AGENDA NATURAL RESOURCES COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, JUNE 7, 2018 – 8:30 AM ADMINISTRATION CENTER - ROOM 118* 121 W. MAIN STREET, PORT WASHINGTON, WI 53074 *(ROOM CHANGE) 1. CALL TO ORDER Roll Call 2. PROPER NOTICE 3. PUBLIC COMMENTS, CORRESPONDENCE, COMMUNICATIONS 4. APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. Natural Resources Committee - Regular Meeting - May 3, 2018 8:30 AM 5. UNIVERSITY EXTENSION OFFICE a. Discussion Items: 1. Introduction to New UW-Extension Community Development Educator 2. UW-Extension Situational Analysis Questions b. Management/Financial/Informational Reports 1. UW-Extension Written & Financial Reports 6. REGISTER OF DEEDS/LAND INFORMATION a. Discussion Items: 1. Update on Indexing Digitized Records/Rebinding of Books 2. Land Information Office Presentation: General Information on the Land Information Office; 2020 SW Region Orthophotography Project; and GIS Data Conversion Project b. Management/Financial/Informational Reports 1. Register of Deeds Reports 7. LAND AND WATER MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT a. Action Items: 1. WI DATCP 2018 Nutrient Management Farmer Education Grant Agreement* 2. U.S. Department of Agriculture-Natural Resource Conservation Service (USDA- NRCS) Contribution Agreement & Associated Budget Amendment to Establish Demonstration Farm Network* b. Management/Financial/Informational Reports 1. USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service Update, Mike Patin, District Conservationist* 2. Land & Water Management Reports* 8. PLANNING AND PARKS DEPARTMENT Updated 6/1/2018 9:45 AM Agenda Natural Resources Committee June 7, 2018 a. Action Items: 1. Increase of Revenue Budget Amendment for a Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Outdoor Recreation Aid Grant for Lake Michigan Public Access at Virmond County Park 2. Increase of Revenue Budget Amendment for a Wisconsin Regional Planning Commissions / Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Great Lakes Basin Tree Planting Program Grant for Tree Planting Activities in the Ozaukee County Park System 3. Increase of Revenue Budget Amendment for a Wisconsin Coastal Management Program Grant for Refinement and Development of the Ozaukee County Ecological Prioritization GIS Tool 4. Increase of Revenue Budget Amendment for a US Fish and Wildlife Service Coastal Program Grant for Fish Passage Activities on Silver Beach Creek and Sucker Brook Creek 5. Grant Submittal for US Fish and Wildlife Service National Coastal Wetlands Conservation Program Grant Funding to Support Wetland Habitat Restoration Activities near the Little Menomonee River b. Management/Financial/Informational Reports 1. Planning & Parks Reports 9. NEXT MEETING DATE July 5, 2018 10. ADJOURNMENT * FSA Representative Item A quorum of members of committees or the full County Board of Ozaukee County may be in attendance at this meeting for purposes related to committee or board duties, however, no formal action will be taken by these committees or the board at this meeting. Persons with disabilities requiring accommodations for attendance at this meeting should contact the County Clerk’s Office at 262-284-8110, twenty-four (24) hours in advance of the meeting. Updated 6/1/2018 9:45 AM 4.a MINUTES NATURAL RESOURCES COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING THURSDAY, MAY 3, 2018 – 8:30 AM ADMINISTRATION CENTER - ROOM A-200 121 W. MAIN STREET, PORT WASHINGTON, WI 53074 Draft Minutes Pending Committee Approval 1. CALL TO ORDER A regular meeting of the Natural Resources Committee was held in room A-200 at the Administration Center. Attendee Name Title Status Arrived J. Rothstein Chairperson Present B. Jobs Vice-Chairperson Present D. Gall Supervisor District 16 Present R. Holyoke Supervisor District 22 Present B. Ross Supervisor District 19 Present 8:34 AM Mark Hilgendorf FSA Representative Present Staff present: County Administrator Dzwinel, UW Extension Director Sarkady, 4-H Youth Development Educator Butler, Agriculture Educator Plaster, Land & Water Management Director Holschbach, Planning & Parks Director Struck, Land Information Coordinator Richards, Office Assistant Van Eimeren, Environmental Health Specialist Berg, Budget Manager Balke (8:45AM) and Chief Deputy County Clerk Henning. Others present: Scott Krizek and Ashlee Krizek 2. PROPER NOTICE Chairperson Rothstein called the meeting to order at 8:30 AM. The meeting was properly noticed. 3. PUBLIC COMMENTS, CORRESPONDENCE, COMMUNICATIONS There were none. 4. REVIEW OF COMMITTEE RESPONSIBILITIES PER OZAUKEE COUNTY POLICY AND PROCEDURE MANUAL Natural Resources Committee Informational only. 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Minutes Acceptance: of May 3, 2018 8:30 AM (Approval Minutes) a. Natural Resources Committee - Regular Meeting - Apr 5, 2018 8:30 AM Updated 5/31/2018Packet 10:31 Pg. AM 3 4.a Minutes Natural Resources Committee May 3, 2018 NATURAL RESOURCES COMMITTEE RESULT: APPROVE [UNANIMOUS] MOVER: B. Jobs, Vice-Chairperson SECONDER: D. Gall, Supervisor District 16 AYES: Rothstein, Jobs, Gall, Holyoke, Hilgendorf ABSENT: Ross 6. PUBLIC HEARING Chairperson Rothstein opened the public hearing at 8:32 AM. Request by Aaron & Ashlee Krizek, Owners, to petition the Natural Resources Committee for a Zoning Classification change from Shoreland-Wetland to Shoreland per Section 7.1300 of the Ozaukee County Shoreland & Floodplain Zoning Ordinance to recognize the filling of .1 acre of wetland for vehicle access to residential property from Lake Church Road. Affecting the following described real estate: Town of Belgium, T12N-R22E in part of the NW 1/4 of SW 1/4 of Section 13, Lot 1, CSM # 4014, Doc. 1060747. Tax Key # 01-013-11-029.00. Site address: ¼ mile North of Lake Church on Lake Church Road. Mr. Holschbach reviewed the fill project that was done for the construction of a farm lane to provide access for farm equipment to get to adjacent agricultural land. The request is to amend the Shoreland & Floodplain Zoning Map to change the property from Shoreland- Wetland to Shoreland as the property has been changed to residential use. 8:34 AM Supervisor Ross in attendance. Chairperson Rothstein closed the public hearing at 8:41 AM. 7. LAND & WATER MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT a. Action Item: 1. Ordinance: Shoreland & Floodplain Zoning Map Amendment Section 13, Town of Belgium Motion to approve the request to amend the Shoreland & Floodplain Zoning Map to change the property from Shoreland-Wetland to Shoreland. This will move forward to the County Board for final action. NATURAL RESOURCES COMMITTEE RESULT: APPROVED [UNANIMOUS] Minutes Acceptance: of May 3, 2018 8:30 AM (Approval Minutes) MOVER: R. Holyoke, Supervisor District 22 SECONDER: B. Jobs, Vice-Chairperson AYES: Rothstein, Jobs, Gall, Holyoke, Ross 8. STRATEGIC ISSUE IDENTIFICATION EXERCISE FOR NATURAL RESOURCES COMMITTEE Mr. Dzwinel explained that this is an opportunity for staff to identify and highlight current and future items that will most likely be brought before the committee at some point in time. Land & Water Management Department: Develop and implement a policy to follow a Updated 5/31/2018Packet 10:31 Pg. AM 4 4.a Minutes Natural Resources Committee May 3, 2018 standardized protocol that would require a soil inspection as part of the Private Onsite Wastewater Treatment System (POWTS) inspections. Planning & Parks Department: Golf Division: Expansion of the maintenance building at Mee-Kwon Golf Course, management of ash trees, working with the new concessionaire at the golf courses. Tourism Division: Joint Effort Marketing Grant, signage for the Interurban Trail, annual tourism guide. Planning Division: Recruitment and hiring for the Planning & GIS Specialist position, Park & Open Space Plan. Trails Division: Off-Road Extension of the Interurban Trail in the City of Port Washington and Interurban Trail maintenance. Ecological Division: Enhancements to the Mequon-Thiensville fishway and Lake Sturgeon Habitat Assessment grants. Parks: Design and engineering of a new maintenance and operations building at Tendick Park, bathrooms at various parks, restoration projects at various parks, conduct a pilot project for public access to the beach at Virmond Park. Register of Deeds: Indexing of the digitized records to make records searchable by contracted customers and public searchers. Possible rebinding of 20+ books if the indexing project does not move forward. Land Information: Continue to maintain, update and improve the GIS public access website; participate in the 2020 Orthophotography project in collaboration with the Southeast Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission (SEWRPC) and the SEWRPC Datum Conversion project. University Extension Office: Explanation of the visioning session and the process to develop the position description for the Communities Extension Educator position. 9. UNIVERSITY EXTENSION OFFICE a. Management/Financial/Informational Reports 1. UW-Extension Reports Minutes Acceptance: of May 3, 2018 8:30 AM (Approval Minutes) Ms. Butler provided an update on 4-H activities and the formation of a new club in East Mequon. Ms. Plaster provided an update on recently held and upcoming workshops and informational sessions. 10. REGISTER OF DEEDS/LAND INFORMATION a. Management/Financial/Informational Reports 1. Register of Deeds Reports There were no questions. Updated 5/31/2018Packet 10:31 Pg. AM 5 4.a Minutes Natural Resources Committee May 3, 2018 11. LAND AND WATER MANAGEMENT DEPARTMENT (CONT.) a. Action Items: 1. WI DATCP 2018 Producer-Led Watershed Protection Grant and Associated Budget Amendment* Motion to accept the WI DATCP 2018 Producer-Led Watershed Protection grant and to approve the increase of revenue budget
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