‘ N v/'- N V 'X. ■y V •4 X SIXTEEN FRIDAY, JULY fl, 1964 -'-V iEtt^ntng i0^ Last Chance Today to Shop for ^Manchester Days Membera of the Orange Lodge rsason for last wash's riss in ths had 4,136, and New Haven 3,478. and 'affiliates who have not al­ T rinity O fferm g numbsr of claims, ths report In Mancheater, there were 42 About Town ready.’ made reservations for the Jobless Oainis atatsd. < new ctAimH', which reprecent new- iMnMiiir l«tH annual outing Saturday at Ohean Second Session Bridgaport continued to load the Hpella of unemployment. Other Beach; New London, are urged to Av^age Daily Net Press Run Th* Weather Re^a.trations for ih«' Vacation State In the number of clsima're­ totals showed^ 205 women receiv­ 4 moiiHit («¥*r«i9*). call tonight at the latest, any of Decrease Here ceived with 6,098.'Wsterbury fol­ ing claima an<t 46 persons receiv­ Far the Wmk Ended Faracaat at U. S. Wenthar : .ii' fe-. Bi)9l< School oir tho Covenant Con- the following: Robert Fell, Wil­ lowed with 5,528, while H artford ing. partial claime in town. July 8. 1M4 8T«K*tional Church,' which opena liam Brennan, Thomas Tedford, H artford, July • —Two, hun­ ' ■ . X - tJnemploymcnt oompsnaaUon Monday, ma yjtlll b« mada by Miss Vera Dion or Mrs. Lily Dun- dred and forty-five men and wom­ IX ,097 Tonight fair, c»al. Law Is nppar lop. ^ claims in Manchester dropfwd .We. Sundsy M r. partly eteildjr. telephoning: the dliectora, Miaa en are now enrolfed in the first again last week,' according to it- Giather Granatrori, I^v. K. EJnar Member af the Audit High In lower 80*0. ■ . session of the.- Trinity College report of the Connecticut Employ­ - .Barenu af Cimitatian Raak d r the Church Mffice. The ' Kmanuel Brotherhood mombers Summer School, Robert M.'Vogel, ment Security Division of the Un­ Manche$ter— A City of Village y- school will continue for one week. and their fantiliss are reminded of dirlMtor of the summer sessions employment Compensation Dept. Children achopl a^e up to 14 are the anual picnic topiorrow, 4 to 7 Contributing to the drop was the eligible and transportation will be p. m„ in C ^ter Sptings-Bark and announced today. " ' ' Be Cool As A rehirIng of 50 workers by a local (CIsMiflad AdvertialBg aa ;Paga 10) PRICE nV E CENTS furnished where needed. " / to bring a dish for the potluck The first session^began on June garment shop. VOL. LXXIII, NO. 244 K MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, JULY 10, (TWELVE PAGES) supper. Qoffee and punch wrill be 20 and will end July 30. Some The report showed a total of provided. 02 courses are being offered on 370 claims in towm for the waek Cucumber This Summer ROTOTIUERS’ beth the graduate and iuidergra,d- ending July 3, 54 less than the Major and Mis. John Rickup uate level throughout the summer. previous week. Meanwhile, state­ S' Sales — Service — Trades and their son Billy will leave to­ Registration is now open for en­ wide claims continued to dimb. Senators Consider Demonstrators — Terms morrow for a tw weeks' vseation rollment in the second session, Vgeation shutdowns o t one sir l h * J W H A U e a at the Seaside Hotel, Ocean Drove, which will be held from August twro weeks by factories through­ When' You ^Cook On A Capifel EquhNnmt Co. N. J. Services at the local citadel 2 to September 3. For informa­ out the state.i'in which claims were SS Main St.—teL MI-S-795S wilt be in charge of Sgt. Major tion wrrite or call the Trinity Col­ filed., by workers not entitled to David Addy and other officers. - lege Summer School Office. * full vacation pay, were the main C .E. ^^Cobl Cooking" Range! Additional Slash / Washington, July 10 (/p>—♦^voting a good ahaw of Ita floor W PUSH BUnONS - debate to the troublea America Senate Foreign Relations face! abroad. SATURDAY — LAST OE V* BIO OVIN Committee mcmberB gath­ Flandera aaid Congreaa and the ered against a backdrop of Adminiatratlon ahoiild not URe " HI-SPSED CAUIOD* UNITS ringing Senate debate today "weasel wonia" in oppoaing Pei- plng'a poaaible seating in the tp stake out further changes U.N. •;Let 118 aay,” he declared, S-IXTKA naTURIS in an already-cut foreign aid "th at 'w’hen Communist China Slate Named by State Republican^ tears away its' curtain and re- idge CIO bill." •k AUTOMATIC OVEN TIMIER Acting' Chairman H.' Alexander Bumea intercourae with the weat- Smith' (R-HJi aummoned the em world . .> then we should be ★ FUJORESCENT lAMP group to a 'cloaed Saturday aea- willing to reconsider our objec­ ■lon to take up other portlona of tions. Such a China wilt not be a the multi-billion-dollar meaatire Commuitiat China of today.” Knowland'a present amendment, itioBS which the coihmittee yealerday Said could he aliahed $347,708,000 reportedly oitered at Administra­ without harming the nation's cold tion lirgtng.ia a Sharp modidcatibn w ar ainve. of his original proposal which W4.<ihington, Julj' 10 {IP)—Striking CIO'Atomic worker* On the agenda waa g toned- w-ould have had Congress outline at Padacah, Ky., were possible targets for a'qui^ Taft-Hart* down amendment by Sen. Know- UJ1. policy on the issue in advance. ley Law injunction today—only hours after a turmipwri of a lapd of California;' the Senate The amendment would state anew Majority Leader, whoae original U.S. opposition, to the admission back-to-work propo.sal worked out by Secretary o demand that the United Statea of Red China to the U.N., and re­ Mitchell and union leaders. 4 walk out of the United Nation! If quest President Risenhower to call Other strikers at Oak Ridge, [ FLAT SHEETS . DRASTIC REDUCTIONS ON Red CTiina waitae.ln, .net Off a the signals for furjther action by Tenn., membeis of the aame CIO j flurry of foreign policy argu- congress if that happens. gaa. coke and chemical workers ! TYPE 144 TYPE 180 TOPPERS meiita. Oomnilttee's Tentative Decision union, art going back to work, on - Air Schoolx TYPE 130 Hita UN iMue The committee's- tentative decl-' condition they can w-olk out again U D Y PERPERELL SUPER-RNE PERCALE ..'gen. Flandera (R-Vt) hit on thia aion yesterday to order a $347,- If further bargaining fails. CANNON HNE MUSUN ONE GROUP VALUES TO $25.00 $16.95 leeue yeaterday while the Senate, Government attorneys had been Head Seen MUSUN . LADY PEPPERELL COM IED for the aerond day in a row, waa (ConUnaed on ^ g e Eleven) prepared to go to coiirt today to • • , X halt the etrikera at the vital RcCc 12.39 93x108... $1.99 ONE GROUP VALUES TO $29.95 $19.95 / Atomic Energy- .Commia-'.lon Rcfi 92.99 72x108... $2.49 Reg. $3.09 72x108... $2.59 (AEC) plants at Oak Ridge and As Harmon Paducah. But with the develop- ; lUf. $2.99 72x108. /. $2.19 ONE GROUP VALUES TO $35.00 $22.95 menta early thia mo,-ning at mass . ——— \ Reg. 93.29 81x108... $2.7^ Ref. 93.39 81x108... $2.89 Fleecsa, pnndle, euedea lii lovely Hght colora. Inclndlng white. Native Revolt Seien meetings by tt.e two groups of i Washington, Julv 10 (/P)—"■' 4J1 ealea flmU. strikers, in,which one grbup ac- Qne of the most h a m ‘ Rcf. 92.89 81x108... $2.29 cepted and the other turned down aM ed Rer. 93.99 90x108... $2.9.9 Ref. 93.89 90x108:.. $3.09 the Government-iinioii propoMl^ men in the Pentagon tn*M IUj|. 59e 42x39 Cases, SUMMER DRESSES REDUCED those attorneys reached were days is Lt. Gen. Hubert ReillV Reg. 69c 42x36 Case^p Ref. 79> 42x38 i/t If Reds Take Hanoi able to aay -definitely what s^pa Harmon, considered the moat Eaeh I 4aeeea«e. 49c • • • • ••eeeeas 59c C a ^ Eadi ........ 69c they would take next. likely to become first super­ REG. $10.91 VALUES .... N O W $7.00 By TOBREST EDWARDS * ment. Ae yet there is no real threat One Labor Department ^form ­ intendent of the new Air Hanoi, (ndochina, July 10: of a native uprising/such aa ant Mid an injunction "^•ioualy" would not be lodged arainat the Force Academy. f i t t e 6 t o p a n d b o t t o m s h e e t s (4>) — Fear and/ reRentment | »Uughtered hundreds of Europeans REG. $11.91 VALUES . N O W $ 9 . 0 0 ' ' , .,j . EuraHiRiii in December of Oak Ridge group going back to On the shoulders of this ban­ arc buildinK a potentlRily CXt | jj, ^^ere any real panic, work, but that a c^rt order w:as tamweight 62-year-old officer'haa TYPE 128 TYPE 144 TYPE 180 REG. $14.91 VALUES . .. N O W $ 1 2 . 0 0 RANGE plosive te n si^ -here because.| But an announcement of a ceaae- likely to be sought against ths fallen the major task of getUng many believe thev and their iflre agreement that would parti- Paducah striker^barring another the academy into operation—a, LADY PEPPERELL SUPER.HNE LADY PEPPERELL COM IED Printed rettone, solid cottons, id»a|uBge and a few nrlat late-hour chan^in circumatancea. task madS harder, he aaya PEPPEREUSNUOPIT MUSUN nylena. All sales final.. d l y • « Nation’e Imewse Thfeateae4 Ingly, becauMt MUSLIN SNUGHT X ' PERCALE SNUGPrr REGULARLY $249.95 over ti/the tommunist-lea many quarters--could touch The Jtwo ^nick plants contain "Everybody, from the top down NAN BUNTLV BURLINGTON Victmirth Under a ceasefire; off either, or both.
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