Public Document Pack Argyll and Bute Council Comhairle Earra Ghaidheal agus Bhoid Corporate Services Director: Nigel Stewart Dalriada House, Lochnell Street, Lochgilphead, Argyll, PA31 8ST Tel: 01546 602177 Fax: 01546 604530 24 April 2006 NOTICE OF MEETING A meeting of the MID ARGYLL KINTYRE & ISLAY AREA COMMITTEE will be held in the GIGHA VILLAGE HALL on WEDNESDAY, 3 MAY 2006 at 10:45 AM, which you are requested to attend. Nigel Stewart Director of Corporate Services BUSINESS 1. APOLOGIES 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 3. MINUTES OF MEETING OF 5 APRIL 2006 (Pages 1 - 6) 4. MINUTES OF CIVIC GOVERNMENT HEARING OF 5 APRIL 2006 (Pages 7 - 8) 5. GIGHA ISSUES PRESENTATION 6. PUBLIC QUESTION TIME / QUESTIONS FOR STRATHCLYDE POLICE 7. PLANNING APPLICATIONS (Pages 9 - 28) 8. DELEGATED DECISIONS (Pages 29 - 42) 9. GIGHA MULTI USE BUILDING (Pages 43 - 44) 10. PENINVER FOOTPATH (Pages 45 - 46) 11. A816 LOCHGILPHEAD TO OBAN ROAD - LANE CLOSURE AT CARNASSARIE (Pages 47 - 48) 12. RURAL TRANSPORT GRANT (Pages 49 - 54) 13. HITRANS OBJECTIVES - VERBAL REPORT 14. GRANTS TO VOLUNTARY ORGANISATIONS (Pages 55 - 126) EXEMPT SECTION The Committee will be asked to pass a resolution in terms of Section 50(A)(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 to exclude the public for items of business with an “E” on the grounds that it is likely to involve the disclosure of exempt information as defined in the appropriate paragraph of Part I of Schedule 7a to the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973. The appropriate paragraph is:- Paragraph 13 Information which, if disclosed to the public, would reveal that the authority proposes- (a) to give under any enactment a notice under or by virtue of which requirements are imposed on a person; or (b) to make an order or direction under any enactment. E1 15. ENFORCEMENT 05/00094/ENFOTH (Pages 127 - 132) RGYLL, KINTYRE & ISLAY AREA COMMITTEE Councillor Rory Colville Councillor Robin Currie Councillor John Findlay (Vice-Chair) Councillor Alison Hay Councillor Donald Kelly Councillor Donald MacMillan Councillor John McAlpineCouncillor Alastair McKinlay (Chair) Councillor Bruce Robertson Contact: Katie McKenzie: 01546 604511 Page 1 Agenda Item 3 MINUTES of MEETING of MID ARGYLL KINTYRE & ISLAY AREA COMMITTEE held in the COUNCIL CHAMBERS, KILMORY on WEDNESDAY, 5 APRIL 2006 Present: Councillor Alastair McKinlay (Chair) Councillor Rory Colville Councillor Robin Currie Councillor Alison Hay Councillor Donald Kelly Councillor Donald MacMillan Councillor John McAlpine Councillor Bruce Robertson Attending: Deirdre Forsyth, Area Corporate Services Manager Donnie McLeod, Roads and Amenity Services Manager Peter Bain, Development Control Officer Fergus Murray, Development Policy Manager Sergeant Marlene Baillie, Local Authority Liaison Officer Katie McKenzie, Area Committee Assistant 1. APOLOGIES Apologies were received from Councillor John Findlay. 2. CHARIMAN'S REMARKS Councillor Alastair McKinlay and all the Members wished Councillor John Findlay a speedy recovery. 3. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no declarations of interest. 4. MINUTES OF MEETING OF 8 MARCH 2006 The minutes of the meeting of 8 March 2006 were approved. Arising from Item 4 Councillor Currie asked if the issues at Bruichladdich Pier had been investigated . Peter Bain stated he would enquire and report back to a future meeting of the Area Committee. Arising from item 5 Councillor Kelly asked if there had been any feedback from Chief Inspector Millar regarding the CCTV at Aqualibrium as the Kintyre Crime Prevention Panel are keen to pursue this. Sergeant Baillie confirmed she would check and it would be reported back to the next Area Committee. Arising from Item 9 Councillor Kelly stated Colin Hossack had not yet supplied the information on Bengullian to Members. It was agreed Deirdre Forsyth would chase this up. Page 2 Arising from item 11 it was noted that that this job has still not been advertised due to new procedures which are in place. It was agreed that Deirdre Forsyth would speak to Alison Debling, the Leadership Support Officer, to clarify this procedure. 5. MINUTES OF SITE INSPECTION OF 20 FEBRUARY 2006 The minutes of the Site Inspection of 20 February 2006 were approved. 6. MINUTES OF KINTYRE INITIATIVE WORKING GROUP OF 6 FEBRUARY 2006 The minutes of the Kintyre Initiative Working Group of 6 February 2006 were noted. 7. MINUTES OF MID ARGYLL PARTNERSHIP MEETING OF 21 FEBRUARY 2006 The minutes of the Mid Argyll Partnership meeting of 21 February 2006 were noted. 8. CALL MANAGEMENT - PRESENTATION BY STRATHCLYDE POLICE Sergeant Baillie, Argyll and Bute Council’s Local Authority Liaison Officer, gave an interesting and informative presentation to the Committee about Strathclyde Police’s new call management system. She advised the Committee that if they receive queries from their constituents, they should pass them on to Strathclyde Police. Decision 1. The Committee thanked Sergeant Baillie for the information on call management. 2. It was agreed that there would be a further report in a few months time. (Reference – Verbal Report by Sergeant Marlene Baillie) 9. PUBLIC QUESTION TIME Councillor McAlpine informed the Group that at the meeting of the Roads Liaison Group with Argyll and Bute Council, Strathclyde Police and BEAR on 8 March 2006, it was agreed that Tarbert Road Crossing be taken off the agenda. He asked for a written explanation from the police as to why this has happened. Sergeant Baillie advised that Inspector Sutherland was the appropriate contact for this and agreed she will bring it to his attention. Councillor Currie then asked Sergeant Baillie to advise the Chief Constable that the comments made by Jamie McGrigor MSP, that there should be a full time police presence on Colonsay, does not reflect the local views from Colonsay who consider such a presence to be unnecessary and a waste of money. Sergeant Baillie agreed to pass this on. Page 3 10. PLANNING APPLICATIONS The Committee considered and dealt with the applications for planning permission as detailed below. 065/00352/OUT Mr and Mrs J Brolly. Outline. Erection of two dwellings. Land east of Torbreck, Ford. Decision The Committee agreed that a PAN 41 hearing be held prior to the determination of the application, in view of the number of representations received. This hearing will be held on Tuesday 2 May 2006 at 2pm. (Reference – Report by Head of Planning dated 22 March 2006, submitted). 11. DELEGATED DECISIONS The Committee noted the decisions issued by the Director of Development Services dated 15 March 2006. (Reference – Report by Director of Development Services dated 15 March 2006, submitted). 12. GRUINART FLATS SPECIAL PROTECTION AREA FOR BIRDS The Scottish Executive has invited the Council to respond to a proposal to add an additional qualifying interest to a designated Special Protection Area for Birds as a Special Area of Conservation (SAC) under the European Union Habitats Directive. The Council’s views are to be sent to Scottish Natural Heritage (SNH) who are undertaking the consultation process, the results of which will be sent to the Scottish Ministers. Decision That the Council will not raise objections to the inclusion of an additional bird species as a qualifying interest in the existing Special Protection Area. (Reference – Report by Head of Planning dated 22 March 2006, submitted). Page 4 13. CAMPBELTOWN FLOODING The Committee were informed of progress on issues affecting the Council which relate to Scottish Water’s ongoing sewerage infrastructure works in Campbeltown. Decision The Committee agreed: 1. To note the contents of the report. 2. To instruct the Head of Roads and Amenity Services to confirm with Scottish Water that there will be insufficient funding available to finance Low Askomil promenade option. (Reference – Report by Head of Roads and Amenity Services dated 5 April 2006, submitted). 14. REVENUE AND CAPITAL ROADS BUDGET 2006/2007 The Committee considered a report containing the proposals for the Revenue and Capital budgets for the road network for 2006-2007. Decision The Committee noted the contents of the report. (Reference – Report by Head of Roads and Amenity Services dated 5 April 2006, submitted). 15. PROPOSED FORTNIGHTLY DOMESTIC REFUSE COLLECTION TRIAL - ISLAY AND JURA The Committee were informed members of a proposed fortnightly refuse collection trial on Islay and Jura. The principle for the trial areas was given approval at the Strategic Policy Committee on 19 January 2006 subject to reports to relevant Area Committee. Decision The Committee agreed: 1. To approve a proposed trial on Islay and Jura for a fortnightly general refuse collection service uplift alternating with garden waste uplift. 2. With the increased garden wate composting provision, the likely implementation at Gartbreck waste disposal facility of a pollution Prevention Control permit (PPC) and commercial misuse, the Port Ellen unmanned civic amenity skips be removed. Page 5 3. That there should be discussions with the community on the implementation of the foregoing issues. (Reference – Report by Director of Operational Services dated 17 March 2006, submitted). 16. SCOTTISH WATER INVESTMENT PROGRAMME The Committee were updated on the ongoing discussion with Scottish Water in connection with their investment programme with regard to Quality and Standards Programme (Q&S) 3 and their Growth Programme with regard to Development Constraints. Decision 1. The Area Committee endorsed the priorities contained in Appendix A, with the following amendment – Keills to be “h1” since it is part of the same scheme as Ballygrant 2. It was agreed that Scottish Water should be asked what their levels of leakage are throughout the area, and whether these could be addressed in order to help to remove development constraints. 3. It was agreed that Scottish Water should be asked why Gigha, Craighouse and Minard are not included in Scottish Water’s priorities since they are already the subject of development constraints. 4. It was agreed that Scottish Water be asked whether the recent mains water connection to Defence Estates Machrihanish has added to the Campbeltown water supply constaints.
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