-~------~--- -------- -_ ----I I ~ I Census of India, 1951 DISTRICT POPULATION STATISTICS I UTTAR PRADESH 39-TEHRI·GARHWAL DISTRICT 315.42 1951 TEH DPS FOREWORD THE Uttar Pradesh Government asked me in March, 1952, (0 supply chenl for the purposes of elections to local bodies population statistics with separation for scheduled castes (i) mohallaJward-wise for urban areas, and (ii) village-wise for rural areas. The Census Tabulation Plan did not provide for sorting of scheduled castes population for areas smaller than a tehsil or urban tract and the request from the Uttar Pradesh Government came when the slip sorting had been finished and the Tabulation Offices closed. As the census slips are mixed up for the purposes of sorting in one lot for a tehsil or urban tract, collection of data regarding scheduled castes populadon by mohallas/wards and villages would have involved enormous labour and expense if sorting of the slips had been taken up afresh. Fortunately, however, a secondary census record, viz. the National Citizens' Register. in which each slip has been copied, was available. By singular foresight it had been pre· pared mohalla/ward-wise for urban areas and village-wise for rural areas. Th e required information has, therefore, been extracted from this record. 2. In the above circumstances there is a slight difference in the figures of population as arrived at by an earlier sorting of the slips and as now determined by counting from the National Citizens' Register. This difference has been ace en - cuated by an order passed by me during the later count from the National Register of Citizens as follows:- (i) Count Ahirwars of Farrukhabad District, R.aidas and Bhagat as ·Chamars'. (ii) Count Bhangi, Khakrob, Sweepers, Harijan, Mehtar, Jamadar and Achhut as 'Balmikis'. The fact) that some members of the scheduled castes had returned their caste by names which did not find place in the schedule as notified under section 341 of the Constitution of India, came to my notice during the course of the earlier sorting, but at too late a stage to enable me to pass definite and uniform orders. I have tried co rectify it by passing this order for the purpose of counting from [he National Citizens) Register. The differences in the figures of the two counts have been clearly set out in the cables that follow. 3. The figures of total population of mohallas/wards have been arrived at by actual counting from the National 'Citizens} Register, 'while the figures of total population of villages are those determined by actual sorting of the slips and recorded in tbe Primary Census Abstract. 4. In the Summary of Urban Population the code number of each town has been given. The first element of the code gives the code number of the district, the second the code number of the tehsil (or towns of over one lakh population) and the third the code number of the town (other than a town -of one lakh population). The key to the code numbers of tehsils will be found in the Summary of Rural Population. • • R.AJE?HW ARI PRASAD, I.A.S., RAMPUR: Superintendent, Census Opera!ions) July 23) 1952 . Uttar Pradesh, LIST OF ERRATA TO DISTRICT POPULA'I'ION STA 'fIS'l'ICS OF TEHRI-GARHWAL DISTRICT A-Errata to population figure~~ (lJ~"an) --_._--_ Page nO. Part.icularR 5 6 7 Uttar Kaski ('1'. A.} For 114 3 1,090 Read 15 217 975 Total For 628 192 6,240 Read 529 406 6,125 3 Uttar KaBhi ('1' . .4.) 3 i-Barahat For 114 3 72! Read .. 15 135 688 3 2-Gyansoo For 369 Read 82 287 3 Total For 114 3 1,090 Read 15 217 975 B-Errata to column 1, Code number and name oJ village (Rural) (a) Corrections in existing Code numbers Page. nO. Read ~ 383-Shoepuri 343-Syupuri 9 343-Timli 344-Timli {M Corrections in existing names of vUlages ------------------------------------------------------------~---~------. Page no. For Read 5 228~Manron 228-MamaOFl ~ 248-Takhiar 248-Jakhair 5 256-Raktashi 256-Raitashi 5 505-Pakhani Gaon 505~-Pakhniyl\On 6 46-Baghari 46-Bandhani 6 47-BhaJd Gaon 47-Bhairg Gaon 6 59-Mohnal Gaon 59-Munal Gaon 6 63-Bun 63-San 6 347-Dair Kot 347-Da.n Kot 6 582-Kapari GlIon 582-Kapriyan 6 596-Sira!e 596-Siraie 6 786-Mosat 786 -Mosurh 6 789-Ranthiya 789-Rautiya 6 790-Sanknaya 790-Sanknyan a 6 827-Paujna 827-Pu injna 6 834-Talla 834-Taiia 6 838-Barsol 838-Barsaont 7 215-Suradi 215-Surnri 7 218-Nyudi 218-Tyuri ~----------------------------~------------------~------~~~----.----~-~.-. 2 List of Errata to District Population Statistics of Tehri .. Garhwal District-·(oontd ) (b) Corrections in existing names of villages-{contd.) Page For Read no. 7 4 f4-Jakmair 414-Jakhair 7 430-Sirawa 430-Siraon 8 636 ·_·Kaizin Ziyanaonki 686-Kaindizi Ziyunaonki 8 123-Bhnint 123-Bhuint 8 167-Saund 167-Saunta, 8 263-Badawda MalIa 263-Badera l\{fllla 8 281-Diyali 281-Dhyuli 9 319-Bunala 3 I 9-Bugala 9 326-Kandiya la .. 326-Kaudiyfllna 9 339-puT waya 339-Purwala 9 341-Silkari 341-Silk"tni 10 657-Kuidung 657-Quida ng 10 23--Saumh 23-Sa unp 10 34-Chha niyara 34-Chhatyara 10 44-Kayol Gaon 44-Kafol Gaon 11 112-Jogujana .. 112-Jogiyana 11 ! 38-Sendhial Gaon I 38-Senwa l Gaon 11 141-Tei Rot 141-Tri Rot 11 246-Shir Kot 246-Shl·j Kot II 69-Jaha Khani 69-Jakhani II 74-Kotal GRon 74-Kotwal Gaon 12 148-Bhauniyara 148-Bhaunehara 12 349-Dhagarh 349-Dhargad 12 359-Kumar Gaon Dandasari 359-Kuran Gaon Dandasari 12 360-Kudiul Gaon 36O-Kudiyal Gaon 12 405-Heral Gaon 405-Herwal GaOn 12 202-Chhapra 202-Chopra 12 207-Khid 207-Khand 12 208-Khidhi 208-Kha ndi 13 IO-Gambhir Gaon IO-Gamdiur Gaon 13 18·-MetaUa 18-Netala 13 39-Khararkot 39-Khorkot 13 43-Singh Kot 43- Singot, 13 54-Kanarari 54-Kankrfl ri 13 58-Tadari 58-Lltdari 14 8,-Ka nt halni 8 5-Kanthogi 14 I03-Gakhari I03-Jakhari 14 I 13-Maiwala 113-Manolo, 14 120-paingusari 120-paiyansari 14 317-Juyara 317-Jugiyara 14 338-Dek ~tr! Bigdur 338-Dtlk uri Bichpur 3 List of Errata to District Population Statistics of Tehrl ... Garhwal Distriet-(contd.) (b) Correotions in eJl;isting nantes of vJlIages -(cQntd.) ........... -~-~ ..... --.",-- page nO. FOir Read 14 380-Kantal 380--Raunta I 15 394-Ladara 394-Lodal'aln 15 6 04-Dusrl 604-Duwari 15 628--Pai 628-pahi 15 139-Bigusari 139- BingB~ri 15 153-Ghutari I 53-Jhutari 15 178-paishar I 78-painsar 15 180-Stalrs 180-Salra 15 I 98-Dadagawan 198-Dandagaon. 15 207-Gadala. 207--Gha ndfl,la 15 217-Kuninua 217-Kuuida 16 239-Sunanli 2'39-Suna l.-{i 16 251_Chhatnl'.ga .. 251-Chhnt ang 16 256-Gangnahi 256-Gangani 16 409-Chha pra 409-Ch0l'ara 16 412-Duik 412-Dhuink 16 436-Rokhaoun .. 436-Rikhaunk 16 469-Pawin Gaunir 469-Pa nigaon Gaunir 17 55 5-l\'[adraIi 555-Bhadrati 17 565-Dhigardi 565-Dingari 17 569-Kamdal Gaon 569-Kandiya lgaon 17 574-Kawa llln 574-Ka .. hmn 17 584-0atllkoti 584-Udkoti 17 594 -Dhakradi 594-Thakaradi 18 183-Kirdwal Gnon 183--Kirshwal GflOn 18 186-Kllr moJi 186-Kurgoli 18 195-Pifnliti 195- Pip!1pnlti 18 205-Dand Bllrolanl.l1 205-Da ng 18 214-Kaunsara 214-Kasbur 18 224-Sanfl,O 224-Sannu 18 254-Doharll 254-Dobr.<1 19 347-Uid 347-WeeJ. 19 360-Mar Gaon ., 360--Lagga Mar Gaon 19 362-Makhluara n 362-~Iakhliya 19 371-Capra. Paral 371-Andhiyari Carra 19 382-Dal'i Ma]li .. 382-Da nmoli 19 503-Chokaliliya 503-Chaukuliya 19 600-LR.gerRl'th .. 600- Lengratll 19 608-Sava Ii patal 608-Samwali patal 20 627-MRnjiyai GaOn 627-Manjarh Gaotj 20 629-N<~li Malla .. 629-Nail Malle. 20 630-Nali Talla " 630-Nail Talla 4 List of Errata to District Population Statistics of Tehri-Garhwal District -(concld.) (b) Corrections in existing nantes of villages-(concld.) .----.----------~------------------------------------------- Page flO. For Read 20 75-DavIa 75-Daba 20 90-Konrt G~on urJ Kurivan 90-Koan 11/,:' KUfll11gaon 20 93-LagHwal GaOn 93-Lawal Gaon 20 115-Banli 115-Bafiri 20 135-Khadaun J35-KhandIJu 21 489 -Sirpm.' 489-Sripur 21 546-Giofa Khnri 546-Ghora Khljrj 21 552-Kara~\1l1 552-Kharoon 21 556-Mar GaOn .. 556-M!1.ir 21 567-Sadab 567-Sarh 21 568-Sanraw 568-Sanva DISTRICT TEHRI~GARHW At Summary of Urban Population Population Scheduled Code no. &:fI.d name of Town Males Females Total Muslims Castes Others - -------- --~--------~---~--- ------<~<-- 2 3 4 5 6 7 - -----~-----~- -----"- ----------- ~--------<----~------ 50-1-295 MUNI 10 RETI TOWN AREA 410 113 523 16 16 491 50-1-296 NARENDRA NAGAR NOTIFIED AREA 826 456 1,282 135 88 1,059 50-1-405 DEO PRAYAG NOTIFIED AREA .. 533 507 1,040- 76 38 926' <50-1-628 KIRTI NAGAR TOWN AREA 183 56 239 19 220 50-2-277 TEHRI NOTIFIED AREA 1,866 903 2,769 Z8? 28 2,454 50-3- 5 UTTAR KASHI TOWN AflEA 690 517 1,207 114 3 1,090 Total 4,508 2,552 628 192 Population according to Primary Census Abstract 4,497 2,653 7,150 \ .Population of Muslims accordiRg to Tahle D·lI 637 Population of Scheduled Castes according to Table D.III .• 189 2 DISTRICT TEHRI-GARHWAL Population of Towns by Mohallas/)Vards Population Scheduled Code no.
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