-26­ SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY ON MEDICAL MISSIONS I . BOOKS AND PAMPHLErS 1. THEORY AND PRINCIPLES THE APPEAL OF MEDICAL MISSIONS. R. Fletcher Moorshead. New York: Fleming H. Revell Company, 1913. 224 pp . CHRISTIAN ESSAYS IN PSYCHIATRY. Philippe Mairet, ed. LBy D. Stafford-Clark and other~ London: Student Christian Movement Press, 1956. 187 pp . THE CHRISTIAN IMPERATIVE. Max A. C. Warren. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1955. 144 pp . (Chapter III: "Go Heal", pp . 60-86) CHRISTIAN WORLD MISSIONS . William K. Anderson, ed. Nashville, Tenn.: Commission on Ministerial Training, the Methodist Church, LI94§J. 275 pp. (Chapter 25: "The Ministry of Health and Healing" by Edward H. Hume , ) THE COMING OF COMPASSION: TEN INSTRUCTIONS ON THE WORK OF MEDICAL MISSIONS FOR SENIOR KING'S MESSENGERS. Margaret Potter. London: Society for the Propagation of the Gospel , 1954. 64 pp. THE DOCTOR, HIS PATIENT, AND THE ILLNESS. Michael Balint. New York: International Universities Press, L1951l. 355 pp. FAITH AND MEDICINE . Andre Schlemmer. London: Tyndale Press, LI951l . 63 pp . FOREI GN MISSION POLICY CONFERENCE. Board of Foreign Missiornof the United Lutheran Church in America, 1957. Mimeographed. (Address: "Medical Work" by Conrad E. Eastwold, pp. 90-98) THE HEALING CHURCH, 1938-1939. Westminster, S. W. 1, England: Press and Pub.lications Board of the Church Assembly of England, 1938. 131 pp. (Special column: "Medi cal Missions in the World To-day: A New Evaluation" by Harold Balme, pp. 96-109) THE HEALING MINISTRY IN THE CHURCH. Bernard Martin. Richmond: John Knox Press. 596cjJ. 125 pp. ' u HEALTH AND HEALING: A CHRISTIAN INTERPRETATION. Phylli.s L. Garlick. London: Edinburgh House Press, 1948. 80 pp . THE HEALTH OF THE WHOLE MAN: A STATEMENT ON CHURCH MISSIONARY SOCIETY MEDICAL POLICY, 1948. Harold G. Anderson~ London: Church Missionary Society, LI94§l. 24 pp. IDEALS IN MEDICINE: A CHRISTIAN APPROACH TO MEDICAL PRACTICE. Vincent Edmunds, ed , Chicago: Inter-Varsity Press, 1958. 192 pp. IN THE SERVICE OF SUFFERING: PHASES OF MEDICAL MISSIO~ARY ENTERPRISE. Clement C. Chesterman. London: Edinburgh House Press, 1940. lbO pp. MAN I S SEAR CH FOR HEALTH: A STUDY IN THE .INTER-RELATION ' OF RELIGION AND MEDICINE. Phyllis L. Garlick. London: Highway Press, 1952. 344 pp . MEDICAL MISSIONS: ITS PLACE, POWER AND APPEAL. W. J . Wanless. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1908. 96 pp. -27­ MEDICAL MISSIONS: TliE TWOFOLD TASK. Walter Russell Lambut.h, New York: Student Volunteer Movement for Foreign Missions, 1920. 262 ppo MEDICINE AND HUMAN WELFARE, Henry Ernst Sigerist. New Haven, Conn , : Yale University Pressj London: Oxford University Press, 1941. 148 ppo MEDICINE, MAGIC AND RELIGION. William Halse Rivers. New York: Harcourt Brace and. CampailY s 1924. 146 pp. TliE MINISTRY OF HEALING. W. B. Lf.pphar-d, Phi.ladelphia: The America Baptist Publication Society, 1920 0 126 pp. Plates . MISSIONARY HEALTH MANUAL. Rev. ed, Paul E. Adolph. Chicago: Moody Press, 1959. 144 pp o MISSIONS ANNUAL - 1958. New Yor-k: Interdenorn.i.national Foreign Mission Association, 1958 , 80 pp. (Special column: "Medicine and Missions" by John D. Frame, pp. 69-71) TliE NEW PHASE IN MEDICAL MISSION STRATEGY. Harold G. Anderson. London: Church Missionary Sodety, 1956. 24 pp. TliE ONI.,Y WAR WE SEEK. Arthur Goodfriend. New York: Farrar, Straus and Young, [i95Y. 128 pp. THE PLACE OF MEDICAL MISSIONS. Roland Allen. London: World Dominion Press, n , d. 14 pp. RE-THINKING MISSIONS: A LAYMA1~ I S I·NQUIRY AFTER ONE HUNDRED YEARS. Layman 1 8 Foreign Missions Inquiry. Commission of Appraisal. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1932. 349 pp , (Special co.Limn: "Medical Work of Missions" pp. 194-213) TIrE WAY OF THE DOCTOR: A STUDY IN MEDICAL MISSIONS. Robert F. Moorshead. London: Carey Press, LI92~. 242 pp. TIrE WHOLENESS OF MAN: A STUDY IN THE RISTORY OF HEALING . Phyllis L. Garlick. London: Highway Press, 1943. 202 pp. WHY MEDICAL MISSIONS? Edward Mills Dodd. New York: Ecumenical Mission, Board of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church in the U. S. A., Ll95~. 19 pp. WORLD HEALTH. Colin Fraser Brockington. LHarmondsworth, Middlesei7: Penguin Books, [i95§l. 405 pp. 2. CONFERENCE STATEMENTS AIilD SURVEYS TliE CHURCH .AND MEDICAL MISSIONS. Dorothy D. Brewster. New York: Joint Section of Education and Cultivation, Board of Missions of the Methodist Church, 1959. 121 pp. Illus. A DIGEST OF CHRISTIAN STATISTICS BASED ON THE WORLD CHRISTIAN HANDBOOK, 1952. E. J. Bingle and K. G, Grubb, eds . London: World Dominion Press, 1953. Mimeographed. (Incl.udes Medical Statistics) 28­ A DIREcrORY OF MEDI CAL MISSIONS: HEAD STATIONS AND FOREIGN STAFF. A. ,T. Streeter, compo London: World Dominion Press, 1927 . 73 pp. ECUMENICAL MISSIONARY CONFERENCE, NEW YORK, 1900: REPORT OF THE EC ~MENT.CAL COl\"'FER.ENCE ON FOREIGN MISSIONS , HELD IN CARNEGIE HALL AND NEIGHBORING CHUECKES, APRIL 21 TO MAY 1. VoL II, New York: American Tract Society, 1900. (Chapter XX1C~: "Med~eal Missions", pp. 188-229) INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION ON MISSIOR4RY MEC::::CT.NE IN RE'FEW0 Lnter-n utLona.l Convention on Missionary Medicine, Wheaton, Illinois, 1959 0 Oak Park, I l linoi s: Christian Medical Society, 1 960 0 158 pp o INTERPRETATIVE STATISTICAL S,JRVEY OF THE WORLI MI SSION OF THE CHR:STJAN CHURCH: S ~JMMAR Y AND DETAILED STATISTICS OF CHURCHES AND MI SS:::ONARY SOCJ:EE~ES, :iN TY~PRE 'I AT :.;:vE ARTIClES, AND INDICES 0 Joseph Irving Parker, edo New York and London: Lnte r nat i.oua l, Missionary Council, 19 38. 32 3 pp. (Special c ol umn: "Med.i.c al. Work" by E o H0 Hume, and Statistics on Medical Missions, pp , 255-257. ) THE MADRAS SERIES, VoL lV . I nt e r nat i onal Missionary Council, at 'I'ambaram, Madras, India, December 12th to 29th, 1938 . New York and London: International Missionary Council, 1939, 412 pp. ( Special. c o.l.umn; "T he Chri.stLan M:i.niEtry of Health and Healing", pp , 162-186) !flame as in t he WORLD MISSION OF THE CHURC!Y' PLANS AND PROSPECTS FOR S . P o Go MED:CAL MISSIONS . CharLot.t;e Leighton Houlton. London: Society for t he Propagation of the Gospel} 1946. 15 pp o REPORT OF C OMMISS~:ONS I-VI:::r AND OTHER CONFERENCE PAPERSo South Paci fic Mi s ei on ary Conference, Morpeth, 1948 . Sydney: National Missionary CuUDc il of Au stralia, 1948. (10 items mi.me ogr-aphed ) WORLD ATLAS OF CHRISTIAN MISSIONS: CON'I'AINING A DIRECTORY 0]' Ml.SSIONARY SOCIE'IlIES, A CLASSIFIED SUMMARY OF STATISTICS, Al''ID I l'J"TIEX or MISSION STATIONS, AND ~.APS SHOVTI NG THE LOCATION OF MISSION STATlONS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD . James S o Dennis, Harlan P. Beach and Charles H. Fahs , eds , New York: St ud e nt Voluntee r Movement f or Foreign Mission, 1 91L 172 pp o (S~ ati,stics on Med:i.cal M:i.s sions) THE WORLD MISSION OF THE CHTlRCH : FINDINGS AIID P.ECOMMENDATIONS or THE MEET:!:NG OF THE INTERNATIONAL MISSIONARY COljNClL, TJ~MBARAM, MADRAS ., I NDTA, LEC. 12-29 } 19 38 . New York and London: International Miss ionary Council, 1939. 20 1 pp o (Chapter IX: "The Christian Ministry of He alth and Heal.Lng'", pp. 93-97) WORLD MISSIONARY ATLAS: CON'IAIl\'ING A IJl RE Cl'O RY OF MISSI ONARY SOc:LETIES ~ :;L.ASSI FI ED SUMMARIES OF STAT:;:STI CS, MAPS SHOWING THE LOCATION OF MISSI ON STATIO NS l'HROlJGHO '~ J~ cIT1Z WORLD, A DESCRIPTIVE ACCOUl'J"'I OF THE PR IN C:~PAL 1l1ISSION LANDS AND COMPREHENSIVE ~ :NI'. ICESo Harl an P , Beach [8.n9] Charl es H. Fahs , eds , New York: ~:nstHute of Socd.a.l and Religi.ous Research, 1925 . 251 pp. ( Stati,sti c,s on Me<L. cal M::,s fl jons) WORLD MISSIONARY CONFERENCE, 1910: Report of Commis s:Lon. 9 v ole . World Mis s i.on ar y Conference, Edi.nbu r-gh , 1910. London: Oliphant, Anderson and. Ferr::.er; New York : Fleming H. Revell., 191.0 0 Volume I : "Findings of Sectional Conference on Medical Mi8si on B" ;; po 317· Volume VI: "Finding s of t he Med.ical Conference (Medical De.Le gat.e s )!", pp o 286-290 0 Volume XIII ~ "Medical Educat i.on and Medieal Work", pp . 7 3-76 0 -29­ 3. MEDICAL MISSIONS AT WORK (REPORTS, DESCRIPTIVE ACCOUNTS) ACCORDING TO THE PATTERN: THE STORY OF DR. AGNES MCLAREN AND THE SOCIETY OF CATHOLIC MEDICAL MISSIONARIES. Katherine (Kurz) Burton. New York and Toronto: Longmans, Gr een and Company, 1946. 252 pp. THE AFRICA OF ALBERT SCHWEITZER . Rev. ed, Charles R, Joy and MelYin Arnold. New York: Harper and Brothers, 1959. 159 pp. AFRICAN MEDICAL HANDBOOK. Michael Gelfand. London: H. K. Lewis and Company, 1947. 203 pp , AFRICAN PULSE: SCENES FROM AN AFRICAN HOSPITAL WINDOW. Martin Jarrett-Kerr. New Yo~k: Morehouse-Barlow Company, /J.96rjJ. 126 pp•• AN .AMERICAN DOCTOR AT WORK IN INDIA. William Wanless. New York: Fleming H. Revell Company, /J.93ff. 200 pp. AN AMERICAN PHYSICIAN IN TURKEY. Clarence Ussher. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1917· 338 PI)., II ARZTE HELFEN IN ALLER WELT: DAS BUCH DER ARZTLICHEN MISSION. Samuel MUller, ed, Stuttgart: Evang. Missionsverlag, 1957. 248 pp. Illus. AT THE POINT OF A LANCET: 'ONE HUNDRED YEARS OF THE CANTON HOSPITAL, 1835-1935. William Warder . Cadbury. Shanghai: Kelly and Walsh, 1935. 304 pp. BETWEEN BAY AND OCEAN. Edith (Wardell) Hildreth. New York: Vantage Press, /J.96rjJ. 92 pp. Illus. BEYOND THE BITTER SEA. Walter-Fancutt. London: Mission to Lepers, 1959. BOLAHUN: AN AFRI CAN ADVENTURE. Werner Junge. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1952. 248 pp. THE CALL OF'THE CONGO. Ann Lewis Ashmore. Nashvf.Ll.e, Tenn. : Parthenon Press, /J.95i/.
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