Response to Professional Services Procurement Bulletin No. 2012-07 Clinton County US 127 – Section 3 Item No. 8-108.00, 8-115.00 February 8, 2012 1957 House 2012 Pr oj ect I nfor mation | Page 1 Response TO Pr oposal FOR Per sonal ser vi ce contr act CLINTON COUNTY-US127-I TEM NO. 8-108.00 & 8-115.00 SECTI ON 3 Firm Name House Inc. Pr oj ect No./ 8-108.00 & 8-115.00 Firm Address: 1957 Doctors Lane Lexington, KY 40505 County: Clinton Pr ocur ement T el ephone: (859) 491-1363 Bulletin: 2012-07 Adver t i sement Contact Name: Chr i s Taub, PE, PLS Dat e: January 10, 2012 E-Mai l Addr ess: [email protected] Location of Offices(s) wher e wor k is to be Response Due Per f or med: Dat e: Lexington, Kentucky February 8, 2012 I cer t i f y that the infor mation included within this document i s, to the best of my k nowl edge, cor r ect as of the date indicated bel ow: I certify that H ouse I nc. is cur r ent l y r egi st er ed by the Commonwealth of K ent uck y in accor dance with KRS 322.060 to perform the engi neer i ng ser vi ces needed for this pr oj ect , and our Kentucky Regi st r at i on Number is 219. I cer t i f y to the best of my k nowl edge, House I nc. does not have a conflict of i nt er est r egar di ng any financial or ot her per sonal i nt er est in this pr oj ect and/or any financial or ot her personal i nt er est in any r eal pr oper t y that may be acquired for this pr oj ect . I cer t i f y that to the best of my knowledge and bel i ef , House I nc. and/or its Principals is (ar e) not presently debarred, suspended, pr oposed for debarment, or decl ar ed ineligible for the awar d of contr acts by any state or Feder al Agency.” SUBMITTED BY: Christopher Taub, PE, PLS TITLE: Pr esi dent February 8, 2012 Signature Date RESPONSE TO ANNOUNCEMENT FOR ENGINEERING AND RELATED SERVICES Firm Name: Roswell Engineering, PLLC 1717 Green Man Circle Firm Address: Suite # 713 Lexington, KY 40511 Contact Name: Michael Guerin, PE E-Mail Address: [email protected] Location of Office(s) where work will be performed: Lexington, KY US 127, 8-108.00, 8-115.00 (Section 3) Project No./ County: Clinton Advertisement Date: January 10, 2012 Response Due Date: February 8, 2012 I certify that the information included within this document is, to the best of my knowledge, correct as of the date indicated below: I certify that Roswell Engineering, PLLC is currently registered by the Commonwealth of Kentucky in accordance with KRS 322.060 to perform the engineering services needed for this project, and our Kentucky Registration Number is 2282. I certify that Roswell Engineering, PLLC personnel have no financial or other personal interest in this project and no financial or personal interest in any real property that may be acquired for this project. I certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, Roswell Engineering, PLLC principals, officers, directors, owners, partners, and person having primary management or supervisory responsibilities are not presently debarred, suspended, proposed for debarment, or declared ineligible for the award of contracts by any State or Federal Agency. SUBMITTED BY: Michael Guerin TITLE: President February 8, 2012 Signature Date Pr oj ect Ser vice and Staff Summar y | Page 2A sERVICES iNCLUDED IN PREQUALIFICATION cATEGORI ES: H ouse Inc. and Roswel l Engineering will be performing the following ser vi ces adver t i sed for this pr oj ect . After each ser vi ce listed, pl ease indicate your fir m’ s st at us of pr equalification as follows: “ Pr equal i f i ed” (P), Submi t t ed and Pending” (SP), and/or “ Prequalification Not Requi r ed” (NR). ROADWAY DESIGN Rur al Roadway Design (P) Sur veyi ng (P) STRUCTURE DESIGN Spans < 500 feet (P) PRIME CONSULTANT SERVICE EMPLOYEE NAME LOCATION Gr egor y H ouse, PE H ouse I nc. Rur al Roadway Design L exi ngt on, K Y Robert Chase, PE, AVS House Inc. Surveying Mi chael Tritter, PE, PLS L exi ngt on, K Y Henry Dobson, PE, PLS House Inc. St r uct ur e Desi gn L exi ngt on, K Y Travis Brennan, PE, PLS Pr oj ect Ser vi ce and St af f | Page 2B sERVICES NOT iNCLUDED IN PREQUALIFICATION cATEGORI ES: PRIME CONSULTANT SERVICE EMPLOYEE NAME LOCATION Gr egor y H ouse, PE H ouse I nc. Ur ban Roadway Design L exi ngt on, K Y Robert Chase, PE, AVS House Inc. Capacity Analysis Gr egor y H ouse, PE L exi ngt on, K Y House Inc. CORSI M/T SI S Analysis Gr egor y H ouse, PE L exi ngt on, K Y Roswell Hydraulic and Dr ainage Analysis Michael Guerin, PE, LSIT L exi ngt on, K Y Engi neer i ng H ouse I nc. Technical Reporting Writing L awr ence Kutner, PE L exi ngt on, K Y Ron Simpson House Inc. Digital Terrain Modeling L exi ngt on, K Y James Wi l son House Inc. Congest i on Management Gr egor y H ouse, PE L exi ngt on, K Y House Inc. Signing Plans Allison Camer on, EIT L exi ngt on, K Y House Inc. Ri ght of Way Pr oper t y Revi ew Lucas Douglas, PE L exi ngt on, K Y House Inc. CADD Plan Pr oduction Rober t Chase, PE L exi ngt on, K Y House Inc. Inventory Existing Conditions Mi chael Tritter, PE, PLS L exi ngt on, K Y House Inc. Quality Cont r ol Revi ews L awr ence Kutner, PE L exi ngt on, K Y House Inc. Deficiency Study Mi chael Tritter, PE, PLS L exi ngt on, K Y House Inc. Construction Cost Estimating Gr egor y H ouse, PE L exi ngt on, K Y House Inc. Public Participation Jeffrey Cole, PE, PLS L exi ngt on, K Y House Inc. Constructability Reviews L awr ence Kutner, PE L exi ngt on, K Y Kentucky Tr anspor tation KYTC Photogr ammetr y Frankfort, KY Cabinet Kentucky Tr anspor tation KYTC Environmental Frankfort, KY Cabinet Kentucky Tr anspor tation KYTC Geot echni cal Engi neer i ng Frankfort, KY Cabinet Kentucky Tr anspor tation KYTC Geotechnical Labor ator y Dr illing Frankfort, KY Cabinet Or ganizational Char t | Page 3 PROJECT TEAM ORGANIZATIONAL cHART PROJECT MANAGER Gr egor y House, PE PROJECT ENGINEER Robert Chase, PE, AVS DRAI NAGE Michael Guerin, PE, LSIT PLAN PRODUCTION Robert Chase, PE, AVS Roswell Engineering RIGHT OF WAY PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT Lucas Douglas, PE Gr egor y House, PE STRUCTURE DESIGN SURVEYING Travis Brennan, PE, PLS Michael Tritter, PE, PLS Henr y Dobson, PE, PLS QA/QC L awr ence Kutner, PE T he House Pr oj ect T eam wi l l pr ovi de t he highest quality engineering design for this Clinton County project. In addition to the team shown above, a full staff of engineers, designers, and technicians are committed to the successful completion of this project. Resume | Page 4A GREGORY HOUSE, PE Mr. H ouse has ser ved as Pr oj ect Manager for sever al rural and urban highway pr oj ect s for the K ent uck y Tr anspor t ation Cabinet including the r oadway approaches f or the new T ennessee Ri ver Br i dge in Paducah on US 60 and ext ensi on of the Wendel l For d Expr essway on the nor theast si de of Owensbor o, both currently under const r uction and the new r oadway providing impr oved access to the expansive Fidelity I nvest ment s campus in K ent on County near I-75, which is compl et e and open to traffic. Mr. H ouse was al so involved in the devel opment of the digital t er r ai n model s, identification of pr oj ect alter nat es, and geomet r i c layouts for the i nt er changes and i nt er sect i ons, including a roundabout for the K ent on County pr oj ect . Mr. H ouse is proficient in traffic anal ysi s, traffic simulation and pavement desi gn. HOME OFFICE ADDRESS PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATIONS Thinking Beyond the Pavement House Inc. PE- Kentucky, #23096, 2003 Cont ext -Sensitive Design Workshop 1957 Doctor s Lane Roundabout: Planning and Design Lexington, Kentucky 40505 TECHNI CAL TRAI NI NG Traffic Impact Study Training Micr oStation/I nRoads V8i Training CORSI M Semi nar EDUCATION AND EXPERIENCE A-E-C Pr oj ect Management Semi nar Highway Capacity Analysis Seminar University of Kentucky Traffic Management Plan Training KTC Par tner ing Wor kshop (1998-2010) BSCE, 1997 Tr anspor t Estimator Tr aining (2005) Mr. H ouse has been involved in the following pr oj ect s: • US 60 (OWENSBORO BYPASS), DAVIESS COUNTY, KENTUCKY: Pr oj ect Engi neer /Manager – Responsi bl e f or the developing Phase I and Phase II plans f or a five-mile ext ensi on of the Owensbor o Bypass. Phase I activities included participation in citizens committee meet i ngs to devel op al i gnment s.
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