White Ravens – Chinese books, 1984-2020 The annually published “White Ravens” catalogue is the most important ongoing publication of the International Youth Library (IYL), in Munich. It is published each autumn to be presented at the Frankfurt Book Fair. All new White Ravens titles are introduced at the Bologna Children’s Book Fair the following year. From the large number of reviewer's copies and donations which are received from publishing houses, institutions, organizations and friends of the library, the IYL language specialists (Lektoren) select 200 new outstanding books from more than 50 countries in over 30 languages to be White Ravens each year. A few years ago, I started to put together a list of all the Chinese titles that have been selected as White Ravens over the years, collecting data online and visiting the IYL in July 2019. Lucia Obi, the East Asian language specialist at the IYL kindly checked my work, edited it and enhanced it. Together, we can now share this impressive list of Chinese White Ravens. The titles are hyperlinked to my original source of data: 2013-2020 - https://whiteravens.ijb.de/list (online catalogue) 2008-2012 - https://www.ijb.de/en/shop/wr-catalogues (pdfs) 1993-2013 - https://whiteravens.ijb.de/list (online catalogue) A copy of each book is held in the collection of the IYL. - Helen Wang and Lucia Obi, 8 October 2020 The White Ravens Festival -- https://www.ijb.de/en/white-ravens-festival/about-the-festival The White Ravens Festival for International Children’s and Young Adult Literature is made possible through the sponsorship of the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and Art. Over the course of six days, authors and illustrators from Germany and abroad will read from their most recent works, lead writing workshops and other interactive events, and discuss their life and works. The Festival’s focus is as much on renowned and acclaimed authors as it is on new literary discoveries, and its German and international program aims to build bridges between cultures. Bringing authors and illustrators into contact with readers both young and old is central to the purpose of the Festival. The Festival is named for the “White Ravens” of the International Youth Library, which in specialists’ circles stand for extraordinary and innovative books for children and adolescents. The Library publishes an annual international book review catalogue titled “White Ravens”. The “White Ravens” selected for inclusion in the catalogue all inspire and provoke, set new trends, and are of the highest quality in terms of language, content and artistry. The White Ravens Festival showcases children’s and young adult literature thus conceived. The main Festival location is Blutenburg Castle in Munich, which is the seat of the International Youth Library. Invited authors will also appear at schools, libraries and other locations across Bavaria. The next White Ravens Festival will take place from 11th to 15th July 2021. “White Ravens – Chinese titles, 1984-2020” – list compiled by Helen Wang and Lucia Obi, 8 Oct 2020 p.1 List of Chinese titles selected as White Ravens, 1984-2020 WR Cover image Book details and link to White Ravens catalogue Year (synopses, not translations) 1984 Favourite Folktales of China Zhong, Jingwen 钟敬文 (intro.), He Youzhi 贺友直 and others (illus.), John Minford (transl.), 1983. Zhongguo minjian gushi 中国民间故事. Beijing: New World Press. [in English] 1984 Weighing an Elephant Han, Ju 韩菊 (reteller) and He Youzhi 贺友直, Han, Shuo 韩硕, Meng, Qingjiang 孟庆江, Duan, Weijun 段伟君, Zhang, Yuejian 张岳健, Yao, Yanlin 姚延林 (illus.), 1981. Cao Zhong cheng xiang 曹冲称象. Beijing: Foreign Languages Press. [in English] 1984 Rag Doll Visits the Zoo at Night Fu, Yiyuan 傅毅远 and Jiang, Wenqing 将文青 (text) and Li, Guoyi 励国 仪 (illus.), 1981. Xiao mei yeyou dongwuyuan 小妹夜游动物园, Beijing: Foreign Languages Press. [in English] 1988 I Want my Carving Knife Liu, Jianping 刘健屏, 1987.Wo yao wo de diaokedao 我要我的雕刻刀. Beijing: Zhongguo shaonian ertong chuban she. 1988 The baby in the cowshed Zhang, Junbiao 张俊彪, 1987. Niujuan wa 牛圈娃. Beijing: Zhongguo shaonian ertong chuban she. 1993 Looking for a Dwarf on a Christmas Tree Xiaoye and family 小野和家人 (text/illus.), 1991. Xunzhao lüshu lanren 尋找綠樹懶人. Taipei: Huangguan wenxue chuban youxian gongsi. “White Ravens – Chinese titles, 1984-2020” – list compiled by Helen Wang and Lucia Obi, 8 Oct 2020 p.2 1993 Madam Lotus He, Zhen 何真 (reteller) and Li, Shaowen 李少文 (illus.), 1989. Lianhua furen 蓮花夫人. Taipei: Donghua shuju ertong bu. 1993 Get Up, Emperor Hao, Guangcai 郝廣才 (text) and Li, Hanwen 李漢文 (illus.), 1991. Qi chuang le, Huangdi 起床啦, 皇帝! Taipei: Xinyi jijin chubanshe (Hsin- Yi Foundation). 1993 A Collection of Teenage Concerns Ningxia renmin chubanshe 宁夏人民出版社 (ed.), 1987. Shaonü shaonan xinli xiaoshuo xuan 少女少男心里小说选. Yinchuan: Ningxia renmin chubanshe. 1993 You are Seven Years Old Now Liu, Jianping 刘健屏, 1990. Jinnian ni qi sui 今年你七岁. Beijing: Zhongguo shaonian ertong chubanshe. 1993 A Fu Doll Jia, Yin 佳音 (text) and Zhou, Xiang 周翔 (illus.), 1990. Ni A Fu 泥阿 福. Beijing: Zhongguo shaonian ertong chubanshe. 1993 School Comedy Han, Huiguang 韩辉光, 1991. Xiaoyuan xiju 校园喜剧. Wuhan: Hubei shaonian ertong chubanshe. 1993 Stories of the Past Written for Girls Chen, Danyan 陈丹燕 (text) and Huang, Yinghao 黄英浩 (illus.), 1991. Xie gei nühai de siren wangshi 写给女孩的私人往事. Hefei: Anhui wenyi chubanshe. 1994 Da Yi Dries the Sea Ye, Yingfeng 葉迎風 (reteller) and Yu, Li 俞李 (illus.), 1989. Da Yi yao hai 大意舀海. Taipei: Donghua shuju ertong bu. 1994 Jia Zi Saves a Deer Xing, Hua 興華 (reteller) and Liu, Jude 劉巨德 (illus.), 1989. Jia Zi jiu lu 夾子救鹿. Taipei: Donghua shuju ertong bu. “White Ravens – Chinese titles, 1984-2020” – list compiled by Helen Wang and Lucia Obi, 8 Oct 2020 p.3 1994 Feeling Makes a Tree Xiaoye 小野 (text/illus.), Li, Jin and his family 李近和家人 (illus.), 1991. Xin qing fa shu 心情髮樹. Taipei: Huangguan wenxue chuban youxian gongsi. 1994 Monk on Lao Shan - Mr. Wang - Evening Sunlight - Stone Lover - Coins Rain Pu, Songling 蒲松齡 (original text), Deng, Meiling 鄧美玲 (reteller) and Zhang, Shiming 張世明 (illus.), 1991. Laoshan Daoshi 勞山道士 - Wang Liulang 王六郎 - Wan xia 晚霞 - Shi chi 石痴 - Yü qian 雨錢. Taipei: Xinyi jijin chubanshe (Hsin-Yi Foundation). 1994 Plum Rain Shen, Hugen 沈虎根, Zhu, Bingwen 朱秉文 (text) and Wu, Jide 邬继 德 (illus.), 1989. Meizi yu 梅子雨. Hangzhou: Zhejiang shaonian ertong chubanshe. 1994 Flower Sunshirt Jia, Yin 佳音 (text) and Li, Hengchen 李恒辰 (illus.), 1990. Hua doudou 花兜兜. Beijing: Zhongguo shaonian ertong chubanshe. 1994 Gentle Songs Gong, Zehua 龚泽华 (text), Tu, Zaihua 屠再华 (text) and Huang, Fabang 黄发榜 (illus.), 1989. Wenxin de ge 温馨的歌. Hangzhou: Zhejiang shaonian ertong chubanshe. “White Ravens – Chinese titles, 1984-2020” – list compiled by Helen Wang and Lucia Obi, 8 Oct 2020 p.4 1994 Green Bamboo Forest Gong, Zehua 龚泽华 (text), Tu Zaihua 屠再华 (text) and Jin, Yazi 金亚 子 (illus.), 1989. Zhulin qingqing 竹林青青. Hangzhou: Zhejiang shaonian ertong chubanshe. 1994 The Dream of the Winter Solstice Fei, Shufen 費淑芬, Zhu, Weixian 朱为先 (text) and Zhou, Xiang 周翔 (illus.), 1989. Dongzhi de meng 冬至的梦. Hangzhou: Zhejiang shaonian ertong chubanshe. 1995 Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio Pu, Songling 蒲松齡 (text), Chen, Guchang 陳谷長, Shi, Dawei 施大畏 (illus.), Xie, Wanruo 谢婉若, Lee, Kenneth 李凯恩, Chang, Ching-wen 张瀞文 (transl.), 1990. Liaozhai zhi yi 聊斋志异. Taipei: Hanguang wenhua (Hilit), and Beijing: Prospect Publishing House. 1995 The Black Village and the White Village Liu, Bole 劉伯樂 (text/illus.), 1994. Hei bai cunzhuang 黑白村庄. Taipei: Xinyi jijin chubanshe (Hsin-yi Foundation). 1995 The Birthday of the Goddess Matsu Li, Tong 李潼 (text) and Zhang, Zheming 張哲銘 (illus.), 1993. Ying Mazu 迎媽祖, Taipei: Xingzhengyuan nongye weiyuanhui (Commission for the Promotion of Agriculture). 1996 The Large Multicolored Cat Wang, Lan 王蘭 (text) and Zhang, Zheming 張哲銘 (illus.), 1992. Da hua mao 大花猫. Gaoxiong: Genhua. 1996 The Prince and the Chairs Lin, Qingxuan 林清玄 (text) and Wu, Jianhua 武建華 (illus.), 1994. Wangzi he yizi 王子和椅子. Taipei: Xinyi jijin chubanshe (Hsin-Yi Foundation). 1996 Yuan’s Dream of Getting Rich Ceng, Yangqing 曾陽晴 (text) and Liu Zonghui 劉宗慧 (illus.), 1994. Yuanyuan de facai meng 元元的發財夢. Taipei: Xinyi jijin chubanshe. 1997 The Feeling of Newborns on the Other Side of the World Xia, Zuli 夏祖麗, 1995. Haijiao Tianya chiziqing 海角天涯赤子情. Taipei: Minshengbao (Min Sheng Daily). “White Ravens – Chinese titles, 1984-2020” – list compiled by Helen Wang and Lucia Obi, 8 Oct 2020 p.5 1997 Ashima’s Echo Xia, Ruihong 夏瑞紅, 1995. Ashima de huisheng 阿詩瑪的回聲. Taipei: Shibao wenhua (China Times Publishing). 1997 Who Ate the Rainbow? Sun, Qingfeng 孫晴峰 (text) and Zhao, Guozong 趙國宗 (illus.), 1995. Shei chi le caihong? 誰吃了彩虹? Taipei: Xinyi jijin chubanshe (Hsin- Yi Foundation). 1997 Cheng nan jiu shi 1-3: Xiaoguizi of Huianguan: We are going to the sea - The concubine Lan - The donkey tosses and turns. Father's flowers are drooping Lin, Haiyin 林海音 (text) and Guan, Weixing 關維興 (illus.), 1994. Cheng nan jiu shi 1-3 城南舊事 1-3: Huianguan de xiao guizi 惠安館 的小桂子 我們看海去 蘭姨娘 - Women kan hai qu . Lan Yiniang - Lü da guner 驢打滾兒. Baba de huaer luole 爸爸的花兒落了. Taipei: Gelin wenjua (Grimm Press). 1997 The Lure of the Girl Shaking Ice Tea Guan, Jiaqi 管家琪 (text) and Shen, Jiade 沈佳德 (illus.), 1995. Zhenzhu naicha de youhuo 珍珠奶茶的誘惑. Taipei: Youshi wenhua (Youth Cultural Publishing) 1997 Collection of Stories from the Traditional Culture of China. 1. The Charms of Art. A Book of Art Cao, Yuzhang 曹余章 (ed-in-chief), Shen, Bei 沈蓓 (adapt.), Zheng, Chao 郑朝 (adapt.) and Wu, Sheng 吴声 (illus.), 1994. Zhongguo chuantong wenhua gushi huicui. 1. Yishu de fengcai. Yishu pian 中国传 统文化故事荟萃 1:艺术的风采. 艺术篇. Hangzhou: Zhejiang shaonian ertong chubanshe. “White Ravens – Chinese titles, 1984-2020” – list compiled by Helen Wang and Lucia Obi, 8 Oct 2020 p.6 1997 Collection of Stories from the Traditional Culture of China.
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