“SERVING THE ANGLER WHO TRAVELS” $5 A MONTHLY NEWSLETTER THE ANGLING REPORT April 2016 Vol. 29, No. 4 DateLINE: OMAN my guide on his new boat fishing bait is fly fishing to be had in and near that balls for bonito and a variety of other famed city, in mangrove swamps and On-Site Report species of game fish. I am delighted to on abundant flats. The prime targets are All about a Wind-Blown report that this new fly fishing frontier sea bream and grunter. I did go fishing holds much promise, and I look for- once, but only to go jigging with dead Fly Fishing Trip to Oman ward to a return. bait a few miles offshore where our My visit to Oman followed visits guide took us to some structure. We Editor Note: Subscriber Terry Shultz caught a variety of fish, including em- checked in this month with an intrigu- perors, groupers and trevally. I plan to ing report on a fly fishing trip to Oman, return to Abu Dhabi and explore its fly which is called the “Switzerland of the fishing opportunities. Mideast” by those who know that part My visit to Oman began on the of the world. Is this our next hot fly afternoon of December 12, with a fishing destination? Maybe . flight to the capital city of Muscat. his past December, I was fortu- There, I met Clare Carter, co-owner nate to spend a week fly fishing of Arabian Sport Fly Fishing (http:// Tin Oman, a nation on the south- blog.arabianfly.com/) and we enjoyed ern border of Saudi Arabia. First, I dinner at a fine local Omani restaurant. spent three days with my guide patrol- Next morning, we met at the airport ling the surf along the beach, watch- to Abu Dhabi, the capital of United and took a one-hour flight southwest to ing for permit as they came into the Arab Emirates (where my son and a small town called Duqm. There, we shallows in search of crabs. Then, after daughter-in-law live), and to India’s were met by Brandon King, my guide a day of driving southwest along the Andaman Islands for three weeks of fly and Clare’s partner, and we went to a Omani coast, through incredibly beau- fishing. While I did not do any fly fish- local hotel, Park Inn (by Radisson). I tiful mountains, I spent three days with ing in Abu Dhabi, I did learn that there quickly changed and tackled up, and we drove to a beach about half an hour SUPPORT OUR CORPORATE SPONSORS away where, for the next three days, Brandon and I marched back and forth along the surf over a three-mile stretch, searching for and occasionally cast- ing to Indo-Pacific permit. What is an Indo-Pacific permit? The Latin name for it is Trachinotus blochii, and it is IN THIS ISSUE related to the Atlantic permit, Trachi- notus falcatus. It is also known as the New Zealand Cuba silver pompano or, sometimes, simply A NZ Appreciation Another Look at the pompano, as well as snub-nosed dart. Plus a Travel Guide Legality of Cuba Travel Pages 4–5 Page 10 Brandon and Clare had told me marching up and down the beach has Chile Russia proved to be a very successful tech- The Real Skinny on A Major Shakeup a Newly Opened Lodge on the Kola Peninsula nique. The tackle I used included a Pages 5–7 Pages 11–12 9/10 wt ADG Titanium rod and Rio General Salt Water intermediate #10 Chesapeake Bay Subscriber-Written Reports line. The fly of choice was a weighted What You Need to Know The Bahamas, Christmas Island, about Fly Fishing the Bay Montana, Arizona and More crab imitation that mimics the crabs Pages 7–8 Pages 11–14 habituating the surf on which the per- THE ANGLING REPORT mit feed. Alas, we were plagued by All sizes, large and small. We saw a clouds and a good amount of wind dur- number that appeared to weigh three to ing my visit, and that made spotting the seven pounds, and we also saw some permit a challenge. Brandon has years larger ones in the 15- to 20-pound of experience and keen eyesight, how- class. Clare has posted photos of some ever, and we saw roughly 15 permit larger than that, in the 20- to 30-pound that first day. I got to cast to most of class. So, I think anglers can expect a them, and even got a few follows, but wide range of permit angling opportu- sadly no hookups. Our day was inter- nities here. THE ANGLING REPORT rupted around noon, as it was each sub- The next day we drove some 400 EDITOR sequent day for the next six by an in- miles through magnificent mountains Don Causey credible lunch prepared by Clare: hum- and desert, southwest along the coast mus, chicken, dates, salads, pita bread, of Oman, arriving at the Marriott Re- MARKETING DIRECTOR sweets, wow! Wonderful! Brandon and sort Salalah in Mirbat, a small town 30 Michael Lyons I calculate that in all we walked four or miles or so up the coast from Salalah, COPY EDITOR five miles during that first day. Oman’s second-largest city, 100 miles Gary Hamel Our second day on the beach was or so north of Oman’s border with Ye- much windier and much cloudier, but men. The next day we put Brandon’s LAYOUT & PRODUCTION we pressed on. I got one shot in the boat in the water and set out. Normally, Ben F. Badger Jr. morning and two in the afternoon, Brandon said, he would have taken me ILLUSTRATIONS but no follows. We left about 4 PM, a northeast up the coast, to his favorite Gordon Allen little ahead of schedule, as the wind fishing areas. But, the wind—yes, had come up stronger and the tide again the wind—was blowing hard ceased to be favorable. Again, this day from the north, making it impossible we walked perhaps six or seven miles to fish northeast of the launch site. We The Angling Report along a beautiful beach. headed southwest from the hotel, and 202-770-9942 Our last day on the beach saw promptly came upon a large bait ball, us walking what we calculated as 12 where I hooked and lost a barracuda. The Angling Report (ISSN: 1045-3539) is published monthly by Oxpecker Enterprises, Inc., 4431 miles. Yes—a lot of walking! Weather- Shortly afterward, around another bait Greenwich Parkway, Washington, DC 20007. wise, this was our best day yet, but still ball, I lost a bonito. Unfortunately, Periodicals Postage Paid at Washington, DC. and windy and somewhat cloudy. I got one the wind continued getting stronger at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Angling Report, 4431 shot in the morning and a good number at that point, making fishing the bait Greenwich Parkway, Washington, DC 20007. The in the afternoon, with a few follows, balls very difficult, if not dangerous. Angling Report is not a booking agent, nor is it but no takes. We left when the wind Our only recourse was to move close affiliated with a booking agent, outfitter, or guide. picked up and the tide was no longer to the shore where there were rock How can we help you? favorable. What I learned was that I ledges rising perhaps 20 or 30 feet. needed to be quicker and more accu- There, around the reef in front of the New Subscriptions: A one-year subscription costs $49. Add $11 per year in Canada/Mexico. $29 rate in my casting to get the fly in front ledges, I hooked and landed a “three- overseas. Visa/MC/Amex accepted. Contact us on the of the permit. the fish needed to see the spot” pompano. At that point, Brandon Web (www.anglingreport.com), by phone (202-770- fly and have the opportunity to take it. spied permit on the reef, so I switched 9942), by e-mail ([email protected]), or by mail (The Angling Report, 4431 Greenwich Parkway, Well, next time. to a crab pattern and began to cast to Washington, DC 20007). How big were the permit we saw? sighted permit. I failed to hook up, Online Extra Upgrade: One year costs $24, in addition to regular subscription fee. Puts one on list to receive e-mail invitations to go fishing FREE in Honor Roll Subscribers return for filing a report. Unlimited access to our trip- The Angling Report encourages also get special consideration for FREE planning database also included. Plus, e-mail and hard copies of monthly newsletters. Same contact details subscribers to file reports on great trips. If you have been on an interesting as above. places to fish and important news devel- trip recently, send a letter-length report Trip-Planning Materials: Same contact details as opments that help the rest of us decide to see if you can get on our subscriber above. By phone, fax, e-mail, or mail. Do your own where to go—or not to go—fishing. Honor Roll. E-mail it to doncausey@ searches on our website, www.anglingreport.com. Click on “Trip-Planning Tools.” Thousands of pages of sub- Subscribers who file unusually impor- anglingreport.com. You can find the scriber reports and previously published articles. tant and useful reports are placed on our complete list of Honor Roll subscribers Subscription Questions: Same contact details as Subscriber Honor Roll and sent a com- on our Web site, www.anglingreport.
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