Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology Rose-Hulman Scholar The Rose Thorn Archive Student Newspaper Winter 12-16-2004 Volume 40 - Issue 12 - Thursday, December 16, 2004 Rose Thorn Staff Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: https://scholar.rose-hulman.edu/rosethorn Recommended Citation Rose Thorn Staff, "Volume 40 - Issue 12 - Thursday, December 16, 2004" (2004). The Rose Thorn Archive. 232. https://scholar.rose-hulman.edu/rosethorn/232 THE MATERIAL POSTED ON THIS ROSE-HULMAN REPOSITORY IS TO BE USED FOR PRIVATE STUDY, SCHOLARSHIP, OR RESEARCH AND MAY NOT BE USED FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE. SOME CONTENT IN THE MATERIAL POSTED ON THIS REPOSITORY MAY BE PROTECTED BY COPYRIGHT. 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ROSE-HULMAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY T ERRE HAUTE, INDIANA Thursday, December 16, 2004 Volume 40, Issue 12 News Briefs Midgley opens forums for By Lissa Avery Residence hall holiday community discussion of future Angela Smiley decoration contest Staff Writer The fi rst place winner of the residence Tuesday, December 14, John hall holiday decoration contest was Midgley unveiled a new initia- BSB 1. The second place winner was tive aimed at engaging all sec- the Apartment West 1, and the third tors of the Rose community place winner was BSB 3. in a dialogue about its future. The initiative, titled “Rose- Hulman 2015: A Conversation Google wins suit About Our Future”, has been in planning since Fall Quarter, against Geico and will be the most ambitious Wednesday, the judge ruling over the step to date in Midgley’s effort to spark campus dialogue. http://rose-hulman.edu/conversation/index.htm May lawsuit Geico fi led against Google Previously, Midgley has With “Rose-Hulman 2015”, Midgley hopes to foster a community-wide conversation about the dismissed the case following Google’s maintained an open-door direction that alumni, trustees, students, and faculty and staff members believe the campus motion to do so. policy, encouraging all stu- should be moving towards in 2015. The issue at hand was the use of dents and faculty to visit and a trademark – namely, “Geico” – in speak with him when moti- next ten years? Discussion will take place tiative is the online discussion keyword-triggered ads sponsored by vated by an issue of special Also to be considered is the through multiple forums - the forum that will perhaps most Google. According to Judge Leonie concern, but “Rose-Hulman future student body: who will administration has established closely resemble the “conver- Brinkema, this is not a trademark 2015” marks the fi rst system- the best students be in 2015, and a variety of communication sation” of the initiative’s name. infringement by law. atic attempt to involve the what will we do to attract them? channels especially for “Rose- Comments received in all these campus on a mass scale. In addition, campus life Hulman 2015.” Written re- ways will be summarized on a “Rose-Hulman 2015” will must develop to suit our goals: sponses may be mailed to CM regular basis, as well as in a fi nal MPAA fi ling lawsuits focus on four major themes how can the campus provide 14, faxed to 1-800-513-0096 or e- report to be made next May. that hold special importance an environment conducive to mailed to conversation@rose- More information on the against BitTorrent for Rose. the academic excellence we hulman.edu; voice responses initiative, as well as automated The fi rst of these is the fu- wish to cultivate? may left via voice-mail at 1- feedback forms and the com- supporters ture of Rose-Hulman’s aca- The fourth major theme for 800-282-0598. plete elaboration of the main demic programs: what are the discussion is Rose-Hulman’s The more interactive aspects themes, is available on the In- The Motion Picture Association of critical elements of the Rose global role: with whom will of the project will take place stitute website at http://www. America (MPAA), with United States educational experience, and our institution interact, and through electronic media; one rose-hulman.edu/conversa- and United Kingdom law enforcement how will these evolve in the in what way? of the centerpieces of the ini- tion/index.htm. agencies, are working to shut down websites that have BitTorrent links and fi les. The MPAA has fi led over 100 civil suits against web masters that Rose-Hulman sends College support BitTorrent, Direct Connect, and eDonkey servers. Bowl to regionals U.S. missile defense Bridget Mayer system test failed Staff Writer In a test of a fl edgling missile system, Fifty Rose-Hulman students an interceptor missile failed to launch took breaks from their stud- ies last week to be quizzed on appropriately from the Marshall topics they had not studied Islands. The reason for the failure is for—showing off their knowl- unknown, but the development and edge in the campus-level Col- testing of the system has undergone lege Bowl competition. Begin- several setbacks due to poor weather ning December 7 and ending or equipment failure. with a championship round The missile in question was due last Friday, December 10, the to launch sixteen minutes after the teams competed in a dou- “enemy” missile launched, and to ble-elimination tournament for the top spot. Students intercept the “enemy” warhead 100 signed up for the competition miles over the earth. through the Offi ce of Student Affairs; the event was spon- Matt Durham / Staff Photographer sored by Donna Gustafson Christopher Esbch, John Beety, and Elizabeth White, along with Angela Smiley and Aaron Du- Thursday and organized by Graduate bin (not pictured) of the Blue Barracudas are slated to continue to the regional-level College Partly Cloudy 43 Hi / 26 Lo Assistant Aaron Baldauff. Bowl competition in February. Friday This year’s winning team, Partly Cloudy 35 Hi / 24 Lo the Blue Barracudas, included students Angela Smiley, Eliza- advance to the Regional Com- as a round-robin tournament. and advanced to the Nation- Provided by www.weather.com beth White, Chris Ebsch, John petition in February at Indiana Last year’s team (of which als Competition. Beety, and their alternate Aar- University-Purdue University Beety was a participant) won on Dubin. These students will Indianapolis; this event is held the Regional Competition Continued on Page 3... News Entertainment Opinions Sports Flipside More on our College Closer + Blade = -$16 Why I didn’t vote for Sports teams prepare All it takes is a monkey Bowl teams. Senator Kerry. for winter break. and a stool. Happy Holidays. Page 3 Pages 4 & 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 2 CLASSIFIEDS The Rose Thorn Friday Saturday December 17 18 Upcoming events * Last day of classes * Start of Winter Break Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Winter break 26 27 28 29 30 31 January 1 Winter break Classifi eds Apartments and houses RESTAURANT Tired of Studying? Available January, 1-4 Bedroom Apts & Houses. Starting at $335/month. ROI Apts. 232-2466. Treat yourself to a Steak Dinner! Algebra 2 Tutor (CORNER OF MAIN ST. & U.S. 40 - SEELYVILLE) Seeking Algebra 2 tutor for two high school students Wednes- (812) 877-2314 days after 6 p.m. or on weekends. Contact Molly Reed at [email protected] or 217-826-8700 for more information. Female Algebra 2 Tutor Sharp Flats Tutor needed for 11th grade Algebra 2 student. Female ap- Now renting for 2005-2006 school year! plicants preferred. Call Bruce at 812-872-2466. East On 6th St. 1 bdrms & studios 1-9 Bedroom Houses for rent for the 2004-2005 school year. 6710 Wabash Visit our new On or near S. 6th St. Help. Trails End Deli! Call for details. Thanks to all our tenants, and Merry Christmas to all! Call 877-1146 Write, edit, or assist with page layout for the Thorn. A favorite hangout for prostitutes in 17th century London was St. John’s Park. Even though the gates were locked at 10 pm, 6,500 people had authorized keys (many unauthorized keys were also in circulation). E-mail At the time, London had about 50,000 prostitutes. Hmmmm.. Parks in Terre Haute are ‘closed’ after dusk, I wonder what [email protected] really goes on in there? This advertisement paid for by the Theta Xi Pledges. for more information. The Rose Thorn The Rose Thorn Opinions Editor: Staff Writers: Advisor: the right to refuse publication CM 5037 John Kropf Bridget Mayer Dr. Richard House of submissions that the edito- RHIT Robert Herbig rial staff deem unsuitable. 5500 Wabash Ave. Entertainment Editor: Andrew Twarek The Rose Thorn is printed Terre Haute, IN 47803 Jacob P. Silvia Alexander J. Clerc Fridays during the standard Editors reserve the right to E-mail: [email protected] Aaron Meles Rose-Hulman quarters. condense or edit submissions Angela Smiley for clarity, space limita- Sports Editor: tions, grammar and spelling Phone:(812)877-8255 Josh Annin Philip Woods The deadline for content sub- Fax: (812)877-8166 mission to the Rose Thorn is mistakes, and factual errors.
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