Work Programme 2018/2019 Q4 Report ID Activity Name Activity Description Further Decision Lead Dept / Budget Activity RAG Q3 Commentary Q4 Commentary Points Unit or CCO Status Arts, Community and Events 95 Event Funding to support community events through a non- Confirm recipients CS: ACE: $78,200 Completed Green The Franklin Primary School Triathalon will not All grants from the Event Partnership fund have Partnership contestable process. and allocations. Events LDI: Opex be taking in place 2019. $2,000 to be reallocated been paid to recipients. Most accountability Fund - Franklin at the local board's discretion. reports are still outstanding and will be sent to (Externally - Clevedon A&P Show $20,000 (Clevedon A&P the local board in Q1 of 2019/2020. Delivered Association) All other grants from this fund have now been Events) paid out to recipients. No further update. - Franklin A&P Show $20,000 (Franklin A&P Association) - Franklin Primary Schools Triathlon $2,000 (Franklin Primary Schools Triathlon Committee) - Blast to the Past $5,000 (WBDA) - Steel N Wheels $10,000 (WBDA) - Beachlands Trolley Derby $5,000 (Beachlands Community Trust) - Franklin Positive Aging Expo $7,000 (Franklin Integration Project Positive Ageing Group) - Waiuku Duck Boat Derby $700 (Franklin Young Mariners) - Waiuku Lions Sand to Mud Fun Run and Family Day $500 (Waiuku Lions Club) - Eye on Nature $8,000 (Manukau Beautification Trust) (Note: Karaka Vintage Day bi-annual event, $10,000, Karaka Sports Ground Society is not held in 2018/2019 and not included in budget ) 96 Event Programme and deliver two regional Movies in Parks Choice of venue, CS: ACE: $27,000 Completed Green Movies In Parks "Hunt for the Wilderpeople" was No activity occurred in Q4. Events were Partnership series events. movie, date Events LDI: Opex screened on Saturday, 2 March 2019 at Rugby delivered in Q3. Fund - Franklin selection and Park, Waiuku with approximately 1,000 people (Movies in delivery package attending and "Paddington 2" was screened on Parks) from options Saturday, 23 March 2019 at Sunkist Bay Park, available. Beachlands with approximately 1,000 people attending who enjoyed the pre-entertainment and activities on offer. A detailed post-season delivery report will be presented in Q4. 98 Citizenship Deliver an annual programme of citizenship No further CS: ACE: $9,330 Completed Green During Q3, the Civic Events team delivered one The Civic Events team delivered one citizenship Ceremonies - ceremonies in conjunction with the Department of decisions Events ABS: Opex citizenship ceremony for Franklin Local Board on ceremony on one occasion during Q4 with 127 Franklin Internal Affairs. anticipated. 12 February 2019 at Pukekohe Memorial Hall, people from the local board area becoming new with 130 people becoming new citizens, plus citizens. approximately 100 guests. 99 Anzac Services - Support and/or deliver Anzac services and parades Confirm allocation CS: ACE: $35,000 Completed Green Scheduled for Q4. Planning commenced in Q2. Events in Christchurch resulted in the Franklin within the local board area. of funding to local Events LDI: Opex consolidation of Anzac Day services due to Anzac Services police resourcing and security review. The Support traffic management plan for Armistice Day and Parades Pukekohe Dawn and Civic services were commemoration. delivered. Approximately 1000 people attended each service at the Pukekohe Memorial Hall. 100 Local Civic Deliver and/or support civic events within the local Confirm CS: ACE: $5,000 Completed Green During Q3, the Waiuku Trail Sod Turning was In Q4, the Waiuku Trails Opening and Events - Franklin board area. programmes and Events LDI: Opex held on 22 March 2019, with approximately 70 Volunteers Planting Day event was delivered on activities that are guests. Approximately $400 was spent on this 9 June 2019. Approximately 250 volunteers to be supported event. came to help plant the wetlands trees on the by this line with new trail. the local board and Community Facilities. 1 / 29 Franklin Local Board Work Programme 2018/2019 Q4 Report ID Activity Name Activity Description Further Decision Lead Dept / Budget Activity RAG Q3 Commentary Q4 Commentary Points Unit or CCO Status 101 Franklin's Finest Contribute funding to a community volunteer awards Confirm event CS: ACE: $3,000 Completed Green No event held. The event was cancelled because the media (Volunteer event (Franklin's Finest) within the local board area. plan and funding. Events LDI: Opex contractor group couldn't deliver the event. Awards) Arrangements were organised for the names to be added to the existing winners board. The supreme winners are: 2017 Liz Alexander 2016 Dave Mills 2015 Rowena Massey Lifetime winners are: 2017 Garry Cousins 2016 Brian Johnston 2015 George Harris 226 Operational Operate Franklin Arts Centre: No further CS: ACE: Arts $124,476 Completed Green During Q3, the gallery delivered 24 programmes, During Q4, the gallery delivered 18 Expenditure - decisions & Culture ABS: Opex five of which had Māori outcomes, and received programmes, two of which had Māori outcomes, Franklin Arts - curate exhibitions in the NZ Steel Gallery, and in the required. a combined total of 1,620 attendees and and received a total of 2,922 visitors and 555 Centre (Council Community Gallery participants. programme participants. Highlights included the Facility) film screening of BOWIE by local filmmaker - develop public programming-based on themes of Highlights included collaboration with the Amanda Zarah that showcased the life of a the exhibitions Auckland Arts Festival for the performance by single mother of a child with autism. This Ka Tito Au, the Pride Film Night in collaboration screening programmed perfectly with the - provide a programme of art classes and workshops with Pukekohe Library, and the solo show in the community gallery exhibition by autistic cross- for adults and children. New Zealand Steel gallery ‘Transposed stitch artist Chris Wills. Tranquillity’ which showcased local career artist - focus on bringing exhibitions from outside of the Jonathan Cameron. local board area to the arts centre. 227 Community Arts Engage a community arts broker to support a range Q1 - to approve CS: ACE: Arts $80,000 Completed Green During Q3, the arts broker supported the During Q4, the arts broker supported the Initiatives- Arts of art programmes to be delivered across the local the work & Culture LDI: Opex delivery of the following events and delivery of the inaugural Franklin Art Trail open Broker board area. Activities will support community-led programme programmes: studio weekend; the ‘Parallel Realities’ Festival Programme projects and bring resources from across council developed by the - The inaugural Clevedon Art Trail open studios of Exhibitions in Beachlands; and the delivery of organisation and CCOs to embed a local arts broker. weekend. ‘Taniwha Ventures’ that introduced locals and placemaking approach. - The delivery of a series of ‘Wild Work visitors to te ao Māori. Workshops’ which focused on environmental awareness through creative processes. - A mural in Kawakawa was completed. - The continuation of support and advice for applicants to receive funding through the Creative Communities scheme. 337 Community Provide community grants consistent with the board's CS: ACE: $251,000 Completed Green Local Grant Round Two closed in March 2019. The local board has completed two local grant grants (FR) community grants programme 2018/2019 as follows: Community LDI: Opex Decisions on grants will be made in Q4. rounds and three quick response rounds with a - Local Community Grants: $181,000 Empowerment total of $227,893.30 allocated. A total of - School pool Community Grants: $25,000 $46,893.30 was reallocated to the grants budget - Coastal Sea Rescue Grants: $45,000. from other LDI budgets, including the remaining amount from the School Swimming Pool Fund. The Coastal Rescue Grant was also fully allocated to three groups, within this budget line. $63,328.37 of the Coastal Rescue Services Fund was allocated. A total of $18,328.37 was reallocated from a different LDI budget. 756 Venue Hire Provide, manage and promote venues for hire, and Q4 - Local Board CS: ACE: $0ABS: Opex Completed Green During Q3, staff updated the local board on the During Q4, 78 per cent of hirers indicated that Service Delivery the activities and opportunities they offer by:- to approve fees Community fees and charges for 2019/2020.Community they would recommend the venues they have - FR Managing the customer centric booking and access and charges Places drop-in sessions were held across Auckland to visited. Participant numbers have increased by process- Continue to develop and deliver service schedule for help hirers with the online booking process. This 1 per cent and booking hours have decreased improvement initiatives- Aligning activity to local 2019/2020 also gave hirers the opportunity to raise any by 10 per cent compared to the same period board priorities through management of the fees and questions they have with the hire process or the last year. The decrease in booking hours is due charges framework. These include whether activities venue they hire.Bookings for 2019/2020 opened to regular hirers at Clevedon District Centre, contribute to community outcomes offered by not-for- on 5 March 2019. By the end of the day there Pukekohe Old Borough Building and Whitford profit and community groups. were over 18,000 bookings across the network. Community Hall not renewing their bookings.
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