श्री चित्रापुर मठ, शिराली SHRI CHITRAPUR MATH, SHIRALI Bhadrapadha Sh Chaturdashi, Vilambi Samvatsar Sunday, September 23, 2018 At Shri Chitrapur Math, Shirali Request • Kindly switch off your Mobile phones or at least turn to silent mode to enable undisturbed and uninterrupted proceedings Agenda • Sabha Prarambha Prarthana • Confirmation of minutes of previous Admin Committee/ Standing Committee meeting • Matters arising out of minutes of previous meeting • Vantiga • Summarised Financial statements of SCM & key affiliated institutions of SCM • Canara Bank case • Progress on various projects • Samvit Sudha progress • Reports from Sub-committees • Any other matter with the permission of the chair • Sabha Samapti Prarthana Vision announced in Mahasabha 2017 1. Doubling Vantiga collection to Rs.5 crore by 2021-22 2. Establish strong connection of the Chitrapur Saraswat community with the Math 3. Establish strong connection of the Math with society at large 4. Project execution within the timelines and cost estimates 5. Establish strong Math Governance structure 4 VANTIGA 5 Vantiga for the Year [Actual remittances-net of 6% retained Vantiga by Sabha-s] (Rs. In lakh) FY-2017-18 Sabha-s Apr-Sept 18 Apr-Sept 17 269.38 Grand Total 110.83 101.84 4.74 Vantiga - Interest on Vantiga Capital 4.74 Vantiga - Vantiga Capital-Interest Accruals - - 51.25 Vantiga - NRIs 6.29 0.31 27.34 Vantiga - USA Sabha 4.51 0.06 2.64 Vantiga - Canada Sabha 1.78 0.25 16.21 Vantiga - ANZ Sabha - - 4.82 Vantiga - U K Sabha - - 0.25 Vantiga - Singapur Sabha - - 213.39 Vantiga - R Is 104.54 101.52 23.00 Vantiga - Pune Sabha 13.50 15.00 15.54 Vantiga - Mumbai [Borivli] Sabha 13.17 12.79 38.49 Vantiga - Bangalore Sabha 13.07 14.00 16.39 Vantiga - Mumbai [Santacruz] Sabha 12.11 10.14 12.68 Vantiga - Mumbai [Thane] Sabha 11.30 7.00 12.17 Vantiga - Mumbai [Dadar] Sabha 8.09 5.33 10.88 Vantiga - Mumbai [Goregaon] Sabha 8.00 7.00 8.20 Vantiga - Mumbai [Vileparle] Sabha 6.27 6.44 12.74 Vantiga - Mumbai [Grant Road] Sabha 4.53 3.45 6 Vantiga for the Year [Actual remittances-net of 6% retained Vantiga by Sabha-s] (Rs. In lakh) FY-2017-18 Sabha-s Apr-Sept 18 Apr-Sept 17 269.38 Grand Total 110.83 101.84 213.39 Vantiga - R Is 104.54 101.52 16.02 Vantiga - Mumbai [Andheri] Sabha 3.00 6.50 3.06 Vantiga - Hubli Sabha 2.53 2.00 3.89 Vantiga - New Delhi Sabha 2.51 3.70 3.08 Vantiga - Mumbai [Virar] Sabha 1.84 2.90 2.17 Vantiga - Hydarabad Sabha 1.15 1.17 2.44 Vantiga - Chennai Sabha 0.75 0.75 6.79 Vantiga - Direct Remittances 0.75 1.78 0.62 Vantiga - Nashik Sabha 0.73 0.25 1.30 Vantiga - Shirali Sabha 0.70 - 5.49 Vantiga - Mumbai [Bandra-Khar] Sabha 0.42 0.84 0.93 Vantiga - Udupi Sabha 0.10 0.03 0.78 Vantiga - Sagar Sabha 0.03 - 1.62 Vantiga - Ahmedabad Sabha 0.01 0.96 Vantiga - Belgaum Local Sabha - - 0.58 Vantiga - Dharwad Sabha - - 7 Vantiga for the Year [Actual remittances-net of 6% retained Vantiga by Sabha-s] (Rs. In lakh) FY-2017-18 Sabha-s Apr-Sept 18 Apr-Sept 17 269.38 Grand Total 110.83 101.84 213.39 Vantiga - R Is 104.54 101.52 2.80 Vantiga - Goa Sabha - - 3.25 Vantiga - Gujarat [South] Sabha - - 0.52 Vantiga - Honavar Sabha - - 0.19 Vantiga - Kolhapur Sabha - - 0.23 Vantiga - Kumta Mallapur Sabha - - 0.10 Vantiga - Kundapur Sabha - - 5.00 Vantiga - Mangalore Sabha - - 0.78 Vantiga - Mysore Sabha - - 0.33 Vantiga - Nagpur Sabha - - 0.37 Vantiga - Gokarn Sabha 0.01 269.38 Grand Total 110.83 101.84 8 FINANCIAL POSITION 9 10 Shri Chitrapur Math - Shirali Income & Expenditure Account for the Year ended 31st March, 2018 Schedule : 1 (Rs. in crs) Previous Year Current Year Vantiga - Appropriation 2016-17 2017-18 2.70 Vantiga Collections - Gross 2.81 Appropriations 2.23 a. Expenditure on Objects of the Trust 2.42 0.46 b. Expenditure in respect of Properties 0.39 0.13 Repairs - buildings 0.15 0.33 Repairs - other Assets 0.24 Shri Chitrapur Math - Shirali 11 Income & Expenditure Account for the Year ended 31st March, 2018 Schedule : 1 (Rs. in crs) Expenditure on the Objects of the Trust Previous Year Current Year Account Heads 2016-17 2017-18 1.05 Remuneration to Staff 1.13 0.41 Seva/Viniyoga/Santarpana Expenses 0.42 0.37 Dharmaprachar Expenses 0.52 0.31 Charitable Activities 0.11 0.18 Office & other Admn Exp 0.23 0.19 Goshala Expenses 0.18 0.02 Agricultural Expenses 0.04 0.09 Security Services Charges 0.12 0.13 Lighting & Electricity 0.14 0.08 Anandashraya Maintenance Expenses 0.09 0.09 Motor Vehicles Expenses 0.09 0.15 Rathotsava Expenses 0.07 0.03 Guest house expenses 0.02 0.01 Pathashala Expenses 0.01 3.12 Gross Expenses 3.17 Less : 2.23 Vantiga - Appropriated against Gross Expenses 2.42 0.89 Amount carried to I & E Account 0.76 SHRI CHITRAPUR MATH, Shirali, Uttara Kannada 581354 (Regd No A-347/ Karwar) Balance Sheet as on 31st March 2018 (Rs. in crs) PreviousCurrent Year Year Current Year Previous Year Current Year Funds & Liabilities Properties & Assets 31-Mar-1731st March 2017 31-Mar-18 31-Mar-17 31-Mar-18 22.00 Trust Corpus 22.36 16.05 Assets - As per Schedule 19.81 20.71 As per last Balance Sheet 22.00 13.26 Fixed Assets - Land & Buildings 13.96 1.23 Add : Additions during the year 0.25 2.30 Fixed Assets - Others 3.87 Add : Surplus of the preceding 3rd year 0.06 transferred 0.10 0.49 Capital Work In Progress 1.99 0.25 Income & Expenditure A/c 0.20 2.34 Valuables 2.37 0.19 As per last Balance Sheet 0.25 2.30 As per last Balance Sheet 2.34 Less : Surplus of the preceding 3rd year -0.06 transferred -0.10 0.03 Additions during the year 0.03 Excess of Income over Expenditure for the 0.12 year 0.05 18.35 Capital Funds 19.16 20.23 Investments [Term Deposits] 20.52 18.28 Funds - Endowment 19.05 16.39 Scheduled Coop Banks 14.94 0.07 Funds - Capital projects 0.11 3.84 PSU/Other Commercial Banks 5.58 0.00 Loans - Cash Credit against FDs on lien 1.05 3.18 Current Assets 2.76 0.66 Long Term Lease/Rent Deposits 0.71 0.91 Advances and other Receivables 1.47 0.00 [from Lessees at Chitrapur Bhavan B'lore 0.00 0.48 Closing Stocks 0.52 0.00 and Vamanashram Complex at Mangalore] 0.00 0.00 Foodgrains,Stationery and other inventories 0.00 0.38 Liabilities and Provisions 1.74 0.00 [Value & Physical verification as certified 0.00 0.01 Advance - received against sale of Land 1.23 0.00 by the Management] 0.00 0.33 Creditors - Suppliers & Expenses 0.41 1.79 Cash and Bank Balances 0.77 0.04 Creditors - Capital Projects 0.09 1.77 In Banks 0.73 0.02 Cash in Hand 0.04 6.43 Matters under litigation 6.46 6.27 Matters under litigation 6.21 5.66 Long Lease Deposit [Canara Bank] 6.46 5.26 Mesne Profit & other dues [Canara Bank] [Subject to Appropriation against mesne [Subject to appropriation against Lease Profit of Rs 5,26,16,875.80 and other dues] Deposit Rs. 5,65,80,173.02 under litigation] 0.77 Other Dues 1.01 Other dues [Subject to Appropriation of Rs. 1,00,88,197 due as per contra - under litigation and under [Subject to Appropriation of Rs. 76,81,698 the purview of of the High Court at dues from other Lessees as per contra] Bangalore] 48.06 51.67 48.06 51.67 SHRI CHITRAPUR MATH, Shirali, Uttara Kannada. (Regd. No A-347/Karwar) Income and Expenditure Account for the year ended 31st March 2018 (Rs. in crs) Previous Year Current Year Previous Year Current Year EXPENDITURE INCOME 2016-17 2017-18 2016-17 2017-18 0.04 Expenditure in respect of Properties 0.09 0.94 Interest on Investments 0.84 0.33 Repairs other assets 0.24 0.44 Donations & Kanika 0.47 0.13 Repairs buildings 0.15 0.42 Rent & Annuity income 0.38 0.00 Lease Rent paid 0.06 0.05 Other Income 0.07 0.03 Municipal & Panchayat Taxes 0.03 0.03 Incentive from Govt for Goshala 0.00 0.01 Insurance for Assets 0.01 0.01 Sale of Asset - Surplus 0.06 0.50 0.49 0.00 Interest on TDS refund 0.00 -0.46 Less : Appropriated against Vantiga -0.39 0.00 Excess provisions w/back 0.00 0.89 Expenses on Objects of the Trust 0.76 3.12 Gross Expenses 3.17 -2.23 Less : Vantiga Appropriated -2.42 0.02 Other Expenses 0.05 0.01 Professional Fees 0.03 0.00 Audit Fees - Math 0.00 0.00 Audit Fees - Local Sabhas 0.00 0.00 Receivables/written offs 0.01 0.78 Depreciation on Assets 0.81 0.12 Excess of income over expenditure 0.05 1.84 1.76 1.84 1.76 Financial summary Shri Chitrapur Math Balance Sheet Figures in Crores Mar-18 Application of Funds: Aug-18 19.81 Fixed Assets 23.63 20.52 Investments 24.87 0.27 Working Capital -3.61 2.36 Valuables 2.36 0.52 Closing Stock 0.60 43.48 Total 47.85 Sources of Funds: 22.36 Capital Account 22.36 1.05 Loans (Liability) 5.40 0.71 Long Lease Deposits 0.72 19.16 Specific Funds 19.20 0.20 Excess of income over expenditure 0.17 43.48 Total 47.85 14 Financial summary Srivali Trust Balance Sheet Figures in Crores Mar-18 Application of Funds: Aug-18 2.09 Fixed Assets 2.02 4.04 Investments 4.01 0.14 Working Capital 0.38 6.26 Total 6.41 Sources of Funds: 4.81 Capital Account 4.82 1.18 Funds - Endowments 1.18 0.27 Excess of income over expenditure 0.41 6.26 Total 6.41 15 Financial summary SCM Charitable Trust Balance Sheet Figures in Crores Mar-18 Application of Funds: Aug-18 4.57 Fixed Assets 4.72 3.40 Investments 3.40 0.12 Working Capital -0.06 8.09 Total 8.06 Sources of Funds: 6.47 Capital Account 6.82 0.36 Bank loans 0.00 0.38 Funds - Endowments 0.38 0.88 Excess of income over expenditure 0.86 8.09 Total 8.06 16 Financial summary Parijnan Foundation Balance Sheet Figures in Crores Mar-18 Application of Funds: Aug-18 2.17 Fixed Assets 2.14 1.91 Investments 1.91 0.66 Working Capital 0.74 Stock-in-Hand - Closing[B/Sheet] 4.73 Total 4.79 Sources of Funds: 2.99 Capital Account 2.99 0.11 Loans (Liability) 0.03 1.65 Specific Funds 1.72 -0.02 Profit & Loss A/c 0.05 4.73 Total 4.79 17 Agenda • Sabha Prarambha Prarthana • Confirmation of minutes of previous Admin Committee/ Standing Committee meeting • Matters arising out of minutes of previous meeting • Vantiga • Summarised Financial statements of SCM & key affiliated institutions of SCM • Canara Bank case • Progress on various projects • Samvit Sudha progress • Reports from Sub-committees • Any other matter with the permission of the chair • Sabha Samapti Prarthana Canara Bank case - Update • The Reconcilation Meetings with Canara Bank, which had been suggested by the Hon.
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