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PBOCEEDINGS OF THE SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES OFi.lSCOTLAND. SESSION MDCCCCVIII.-MDCCCCIX. VOL. XLIII. EDINBURGH: PRINTEE SOCIETTH R NEILY DYCOMPANFO B D LAN Y LTD. MDCCCCIX. PROCEEDINGS of ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-NINTH SESSION 1908-1909 VOL. VII.—FOURTH SERIES Cfctnburffl) PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY BY NEILL AND COMPANY LTD. MDCCCCIX. TABLE OF CONTENTS. Anniversary Meeting, ........ 1-7 On an Unrecorded Issue of the Aberdeen Press of Edward Raban in 1627. With a Hand List of the Productions of his Presses at Edinburgh, St Andrews, and Aberdeen. By WILLIAM E. A. AXON, LL.D., F.R.S.L., 24-33 The Vitrified Fort of Lochan-an-Gour, Argyllshire. By ALAN REID, . 34-42 . " . F.S.A. Scot.. , Ancient Irish Castles compared with Scottis . FLEMINGS h . TypesJ y B ,. F.S.A. Scot., ........ 43-72 Notice Discoverth f o e n Aberdeanshiryi f Fiveo e Cists, each containinga Drinking-Cu . GRAHApJ Urny B . M CALLANDEK, F.S.A . 76-9Scot.2, Repor Stonn o t e Circles surveye n Perthshiri d e (South-east District), with measured Plans and Drawings ; obtained under the Gunning Fellowship. By FEED. R. COLES, Assistant Keeper of the Museum, . 93-130 n discovereBronzUr e a Stone Ag n di ee KilcoCairth n o ny Estate, Black Isle, Ross-shire, 18th August 1908. By Capt. 0. H. NORTH, Lanca- shire Fusiliers. Communicate Hone th . ABERCKOMBTJ .y db . , 131-135 e Stor a "Barber' Th f yo s Bleeding-Dish. y GEOEGB " . FOTHERGILLA E , M.B., C.M., ....... 135-144 The Ecclesiastical Remains on the Holy Isle, Arran. By J. A. BALFOUK, F.R. Hist.S., F.S.A. Scot., ..... 147-158 Notice of the Examination, by means of a Diving-dress, of the Artificial Island, or Crannog, of Eilean Muireach, in the South End of Loch Ness. By the Rev, ODO BLUNDELL, O.S.B., F.S.A. Scot., . 159-164 vi TABL CONTENTSF O E . PAGES Notice of the Excavation of a Cairn at Mossknowe, on the Kirtle Water, Dumfriesshire. By Miss DOROTHEA M. A. BATE, . 165-169 Notic Discovere th f eo Groua f yo f Full-lengtpo h Ston ee SchooCistth t a sl Hill r Templo , e Hill, Leuchars WILLIAy B . M REID, F.S.A. Soot., 170-176 Notes on Scottish Samplers. By G. A. FOTHERRILL, M.B., C.M., . 180-205 Churchyard Memorials of Cranston, Crichton, Blairgowrie, and Rattray ; a Record and Comparison. By ALAN REID, F.S.A. Scot. (With Photo- graphs by Mr James Moffat, Mr William Findlay, and others), . 206-240 Notice of Two Flanged Palstaves of Bronze from Craig-a-Bhodaich, Farr, Sutherland. By the Kev. ANGUS MACKAY, M.A., Corr. Mem. S.A. Scot., Westerdale Manse, Caithness, .... 240-242 Notice of the Excavation of two Caves, with remains of Early Iron Age Occupation e Estatth n Archerfieldf o ,e o , Dirleton JAMEy B . GHEESE , . 243-26. 8 . F.S.A. Scot.. , Notes on a Stone Circle at Greenland, Parish of Kenmore, and a Grave-slab in the Burying-ground of the Macnabs at Killin. By Rev. J. B. MAC- KENZIE, E.S.A. Scot., Kenmore, ..... 271-277 OMountine nth Leaf-shapef go d Arrowhead . KNOWLESJ . W Flintf so y B ., M.R.I.A., . 278-283 Some Notes from the Records of the Burgh of Kilmaurs (1645-1715). By ALFKED CHARLES JONAS, F.S.A . Scot.. , 283-290 Circumstancee Th s relatin deate th f Jameo ght o s (the Admirable) Crichton in Mantua, on 3rd July 1582, and the Evidence as to the Existence of a Contemporary bearing the same Name. By DOUGLAS CRICHTON, F.S.A. Scot., ........ 296-308 Two Incised Slabs : at Foveran, Aberdeerishire, and Oathlaw, Forfarshire. By F. C. EELES, F.S.A. Scot., F.R. Hist. S., . 308-316 Notice of the Discovery of two Stone Coffins at Pitkerro, with Notes on the Chronological Sequenc f Stoneo e Cists y ALEXANDEB . R HDTOHESON, F.S.A. Scot., ........ 317 Belfield, East Calder e Countrth , y Mansio e Lantoth f o nn Oliphantsy B . JOSEPH MORRIS, F.S.A. Scot., .....4 32 . Drostae Th n Stone (St. Vigeans) Revy B . DONALD MACRAE, B.D., F.S.A. Scot., Edderton, ........ 330 Notes on a Recumbent Grave-slab in Kilmore Churchyard, and an Inscribed Stone found at Ruigh-ic-ille Mlmire in Glenurquhart. By ANGUS GRANT, Drumalan, Drumnadrochit, ..... 335 TABL CONTENTSF O E . Vll PAGES Cairne Onth Arranf so . HINo ,. Wit hNotica a Megalithi f o e c Structure t Ardenadama Hole th yn o , LochTHOMAy B . S H. Buy OB, M.A., M.D., F.S.A. Scot., . '' 337-370 Notic a Vikin f o e g Grave-niound, Kingscross . BALFOURA , . ArrauJ y B ,. F.R. Hist. S., F.S.A. Scot., ..... 371-375 Note on an Arrow-head of "Corrigil" Pitchstone. By J. A. BALFOUR, F.R. Hist. S., F.S.A. Scot., ...... 376 Note on a Group of Perforated Stone Hammers, remarkable for their Simi- larit f For o yd Ornamentation man y JOSEPB . H AKDEKSON, LL.D., Assistant-Secretary and Kesper of the National Museum of Antiquities, 377-384 Notic Sculpturea f eo d Cross-shaf d Sculpturean t d Slabs recovered froe mth Base of St Andrews Cathedral by direction of MrOldrieve ofH.M. Office of Works, with Notes of other Sculptured Slabs at St Andrews. By D. HAY FLEMING, LL.D., F.S.A. Scot.. 385-414 LNDEX, .......... 415 LIS F ILLUSTRATIONSO T . PAGE .Large Oval Knife of Porphyritie Stone, ..... 22 A Silver Watch-Bell (Edward Rabau Press), ....5 2 . For IjOchan-an-Gourf o t , ....... 84 Map of Ardgour and District, ...... 35 Fore Lochan-an-Gourf Plath o t f no , .....6 3 . Wal Fore l ofth t of Lochan-an-Gou vitritied ran d material, ..8 3 . Vie Torr-an-Duif wo n south-eastfroe mth , ....0 4 . Post-chee Dook-holed kan , For Lochan-an-Gourf o t , ...1 4 . Trim Castle, South Gateway, ....... 45 Auchanure Castle, Irish type, .....7 4 . Sauchie Tower, Scottish type, ...... 48 Details, Sauchie Tower, ......9 4 . Balleybur Castle, Irish type, ....... 50 Doorway, Balleybur Castle, . ... .51 Doorway, Cardoness Castle, . .52 Foulscrath Castle, Ireland, .... ..3 5 . Details, Foulscrath Castle, ....... 55 Newton Castle, Ireland, .... 56 Detail Newton si n Castle Scottisd an , h loops, ...7 5 . Dalkey Tower, Ireland, ....... 58 Burnchureh Castle, Ireland, ....... 59 Details, Burnchureh Castle, . .60 Windows, Burnchureh Castle, .....1 6 . Coxton Tower (Scottish type), ...... 63 Muckrach Castle (Scottish type), ...... 64 Pengergask Castle (English type), ... ... 65 7 6 . • . Dalke . y Castl . e (Ireland) . , Irish Castle, urban type, ....... 68 Armorial Slab on John Rothes' Mansion, . .69 Canopied Draw-well of John Rothes'Mansion, . ... 70 John Cowan's Ludgin . g (Scottis . h urban).7 . , 1 Scottish Loops, Bothwell Castle, ...... 72 Ground-plan of Cists at Mains of Leslie, ..... 77 Urn from Main Leslief so , ... .78 X . LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. PAGE Urn frofirse mth t Grav t Uppeea r Boyndlie, ....4 8 . Urn seconfroe mth d Grav t Uppeea r Boyndlie, ...5 8 . Urn from the third Grave at Upper Boyndlie, .... 86 Urn from Cis t Blackhillsa t , Tyrie, .....8 8 . Urn from Blackhills, ... ..... 90 Circle near Billhead, Hill of Drimmie, . .95 Stone Circle near Parkneuk, Tullymurdoch, . ... 96 Views of Stone Circle at Parkneuk, ...... 97 Remain Stonf so e Circl t Parkneukea , ....8 9 . Stone Circle on Hill of Drimmie ; Ground-plan, .... 100 Stone.Circle on Hill of Drimmie; View, . 101 Standing Stone of Glenballoch; View, ..... 102 Stone Circl t Craighalea l Mill; Ground-plan, ...3 10 . Craighall Mill Circle ; Views, ....... 105 Standing Stones, Broad Moss; . ..... 106 Standing Stones, Broad Moss; View, ....8 10 . Stone Circl Broan eo d Moss ; View, .....8 10 . Stone Circl Broan eo d Mos s; Ground-plan , ....9 10 . Standing Stone, Drmmderrach Woo d; Views , .... Ill Standing Stone near Burnside, Alyth ; View, .... 112 Standing Stone ,Rattra d neaOl r y; View , ....3 11 . Marlee Circle, Essendy Roa d; Ground-plan , ....7 11 . Marlee Circle ; Views,. .119 Remains of Standing Stones, Meikleour; Plan and View, . 122 Cup- and Ring-marked Standing Stone at Newbigging, . 125 Stone Circle in New Scone Wood ; Ground-plan, .... 127 Ston Sconw e CircleNe Woon ei d; Views , .... 9 12812 , Vie Kilcof wo y Cairn, .......2 13 . View of Cist in Kilcoy Cairn, . .133 Urn found in the Cist, Kilcoy Cairn, . ' 134 The Box of the Barbers of Edinburgh, ..... 139 Barber's "Bleeding-Dish," ....... 143 Cross e Burying-placfounth t da Monastere th Site f th o e t e a Hol n yo y Isle, Arran, ........9 14 . Ground-plan showing Circular Foundation, Holy Isle, . 150 Stair at Entrance to the Cave of St Molaise, . .152 Ground-pla t MolaiseCave S f th eo f no , ....3 15 . t Molaise'S s Cave, showing south-west wall, ....5 15 . t Molaise'S Judgmense Tableth r o , t Stone, ....6 15 . Cross Judgmen e Inciseth n do t Stone, ....7 15 . St Molaise'.15 . s8.. "Well. , . Vie Eileaf wo n Muireach, Loc . h Ness.. 0 . , 16 . Sketch of the Appearance under water of Eilean Muireach, . 163 View of Cairn at Mossknow before Excavation, .... 167 LIS F ILLUSTRATIONSO T . XI PA&E View of the Cist in Mossknow Cairn, ...... 168 Ground-plan of two Cists at Leuchars, ..... 171 founp Bon t Clibberswickda eCu , .....7 17 . Bone Cup found in the Broch of Burray, ..... 177 Sample Agney b r s Ferguson, 1848, .....4 18 . The Dalmen . y.. Sampler. , 1863.18 ,. 8 Sampler with Saul's Conversion, .....1 19 . Sampler with African Chief, 1809, .....4 19 . Sampler by Alison Robertson, 1765, ...... 196 . Figureo Tw Sketc.19Samplern e s. i th f ho 7 ,. 1765,. Insertion in Child's Christening Cap,...... 198 Agnes Watt's Sampler, 1792, ......

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