April 18, 1966 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE 8185 The motion was agreed to; and <at 2 and agree to the conference asked by The SPEAKER. Is there objection o'clock and 48 minutes p.m.) the Senate the Senate. to the request of the gentleman from adjourned until Monday, April 18, 1966, The SPEAKER. Is there objection to Texas? at 12 o'clock meridian. the request of the gentleman from Colo­ There was no objection. rado? The Chair hears none and ap­ Mr. MAHON. Mr. Speaker, thus far •• ..... I I points the following conferees: Messrs. the House has processed four appropria­ ASPINALL, BARING, KING Of Utah, SAYLOR, tion bills this session-two supplementals HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and BURTON of Utah. for the current fiscal year 1966 and two regular annual bills for fiscal1967. Bar­ MONDAY, APRIL 18, 1966 ring unforeseen developments that might SUBCOMMITTEE ON ROADS OF COM­ interfere, we are scheduled to bring an The House met at 12 o'clock noon. MITTEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Rev. E. Franklin Jackson, John Wesley appropriation bill to the House floor vir­ Mr. KLUCZYNSKI. Mr. Speaker, I tually every week for several weeks run­ A.M.E. Zion Church, Washington, D.C., ask unanimous consent that the Sub­ offered the following prayer: ning, beginning next week. committee on Roads of the Committee on I should say that while not all of the Lift up your heads, 0 gates! Public Works be permitted to sit during budget is processed through the appro­ And be lifted up, 0 Ancient doors! general debate tomorrow and the balance priation bills, most of the spending side That the King of Glory may come in. of the week. of it is handled through them. I am in­ -Psalms 24:7 (revised The SPEAKER. Is there objection to cluding a table summarizing the totals standard version) the request of the gentleman from on the four bills. While the House has o Lord, King of glory, we lift our Illinois? shown a slight reduction below the Presi­ hearts to Thee at day's beginning that There was no objection. dent's budget requests in these bills, thus Thou mayest enter and fill us with Thy at least holding the line in that respect, presence for all the day long. STATUS OF THE APPROPRIATION it has, in other bills and actions this ses­ In awareness of that presence may our BILLS~ 89TH CONGRESS, 20 SES­ sion, substantially exceeded the applica­ hearts be aglow, our spirits exalted, and SION, AS OF APRIL 18, 1966 ble provisions made for those bills 1n the our resolve strengthened. Then let the President's budget. At this point, the tasks required of Thy servants be per­ Mr. MAHON. .Mr. Speaker, I ask formed in accordance with Thy will. unanimous consent to extend my remarks House is well above the President's rec­ Forgive us when we are shortsighted at this point in the RECORD and include· ommendations with respect to fiscall967. and fail to perceive Thy hand at work in certain tabulations~ Here is the tabulation: the affairs of men. Sharpen our vision, - without which we perish, that we realize, Summary of action on budget estimates in appropriation bills, 89th Gong., 2d sess., whether in matters personal or matters Apr. 18, 1966 of state, we are Thy servants, even, in­ struments in Thy hand. Budget Passed House Passed Senate Enacted Chang-e at latest Unite us, 0 Lord, amid the clash of estimates · stage of action di11ering opinions and diversity of in­ terests. May our single thought and 1. Bills for flscal1967: corporate effort insure the good of all Interior_----------------­ Borrowmg authority_ $1, ~~~ ~: ~) $1, ~g~ ~:&~h ====~======~==== ===============~ ---=~-~~~-~ and the peace of the world. Treasury-Post Office ____ _ 7, 246, 720, 000 7, 210, 177, 135 ---------------- --------------- -36, 542, 865 Lift up our hearts, abide with us, then 2. Sup~ementals for flscal1966: Thy will for all mankind will be accom­ ~~~:s~~~~~~~--- 13,135,719, ()()() 13, 135,719, {)()() $13, 135,719, ()()() $13, 135,719, {)()() ---------------- plished. Let us recognize that Thine is 2d supplementaL-------- 2, 813, 552, 168 2, 564, 872, 568 ---------------- ------ ---------- 1 -248, 679, 60& the kingdom and the power and the 3. Cumulative totals for ses­ sion: glory. Amen. House ___________________ 24,525,951,668 24,205,938,203 ---------------- --------------- 1 -320,013, 46i ~~~~~eii-ce-:.-~~=========== ~~: ~~g: ~~g: l: ======~========= -~~~~~~~~~~~~- -i3;ia5;7i9;ooo- ================ THE JOURNAL The Journal of the proceedings of t Includes $242,000,000 cut from a repayable advance to the social security medicare trust fund. Thursday, April 7, 1966, was read and Source: Committee on Appropriations, .A.pr. 11, 1966. approved. MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE AMENDING IMMIGRATION AND NA­ section itemizes the general classes of TIONALITY ACT aliens ineligible to receive visas and ex­ A message from the Senate, by Mr. cluded from admission to the United Anington, one of its clerks, announced Mr. HANLEY. Mr. Speaker, I ask States. For the purposes of H.R. 14320, that the .Senate had passed a b111 and a unanimous consent to address the House such review can be limited to the inad­ concurrent resolution of the following for 1 minute and to revise and extend my missibility of mentally retarded aliens. titles, in which the concurrence of the remarks. It will also be necessary, in justifying the House is requested: The SPEAKER. Is there objection need for the bill, to examine the per­ S. 2822. An act to amend various provisions to the request of the gentleman from formance of the U.S. Public Health Serv­ of the laws administered by the Farm Credit New York? · ice in the development of regulations to Administration to improve operations there­ There was no objectfon. under, and for other purposes; and guide the medical determinations of Mr. HANLEY. Mr. Speaker, on April mental retardation in the examination S. Con. Res. 85. Concurrent resolution con­ 6, I introduced H~R. 14320, a bill to gratulating Astronauts Neil Armstrong and of aliens. In order to further explain David R. Scott. amend the Immigration and Nationality why I introduced H.R. 14320, I shall re­ Act, as amended, so that aliens who are view for my colleagues two cases which deemed ineligible to receive an immi­ have been brought to my attention and grant visa because of a mental defect AUTHOR~ING CONVEYANCE OF which demonstrate most graphically may be accorded the same opportunity, why there is a pressing need for change. CERTAIN LANDS TO THE STATE under the same conditions, which is OF UTAH I also intend to comment on the possi­ given to aliens deemed ineligible because bility that the Public Health Service may Mr. ASPINALL. Mr. Speaker, I ·ask of mental retardation; to request that not need further congressional direction unanimous consent to take from the their exclusion be waiveu. to right the wrongs which now. exist. Speaker's table the bill (8. 265) to au­ In order to present in an intelligible thorize conveyance of certain lands to manner the reasons and the need for LEGISLATIVE HISTORY the State of Utah based upon fair market this legislation, I must review the legisla­ Senate Report No. 1515 of the 81st value, with amendments of the House tive history of section 212 <a> of the Im­ Congress, entitled "The Immigration thereto, insist on the House amendments. migration and Nationality Act. This and Naturalization Systems of the United / 8186 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- HOUSE April is, 1966 States," reviewed the history of medical orders occurring in such conditions as to the attention of Congress the facts exclusions in our immigration law. infections of the nervous system; for about modern medical developments and Aliens who were "idiots" were barred in example, in behavior disorders of epi­ ask that the Congress reconsider its in­ 1891. In the act of February 20, 1907, demic encephalitis, to classify more se­ tent in light of such developments. "imbeciles," "feebleminded persons," verely disabling neuroses and conduct To be even more specific, I am very and persons "affiicted with a mental de­ and habit disorders of adults and chil­ critical of the Public Health Service be­ fect" were added to the list of those dren, and to classify those persons who cause it has seen fit to use the term excluded on medical grounds. In the are likely to be brought into repeated "mental defect" on children who are, act of February 5, 1917, the excludable conflict with social customs, authority, according to progressive medical think­ classes were assembled. Senate Report or society in general. ing, mentally retarded. That term No. 352 of the 64th Congress contained What the report failed to point out is "mental defect" which the Public Health language which explained reasons for ex­ the fact that the Public Health Service Service has described to be very useful, cluding mentally defective persons: was using and has continued to this day has become perhaps too useful in that it The real reason for excluding the mentally to use mental defect to classify severely is being used to a void some very hard defective is to prevent the introduction into mentally retarded children. It is this and deep thinking on the meaning of the country of strains of mental defect that last usage that has prompted the intro­ mental retardation. Could it be the in­ may continue and multiply through suc­ duction of H.R. 14320. tent of Congress that such a term be ceeding generations. This brings us to the 1965 amendments used to classify severely mentally 1·e­ This change was made only after con­ to the Immigration and Nationality Act, tarded chUdren? Why then is the term sultation with persons of knowledge and P~blic Law 89-236.
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