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Over half a million continued sustenance and dollars annually is raised blessing in our homes. for the Jewish poor-who Astonishingly, thousands of are the first to suffer in unfortunate, impoverished our recessionary times. Jews in our own commu­ The recipients are nities - so very close to carefully screened, and home, cannot enjoy the New their iden-tities are always Year holidays! secret; even family mem­ We, at THE KEREN ANIYIM bers are often unaware CHARITY FUND FOR THE NEEDY, understand that they are being helped. their plight and are doing something about it. Our Your support is needed now more than ever! special holiday drive allows us to dispense funds to Together, let's ensure a better New Year, for our the needy for such necessities as food, shelter and impoverished neighbors. In the merit of your clothing. Just think of the precious Jewish children generous contribution, may your entire family be whose New Year will be more promising because of blessed with health, wealth and happiness. your generous contribution. RABBINICAL BOARD: Hora\' Avrohom Pam, Horav Yakov Perlow, Horav Kenneth Auman, Horav Raphael Pc!cmitz, Horav Meyer Schcinberg, Horav David Singer, Horav Avrohom C. Spitzer o•jw,,. ,nnl, I ,,,il n:i 'W, 'l''O::l .,"J:t 11Hl ,j!J"U0i1 "'ll ,OPD N,U C'j'JljN W'N W"lJ ""P3T jl', NWD aml ,, '::l,DDi1 .,n1:J::i N'::lJil li1'.,N •1"J'l., n::nw YESHIVAT HARAN OF JERUSAl.EM IS PROUD TO PRESENT Kl.AL YISROEL WITH A renowned, revered, tzadik of Yerushalayim - an eighth generation descendant of HaRav AHaKadosh Nochum Mishadik, who was zocheh to the revalation of Eliyahu HaNavi - will personally pray daily at the Kosel HaMaaravi and monthly at Meoras Hamachpela & Kever Rachel for your family-within one day of your request! Whether for sickness, crisis, parnosa or shidduchim-we are here to help! Your help to one of Eretz Yisroel's prestigious Yeshivas will be a zchus that is immeasurable. Join the many who have been helped! ,.., Jam 1J11Closing a donation of' Nam.________________ I Cl $36 min. (40 days) Address ________________ I Cl $72 (100 days) I Cl $108 (6 months) City/State/Zip ------------- Telephone: _______________ I Cl $180 (1 year) h f"l;'I n:::L 'W' You may also charge your Purpose o/Tejilab: ____________ • FOUNOED BY THE STEIPLER contribUtion~ to: u GAON "J"in Q Visa Q Mastercard Card Number: For your convenience and for emergency situations, -call our 1&·~ • ONE OF THE LARGEST I~ KOLLEUM IN YERUSHA!AYIM 24 HOUR HOTLINE: (7181 258-NEED Exp. Date__/__;_ WITH OVER 350 TORAH 11 SCHOLARS I Please make checks payable to: FRIENDS OF VESHIVAT HARAN 1 ~ 1589East21St,Srooklyn,NY 11210 JO 1 ~ L-----------------~-----------~o WISH SERVER THE JEWISH OBSERVER (ISSN) 0021-6615 is published monthly except July and August by the Agudath Israel of America, 84 William Street, New York, N.Y. 10038. Second class postage paid in New York, N. Y. Subscription $22.00 per year; two years, $36.00; three years, $48.00. Outside of the United States (US funds drawn on a US bank only) $12.00 surcharge per year. TESHUVA, TEFILLA AND TZEDDAKA REMOVE THE EVIL OF THE DECREE Single copy $3.00; foreign $4.00. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: 6 The Jewish Observer, 84 Wlmam Street, N.Y ., N.Y. 10038. Tel: (212) 797-9000. Striving to Forgive, Learning to Forget Printed in the U.S.A. Rabbi Noach Orlowek RABBI NISSON WOLPIN, EDITOR 11 Yamim Noraim, All Year Through EDITORIAL BOARD OR. ERNST L. BODENHEIMER RabbiEznelTauber Chairman adaptedjor publication by Yaakov Astor RABBI JOSEPH ELIAS 17 JOSEPH FRIEDENSON RABBI NOSSON SCHERMAN Through the Tears - Celebrate! Nissan Wolpin MANAGEMENT BOARD AVIFISHOF NAFTOLI HIRSCH 20 ISAAC KIRZNER Our Hands Did Not Spill This Blood RABBI SHLOMO LESIN Mordechai Schiller NACHUM STEIN 26 RABBI YOSEF C. GOLDING Buslfless Manag4'r Let's Shmooze About Davening Jacob I. Friedman Published by Agudath Israel of America 33 RABBI MOSHE SHERER PRESIOENT The Many Forms of Chessed Judith Weil SOLE U.S. TRADE DISTRIBUTOR EUROPEAN REPRESENTATIVE Feld helm Publishers M. T. Bibelman 200 Airport Executive Park Grosvenor Works PosTSCRIPTS SpringValley,N.Y.10977 Mount Pleasant Hill London ES 9NE, ENGLAND 39 Farewell to Shmittah, Miriam Samsonowitz ISRAELI DISTRIBUTOR AUSTRALIAN DISTRIBUTOR 43 As We Were Saying, Yonason Rosenblum Nechemia Rosenberg Gold's Book & Gill Co. Kiryat Telshe Stone. 108A 36 William Street D.N. Harei Yehuda, ISRAEL Balaclava 3183, Vic., AUSTRALIA SECOND LooKS ON THE JEWISH ScENE 44 A Story That Just Won't Die, David Freund THE JEWISH OBSERVER does not assume responsibility for the Kashrus 4 7 Seek Peace and Pursue It, Sarah Cohen of any product, publication, or service 50 Noted With Sorrow and Outrage, Prayer and Hope advertised in its pages 51 Letters to the Editor ©Copyright 1994 SEPTEMBER 1994 POETRY VOLUME XXVll /NO. 6 57 The Spider, Libby Lazewnik TESHUVA, TEFILLA AND TZEDDAKA REMOVE THE EVIL OF THE DECREE Rabbi Noach Orlowek Striving to Forgive, Leaming to Forget While for some it may be difficult to ash for e Gemoratells us that sins be­ forgiveness, the other side good health, for people who nurse old tween man and man are not grudges eventually wear away at their Tiorgiven by the Ribbono Shel of the coin, the ability to own inner strength. Olam without the hurt party being Let us examine the concepts of placated'. The Genwra gives a poi­ honestly forgive and judgment and forgiveness as they re­ gnant example of this when it re­ late to interpersonal affairs. counts the story of Rabbi Elazar forget, is even more B'Rabbi Shimon, who had insulted TWO FORMS OF JUDGMENT someone and then had to beg the difficult for many people. person's forgiveness, to the point of bi Yitzchok Hutner, ?":Ir, de­ prostrating himself before him2• neates the basic difference This, it would appear, is one of the tells us that n'7rnr.l 1,nm:i 7v 1':un:in ?:l tween how Man judges his RE 4 proofs ofthe Divine ortgin of the Torah. 1'll1!1~ ?~ ?v 1?- "Whoever overlooks fellow Man and how G-d judges Man • The greatest sage of his generation his own feelings on a matter is for­ No person has the rtght to judge an­ must plead with some unknown, given for his sins," this would suggest other "... for judgment is for G-d. "5 simple person for his pardon, and can­ to us how really difficult this task is­ When a human court does pass judg­ not find atonement, even with the for even D'lll!I~. sins done (chalila) as ment on another human being, it is most rtgorous and sincere penitence, an expression of rebellion against only as the emissary of G-d. without the forgiveness of the insulted Hashem. are also treated leniently, A human court, then, is permitted party, even if he has to lower himself should a person be able to forgive and ob1(gated to decide whether a to beg for forgiveness. No human mind with a full heart wrongs committed certain act was committed and then 3 would ever recognize this truth. against him . It would therefore be to pass judgment on the perpetrator. While for some it may be difficult worthwhile to try to gain some per­ There is no room, however, for the to ask for forgiveness, the other side spective on how people can find court to grant clemency, even were of the coin, the ability to honestly for­ within themselves the ability to sin­ they certain that the defendant has give and forget, is even more difficult cerely and completely forgive those sincerely regretted his action. The for many people. When the Genwra who have in some way wronged them. court's function is not to determine Not only does this ability brtng in its whether the defendant is a good per­ son or not-that is for Hashem to de­ Rabbi Orlowek serves as Mashgiach in several wake bountiful rewards vis-a-vis yeshivas in Yerushalayirn. A published author - one's relationship with Hashem (as in cide. The members of the court were My Disciple, My Child and My Child. My Disciple Rosh Hashana I 7a). it bodes for never given such a responsibility, for (Feldheim Publishers)-several of his essays have healthier interpersonal relationships, in truth they are incapable of deter­ been featured in JO. and is no small factor in maintaining mining this in any definitive way. 6 The Jewish Observer, September 1994 "Man sees with his eyes !hence, su­ Gemora tells 11 us-ifone sees a talmid perficially!. while G-d sees the heart"." chachom sin, do not suspect him of It is for the court to decide only as to rematning sinful.
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