Page 2 National News Byrd rebukes Clint over Lewinsky scan By Jennifer Bundy, al process in place. We "I urge everyone in this tacle!" he said. advised, " "'JIiIi~ Associated Press should all let it work," Byrd town to calm down for a lit­ Clinton cannot claim a "n.,..... fJ CHARLESTON, W.Va. said. "The events of recent tle while and contemplate right of privacy for an affair bas, by"""'" -- Congress should be delib­ months at least should have with seriousness the impact that occurred in the Oval words,1k.aa erate and not rush to judge taught us the essential that our actions may have on Office and not in the presi­ at himself aDd President· Clinton, even importance of restraint. " the well-being of the nation dent's living quarters, Byrd himself vuIJ.a_ though he has created a "The nation will look to and the paralysis which we said. stoning by - .... "sorrowful spectacle," Sen. us for leadership," he said. may be spawning if we con­ "The Oval Office of the Cliaton's Robert C. Byrd says. The public will be quick tinue to be mesmerized with White House is not a private delaying .­ In a Senate speech to criticize Congress if each new rumor, and each office; it is where the busi­ and attar.Ic .. Wednesday, Byrd said the Clinton is "driven from new titillating whisper, " ness of the nation is con­ torsis sialillJr Senate should wait for the office for what they may Byrd said. ducted daily," he said. Richard ....1IIff. House of Representatives to perceive to be political rea­ Byrd, West Virginia's Clinton spoke to 1be natioo cIuria8 consider Special Prosecutor s.ons," Byrd said in his first senior Democrat in Aug. 17, hours after be tali­ I Kenneth Starr's report on public remarks about Congress, criticized the rela­ fled before a federal gnmdjlay impeachable offenses before Clinton's relationship with tionship and Clinton's investigating the matter. judging Clinton. White House intern Monica nationally televised apology. " His words were ill­ "There is a constitution- Lewinsky. "What a sorrowful spec- timed, ill-formed ind ilI- Starr's investigation time -Ian. 12, 1998: Linda Tripp cessfully seek her cooperation. body to lie." compelled to provides Independent Counsel --Ian. 17: President --Jan. 27: Starr opens a grand jury. Kenneth Starr's office with Clinton testifies in the Paula grand jury inquiry. --lune 2: taped conversations between her lones sexual harassment law­ -March 15: Fonner Clinton and former White House intern swt and denies ~ sexual rela- aide Kathleen Willey appears on Monica Lewinsky. tionship with Ms. Lewinsky. CBS' "60 Minutes," saying that --Ian. 13: Mrs. Tripp wears --Jan. 21 : First news s1o- Clinton made Wlwelcome sexual a hidden microphone for the ries appear that Starr has advances to her in a room adja­ FBI and records a conversation expanded his investigation to cent to the Oval Office in 1993. with Ms. Lewinsky. look at whether Clinton and . -March 21: Clinton invokes --Ian. 14: Ms. Lewinsky Ms. Lewinsky had an affair executive privilege in an effort to hands Mrs. Tripp a three-page and tried to cover it up. limit grand jmy questioning of docwnent of talking points in --Ian. 26: During a White aides Bruce Lindsey and Sidney the last contact between the House news conference, Blwnenthal. two women. Clinton states, "I did not have --April 1: In Arkansas, --Ian. 16: Prosecutors con- sexual relations with that U.S. District Judge Susan front Ms. Lewinsky and unsuc- woman.... I never told any- Webber Wright dismisses the r-~--------~----~------------------__________ ~Jones m~wt Beach Club ~I~~~nst --May 4: Tanning and Hair Care 2nd Floor In Washington, Master Stylist Quincy McAlpine has II years of Above the U.S. District experience from the Detroit Metropolitan Area Main Event, Judge Norma Experience with highlights, color, perms, and 101 W. Main H 0 II 0 way updated hair cuts. Street lohnson denies the White Salon Hours House execu- Wednesday through Friday 1()..6 tive privilege Saturday 9-1 By appointment 46'2-8100 claim. --May 22: Tanning Hours lohnson rules Monday through Friday 10-8 that Secret Call for a student discount S e r vic e Tanning Packages Available ....---------------------------------- ____________.....;..J agents can be Page 4 On Campus The parkinQ. problem:. Will it go awav;J "Hey, a Spice By Jade Dewal, campus. 1 have a spot Girls poster! Staff Reporter downtown that is actually That's what I A recent opinion poll designated for an eating offers some fresh ideas establishment." really really concerning how Glenville 3) Sam Stevens: "I want!" State College can improve think we should expand the its parking epidemic. parking lots by using the On Thursday and Friday, I) Greg Williams: "I land available more wisely. GSC students searched think they should level off People who park illegally through hundreds of the area near the pit (lower should be issued parking posters and prints. parking area on the other tickets and lots should be side of Clark Hall) and use assigned." all the dirt to fill it in. We 4) Lakita Chambers: Located in the amphithe­ could buy Ii piece of land "Glenville State sells more atre, the sale drew large away from campus and parking passes than there groups of students eager to provide a shuttle bus for are available spots. Trying find the perfect collectible the students. Another to find a parking spot caus­ hanging for their walls ... solution would be to not es students to be late to allow freshmen dorm stu- class, and .some professo~s dents to have automo- count that as an absentee. ... or to get a gift for some­ biles." The administration should one else ... 2) Julie McCormick: "I park in their designated don't even try to park on area." ... or to just look. Dried fruits and nuts Whole Grain Pasta SUNDAY Juices & Snacks Herbs, Blackstrap 1 2:00·10:00 Molasses, Honey 2 CloIed 10 - 6 Mon thru Thur 3 CIoIed 1:00· 10 - 3 Friday Closed Saturday & Natural Faadl Sunday 211N. Lewis Street 1) Ernest Smith Lab 462-8157 Glenville, WV 26351 Administration 2) Teacher EdlJcatior 3) Office Simulation GOT THE PIGGY lANK BLUES WE HAVE A ClJRE FOA VOU! Complex) - 16 STAtU OONA TlNG PLASMA. TOOA Y ANO • EARH S 140 / WOtnlt f ----___ -------------------- J- s S ......... DiI ...... ". $ S ...... ' ...2 .. ••.. • s s .......as s s .------------------_au.,,"" .. _--_._ .. _-, _.11C IIIOL08ICAI lIM. "1·, •• :11 .._- .......~ft~ ••"' ... Page 6 News Nicholas County Cente sees new improvements By B. J. Woods, pose of distance learning. dents greater Staff Reporter This eliminates the need they can now Students returning to the for more professors and yet books and 8ppIRI Nicholas COWlty Center this allows for the students to missing wort for a trip fall were the first to get an interact with the professor, Glenville. education in the new-and- who is usually on the main The students improved facility. campus teaching the same Nicholas County The new addition--com- class. There has been a pro­ appear to "*' the ....- pleted this summer--covers fessor 10Wlge incorporated tion. It allows _ 1IIrI~' !. almost 10,000 square feet. into the building as well as dents to gain an edII_ This more than doubles the more restroom facilities. while at the .same original building's size. One the second day of allows for relaxation. The new area houses a classes, I went to the A more diverse r-.ae large and windowed com- Nicholas COWlty Center to B. J. WrxI*, IIet't:IIIy classes can now be 1aU&I* mons area, a new biology see all the fuss for myself. I THE MORE THE MERRIER. Improvements to the Nicholas County the center. The ceota' and chemistry lab, book- asked some of the students, Center include this biology lab where students can experiment. vides more optioas for store, conference room, new what they thought of the traditional studeati ... offices and new classrooms. new facilities. I heard com- "The computer lab is so has to be good for learning." not easily go bact 10 There is even a classroom ments like, "I love it!", "Will big." and "This is such a The bookstore addition if they had to ....el designed solely for the pur- this allow for more classes?" more big and relaxed area, it allows non-traditional stu- Glenville everyday. Attention Seniors! Wilson's discipli - Job Fair­ @[p)@I1'IID~n@1fil INIIID~nw@ lJlID~@Ifil~ @WVU analysis publish.... Over 40 companies represented By Jade Dewal, teachers. Education Plans (IBP) Staff Reporter Wilson, a professor of implemented to protect September 18 Upon entering Brenda Special Education and an address academic COIlCeIlD Wilson's office the air is academic advisor, has been of special education To sign up, stop by the Career Services thick with the scent of edu­ employed at Glenville State dents. The study I'P.V'~"'" cation. College for seven years. that most school boards Office The floor, bookshelves, In the article, questions not take special Transportation can be provided desk and attache' case are were asked about how chil- students into COIlSicllenlltiOll brimming with educational dren were being reprimand- while making dis.:ipllinu: literature. ed and encouraged and how rules. In August, while work­ it effects the general educa- Accordiaf.to _ I,.., Colors of Pride ing on her doctorate, Wilson tion and special education IEP's were at and fellow educators pub­ student saftey laws. referred to wtaea Glenville State College's Gay-Straight Alliance will lished and article in The The question con- disciplinary action .. - . - -- ~~ -- be having an organizational meeting for the 1998 school Journal Of Special cerned whether students these special year on Tuesday, September 15.
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