LOCAL AND REGIONAL GOVERNMENTS’ REPORT TOWARDS TO THE 2021 HLPF 5th REPORT THE LOCALIZATION OF THE SDGs Sustainable and Resilient Recovery Driven by Cities and Territories Facilitated by: #HLPF2021 #Listen2Cities © 2021 UCLG All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reprinted or reproduced or utilized in any form or by any electronic, mechanical or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including photocopying and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publishers. United Cities and Local Governments Cités et Gouvernements Locaux Unis Ciudades y Gobiernos Locales Unidos Avinyó 15 08002 Barcelona www.uclg.org DISCLAIMERS The terms used concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area, or of its authorities, or concerning delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries, or regarding its economic system or degree of development do not necessarily reflect the opinion of United Cities and Local Governments. The analysis, conclusions and recommendations of this report do not necessarily reflect the views of all the members of United Cities and Local Governments. European Union Editorial board: This publication was produced with the financial support Edgardo Bilsky, Anna Calvete, Ainara Fernández, Jolie of the European Union. Its contents are the sole Guzmán, Cécile Roth responsibility of UCLG and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union. Policy advisory: Emilia Saiz, Secretary-General, UCLG UCLG World Secretariat: Special thanks to Serge Allou, Jose Álvarez, Jean- Baptiste Buffet, Fátima Fernández, Pablo Fernández, This document was produced with the financial support Paloma Labbé, Rodrigo Messias, Prachi Metawala, of the Barcelona Provincial Council. Its contents are the Firdaous Oussidhoum, Mathilde Penard, Massimo sole responsibility of UCLG and do not necessarily reflect Perrino, Federico Poitier, Alejandra Salas, Fátima the views of the Barcelona Provincial Council. Santiago and Rosa Vroom and the rest of the UCLG World Secretariat. Special acknowledgment: Special acknowledgement is given to the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal) for their major This document has been financed by the Swedish contribution to Section 4: Mark J. Nieuwenhuisen and International Development Cooperation Agency, Sida. Leire Pajín (Coordinators); Berta Briones, Carolyn Daher, Sida does not necessarily share the views expressed in Laura Hidalgo, Carlos Illán, Oriana Ramirez and Julia this material. Responsibility for its content rests entirely Urquijo (authors). with the author. Special acknowledgment also goes to Climate Chance (Tania Martha Thomas, Amaury Parelle, Antoine Graphic design and lay-out: ggrafic.com Gillod, Samuel Laval, Ronan Dantec and Romain Cover photo: Hkeita of iStockphoto. All photos are Crouzet) for their contribution to the Subsection on property of the authors and were published under the “Planet” pillar, and to FMDV (Emilie Maehara) for Creative Commons license (http://creativecommons.org/ their contribution to Subsection 5.1 on "Financing the licenses/). Some rights reserved. localization of the 2030 Agenda". LOCAL AND REGIONAL GOVERNMENTS’ REPORT TO THE 2020 HLPF 5th REPORT TOWARDS THE LOCALIZATION OF THE SDGs Sustainable and Resilient Recovery Driven by Cities and Territories Facilitated by: TOWARDS THE LOCALIZATION OF THE SDGs Contents Abbreviations — page 6 Joint Statement to the 2021 High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development — page 8 Highlights — page 13 1 Introduction — page 18 2 Methodology — page 25 Policy and enabling environment 3 for SDG localization — page 27 3.1 Strengthening ownership: participation of LRGs in the preparation of VNRs — page 27 3.2 National SDG coordination mechanisms, implementation strategies and LRG participation — page 33 3.3 Leaving no-one behind — page 41 3.4 Conclusions — page 74 TOWARDS THE LOCALIZATION OF THE SDGs 4 Analysis of local and regional government contributions to facing the impact of COVID-19 and promoting recovery — page 76 4.1 Introduction and methodology — page 77 4.2 “People” pillar — page 80 4.3 “Prosperity” pillar — page 89 4.4 “Planet” pillar — page 100 4.5 “Peace and partnerships” pillar — page 108 5 Means of implementation — page 116 5.1 Financing the localization of the 2030 Agenda — page 116 5.2 Monitoring as a critical cross-level matter — page 123 6 Conclusions and way forward — page 127 Notes — page 136 6 TOWARDS THE LOCALIZATION OF THE SDGs Abbreviations APEKSI: Association of Municipalities of CSO: civil society organisation A Indonesia CUF: Cités Unies France (United Cities AChM: Asociación Chilena de APKASI: Regencies Government Association France) Municipalidades (Chilean Association of of Indonesia Municipalities) APLA: Association of Palestinian Local ACT-Accelerator: Access to COVID-19 Tools D Authorities DFI: development finance institution Accelerator APPSI: Provincial Government Association DLT: Deutscher Landkreistag (German ACVN: Association of Cities of Vietnam of Indonesia County Association) ADCCN: Association of District Coordination ARDCI: Assemblée des Régions et Districts DMP: disaster management plan Committees Nepal de Côte d'Ivoire (Assembly of Regions and DPR Korea: Democratic People's Republic ADEKSI: City Councils Association of Districts of Ivory Coast) of Korea Indonesia ARDCZ: Association of Rural District DR: Danish Regions ADKASI: Regency Council Associations of Councils of Zimbabwe Indonesia ARENI: Association des Régions du Niger DRR: disaster risk reduction ADLG: Association for Development of Local (Association of Regions of Niger) DS: Deutscher Städtetag (Association of Governance of Pakistan ASOCAPITALES: Asociación Colombiana de German Cities) AER: Assembly of European Regions Ciudades Capitales (Colombian Association DSTGB: Deutscher Städte- und AF: Alianza Federalista (Federalist Alliance of Capital Cities) Gemeindebund (German Association of of Mexico) ASPAC: Asia-Pacific region Towns and Municipalities) AFCCRE: Association Française du Conseil ATA: UCLG Africa’s Africa Territorial Agency des Communes et Régions d'Europe (French E Association of the Council of European C EGI: Emergency Governance Initiative Municipalities and Regions) C40: C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group EIB: European Investment Bank AICCRE: Associazione Italiana per il CAF: County Assemblies Forum of Kenya EU: European Union Consiglio dei Comuni e delle Regioni CAM: China Association of Mayors d'Europa (Italian Association of the Council EUR: euro CCFLA: Cities Climate Finance Leadership of European Municipalities and Regions) Alliance AIMF: Association Internationale des Maires F Francophones (International Association of CEMR: Council of European Municipalities FAM: Federación de Asociaciones Francophone Mayors) and Regions Municipales de Bolivia (Federation of ALAL: Association of Local Authorities of CI: Congreso de Intendentes de Uruguay Municipal Associations of Bolivia) Lithuania (Uruguayan Congress of Mayors) FAO: Food and Agriculture Organization ALAN: Association for Local Authorities in Cités Unies Liban/BTVL: Cités Unies Liban/ FCM: Federación Colombiana de Namibia Bureau Technique des Villes Libanaises Municipios (Federation of Colombian AL-LAs: Alianza Euro-Latinoamericana de (United Cities Lebanon/Technical Office of Municipalities) Cooperación entre Ciudades (Euro Latin Lebanese Cities) FDI: foreign direct investment American Alliance for Cooperation between CLAIR: Council of Local Authorities for FECOMUDI: Federación de Concejos Cities) International Relations of Japan Municipales de Distrito de Costa Rica AMB: Asociación de Municipalidades de CLGF: Commonwealth Local Government (Federation of District Municipal Councils Bolivia (Association of Municipalities of Forum of Costa Rica) Bolivia) CNM: Confederação Nacional de Municípios FEDEMUCA: Federación de AMGVM: Association des Maires des (National Confederation of Municipalities of Municipalidades de Cartago (Federation Grandes Villes de Madagascar (Association Brazil) of Municipalities of Cartago in Costa Rica) of Mayors of Major Cities of Madagascar) CoG: Council of Governors of Kenya FEDOMU: Federación Dominicana de AMM: Association des Municipalités du Mali CONAGO: Confederación Nacional Municipios (Federation of Municipalities of (Association of Municipalities of Mali) de Gobernadores de México (National the Dominican Republic) AMM: Association of Mayors of Mauritania Governors’ Conference of Federated States) FEMP: Federación Española de AMN: Association des Municipalités du CONAMM: Confederación Mexicana de Municipios y Provincias (Spanish Niger (Association of Municipalities of Niger) Municipios (National Conference of the Federation of Municipalities and Provinces) ANAM: Asociación Nacional de Municipios Associations of Municipalities of Mexico) de Guatemala (National Association of FLACMA: Federación Latinoamericana de CONGOPE: Consorcio de Gobiernos Municipalities of Guatemala) Ciudades, Municipios y Asociaciones de Autónomos Provinciales del Ecuador ANAMM: Associação Nacional dos Gobiernos Locales (Federation of Cities, (Consortium of Provincial Autonomous Municípios de Moçambique (National Municipalities and Associations of Latin Governments of Ecuador) Association of Municipalities of America) COP: United Nations Climate Change Mozambique) FMDV: Fonds Mondial pour le Conference ANCB: Association Nationale des Développement des Villes (Global Fund Communes du Bénin (National Association COSLA: Convention of Scottish Local for Cities
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