Maine State Library Digital Maine Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Law Books Inland Fisheries and Wildlife 1-1-1970 Maine Open Water Fishing Laws 1970 Summary Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Game Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalmaine.com/ifw_law_books Recommended Citation Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Game, "Maine Open Water Fishing Laws 1970 Summary" (1970). Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Law Books. 227. https://digitalmaine.com/ifw_law_books/227 This Text is brought to you for free and open access by the Inland Fisheries and Wildlife at Digital Maine. It has been accepted for inclusion in Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Law Books by an authorized administrator of Digital Maine. For more information, please contact [email protected]. s Department of Inland Fisheries and Game Augusta, Maine 04330 (Published in accordance with Section 1963, Chapter 303, Title 12 of Revised Statutes of 1964, as amended) LOCAL INFORMATION: FISHING & ACCOMMODATIONS For localized information, check with regional offices of the Maine, Publicity Bureau, located on main traffic arteries leading into Maine .. .or at their main office, Portland, Maine 04102 . and also with chambers of commerce or Publicity Bureau offices in larger towns and cities. District wardens will be glad to help to the best of their ability. DEFINITIONS CLOSED SEASON: The period when it is unlawful to fish for, take, catch, k ill, ordestroy any fish. OPEN SEASON: The period when fish may be taken as specified and limited by law; it includes the first and last day thereof. FLY: FLY means a single-pointed hook dressed with feathers, hair, thread, tinsel, or any similar material to which no additional weights, hook,spinner, spoon, orsimilardevice is added. FLY FISHING: To cast upon water and retrieve in the usual and ordinary manner, an unbaited, unweighted, artificial fly attached toa line to which no extra weight has been added. Except as otherwise provided, it shall be unlawful to troll a fly in waters restricted to fly fishing only. JIGGING: The use of any fishing tackle or device in an attempt to snag or snare fish. When fishing for Atlantic salmon in coastal rivers, "jigging" shall mean fishing with hook or hooks so as to pierce and hook a fish in any part of the body other than the mouth. Jigging is prohibited in Maine waters. TRANSPORT: Includes to offer or to receive for transportation. ALIENS: Aliens shall be classified as nonresidents, except that any alien who has resided in Maine continuously for 1 year and in addition thereto is assessed and pays taxes on real estate in the municipality in which he resides, or any alien who has resided in Maine continuously for 5 years, may purchase any resident license issued under Chapters 301 to 335. RESIDENT: A citizen of the United States who is domiciled in Maine with the intention of remaining and who has resided in this state during the 3 months next prior to date of application for license. (All employees of the Veterans Administration facility residing in Maine and employed by the Togus facility are classified as residents for the purpose of obtaining fishing licenses.) NONRESIDENT: A person not coming within the definition of resident; includes aliens as defined above. 2 TRIBUTARY: A brook or stream flowing directly or indirectly into a lake, pond or another stream. A lake or great pond (over 10 acres) shall not be considered to mean tributary. The tributary to a great pond shall not be considered a tributary to the outlet of that great pond. WATER THOROUGHFARE: A waterway without flowage, connecting 2 bodies of water. POSSESSION LIM IT: Whenever any waters have a special bag limit, no person shall have in his possession more than 1 day's bag limit taken from those waters. BAG LIM IT: The maximum limit, in number or amount of fish, which may lawfully be taken by any one person during one day. INLAND WATERS: All waters within the state above the rise and fall of the tide. TITLE 17 CHAPTER 79 2251. Dumping litter No person shall put or place, cause to be put or placed, deposit or throw upon any square, lane, alley, public bathing place, public park, the approaches thereto, or any other place, or into any inland or ti\ waters, or on the ice over such waters, or on the banks adjacent there o any bottles, glass, crockery, cans, scrap metal, junk, paper, garbage, rubbish, old automobiles or parts thereof, or similar refuse, except in proper containers placed for rubbish or garbage collection or removal or except in a public dump. Any person who violates this section shall be punished by a fine of not more than $100. Nothing contained in this section shall be construed as affecting authorized collections of such articles as garbage or refuse, nor shall anything be construed to prevent the proper use of the rights-of-way for highway purposes. If the throwing, placing or depositing was done from a motor vehicle, it shall be prima facie evidence that the throwing, placing or depositing was done by the driver of such motor vehicle. GENERAL OPEN SEASONS All dates are inclusive and apply to waters or portions of waters naturally free of ice, for all fish except black bass._________________ GENERAL MAJOR WATERS SEASON EXCEPTIONS 1 .Lakes & ponds April 1 -Sep. 30 Many reclaimed ponds (trout ponds) open the last Saturday in April. A good many waters are open in October; see county listings. 2. Brooks & streams April 1 - Aug. 15 Aroostook County opens May 1. Atlantic salmon closes 3. Rivers April 1 - Sep. 15 Oct. 15 on some rivers. 4. Special bass season: June 1 - June 20. See also section 4 on page 5. FISHING LICENSE FEES-1970 NONRESIDENT RESIDENT Season: age 16 and 16 years and o ld e r.............. $4.00 o ld e r..........................$11 -00 Combination......................... 7.25 12-15 years 3 -d a y * *..................................5.00 inclusive ......................... 2.25 70 years and o ld e r..................free 15-day*................................7.75 Blind persons.......................... free 7-day^.................................... 6.00 Leave or furlough*** .......... 2.35 3 d a y .................................... 5.00 **m a y be exchanged for *This is the only nonresident resident fishing license only, license exchangable; for upon payment of clerk's fee. $3.50, it may be exchanged ***combination hunting and for a season license. fishing license for Maine residents in the U.S. armed forces stationed outside Maine; valid for all furloughs or leaves during the year of issue. Nonresident licenses may be bought from any of numerous agents in Maine and other states or from the Fish and Game Department, State Office Bldg., Augusta, Maine 04330. Residents must purchase licenses in municipality of residence (except 3-day license). The 3-day license isfor 3consecutivedaysonly. GUIDE LICENSES: Resident, $15.00; nonresident, $50.00 Both these licenses permit fishing and hunting. Guides who use motor boats must have a motorboat operators license. (LICENSE INFORMATION CONTINUES ON PAGE 6) 4 GENERAL LAW BAG AND POSSESSION LIMITS No person shall take, catch, kill, or have in possession during any one day of any open season— from any or all of the inland waters of the state-more than 8 fish (12 in Aroostook County) of the salmon, trout, togue or black bass species, except as provided for by rules and regulations of the Department, under Section 1960. No person shall take, catch, or kill in any one day, or have in possession at any time, more than TA pounds in the aggregate of the above-mentioned species unless the last fish caught increases the combined weight to more than VA pounds. The daily bag lim it from any body of water is also the possession limit from that water at any one time.__________________________________________________ SPECIES BAG & POSSESSION LIMIT 1. Salmon Trout Togue (lake trout) See above two paragraphs. Black bass (see No. 4 below) 2. Chain pickerel 10 fish (except no limit in Washington Countv). 3. White perch No size or bag limit except 25 fish daily bag lim it in Kennebec and Somerset counties. See county listings for a few other exceptions. 4. Black bass June 1— June 20 inclusive: daily limit 3 (See also No. 4 fis h ; fish may be taken only on on page 4.) single-pointed-hooked artificial lures; possession limit 3 fish. Bass may be taken under the general law from June 21 through the remainder of the season. In all waters where the size and bag limits have been removed on bass, the season and the method of taking shall be the same as for trout and salmon. 5. Atlantic salmon April 1 is opening date on salmon rivers except the Dennys (May 1). Two fish limit. See salmon regulations on pages 38-39, as they vary from river to river. MINIMUM LENGTHS Bass, 10 inches; trout, 6 inches (no length limit on trout taken from brooks and streams); lake trout (togue) 14 inches; salmon, 14 inches (except 12 inches in Aroostook County). Some other exceptions in certain watersare listed by county. 5 FISHING LICENSES See fee schedule on page 4. No license is required for resident or members of his immediate family on land where they are domiciled and which is used exclusively for agricultural purposes. Indians, over 16 years on the tribal lists of the Penobscot and Passamaquoddy tribes of I ndians, upon certification by the commissioner of I ndian affairs, may procure free license. BOYS' AND GIRLS' CAMPS, to fish in lake or pond adjacent to camp: a blanket license (children not over 16 years of age) an enrollment of less than 50 campers $30.00 an enrollment of not less than 50 and not more than 75 campers 50.00 an enrollment of more than 75 campers 75.00 CAMP TRIP LEADER'S PERMIT (for resident camps) 5.00 (for nonresident camps) 10.00 REPLACEMENT: Duplicate licenses issued at main office, Augusta, $1.00.
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