DEC 111996 A young girl goes through a crisis of faith and a dawn of understanding during an earth­ quake in rural California, in a brilliant story by the extraordinary Hisaye Yamamoto.... A newlywed couple must deal with the ten­ sions of sex and Chinatown society in Louis Chu's acclaimed Eat a Bowl of Tea. ... A young Japanese American is victim of the conflict between two cultures in John Okada's brutally powerful No-No Boy. ... A superb surreal play hilariously dissects the Asian­ American experience in Frank Chin's The Chickencoop China,nan. ... This is just a sampling of the feast of fine V11riting and fierce truth offered in- A 111 EEEEE! ARCHBISHOP MITTV LIBRARY "Illuminates areas of darkness in the hidden experiences of a people _w90 �ad been ht­ • 9698 tie more than exotic·flgmen�. of someone else's imagination. :": demolishfs those comfortable cliches about the mysterious, ' cunning, impassive, silent, invincibly ( polite Oriental ... an introduction both to ( ' the diverse strains of one of America's \ Archbishop M' minority cultures and to some heretofore C "' unheralded writers." � C -The Neu, York Times Book Revieiv I,; 500 Way -C San Jo , CA. 95129 Frank Chin,Jeffery Paul Chan, La,vson Fusao ' Inada, and Shawn Wong are also the editors of The Big Aiiieeeee!: An Anthology of Chinese­ American and )apancse-A1nerica11 Literature (available in a Meridian edition). - Mentor Brings you Closer to Your World (0451) D TH£ SAUDIS: Inside the Desi/ftKlnl(Jfm 'Y Samira lackey. "A rare, first-hand glimpse into the hidden realm of Saud, social and public life."-The New York Times Book Review. (170512--$5.951 D FROM BONSAI TO LEVI'S: WhnWest Mnts&st: AR Insider'sS,,,,,,,s/111 Accountof Howtile JapaMse Uva, by Georte Fields. "Jumps over the Aiiieeeee! cultural barners ... invaluable insigtrts for those who want to compete with the Japanese or just understand them better."--1.ouis Kraar, Asian Editor, Fortune. (623797-$5.95)" An Anthology of 0 RICE BOWL WOMEN: Writints by and AbOIIIthe Women ofChlfll and Japan, edited, withan Introductionand Notes, bJ DorothyBlair Sllimer. Asian American Writers Overa thousand years of stories and memoirs that reflect thechafli ing status and ongoing struggles of women in the Orient (008271--$4.95)* 0 A TREASURY OF ASIAII LITERATURE. edited willlan Introduction and Commentaries by John 0. Yohannan.Song, story and scripture of the great cultures of Asia selected from the classics of more than 2500 F.DITED BY years. (623959--$4.95) FRANK CHIN *Prices slightly higher in Canada JEFFERY PAUL CHAN LAWSON FUSAO INADA SHAWN HSU \v'O:'-JG Buy dlto,at y0<1rlac.1 1 baakstarear uu tlllscoa .. niencCOIIP00 onltrlna. laf MEW AMERICANLIIRARY P.O. lol 999, ll!riellfield. Naw ltnoy 07621 Archbishop Mitty HighSchool '." Pleasesend m•the books I nav• checked abo>,t.I am t<1t los1na ----­ Li!l?� Y (peaseadd $1.00 tothiSorder POStaeean<1 han<lh� SendcnecJ< o, money ' " l to,,_, • U'l 5000 ti:itt'/ \Vay order-no castl or C.O. O.'s. Pnces. and numbel's a,e subieci to ef\an.ge Vfllhout . " notice. ' U'l •N San Joze, CA SS129 Na,,ne._________ _________ " I- Mores;._______ ___________ C•IY-------Stat•----Zip Codi,___ _ Allow•-6 """"' dellvt,y. for Th $ offet. pnees-and numbers attsubject to chlnga• thoulnotlCe i 1 A MENTOR® BOOK TheGiligia Press forpennission to reprint "Chinks" and "Japs" MENTOR by Lawson Inada, from Dow,, attheSanta Fe Depot: 20 Fresno Published by the Pengutn Group Poets, Copyright O 1970 by David Kherdian andJames Baloian. Penguin 8ooks USA Inc., 375 Hudson Streei.. New York, New York 10014, U.S.A. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich forpennission toreprint excerpts Penguin 8ooks lld, 27 Wrights Lane, from America I.! hi tM Heart by Carlos Bulosan, Copyright Q London W8 STZ, England 1946 by Harcourt Brace Jovanovich. Penguin Books Australia Ltd, Ringwood, Momoko lko for permission to reprint Act 1 of Th Gold Victoria, Australia Watch,Copyright C 1969 by Momoko Ilto. Full text of the play Penguin Books Canada Ltd, 10 l\.lcorn Avenue, Tu Gold Watch is available through loner City Press. Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4V 382 Ref,; Shtmpo forpermission tO reprint "And the Soul Shall Pen� Books (N.Z.) Ltd, 182,-190 Wairau Road, Dance" by \Va.kako Yamauchi, Copyright C 1974 by Wakako Auckland 10, New Zealand Yamauchi. Penguin Books Lld. Registered Offices: Harmondsworth, Middlesex, England Random House, Inc. for permission to reprint excerptsfrom Tlte Frontim of Love by Diana Chang, Copyright Cl 1956 by Published by Mentor, an imprint of New AmericanLibrary, a Diana Chang. division of Penguin Books USA Inc. Published by arrangement with Howard University Press. Lyle Stuart Inc. fot" permission to reprint excerpts &om &t a Bowl ofTea by Louis Chu, Copyright Cl 1961 by Louis Chu. First Ment0r Printing, October, 1991 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Charles E. Tuttle Co. for permission to reprint exeierptsfrom No-No Boy by John Okada, Copyright Cl 1957 by Charles E. Copyright C 1974, 1983 by Jeffery P. Chan, Fran.k C. Chin, Tuttle Co. Lawson F.lnad a. and Shawn H. \Vong "AUieeeeel Revisited" copyright iCI 1991 by Jeffery P. Chan, Hlsaye Yamamoto for permission to reprint "Yoneko'sEarth· Frank C. Chin, Lawson F. lnada, and Shawn H. Wong quake" from Furioso, Copyright Cl 19;1, 1952, 1974 by H.isaye Introductioncopyright e 1974, 1983 by Jeffery P. Chan, Frank Yamamoto. C. Chin, Lawson F, lnada, and Shawn H. Wong Copyright C:, 1974 by Jeffery Paul Chan @REGISTERED TRADEMARK-MARCA REGISTRADA Copyright 0 1974 by Frank C. Chin Copyright O 1974 by Lawson Fusao Inada PRINTED IN TKE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Copyright C 1974 by Wallace Lin Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above,no Copyright e 1974 by Oscar Penaranda part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in ot"intro­ Copyright C I 974 by Sam Tagatac duced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in anyform, or Copyright C 1974 by Shawn Hsu \Vong by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recordlng, Copyright C 1983 by S.E. Solberg or otherwise),without the prior written permission of both the All rights reserved. For information address Howard University copyrightowner and the above publisher of this book. Press, 2900 Van Ness Street NW, Washington, DC 20008. BOOKS ARE AVAILABLE AT QUANTITY DISCOUNTSWHEN USED TO Grateful aclt,.owledgmmt is mad,, to: PROMOTE PRODUCTS OR SERVICES. FOR INFORMATION PLEASE Ca�ton Printers, Lld. for pennission to reprint "The Woman WRITE TO PREMIUM MAJIKEI'JNGDIVISION, PENGUIN BOOKS USA Who Makes Swell Doughnuts" by Toshio l\lorl. from Yohohama, INC., 375 HUDSON STR6ET, N6W YORK, NEW YORK 10014. California. 1949 If youpurchased this bookwithout a cover youshould be aware Frank Chin forpermission to reprint Act J of Tl,eCh� that this book is stolen property. lt was reported as "unsold Chirtama11, Copyright O 1973, 1974 by Fran.k Chin. and destroyed" to thepublisher and neither the author nor the [Th, follt1U·lngPf«• constltutt> antxU11Sion ofthe co,,,Tigl,J JIIQII<"] publisher bas received any payment £or this "stripped book." To the Memory of John Okada and Louis Chu - m Contents PREFACE xi Aiiieeeeel Revisited: Preface to the Mentor Edition xxiii INTRODUCTION: Fifty Years of Our Whole Voice 1 ASIAN Al\1ERJCAN WRJTERS: We Are Not New Here 59 CARLOS BULOSAN From America is in the Heart, a novel 61 JEFFERY PAUL CRAN The Chinese in Haifa 70 DIANA CHANG From The Fr01itiers of Love, a novel 93 FRANK CHIN Act I of The Cliickencoop Chi11aman 115 LOUIS CHU From Eat a Bowl of Tea, a novel 148 MOMOKO IKO Act J of The Gold Watch 163 WALLACE LIN Rough Notes for Mantos 197 TOSHJO Moru Preface The Woman Who Makes Swell Doughnuts 206 JOHN OKADA From No-No Bay, a novel 211 OSCAR PENARANDA Dark Fiesta 227 ASIAN AMERJCANS are not one people but several­ SAM TAGATAC Chinese Amedcans, Japanese Americans, and Fili­ The New Anak pino Americans. Chinese and Japanese Americans 237 have been separated by geography, culture, and his­ SHAWN Hsu WONG tory fromChina and Japan for seven and four gen­ Each Year Grain 258 erations respectively. They have evolved cultures and sensibilities distinctly not Chinese or Japanese H1SAY1! YAMAMOTO and distinctly not white American. Even the Asian Yoneko's Earthquake 266 I languages as they exist today in America have been WAKAKO YAMAUCHI adjusted and developed to express a sensitivity cre­ And the Soul Shall Dance ated by a new experience. InAmerica, Chinese and 283 Japanese American culture and history have been inextricably linked by confusion, the populariza­ tion of their hatred for each other, and World War II. Filipino America differs greatly from Chinese and Japanese America in its history, the continuity of culture between the Philippines and America, and the influence of western European and Ameri­ can culture on the Philippines. The difference is definableonJy in its own terms, and therefore must be discussed separately. Our anthology is exclusively Asian American. That means Filipino, Chinese, and Japanese Ameri­ cans, American born and raised, who got their xii Preface Preface Xlll China and Japan from the radio, off the silver books, their race and that the figure was rising annually. screen, from television, out of comic from Available statistics indicate a similar trend among the pushers of white American culture that pic­ Chinese American women, though the 50 percent tured the yellow man as something that when mark may not have beentopped yet. Thesefi gures wounded, sad, or angry, or swearing, or wondering say something about our sensibility, our concept of whined, shouted, or screamed "aiiieeeee!" Asian Chinese America and Japanese America, our self­ America, so long ignored and forcibly excluded esteem, as does our partly real and partly mythical from creative participation in American culture, is silence in American culture.
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