia. He said the market value ( . FROM PAGE 1 said no seals should be of the canned fish and fish ki lled. Jurgens said the used for fish meal was be­ The fisheries expert Mini stry would take into t.. tween N$350 million and who spo ke to The accoun t that it had been N$400 million and that at E Namibian said there an exceptional year for Na­ least 4 000 jobs were di­ were fears that the pil- mibia 's waters when set­ rectly wrapped up in the chard stock could be ting a quota fig ure. 'The industry. In addition th ere severerly depleted if not e~ploitation level mu~~ be were many businesses (and i MutuClI ..Plcatz Windh.oEtk 1- wipedoutbyahighquota ' dictated by the condition therefore jobs) involved in for 1995. He added that ofthe reso urce," ~e adde d . support ing the pilchard an agreement between J urgens explamed ~at industry, wh ich would in­ the Angolan ' and a ~ mallq~otawo ~ ldmam - evi tably fall on hard times 'b" tam the mdustry and en- if there was a low or zero N aIm lan governments bl N 'b' k k " a e ami la to eep' ey , or quota. ~Qul~ al.loy..'. for _unhm- mar kets fot pi lchards De Castro said that sea Ited fIshIng In Angolan while still allowing the conditions th is year had waters in 1995. This stock levelto recover over been very unusual and that NOW OPEN would further reduce the a longer period. A zero future quotas could not be stoc~ . avail~ble to quota would mean Na­ based on one abnormal Namlblan fishIng com- mibia would lose lucra­ year. He added that de­ panies as the pilchard is . tive markets for the fish spite the lack of oxygen in a migratory fish which which it might never re­ the water and other factors EV:ERY SUNDAY movesbetween Angolan gain. However, he would affecting the ocean the and Namibian waters. not speculate on what the quota for 1994 of 125000 The Ministry of Fisher- fin al figure for the quota tonnes had almost been ies has discarded its own might be. reached, with 119 000 : / i i scientists' views before. The Mayor of Walvis tonnes being fished be­ ~ between The Ministry approved a Bay and leading figure in tween March and Septem­ quota for a seal harvest of the fishing industry, ber this year, indicating 55 000 for 1994, although Manuel de Castro, said that there still plenty of :1 the Government's main yesterday that the pilchard pilchards in Namibian I . 9hOO and 13hOO, sea mammal expert had industry was "very, very waters. VILLAGE COUNCIL OF LEO~ARDVILLE , . t , for your shopping TENDER Tenders are hereby invited for the lease of the following camps convenience' u'ntil situated on Leonardville Townlands: I" '. Area A: Camps K13, K14, K17 and K18: Approximately 850 ha. .,. \ 1\ Carrying Capacity: 1 :3,33 hectares (depends on Biomass) 255 small stock units (SSU); or Christmas 'Eve. 43 large stock units (LSU)-cattle; and Area B: Camps K15, K16, K19 and K20: Approximately 930 ha . Carrying Capacity: 1 :2,3 hectares (depends on Biomass) i :1 START THE NEW YEAR 282 small stock units (SSU); or 1 47 large stock units (LSU)- cattle j : WlTH.OP SPECIAL PACKAGE TOUR TO CAPE TOWN­ Please Note: (a) Calves and lambs are regarded as being a part of the stock. INCLUSIVE THE ROXETTE GROUP IN CONCERT (b) During the period of lease it may be requ ired that the number Departure 11 Jan. '95 Return 15 Jan. '95 of animals be decreased or increased in accordance with recommendations by the Extension Officer of the Directorate : I Agriculture of Gobabis. ex Windhoek ex Walvis Ba otel Breakwater Loage Hotel Breakwater Loage Upset Price ~ Small stock units: N$1 ,50 per month plus a basic levy of N$0,30 per ~ N$1 648p.p. sharing ' N$1 598 'p.p. sharing I small stock unit per month and LSU: N$7,50 per month plus a basic j . ! : i f N$1 800~00 'P. single N$1 750 p.,single levy of N$1 ,50 per LSU per month. i Hotel Inn on the Square Hotel Inn on the Square Period of Lease 1 December 1994 to 30 November 1995 "-N$1 642 p.p. sharing N$1 592 p.p. sharing N$2 026 p.p. sharing N$1 976 p.p. sharing Bearing in mind the locality of the water supply points, camps may be leased separately or as a unit, however, stock numbers as Price Includes: Return airfare, hotel accommodation & breakfast, determined by the Extension Officer may under no circumstances Transfers from-to airport, sit-down ticket for pop-concert and a pleasant be exceeded. week-end at leisure in Cape Town ~EPOS. IT 'N$200-0 The Village Council of Leonardville normally accepts the highest tender and no reasons will be given for the awarding or rejection of ENQUIRtES .. A~ ND ' BOO tenders.
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