3DOHVWLQHRULJLQDOFRUUHVSRQGHQFHJXLGHWRWKH6FKRODUO\5HVRXUFHV PLFURILOPHGLWLRQRIWKH3XEOLF5HFRUG2IILFHFROOHFWLRQ&2 %G>@ :LOPLQJWRQ'HO 2ULHQW[ XUQQEQGHEYEEVE 'LH3')'DWHLNDQQHOHNWURQLVFKGXUFKVXFKWZHUGHQ Copyright Das Copyright für alle Webdokumente, insbesondere für Bil- The Bayerische Staatsbibliothek (BSB) owns the copyright for der, liegt bei der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek. Eine Folge- all web documents, in particular for all images. Any further use verwertung von Webdokumenten ist nur mit Zustimmung der of the web documents is subject to the approval of the Baye- Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek bzw. des Autors möglich. Exter- rische Staatsbibliothek and/or the author. External links to the ne Links auf die Angebote sind ausdrücklich erwünscht. Eine offer of the BSB are expressly welcome. However, it is illegal unautorisierte Übernahme ganzer Seiten oder ganzer Beiträge to copy whole pages or complete articles or parts of articles oder Beitragsteile ist dagegen nicht zulässig. Für nicht-kom- without prior authorisation. Some individual materials may be merzielle Ausbildungszwecke können einzelne Materialien ko- copied for non-commercial educational purposes, provided that piert werden, solange eindeutig die Urheberschaft der Autoren the authorship of the author(s) or of the Bayerische Staatsbibli- bzw. der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek kenntlich gemacht wird. othek is indicated unambiguously. Eine Verwertung von urheberrechtlich geschützten Beiträgen Unless provided otherwise by the copyright law, it is illegal and und Abbildungen der auf den Servern der Bayerischen Staats- may be prosecuted as a punishable offence to use copyrighted bibliothek befindlichen Daten, insbesondere durch Vervielfälti- articles and representations of the data stored on the servers gung oder Verbreitung, ist ohne vorherige schriftliche Zustim- of the Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, in particular by copying or mung der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek unzulässig und strafbar, disseminating them, without the prior written approval of the soweit sich aus dem Urheberrechtsgesetz nichts anderes ergibt. Bayerische Staatsbibliothek. It is in particular illegal to store Insbesondere ist eine Einspeicherung oder Verarbeitung in Da- or process any data in data systems without the approval of the tensystemen ohne Zustimmung der Bayerischen Staatsbiblio- Bayerische Staatsbibliothek. thek unzulässig. 9£ O /lis' . -/• Bayerische Staatsbibliothek <36645897790019 - L British Colonial Office Palestine Original Correspondence 1931 - 1934 GUIDE to The Scholarly Resources Microfilm Edition of the Public Record Office Collection CO. 733 Scholarly Resources Inc. SR: Wilmington, Delaware 1980S British Colonial Office Palestine Original Correspondence 1931 - 1934 GUIDE to The Scholarly Resources Microfilm Edition of the Public Record Office Collection CO. 733 Scholarly Resources Inc. SRJ Wilmington, Delaware 19805 CC Outn\. S^K , SCHOLARLY RESOURCES INC. Wilmington, DE Copyright 1980 by Scholarly Resources Inc. Bayerischs 1 StaatsbibMothek MORchen J Manufactured in the United States of America ^| 67-cr^ HOW TO USE THE GUIDE The Scholarly Resources Guide to the Colonial Office File 733: Palestine Original Correspondence is designed to make locating a particular file a simple procedure. There are two ways a researcher can find a file: by citation or by subject matter. By Citation A typical citation to the C.O. Palestine Original Corres­ pondence is CO 733/221/97168. "CO" is the abbreviation for Colonial Office; 733 is the class number for Palestine; 221 is the volume number in which the file is contained; and 97168 is the file number. The following steps will make reference to this citation. Step 1. Volumes are numbered consecutively throughout the 733 class. Find Volume 221 in the Guide. Step 2. Files within volumes appear in numerical order, although they are not always consecutive. Find File 97168 by checking down the File Number column under Volume 221. Step 3. Note the year and reel number for this file. Reels are numbered consecutively for each year. File 97168 appears on Reel 13 of the year 1932. Step 4. Note the number of folios preceding File 97168. This gives the researcher an idea of how far into Volume 221 he or she must go to reach the desired file. In this case, 34 folios precede File 97168. The researcher now has all the information necessary to locate the file in the microfilm. It appears on Reel 13 of year 1932, 34 folios into Volume 221. By Subject To find a file on a particular subject, read down the Subject columns until that subject appears. Then use the four finding steps given before to locate that file in the microfilm. The docket sheet for each file usually lists previous and in BRITISH COLONIAL OFFICE YEAR: 1932 REEL: 13 VOLUME: 220 (Cont.) FILE SUBJECT 97155 Jewish Agency Schools, strike of Teachers. 97158/1 Charities (Exemption from Customs) Ordcc. 1932. Txenption from Taxation (Religious and Charitable Institutions and Gov't. Depts.) Ordce. 1932- Garrison. Accommodation s Local Services. YEAR: 1932 REEL: 13 (Cont.) VOLUME; 221 RLE SUBJECT 97162/1 Annual Report. 1931 - CO. Minutes & Amendments 97168 Press. - Control of. 97168/1 Press Ordinance 1932 97169 Land Reforms. Report by Sir Ernest Dowson 97172- (Part 1) Orthodox Patriarchate 97172 (Part 2) Orthodox Patriarchate YEAR: 1932 REEL: VOLUME: 221 (Cont.) FILE SUBJECT 97172 (Part 2) (Cont.) Orthodox Patriarchate- 97172 (Part 3) Orthodox Patriarchate 97172/2 Orthodox Patriarch (Election) Ordce. 1932 97174 First Palestinian Arab Women's Congress. Memorandum to P.M.C. 97178 Kantara - Rafa Railway. Disposal of 2nd Track Rails. 97186 Trade Union Organizations 97190 Registration of Births of Children of British Subjects in Palestine. REEL: 14 (Cont.) VOLUME: 222 SUBJECT 97198 Education Ordinance. 97200 Road Transport (Amendment) Ordce. 97203 Customs Tariff (Amendment) Ordce. YEAR: 1932 REEL: 222 (Cont.) FILE SUBJECT 97204 Employment of Girls Ordinance 1932 97205 Customs (Amendment) Ordinance No. 2 of 1932- 97206 Annual Abstract Account 1929-1930 97208 (Part 1) Supreme Moslem Council. Constitution- 97209 (Part 2) Supreme Moslem Council. Constitution 97208/1 The Palestine (supreme Moslem Sharia Council) Order-In-Council 1932- LV ••• subsequent files referring to the same subject, which should be an aid to the researcher. Note, however, that these citations do not always refer to Class 733 material or even to Colonial Office files. Other classes of Colonial Office material and other offices (such as the Foreign Office) are indicated by the abbreviations prefixed to the citations. Explanations of these abbreviations can be found in Public Record Office reference books . THE REGISTER REELS FOR CO. 733: PALESTINE ORIGINAL CORRESPOND- ence The researcher who wants additional information on the files in CO. 733 before looking at the actual documents can refer to the Register Reels, C.O. 793, which accompany this microfilm program. The registers provide more lengthy subject descriptions of the files than does the Scholarly Resources Guide. They also indicate file dates and senders, and what action, if any, was taken upon receipt of each file. This information is given for every file in C.O. 733, including those that were "destroyed under statute" by the Colonial Office (which are not listed in the Scholarly Resources Guide). v * SAMPLE DOCKET 0 **?*?. ^L^tc-^ <£c CD- No. 4Ljp0 0Z* Co 7"S*S SUBJECT CD- £*i~4lrTt -O -•**, «-•- **•%„ * x n Previous b ^A <r <'6 ?&*+/&, £f4* . c '^/fs/tu, Subsequent <&y&~0& /Ay f!t!t !:?£& •nJ.ai. .->. *fcin*. ••—•m-** VI SAMPLE DOCKET FOR CO. 733: PALESTINE ORIGINAL CORRESPONDENCE A docket appears at the beginning of each Class 733 file. Its elements are: 1--Year in which the material was filed. 2--Country or area to which the file refers. All Class 733 material refers to Palestine. 3--File number. These run numerically but not always consecu­ tively throughout Class 733, due to certain files having been "destroyed under statute" by the Colonial Office. 4--Class number. 5--Volume number. These run consecutively throughout Class 733. Volumes contain varying numbers of files, depending on file lengths. 6--Item number. This number refers to the position of the file within its volume. In this case, the file is the first one in the volume. Not all files were assigned item numbers; they are not necessary for file location, and the Scholarly Resources Guide does not use them. 7--Subject of the file. 8--Citations of immediately previous and subsequent files on the same topic. If the citation has no prefix, it refers to a Class 733 file; prefixes indicate files from other classes or offices. VII PALESTINE CORRESPONDENCE CO. 733 1 YEAR: 1931 REEL: VOLUME: 195 FILE SUBJECT FOLIOS 87004 Mining Concessions - Petition of Captain L. Lloyd Williams 1-107 87005 Missing 87009 Miscellaneous correspondence. Application for certain information affecting Shipping (No. 88) 1-5 87012 Disturbances. Claims arising from 1-57 87013 Wailing Wall 1-42 87013/1 Wailing Wall Commission. Report of. 1-88 87013/3 Wailing Wall Order-in-Council 1931. 1-59 87013/4 Wailing Wall Order-in-Council. Petitions. Miscellaneous correspondence. 1-77 87015 Police 1-14 YEAR: 1931 REEL: VOLUME: 195 (Cont. FILE SUBJECT FOLIOS 87015 (Cont.) Police 14-60 87016 Kantara Rafa Railway. Accounts 1-61 87023 Garrison. Organization. 1-13 87024 Russian Ecclesiastical Property. Claims- - 1-118 87028 Property of H. Tuzman 1-26 YEAR: 1931 REEL: 2 (Cont.) VOLUME: 196 FILE SUBJECT FOLIOS 87033 Financial Commission- 1-50 87033- Part 2 Financial Commission
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