2nd International Conference on History Education 2018 IDEOLOGICAL CONTESTATION IN THE FORMATION OF THE NATIONAL GALLERY OF INDONESIA: CULTURAL POLICY REVIEW 1962-1998 Citra Smara Dewi Faculty of Humanities, University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia [email protected] Abstract This article studies the formation of the state’s cultural institution, the National Gallery of Indonesia (GNI) in the social, political, and economic dynamic context. The formation of GNI could not be separated from President Soekarno’s concept of nation and character building. Since initiated in 1946 and set out in policy TAP MPRS 1962, GNI is established 52 years later. These realities have raised the questions on how the cultural policy was implemented that caused the formation of GNI to take a long time. Studies have previously been done by Jarot, who studied the revitalization of GNI as a cultural heritage but did not study the ideological and cultural policies issues. This study uses Louis Althusser’s paradigm critical theory on the Ideological State Apparatus. The method conducted is historical, which consisted of heuristic, verification, interpretation, and historiography. The result of the study shows that the formation of the National Gallery of Indonesia has political dimensions where power relationships and ideological interests became parts of the structure. Keywords: The National Gallery of Indonesia, Character Building, Ideological Contestation, Cultural Policy. Introduction political and ideological control of the nation's The formation of the National Gallery historical events became a central part of of Indonesia (GNI) encompasses a long history historical writing.1 that is inseparable to the Indonesian Nation’s This research will focus on the role of journey. Social, political, economic and the Government-owned State Cultural cultural dynamics greatly influenced various Institution, namely the National Gallery of government policies in the GNI formation Indonesia because in addition to the National process. This could be traced through various Gallery of Indonesia, there are several State events and policies taken under the related Cultural Institutions such as the National government through two periods of Library, National Museum, and National government order, namely the Old Order Archives Center. In addition to GNI, there are (1945-1966) and the New Order (1966-1998). also regional level cultural institutions under It took quite a long time - more than half a the direct guidance of relevant provinces, as century- to attain a State Cultural Institution well as private galleries established by called GNI, because GNI was officially individuals, entrepreneurs or artists/cultural established on 30 April 1998, exactly a month groups. National Gallery of Indonesia (GNI) is before Reformation took place. If calculated selected, with the consideration that GNI is the since President Soekarno initiated the idea at center of Visual Documentation of Indonesian the beginning of independence, in 1946, then Contemporary Art. GNI’s main duties include the process of establishing the GNI took 52 Collection, Study, Documentation, years. Factual data have illustrated how Maintenance, and Security Center for the State collection, Exhibitions and Publications, 1Southgate, Beverly. (1996:53). History: What and Creativity and Appreciation Programs, Why. London: Routledge. Expansion of Community and Cooperation- 87 2nd International Conference on History Education 2018 networks. GNI has a significant role in Programs associated with the Cultural Policy Contemporary Art development through its Sector in the field of Archeology, Museums, various roles and functions. In the midst of the and History, particularly during the New Order globalization era, the existence of GNI could Government. However, this study did not become the strength of the nation's cultural comprehensively discuss the existence of the identity. The research location is Jakarta, State Cultural Institution, not even mentioning which is the barometer in cultural arts the idea of establishing an Indonesian National development in the country. The year 1962 is Gallery.2 selected as the start of study limitation Furthermore, research on the State considering that in 1962, the idea of Cultural Institution associated with President establishing GNI was formally stated in the Soekarno’s idea on “Nation, Character state document through TAP MPRS. The year Building”, was once carried out by Yuke 1998 is selected as the end of study limitation Ardhiati, which consisted of; Bung Karno the because that year the GNI was officially Architect: Artistic study of architectural works, established. urban spatial layout, interior, chivalry, Factually, among other State Cultural symbols, fashion clothing and text of speech, Institutions such as the Indonesian National 1926-1945. In 2013, Yuke again conducted Library, the National Museum, and the research on “Bung Karnodalam Panggung National Archives Center, the formation Indonesia” (Bung Karno on Indonesia’s process of GNI was long and complicated. GNI Stage), 2013. This study emphasized the role of was developed through various cultural Soekarno in the development of the National policies synchronization of three governments, Monument in relation to the Mercusuar such as the Old Order, the New Order, and the (Lighthouse) Project Development policy. The Reform Era. How the structure works in two studies thoroughly discussed the role of generating various cultural policies in the Soekarno in the development concept of formation of GNI provokes questions for the "Nation, Character Building", but did not touch author. Various legal products such as the State deeply on the formation of the National Gallery Planning Policy, Decree and Instruction Letter of Indonesia. about the GNI formation process were certainly not free of value, because there were Research Methods many strategic, political, and ideological This article use method conducted is interests. Through various events, we can learn historical, which consisted of heuristic, how the policy was taken by involving the verification, interpretation, and historiography. roles, figures, and various ideological interests. Historical writing, whether it is realized or not, Ideological contestation played an important is closely related to historical philosophy as role in the formation process of GNI. interpretation basis with the aim of giving According to Oxford Dictionary, contention: meaning or significance of an event from past The action or process of disputing or arguing, human life dynamics. Similarly, when writing while according to the word reference con-test- the history of cultural institutions in Indonesia, ta- tion (kon′testā′shən): (1) the act of attempts are made to understand how a cultural contesting; (2) controversy; dispute, (2) an institution is formed and developed with its assertion contended for. various dynamics and ups and downs. Factors The previous study includes: that cause or force conditions in history that “Kebudayaan dan Kekuasaan di Indonesia: play significant roles include human, Kebijakan Budaya selama Abad ke-20 Hingga geography, culture. With these considerations, Era Reformasi” by Tod Jones, 2015 (Culture several theoretical frameworks of socio- and Power in Indonesia: Cultural Policy during political and cultural approaches are needed. the 20th Century to Reformation Era" (2015 In this study context, the author will use Louis- Tod Jones). In this study, Tod Jones emphasized the development of cultural policy in Indonesia 2Jones, Tod. (2015:187). Kebudayaan dan in broad outlines from the Late Colonial Period Kekuasaan di Indonesia. Kebijakan Budaya to the Reformation era. In one of the chapters, Selama Abad ke-20 Hingga Era Reformasi. it talked about: Cultural Institutions and Jakarta: Yayasan Pustaka Obor Indonesia. 88 2nd International Conference on History Education 2018 Althusser's framework about the role of developed with the opening of Bataviaasch ideological structure and function through the Lyceum which also accepted male students. In concept of the Ideological State Apparatus 1923, the name of the Advanced School (ISA). Althusser views ideology as a system Foundation for Girls in Batavia (Stichting with logic and obedience of its own, Hoogere Burger School voor meisje ste representations of images, myths, ideas or Batavia) was renamed as Carpentier Alting concepts, as well as practices internalized as a Foundation (Carpentier Alting Stichting). The result of the transformation of the material school was also renamed to Carpentier Alting world. Ideology provides a framework in Stichting Scholen (School C.A.S). In line with which human beings undergo relationships the political situation when Japan occupied with the social reality in which they exist. Batavia, changes in function occurred where Ideology forms subjects and in this formation all schools in Batavia including the C.A.S. put them in the relationship system needed in School were mobilized for Japanese interests. order for existing class relationships to After being closed during World War II, the survive.3 Bataviaasch Lyceum and two other elementary schools under the auspices of the Foundation Results and Discussion were reopened in March 1946 by W. Ruijs and The history of the GNI formation Z.H. Carpentier Alting. On August 1, 1958, the cannot be separated from the building’s Carpentier Alting Foundation was renamed to history, which was built during the colonial the Raden Saleh Foundation.
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