Proc. NatI. Acad. Sci. USA Vol. 84, pp. 6815-6819, October 1987 Genetics Expression of a set of synthetic suppressor tRNAPhe genes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae JEAN-MICHEL MASSON*t, PIERRE MEURIS**, MICHAEL GRUNSTEIN*, JOHN ABELSON§, AND JEFFREY H. MILLER* *Department of Biology and Molecular Biology Institute, University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90024; and §Division of Biology, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125 Contributed by John Abelson, June 15, 1987 ABSTRACT Synthetic ochre and amber tRNA suppressor A OH C genes derived from the yeast tRNAmA sequence have been C constructed. They were efficiently transcribed in vitro and A expressed in vivo via a synthetic expression cassette. tRNAUeA G C and tRNAI AAVS (IVS = intervening sequence) are relatively C G G C inefficient ochre suppressors. They are toxic to the cell when G U expressed on a multicopy plasmid, and they do not suppress at A U all when present as single copies. The intron does not seem to U A have any effect on suppression. In contrast, the amber sup- 2-Me U -A c C U U GACAC A-i-Me pressor tRNAC!AIVS is efficient when expressed from a D ~~~A G single-copy plasmid, while its efficiency is reduced on a D-uU CUCG CUGU UCG multicopy vector. G GAGCGCGGGA G C.GAG 5-Me Suppressor tRNAs are useful genetic tools in investigating C G 5-Me the nature of suppressible mutations as well as the transla- 2-2 diMe- A- U 7-Me tional process. They also provide a very powerful tool for the GO*'U 5-Me analysis of structure-function relationships in proteins by 2'0-Me2'MAUGUCAA allowing defined amino acid substitutions at specified posi- tions. Unfortunately, only a limited set of suppressors can be G C U generated by conventional mutagenesis because (i) most Anticodon A- U tRNA genes would require two or three changes to be converted to suppressor tRNA-encoding genes, and (ii) A A although a number oftRNA genes are known to be redundant A A in the cell, the replacement of a wild-type tRNA gene by its AA suppressor counterpart could be deleterious to the cell. This is likely the case in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, where only FIG. 1. Structure of the precursor tRNAghAA. Numbering is that three classes of suppressor tRNAs have been uncovered, of Nishimura (5). The 18-base intron is delineated by the thick leading to insertion oftyrosine, serine, and leucine (1). Other arrows. Positions of the base modifications are indicated. Abbrevi- suppressors that theoretically could be obtained by a single ations: Me, methyl; 2T-0-Me, 2'-0-methyl; D, dihydroxy; and YI, base change from the tRNAs leading-to insertion of gluta- hypermodified. mine, glutamic acid, lysine, or tryptophan have not been observed. Moreover, it has been shown that a serine- SUP4. Expression of these genes was studied in vitro in a inserting ochre suppressor is lethal in haploids, while the yeast RNA polymerase III system and in vivo by transfor- diploids that bear one intact copy of the corresponding mation of the genes into yeast. tRNASer gene are viable (2, 3). tRNA genes now can be easily synthesized chemically. MATERIALS AND METHODS Therefore, one straightforward way of generating new sup- pressors is to synthesize them de novo. Such an approach has Strains, Plasmids, and Media. E. coli strain MC1061 was been shown to be successful in Escherichia coli, where a used for transformation and large-scale preparation of the large collection of suppressor tRNAs has been obtained (ref. various plasmids. S. cerevisiae strain AHA75 (trpl, ade2-o, 4; also J.-M.M., J. Normanly, L. G. Kleina, J.A., and arg8-o, his4-o, leu2-o, lys2-o, tyrJ-o, ura4-o, where o desig- J.H.M., unpublished data); therefore, we decided to extend nates an ochre mutation) (11) was provided by Maynard this strategy to yeast. Olson. S. cerevisiae strain S2 (trpl, met8-1-a, tyr7-1-a, The first suppressors we synthesized are derived from ade3-26-a, where a designates an amber mutation) was tRNArJI (Fig. 1). The tRNAPbC sequence has been deter- constructed by crossing strain AHA75 with strain SL183-21C mined at the RNA and DNA levels (6-8), and its structure has provided by Susan Liebman. E. coli strains were grown on been resolved by x-ray crystallography (9, 10). The tRNAPhC LB medium with ampicillin as described (12), and S. cere- has an intron of 19 base We visiae strains were grown on yeast extract/peptone/dextrose gene pairs (bp) (8). synthesized medium or drop-out plates of synthetic complete medium suppressor tRNA genes with and without the intron. These Sherman et al. synthetic genes were cloned into an expression cassette, minus one amino acid as described by (13). which we designed based on the sequence ofa tRNATYr gene, Abbreviation: IVS, intervening sequence. tPresent address: Departement de genie biochimique et alimentaire, The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page charge I.N.S.A., Avenue de Rangueil, 31077 Toulouse Cedex, France. payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked "advertisement" tPresent address: Centre de Recherche de Biochimie et de Genetique in accordance with 18 U.S.C. §1734 solely to indicate this fact. Cellulaires, 31062 Toulouse, France. 6815 Downloaded by guest on October 2, 2021 6816 Genetics: Masson et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 84 (1987) Oligonucleotides and Gene Synthesis. The following oligo- modified nucleosides were separated by the method of nucleotides were synthesized on an Applied Biosystems Saneyoshi et al. (20) as described (19). (Foster City, CA) 380A DNA synthesizer: In Vivo Suppressor Assays. The efficiency of the suppres- sors in vivo was assayed by the method of Shaw and Olson 1, CGCGGATTTAGCTCAGTTGGGAGAGCGCCAGCCTTTAG; (11). In brief, serial dilutions of cells were plated as 5-,ul 2, AAAAAACTTCGGTCAAGTT; aliquots (107 to 101 cells on selective plates), and the plates 3, ATCTGGAGGTCCTGTGTTCGATCC; were scored for confluent growth after 5 days at 30'C in the 3, ATCTGGAGGTCCTGTGTTCGATCC; case of the ochre suppressors or 2 days at 30'C in the case of 4, ACAGAATTCGCATTTTTTGGTAC; the amber suppressors. 5, CAAAAAATGCGAATTCTGTGGATCGAACACAGGAC; 6, CTCCAGATAACTTGACCGAAGTTTTTTCTAAAGTCT; RESULTS 7, GGCGCTCTCCCAACTGAGCTAAATCCGCGAGCT; 8, CTCCAGCTCTAAAGTCT; Transcription of the tRNAl41A Genes Is Efficient in Vitro. 9, CGCGGATTTAGCTCAGTTGGGAGAGCGCCAGACTCTAG; Transcription of tRNA genes in eukaryotes is accomplished 10, CTCCAGATCTAGAGTCT; by RNA polymerase III (21). It is primarily controlled by two 11, CGTATACTCTTTCTTCAACAATTAGAGCTCCCGGGTACCAT; sequences internal to the coding region that are highly 12, CGATGGTACCCGGGAGCTCTAATTGTTGAAGAAAGAGTATA. conserved among eukaryotic tRNA genes (22-25). Nonethe- less, some additional features external to the coding region The oligonucleotides were purified, phosphorylated with have been shown to play an important role in transcription. kinase, and hybridized as described (4). The rationale for the These include a series of thymidine residues at the 3' gene synthesis was as follows: oligonucleotides 11 and 12 boundary of the transcription unit and a 5' leader sequence hybridized together are the expression cassette. The ochre (26, 27). suppressor gene was constructed from oligonucleotides 1 To efficiently express the synthetic suppressor tRNA through 7. Modifications to the original tRNARAIA sequence genes in yeast and ensure correct processing of the tran- were: (i) the anticodon was changed from GAA to TTA and scripts, we added a stretch of six thymidine residues at the 3' the complementary intron sequence was changed from TTC end of the tRNA gene sequences and cloned them in vectors to TAA to keep the base pairing between anticodon and YJM1 and YJM2 with a short synthetic expression cassette intervening sequence (IVS); (ii) the 3' transcription termina- (Fig. 2). The role of this cassette is to provide a 5' leader tion signal (a stretch of six thymidine residues) was included sequence as well as the Sac I and Kpn I cloning sites. Shaw in the tRNA gene oligonucleotide sequence instead of the and Olson (11) have shown that 27-36 bases ofthe 5' flanking expression cassette to avoid the risk of incorrect maturation sequence of the SUP4-o gene are required for optimal ofthe 3' end ofthe tRNA, which could have resulted from the expression of the gene. Therefore, we decided to include in introduction of a restriction site between the coding sequence our expression cassette a sequence of 27 bp derived from the and the termination signal; and (iii) Sac I and Kpn I restriction leader sequence of the SUP4-o gene. A cytosine residue was sites were created at the extremities of the tRNA gene added at the 5' end to create a CG cohesive end, and the 3' sequence. end was modified to a Sac I restriction site. Additional Omitting oligonucleotides 2 and 6 and replacing them by restriction sites were included at the 3' end, allowing this single-junction oligonucleotide 8 in the hybridizing reaction cassette to be used in other shuttle vectors. yielded the tRNAfUhUAAIVS gene. The corresponding amber To assess the transcriptional efficiency of the expression suppressor tRNAPheAAIVS gene was constructed by hybrid- cassette, we analyzed the transcription of our constructs in a izing oligonucleotides 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, and 10. yeast nuclear extract. The level of transcription of the Cloning, Transformation, and Selection. The 41-bp expres- tRNAPih6A genes on YJM2 did not differ significantly from sion cassette was introduced at the Cla I site ofthe multicopy that of a Sup53 gene cloned on a 2-gim plasmid (18) (Fig. 3). plasmid YRp7 (14). This site was chosen because it lies The primary transcript was not only produced at the same between the -10 and the -35 region of the tetracycline level as that of the control gene but also was processed promoter.
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