Covers Georgia Southern like a cloud of gnats e-Anne Dateline: Southern 'First Erk, then Perk,' says Henry Compiled by Mike Mills There will be a student and fac- ulty blood drive on Wednesday, as top UGAfundraiser joins staff August 5th at the Williams Center from 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. and will be rim Staff Reports by GSC and the American Red H. Perk Robins, who has headed the his appointment means to GSC is to Cross. The goal of 175 units of blood University of Georiga's multi-million say that Perk Robins is the 'Erk Russell and "It's really up to all of us to see dollar fundraising programs for 15 of Fundraising,'" Henry quiped, "First that blood is available when and years, has accepted GSC's new post as Erk then Perk... another winner for where we need it." explained Heidi executive assistant to the president us. We are delighted and gratified Wright, Donor Resources Consult- for development. that a professional of Perk's caliber ant. Much of the blood gathered President Nicholas Henry an- would consider GSC a worthy chal- will be used to assist accident vic- nounced that Robbins will join the lenge for the capstone of his career." tims, surgery and chemotherapy staff September 1 to direct the college's In the last few years, GSC has been patients. fundraising initiative in the private the fastest growing institution in the * * * sector. Robins served as UGA's vice- state as the campus braces itself for GSC marketing professor and president for development from 1973- the record 9,500 students expected for textbook author, Dr. William H. 1987 and is currently in charge of Fall semester, a boom of nearly thirty Bolen has been selected as the Georgia's proposed 200 million dollar H. PERK ROBINS percent in the last two years. Robins school of business' first "Alumni Third Century Fund. UGA fundraiser joins college said he was eager to be part of "an Professor of Marketing." The pro- Under Robins, UGA's permanent administrative team that is striving to fessorship was designed to promote endowment grew from 11 million to 75 donors and quadrupled its dollars. provide excellence for the region and research and outreach programs million dollars, the Bicentennial Some thirty colleges and universities the state. I am particularly motivated for the school of Business. Bolen's Campaign raised twice its original goal were seeking Robins as a consultant by the esprit de corps of the faculty, textbooks have had wide acclaim to 93 million dollars and overall an- for fundraising. staff, students, alumni and the com- and usage on many campuses across nual giving campaign doubled its "The best way I can describe what munity at large." this nation. In accepting the posi- tion, Bolen was forced to resign as head of the Marketing department, a post he held since 1974. 1 hurt, 28 kids scared in pool mishap * * * By Mike Mills seler from the First United Baptist was preparing a chlorine solution and For those of you who missed last Church to the hospital for possible "following instuctions correctly and quarter's commencement exercises, Editor An apparent accidental chemical re- exposure to escaping gasses on July had no reason to believe that the bucket I graduated and six GSC professors holdingthemixture might contain any action at the In-the-Pines pool 12th at 11:30 a.m. were honored with awards for The children, spending the morning incompatable chemicals." Excellence in three areas: instruc- pumphouse left one Auxilary Services employee slightly injured and sent 28 at the pool, were transported to Bulloch The 31 year old employee was hospi- tion, service and creative/scholarly talized overnight with a bronchial childen ages three to 13 and a coun- County Hospital where seven were activity. Dr. Sally Gershman, asso- kept for evaluation and the rest re- initiation from the chlorine gas. She ciate professor of history and Dr. leased as unharmed. An investigation had apparently chlorinated the pool David Stone, professor of mathe- Faulk travels'on was launched to discover the cause of many times before without incident. matics were each honored in the the accident by Tedd Wynn of the Due to the accident, GSC will be area of instruction. Dr. Gale Bishop, mission to China public safety division. exploring the possibilty of contracting professor of Geology and Dr. Her- It was reported that the employee chlorination from a private firm. bert O'Keefe, professor of account- Staff reports ing got-the jiod each for service. Dr. David Foulk, director of the GSC Finally, Dr. Bernard Soloman, center for Rual Health, is one of a professor of art and Dr. John group of 24 Americans who recently Around the state... Humma, a good guy and professor traveled to the People's Republic of of English took the awards for crea- China. From Georgia's collegiate press ent organizations. Like GSC, West tivity and scholarly activity. Invited to tour as a member of a rual Speaking of consolidations, two Georgia uses these camps to sup- * * * health care delegation, Foulk com- schools Clark College and Atlanta pliment their revenues for the coming For those of you who were won- pared similarities and differences in University are consideringmerging to fiscal year. dering who you would be talking to health manpower, care financing, create a 3,000-student institution that about all those parking tickets now treatment and care delivery methods couldbetter face the future, according The Kappa Alpha fraternity at Uni- that 23 year veteran Chief Harold in the U.S and China. to officals at the 100 year old predomi- versity of Georgia has recently come Howell has retired from the Public "We went at the invitation of the nately black colleges. The resulting under fire for flying the confederate Safety Division, it is time to meet People's Republic of Chin a Science and school would be named Clark Univer- flag over their house by minority Kenneth Brown. Mr. Brown , a for- Technology Association," stated Foulk, sity and the resulting benefits would groups and other racially conscious mer officer with the state pardons "They (the Chinese) have greatly re- include broadened opportunities for peoples. KA president, Richard Min- and paroles board in Statesboro duced mortality rates in recent years, students, higher pay for Clark College ter, says the flag is flown not to alien- took over on July 1,1988. Brown, a but they are just beginning to deal faculty members and a competitive ate anyone, but to celebrate the South- former criminal justice major here with the AIDS issue." position to vie for university grants ern heritage and uphold the traditions Foulk and his group traveled be- and support of the private sector. of reverence toward God and chivalry at GSC has, according to VP for * * * Business and Finance Richard tween the main cities-Beijing, Xi'am, toward women. He says the flag is Armstrong, "exception al knowledge Hangzhou and Hong Kong by air and If you think that the influx of aliens flown only during parties as a way of of local law enforcement and that is by train to some of the smaller cities. to our campus is bad this summer, letting passersby know that there is a real advantage in continuing our "The trip will allow the GSC center for consider the plight of West Georgia something going on. Minter goes on to good working relationship with Rual Health to evaluate and compare College that is expecting over 8,000 state that the chapter is ready to open these agencies." Good luck Chief different systems of health care," said visitors attending its various basket- discussions with any minority groups Brown. Dr. Jerry Laffery, dean of the school of ball, cheerleading, band, football and that wish to discuss the flag's symbolic Health and professional studies. soccer camps from a total of 58 differ- meaning and racial implications. 7 George-Anne Yes. Mr. Wolfe.. Since 1927, Georgia Southern's Official Student Newspaper July 28,1988 you can go home again Mike Mills Terry Harvin By Mike Mills Page 4 Sports Editor Editor Editor not so youthful frames. The guys were Amy Jackson Don Clay Leigh Veteto A few weeks ago, I attended my ten a little pot-bellied or had a little less Cartoonist Business Manager Production Assistant year,high school reunion and cele- hair; but in my mind's eye, I only saw Bill Neville, Student Publications Advisor brated with my former classmates from them as they once were. Some of our Tho GEORGE-ANNE Is the official student newspaper of Georgia Southern College.owned and operated by GSC students and utilizing the facilities provided by GSC. The ideas expressed herein are those of the editor or the IndMdual authors and the graduating class of 1978 of notaries were noticably absent. Mike do notnecessarily represent the views of the Student MedaCommittee.the administration, the facutty and staff of Georgia Westside High School in Augusta. It Kelly, the star quarterback who had Southern College, or the University System of Georgia. The GEORGE-AN NE is published weekly during the academic year and twice during summer quarter. was a suave and debonaire affair that gone on to play at Georgia Tech and in OFFICErRoom 110, F. L Williams Center. MAIL: The GEORGE-ANNE. Landum Center Box 8001,•Georgia Southern College, Statesboro, Ga. 30460. PHONE: 912/ brought together the losers, the win- the ill-fated USFL was mysteriously 681-5246 or 912/618-5418 ners and those who dwelled some- absent. My best friend Richard Moyer where in between for a single evening did not make his appearance much to of reminiscing and catching up.
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