Producing Leaders Since 1905 www.um.edu.my CLOSURE AND POST-CLOSURE OF LANDFILLS IN MALAYSIA – CASE STUDIES Fauziah S.H., Noorazamimah Aiza A. and Agamuthu, P. Institute of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of Malaya 50603 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia email: [email protected] Producing Leaders Since 1905 www.um.edu.my IntroductionIntroduction LandLand fillingfilling isis thethe cheapestcheapest andand simplestsimplest wastewaste disposaldisposal option.option. SinceSince 1960s1960s MalaysianMalaysian MSWMSW waswas beingbeing managedmanaged byby locallocal municipalitiesmunicipalities –– sitingsiting ofof landfilllandfill inin ‘‘unwantedunwanted ’’ landland Currently,Currently, 90%90% ofof 1910019100 tonnestonnes ofof MSWMSW areare disposeddisposed ofof intointo 130130 dumpingdumping sites.sites. MostMost areare notnot sanitarysanitary landfilllandfill exceptexcept 10%.10%. Producing Leaders Since 1905 www.um.edu.my PERLIS KEDAH PENANG KELANTAN PERAK TERENGGANU PAHANG SELANGOR KUALA LUMPUR N NEGERI SEMBILAN MELAKA JOHOR Map of Peninsular Malaysia PERAK Producing Leaders Since 1905 www.um.edu.my SUNGAI BESAR KERLING BUKIT BERUNTUNG KUALA SELANGOR 2 ULU YAM LAMA KUNDANG SELANGOR 3 KUALA 4 LUMPUR KAJANG 1 BANTING N SEPANG NEGERI SEMBILAN Map of Selangor Producing Leaders Since 1905 www.um.edu.my AA typicaltypical MSWMSW LandfillLandfill inin MalaysiaMalaysia Producing Leaders Since 1905 www.um.edu.my Issues ReRe --developmentdevelopment ofof exex --dumpingdumping groundground IncreaseIncrease inin landland priceprice ScarcityScarcity ofof suitablesuitable landland especiallyespecially inin urbanurban areas.areas. MostMost lackedlacked prepre --planningplanning strategystrategy forfor closureclosure andand postpost --closureclosure Producing Leaders Since 1905 www.um.edu.my ObjectiveObjective ExploreExplore issuesissues pertainingpertaining toto thethe closureclosure andand postpost --closureclosure ofof landfillslandfills usingusing fourfour casecase studies:studies: AirAir HitamHitam SanitarySanitary LandfillLandfill KundangKundang LandfillLandfill ExEx --dumpdump sitesite ExEx --miningmining areaarea usedused asas dumpingdumping sitesite Producing Leaders Since 1905 www.um.edu.my 1.1. AirAir HitamHitam SanitarySanitary LandfillLandfill AnAn engineeredengineered landfilllandfill -- properproper leachateleachate andand gasgas treatmenttreatment facilitiesfacilities AccommodatedAccommodated approx.approx. 66 millionmillion tonnestonnes ofof MSWMSW BeganBegan operationoperation inin 1995,1995, plannedplanned forfor closureclosure inin 20072007 -- exhaustedexhausted earlierearlier ClosedClosed 20062006 alsoalso duedue toto increasedincreased populationpopulation densitydensity withinwithin thethe area.area. WasteWaste disposaldisposal activityactivity atat AirAir HitamHitam SanitarySanitary landfilllandfill inin Selangor,Selangor, MalaysiaMalaysia Producing Leaders Since 1905 www.um.edu.my Air Hitam Sanitary Landfill Closure and Post -closure NoNo seriousserious issuesissues duedue toto properproper closureclosure andand postpost --closureclosure planningplanning ExistingExisting leachateleachate treatmenttreatment systemsystem –– chemicalchemical andand biologicalbiological treatment.treatment. QualityQuality ofof dischargeddischarged effluenteffluent withinwithin thethe StandardStandard (Malaysian(Malaysian EQAEQA 1985)1985) limitlimit allowedallowed LandfillLandfill gasgas treatmenttreatment facilityfacility –– CHCH 4 conversionconversion toto energyenergy TotalTotal ofof 22 MWMW Producing Leaders Since 1905 www.um.edu.my CurrentCurrent practicepractice CappingCapping ofof wastewaste cellcell withwith nonnon --permeablepermeable linerliner BioBio --covercover layeringlayering RehabilitationRehabilitation ofof thethe areaarea withwith grassesgrasses 2.2. ClosureClosure IssuesIssues atat Producing Leaders Since 1905 www.um.edu.my KundangKundang LandfillLandfill CoveringCovering 8080 acres;acres; originallyoriginally anan exex --miningmining pondpond withwith naturalnatural clayclay liner.liner. ReceivedReceived 300300 tonnestonnes ofof MSWMSW dailydaily LackedLacked leachateleachate andand gasgas treatmenttreatment facility.facility. ClosedClosed inin 20062006 (original(original planplan 2008)2008) duedue toto thethe landfilllandfill leachateleachate contaminationcontamination intointo thethe adjacentadjacent river.river. KundangKundang LandfillLandfill duringduring operationoperation ClosureClosure IssuesIssues atat KundangKundang Producing Leaders Since 1905 www.um.edu.my LandfillLandfill (cont(cont ’’d)d) DuringDuring operation:operation: wastewaste werewere filledfilled intointo wastewaste cells,cells, compactedcompacted andand coveredcovered daily.daily. lacklack ofof leachateleachate treatmenttreatment -- leachateleachate accumulatesaccumulates inin lowlow --lyinglying spotsspots andand eventuallyeventually enteredentered thethe riverriver system.system. LeachateLeachate flowingflowing toto thethe lowerlower groundground Leachate accumulated on the “leachate collection ponds” Discharge of landfill leachate into adjacent river CharacteristicsCharacteristics ofof leachateleachate fromfrom KundangKundang LandfillLandfill Parameter Kundang EQA 1974 leachate Std A Std B BOD 5 (mg/l) 27.5 ± 0.7 20 50 COD (mg/l) 6232 ± 1824 50 100 pH 7.48 ± 0.04 6 – 9 5.5 - 9 TSS (mg/l) 0.06 ± 0.01 50 100 Zn (mg/l) 0.06 ± 0.04 0.2 1.0 Cu (mg/l) 0.003 ± 0.002 0.2 1.0 Cr (mg/l) 0.19 ± 0.02 - 0.05 Pb (mg/l) 0.03 ± 0.01 0.1 0.5 Daily leachate contamination from Producing Leaders Since 1905 www.um.edu.my Kundang Landfill into Kundang river system Parameter (g/day) Level of pollutants BOD 5 1 238 COD 280 440 TSS 2.7 Hardness (CaCO 3) 19 320 Cr 8.7 Cu 0.135 Pb 1.215 Zn 2.7 Mg 191.0 Producing Leaders Since 1905 www.um.edu.my CurrentCurrent ScenarioScenario LeachateLeachate accumulatedaccumulated inin thethe ‘‘leachateleachate pondpond ’’ CoveringCovering ofof thethe wastewaste cellscells significantlysignificantly reducesreduces thethe leachateleachate generationgeneration duedue toto lessless directdirect contactcontact withwith rainrain TheThe volumevolume ofof leachateleachate flowingflowing intointo thethe riverriver alsoalso reduces,reduces, howeverhowever itit isis stillstill contaminatingcontaminating thethe riverriver system.system. WasteWaste cellcell hashas beenbeen coveredcovered withwith soilsoil andand grassgrass afterafter landfilllandfill closureclosure 3. Contamination at an Ex - landfill in Producing Leaders Since 1905 www.um.edu.my 3. Contamination at an Ex - landfill in Selangor LocatedLocated inin KelanaKelana Jaya;Jaya; closedclosed inin 20002000 FormerlyFormerly waswas anan exex --miningmining areaarea ReceivedReceived aa totaltotal volumevolume ofof approximatelyapproximately 1.571.57 millionmillion mm 3 ofof MSWMSW duringduring itsits operationaloperational period.period. LackLack aa linerliner systemsystem -- contaminationcontamination fromfrom wastewaste residue,residue, leachateleachate andand landfilllandfill gases.gases. WasteWaste onon thethe exex --landfilllandfill sitesite EnvironmentalEnvironmental Producing Leaders Since 1905 www.um.edu.my aspectsaspects ofof thethe areaarea CurrentlyCurrently mixedmixed developmentdevelopment hadhad beenbeen establishedestablished onon thethe exex --landfilllandfill includingincluding residentialresidential areaarea andand commercialcommercial zones.zones. SoilSoil contamination:contamination: HighestHighest AsAs (64.4(64.4 mg/kg)mg/kg) andand HgHg (11.5(11.5 mg/kg).mg/kg). warrantswarrants remediationremediation toto preventprevent riskrisk toto occupantsoccupants onon thethe exex --landfilllandfill area.area. DevelopmentDevelopment ofof thethe exex --landfilllandfill areaarea Results of surface soil and deep soil analysis Parameter unit surface soil 5 m deep soil Dutch Intervention Standard Phosphate mg/kg 4 4 - Flouride mg/kg 3.7 0.7 - Sulfate mg/kg 280 9.03 - pH na 7.3 7.8 - Chloride mg/kg 63.2 3.7 - Nitrate mg/kg 31.6 1.6 - Nitrite mg/kg 1.65 nd - Zn mg/kg 53.3 nd 720 Sb mg/kg 2.4 nd 15 Cd mg/kg 0.6 nd 12 Cr mg/kg 6.8 nd 380 Cu mg/kg 10.25 nd 190 Pb mg/kg 36 nd 530 Ni mg/kg 3.06 9 210 Ag mg/kg 1.2 nd 15 Tl mg/kg 49.45 nd 15 As mg/kg 30.3 1.25 55 Hg mg/kg 1.4 10 10 ProblemProblem IdentifiedIdentified Producing Leaders Since 1905 www.um.edu.my andand RemediationRemediation SurfaceSurface soilsoil contaminationcontamination -- agriculturalagricultural activitiesactivities shouldshould bebe prevented,prevented, residentsresidents shouldshould notnot plantplant edibleedible treestrees IntermittentIntermittent gasgas releaserelease -- ““BioBio --covercover ”” recommendedrecommended toto minimiseminimise thethe landfilllandfill gasgas impacts,impacts, 4.4. MalodourMalodour problemproblem atat Producing Leaders Since 1905 www.um.edu.my thethe exex --miningmining areaarea LocatedLocated inin thethe southernsouthern zonezone ofof PetalingPetaling JayaJaya OriginallyOriginally anan exex --miningmining areaarea CoveredCovered approximatelyapproximately 114114 acres.acres. ReclamationReclamation byby fillingfilling withwith constructionconstruction andand municipalmunicipal wasteswastes WasteWaste containedcontained highhigh percentagepercentage ofof gypsumgypsum Producing Leaders Since 1905 www.um.edu.my ConcernedConcerned IssuesIssues UnregulatedUnregulated dumpingdumping ofof constructionconstruction wastewaste intointo thethe miningmining pondpond ReleaseRelease ofof highhigh volumevolume ofof HH 2SS gasgas (200(200 ppmppm )) -- majormajor healthhealth issueissue toto thethe
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