European Science Review № 11–12 2020 November – December PREMIER Vienna Publishing 2020 European Science Review Scientific journal № 11 – 12 2020 (November – December) ISSN 2310-5577 Editor-in-chief Lucas Koenig, Austria, Doctor of Economics International editorial board Abdulkasimov Ali, Uzbekistan, Doctor of Geography Kocherbaeva Aynura Anatolevna, Kyrgyzstan, Doctor of Economics Adieva Aynura Abduzhalalovna, Kyrgyzstan, Doctor of Economics Kushaliyev Kaisar Zhalitovich, Kazakhstan, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Arabaev Cholponkul Isaevich, Kyrgyzstan, Doctor of Law Lekerova Gulsim, Kazakhstan, Doctor of Psychology Zagir V. Atayev, Russia, Ph.D. of of Geographical Sciences Melnichuk Marina Vladimirovna, Russia, Doctor of Economics Akhmedova Raziyat Abdullayevna, Russia, Doctor of Philology Meymanov Bakyt Kattoevich, Kyrgyzstan, Doctor of Economics Balabiev Kairat Rahimovich, Kazakhstan, Doctor of Law Moldabek Kulakhmet, Kazakhstan, Doctor of Education Barlybaeva Saule Hatiyatovna, Kazakhstan, Doctor of History Morozova Natalay Ivanovna, Russia, Doctor of Economics Bejanidze Irina Zurabovna, Georgia, Doctor of Chemistry Moskvin Victor Anatolevich, Russia, Doctor of Psychology Bestugin Alexander Roaldovich, Russia, Doctor of Engineering Sciences Nagiyev Polad Yusif, Azerbaijan, Ph.D. of Agricultural Sciences Boselin S.R. Prabhu, India, Doctor of Engineering Sciences Naletova Natalia Yurevna, Russia, Doctor of Education Bondarenko Natalia Grigorievna, Russia, Doctor of Philosophy Novikov Alexei, Russia, Doctor of Education Bogolib Tatiana Maksimovna, Ukraine, Doctor of Economics Salaev Sanatbek Komiljanovich, Uzbekistan, Doctor of Economics Bulatbaeva Aygul Abdimazhitovna, Kazakhstan, Doctor of Education Shadiev Rizamat Davranovich, Uzbekistan, Doctor of Education Chiladze George Bidzinovich, Georgia, Doctor of Economics, Doctor of Law Shhahutova Zarema Zorievna, Russia, Ph.D. of Education Dalibor M. Elezović, Serbia, Doctor of History Soltanova Nazilya Bagir, Azerbaijan, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D. of History) Gurov Valeriy Nikolaevich, Russia, Doctor of Education Spasennikov Boris Aristarkhovich, Russia, Doctor of Law Hajiyev Mahammad Shahbaz oglu, Azerbaijan, Doctor of Philosophy Spasennikov Boris Aristarkhovich, Russia, Doctor of Medicine Ibragimova Liliya Ahmatyanovna, Russia, Doctor of Education Suleymanov Suleyman Fayzullaevich, Uzbekistan, Ph.D. of Medicine Blahun Ivan Semenovich, Ukraine, Doctor of Economics Suleymanova Rima, Russia, Doctor of History Ivannikov Ivan Andreevich, Russia, Doctor of Law Tashpulatov Salih Shukurovich, Uzbekistan, Doctor of Engineering Sciences Jansarayeva Rima, Kazakhstan, Doctor of Law Tereschenko-Kaidan Liliya Vladimirovna, Ukraine, Doctor of Philosophy Khubaev Georgy Nikolaevich, Russia, Doctor of Economics Tsersvadze Mzia Giglaevna, Georgia, Doctor of Philology Khurtsidze Tamila Shalvovna, Georgia, Doctor of Law Vijaykumar Muley, India, Doctor of Biological Sciences Khoutyz Zaur, Russia, Doctor of Economics Yurova Kseniya Igorevna, Russia, Ph.D. of History Khoutyz Irina, Russia, Doctor of Philology Zhaplova Tatiana Mikhaylovna, Russia, Doctor of Philology Korzh Marina Vladimirovna, Russia, Doctor of Economics Zhdanovich Alexey Igorevich, Ukraine, Doctor of Medicine Proofreading Editorial office Kristin Theissen Premier Publishing s.r.o. 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Instructions for authors Full instructions for manuscript preparation and submission can be found through the Premier Publishing s.r.o. home page at: http://www. ppublishing.org. Material disclaimer The opinions expressed in the conference proceedings do not necessarily reflect those of the Premier Publishing s.r.o., the editor, the editorial board, or the organization to which the authors are affiliated. Premier Publishing s.r.o. is not responsible for the stylistic content of the article. The responsibility for the stylistic content lies on an author of an article. Included to the open access repositories: The journal has the GIF impact factor 1.36 for 2018; 1.44 for 2019. © Premier Publishing s.r.o. All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of the Publisher. Typeset in Berling by Ziegler Buchdruckerei, Linz, Austria. Printed by Premier Publishing s.r.o., Vienna, Austria on acid-free paper. HEPATOPROTECTIVE POTENTIAL OF POLYPHENOLS IN CCL4-INDUCED HEPATIC DAMAGE Section 1. Biology https://doi.org/10.29013/ESR-20-11.12-3-8 Turdiyeva Odina Mamirovna Kokand State Pedagogical Institute, Kokand, Uzbekistan E-mail: [email protected] Pozilov Mamurjon Komiljonovich, Institute of Biophysics and Biochemistry at the National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek E-mail: [email protected] Makhmudov Rustamjon Rasuljonovich, Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Academy of Sciences of Republic Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan HEPATOPROTECTIVE POTENTIAL OF POLYPHENOLS IN CCL4-INDUCED HEPATIC DAMAGE Abstract. In this paper, the hepatoprotective potential of gossitan isolated from the plant Gos- sypium hirsutum L. and getasan polyphenols isolated from the plant Geranium sanguineum with car- bon tetrachloride (CCl4) was investigated. Gossitane and getasan polyphenols have been studied comparatively with quercetin, a hepatoprotective property that has an effect on blood serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and total bilirubin levels in toxic hepatitis conditions.The experiments were performed on healthy male rats and CCl4-induced hepatitis model animals divided into 5 groups. Animals of the hepatitis model were given oral quercetin 50 mg/kg, gossitan 50 mg/kg, and getasan 50 mg/kg orally for 20 days. In healthy, hepatitis models and phar- macotherapy rats with plant compounds, changes in blood serum and ALT and AST enzymes and total bilirubin levels in the liver were detected. Keywords: blood serum, liver, carbon tetrachloride, alanine aminotransferase, aspartate amino- transferase, gossitan, getasan. In the world today, the number of people in- the world to find drugs that exhibit hepatoprotec- fected with acute and chronic hepatitis is increas- tive properties. ing as a result of changes in the environment and The most effective pharmacological hepatoprepa- the release of xenobiotic compounds into the at- rations in the treatment of liver diseases form the ba- mosphere in many countries. Scientific research sis of a promising source of natural compounds are on the treatment and prevention of hepatitis as- isolated from plants. Phytohepatoprotectors have sociated with liver injury is being conducted in special importance from synthetic compounds with many scientific laboratories and centers around their following properties. 3 Section 1. Biology While various compounds have endogenous tum L. and getasan polyphenol compounds isolated effects on liver enzymes and synthetic drugs have from the plant Geranium sanguineum on the activity exogenous effects. Involvement of synthetic drugs of ALT and AST enzymes in rat blood serum and in liver metabolism often occurs in the presence of liver tissue and total bilirubin in toxic hepatitis. cytochrome P 450 [1, 1–19]. Synthetic compounds Materials and methods. There are currently many can reduce the activity of ALT and AST enzymes types of toxic hepatitis modeling in animals. One such in blood serum in hepatitis conditions. However, classic method is a model of toxic hepatitis called CCl4. they can form metabolites in hepatocytes that have White male rats with a healthy weight of 180–200 g a detrimental effect on the membrane. Changes in isolated for the experiment were divided into groups. metabolism can occur not only in the presence of I group. Control (healthy n = 5) synthetic hepatoprotectors, but also in the presence II group. CCl4 0.5 ml/kg of drugs prescribed in parallel [1, 1–19]. One of the III group. CCl4 + quercetin (50 mg/kg) active substances isolated from plants is quercetin, IV group. CCl4 + gossitan (50 mg/kg) which reduces the formation of active forms of oxy- V group. CCl4 + getasan (50 mg/kg) gen and lipid peroxidation in liver mitochondria in To induce experimental toxic hepatitis in experi- liver disease [2, 1–10; 3, 49–55]. Among plant hepa- mental group II, III, IV, and V rats, animals were in- toprotectors flavonoids and polyphenols play main jected subcutaneously with 50% CCl4(0.5 ml/kg) role. The hepatoprotective properties of polyphe- once every 3 days. 21 days after the administration nol compounds are strong and provide a high
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