National Right to Work Committee 08WI Braddock Rd. 4Springfield.VA22160 6(800)325-7892 October 5, 1992 Dear Committee Member: Three strikes and you're out. Congressman Wayne Owens wants to be Utah's next U.S. Senator. In the last few months, I have Bent Congressman Owens a letters pleading with him to tell his constituents where he stands on Right to Work. I've even tried certified mail And m,Congressman Owens outright refuses to answer his 1992 Candidate Survey; despite your postcards, calls, and letters urging him to answer. Clearly, Congressman Owens is trying to hide his views on compulsory unionism. And since presidential front-runner Bill Clinton is vowing to sign Big Labor's entire political agenda into law, where Utah's Senators stand on Risht to Work is critical. Big Labor already has a veto-proof majority in t.he House of Representatives. And the U.S. Senate is teetering on the edge of falling totally under the control of union power brokers. If the union bosses ha-re their way, Taft-Hartley Section 14(b) will be repealed in the 103x3 Congress. As you know, if 14(b) is repealed, Utah's popular state Right to Work law will be automatically wiped out! But there is some good news. Cocgressman Owens's opponent, Bob Bennett, has vowed to represent the overwhelming majority of Utah citizens by promising 100% support for Right to Work. Would you please contact Mr. Owens and those running for the House of Representatives and tell them 75% of Utah citizens want them to support their Right to Work. This year, the union bosses are licking their chops in anticipation of controlling houses of Congress. They will stop at nothing to convince Congressman Owens to ignore his pro- Right to work constituents, and pressure Mr. Bennett into taking back his pledge. That's why it's absolutely vital that you contact the candidates and tell them to stand up for the people oE Utah, and not give in to union-boss pressure. Unless you turn the heat all the way up, Congressman Owens won't tell you where he stands on Right to Work. Congressman Owens is trying to stonewall Right to Work members, but his record in Congress speaks volumes. Representative Owens has been one of Big Labor's most reliable water carriers in Congress. Last June, he helped union- boss lobbyists ram Ted Kennedy's Pushbutton Strike bill (H.R. 5/S. 55) through the House by a 247-182 vote. UI 4 As you know, if this bill passes, union bosses Will Call any strike they wish, and win any strike they call, easy as pushing a button -- bankrupting small businesses and throwing workers off their jobs. And Congressman Owens voted to allow Big Labor to dragoon 2.9 million federal employees, and countless private citizens into the union-boss political machine by voting to trash the 53-year-old Hatch Act. Congressman Owens constantly votes in lockstep with Big Labor demands, and unless Utah citizens overwhelm him with protests, he will continue to follow the same path as your U.S. Senator. On the other hand, Bob Bennett answered his survey in 100% support for Right to Work, and has pledged to fight Big Labor power grabs in the Senate. ,-1:./:.;, The future of the Riqht to Work may dependon where Utah's .... Senators stand on cQmDulsQrv-unionism leuislation. i.j.. With several Risht to Work stalwarts like Jake Garn retirinq. Big Labor is pumping millions of dollars into 34 States -- includincr Utah -_ to buy a veto-proof majority in the Senate. Write, call and/or pay a personal visit to Congressman Owens -- as well as those running for the U.S. House of Representatives in your area -- before it's too late. Pre s Con ressman Ow n to re udiate his coz relationshi with &qSLaborq-- tell hi: :ou expgct him to defeid your Right'to Work, not the powers and privileges of Big Labor. He can only ignore your protests so long. If you and other Right to Work members scream loud enough. you will force Congressman Owens to choose between the public iriterest and the union-boss gaecial interest. Also thank Bob Bennett for his pro-Right to Work pledge. Because of his stand against forced unionism, the union political machine has targeted Mr. Bennett. He's under intense pressure to compromise his position. Encourage him to remain firm in supporting your Right to Work. And I hope you'll do one mare thing. Please return the enclosed Survey '92 Action Reply. This will let me know you received your Survey '92 results, and have contacted the candidates about their answers. That way I'll know when I have to crank up the volume even more. I've had to stretch my budget to conduct our Survey '92 program. So if you can, please include a special contribution of $200, $100, $50 or $25 to help cover the costs of this effort. WQntact the candidates TODRY -- that's most important. Sincerely, Reed Larson P.S. Congressman Wayne Owens has refused to renounce his votes for forced unionism. If Utah citizens pour on the Dressure. he miaht feel the heat and aee the liqht -- and SURDOKt Riqht to Work. Contact him today. I GR8 I. ST F CA B Colorado eont. Utah cont. U.S. Senate Questions# 123456789 DMriat 6 :I c2mstfonsIY: 123456789 Tom Kolbe-D N--N-NYN- Questions#: 123456789 Ben Campbell-D - - - - - - - - - (303) 850-9867 1303) 837-0565 Dan Schaefer-R - - - - - - - - - Jane3 Hansen-R YYYYYYY-Y Terry Considine-R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y (3031 989-2100 (801) 451-5218 (303) 757-2567 Ron Holt-D --y --____ (801) 544-0963 U.S. House of Representatives RlPhdat 2 Questions# 123456759 Karen Shepherd-D --- ---_-- U.S. Senate (801) 532-5241 - - - - - - - - Greene-R YYYYYYYYY ! Pat Schr:eder-D - Questions#: 1234 5 6789 Enid i LJb31 866-1230 Richard Stallings-D - - - - - - - - - (801) 521-2808 %pond Diaz Aragon-R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Dirk Kempthoene-R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y ~ p03) 320-6607 District 3 ~ ;,a Bill Orton-D - - - - - - - - - U.S. House of Representatives (8011 226-1112 Questions#: 1 2 3 4 5 6 75 9 Richard tlarrington-R Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y District 1 (801) 324-6102 Latty LaRocco-D -- ------- Rachel Gilbert-R YYYYYYYYY District 2 J.D. Williams-D - - - - - - - - - Mlchael Crapo-R YYYYYYYYY i Redder-D - - - - - - - - - 1 !=$03) 224-9767 U.S. Senate Wayne Allard-R YYYYYYYYY Questions# ~ (3031 226-2226 123456789 Wayne Owens-D - - - - - - - - - (8011 524-4394 Charles Oriez-D - - - - - - - - - Rcbetr. Bennett-R YYYYYYYYY (3031 798-3236 (801) 583-2635 Joel Hefley-R YYYYYYYYY (303) 933-0044 ~~ Survey Questions 1. Do you believe an employee who does not want the “services” 6. Will you support amendiilents to the Federal Election of a labor union should have the right to refuse to accept that Campaign Act to prohibit the use of compulsory union dues union as his exclusive representative, which federal law now and fees for political causes and candidates opposed by union forces him to accept? members? 2. Will YOU suppon re@ of the provisions in f&djaws which 7. Will YOU oppose so-called “anti-double breasting” legislation authorize compulsory unionism? that has, as ils primary goal. to forcibly unionize employees of consmction comoanieQ. ~-- 3. Do you favor preservation of Section 14@) of the Taft-Hartley AcS which authorizes state Right to Work laws? 8. Will you oppose legislation to weaken or destroy fhe Hatch Act, which protects federal employees from union political 4. Would you support legislation to end the special immunity coercion? union officials presently enjoy from prosecution under the federal anti-extortion stature? 9. Will you oppose legislation that would punish or require the firing of employees who choose IO work during a smke. and 5. Will you oppose the forced unionization of federal, stale, giveunion officials the power to shut down businesses that county and municipal employees? refuse to force their employees LO pay union dues? - Note: The National Right to Work Committee, of course, endorses no candidates. We arc a nonpanisan organization. Bu: we believe that you as a Right to Work supporter lm: eniillcd to know which candidates will support the right of every American to cam a living - without having 10 pay union bosses for the privilege. ._. Tie information below b helpful in explaining the questions on the reverse side of this form. A union, under present federal laws, is empowered to Reorganization Act of 1970 and executive orders dating back to represent and bind all employees in a company’s bargaining the administration of President John F. Kennedy. unit - including employees who oppose the union and don’t 6. Labor unions are the only private organization the want its “services.” in US. which can legally force individuals to pay dies into their This monopoly bargaining power. generally described as treasuries. “exclusive bargaining rights,” deprives employees of heir right The Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA) prohibits onion to bargain for themselves. Union officials fought for this power officials from giving any of these dues dollars direclly to a and refuse to give it up; yet they complain they are “unfairly candidate for federal office. burdened by the legal obligation” to represent nonmembers. At the same time, FECA permits union officials to use Such complaints are intended to pave the way for compelling workers’ compulsory dues dollars for “in-kind” political fmancial suppon from dled“free riders” for representation spending on goods and services to elect candidates fox federal they do not want.
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