Click here to learn more about SUNY Upstate Medical University: A Pictorial History For Further Reading Alumni Association of Syracuse University. Alumni Record and General Catalogue of Syracuse University, 1872-1910, including Genesee College, 1852-1871, and Geneva Medical College, 1835-1872, edited by Frank Smalley (Syracuse: [s.n.], 1911). Blackwell, Elizabeth. Pioneer Work in Opening the Medical Profession to Women (many editions). Boardman, Andrew. An Essay on the Means of Improving Medical Education and Elevating Medical Character (Philadelphia: Haswell, Barrington, and Haswell, 1840). Boyd, Julia. The Excellent Doctor Blackwell: The Life of the First Female Physician (Stroud, Gloucestershire: Sutton, 2005). Brieger, Gert Henry. Stephen Smith: Surgeon and Reformer (Ph.D. dissertation, Johns Hopkins University, 1968). Corner, Betsy C. “Early Medical Education in Western New York, Geneva and Rochester Areas, 1827 to 1872: I. Early Medical Education Undertaken by Geneva College; II. Early Medicine in Rochester, Rochester’s Eclectic Medical College, the Apprentice System as Developed in New York State.” New York State Journal of Medicine 55, 21 (November 1, 1955): 3156-3164. Cushing, Harvey. Pioneer Medical Schools of Central New York: An Address at the Centenary Celebration of the College of Medicine of Syracuse University, June 4, 1934 (Syracuse: [s.n.], 1934). Dieffenbacher, Jane W. This Green and Pleasant Land: Fairfield, New York (Holland Patent, N.Y.: Steffen Publishing, 1996). Ferguson, J. Howard. “A Chronological Calendar of Events of the College of Medicine of Syracuse, 1872-1968,” in Upstate Medical University, Health Sciences Library, Department of Historical Collections, Picture File 2. Flexner, Abraham. Medical Education in the United States and Canada: A Report to the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. Carnegie Foundation Bulletin No. 4 (New York: [s.n.], 1910). Francis, Samuel Ward. Biographical Sketches of Distinguished Living New York Surgeons (New York: John Bradburn, 1866). Galpin, William Freeman. Syracuse University: Volume One, The Pioneer Days; Volume Two: The Growing Years (Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 1952- 1960). Galpin, William Freeman; and Barck, Oscar Theodore. Syracuse University: Volume Three, The Critical Years (Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 1984). Goins, Gregoria Fraser. “Miss Doc,” undated typescript in Howard University, Moorland-Spingarn Research Center, Manuscript Department. Greene, John Robert. Syracuse University: The Tolley Years, 1942-1969 (Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 1996). Hays, Elinor Rice. Those Extraordinary Blackwells: The Story of a Journey to a Better World (New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, 1967). A P I C T O R I A L H I S T O R Y 173 Heffron, John Lorenzo. Fifty Years of the College of Medicine of Syracuse University (Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 1920). Luft, Eric v.d. “Sarah Loguen Fraser, MD (1850 to 1933): The Fourth African- American Woman Physician.” Journal of the National Medical Association 92, 3 (March 2000): 149-153. Miller, Genevieve. “Dr. John Delamater, ‘True Physician’.” Journal of Medical Education 34, 1 (January 1959): 24-31. Norwood, William Frederick. Medical Education in the United States Before the Civil War (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1944). Official History: U.S.A. Base Hospital No. 31 of Youngstown, Ohio and Hospital Unit “G” of Syracuse University, edited by Charles Hirsh Kaletzki (Syracuse: Craftsman Press, 1919). Onondaga County, New York. Onondaga County Bicentennial, 1794-1994, edited by Andy Jugan (Syracuse: Extra Points Unlimited, Onondaga County Department of Parks and Recreation, 1994). Onondaga County Medical Society, 1906-1956, Sesquicentennial. (Syracuse: [s.n.], 1956). [Note: The Society was founded in 1806. This sesquicentennial volume concerns the history of only its third half-century.] Robbins, Christine Chapman. David Hosack, Citizen of New York. Memoirs of the American Philosophical Society, vol. 62. (Philadelphia: APS, 1964). Sahli, Nancy Ann. Elizabeth Blackwell, M.D.: A Biography (Ph.D. dissertation, University of Pennsylvania, 1974). Smith, Warren Hunting. Hobart and William Smith: The History of Two Colleges (Geneva, N.Y.: Hobart College, 1972). Snyder, Charles McCool. Dr. Mary Walker: The Little Lady in Pants (New York: Vantage, 1962). State University of New York Health Science Center at Syracuse Library. Thirty- Five Treasures of Special Collections, edited, ... selected, described, and photographed by Eric v.d. Luft (Kennett Square, Pa.: KNA Press, 1993). Stookey, Byron. A History of Colonial Medical Education in the Province of New York, with its Subsequent Development (Springfield, Illinois: Charles C. Thomas, 1962). Stringer, Helen Dann. Millie M.D.: The Story of a Nineteenth-Century Woman, 1846-1927 (Utica, N.Y.: North Country Books, 1992). Upstate Medical University, Health Sciences Library, Department of Historical Collections, home page <www.upstate.edu/library/history/>. Walsh, James J. History of Medicine in New York: Three Centuries of Medical Progress (New York: National Americana Society, 1919). Weiskotten, Herman G.; Schwitalla, Alphonse M.; Cutter, William D.; and Anderson, Hamilton H. Medical Education in the United States, 1934-1939 (Chicago: American Medical Association, Council on Medical Education and Hospitals, 1940). Westerfeld, Wilfred Wiedey. The Making of a Medical Center: A Personal History of the Background (Syracuse: SUNY Health Science Center, 1989), typescript in Upstate Medical University, Health Sciences Library, Department of Historical Collections, Historical-Biographical Folders. 174 U P S T A T E M E D I C A L U N I V E R S I T Y Index Academy of Natural Sciences, 32 American Council of Badawy, Shawky Z.A. (b. 1935), 167 Adams, John (1735-1826), 7 Otolaryngology, 143 Bainbridge, William (1774-1833), 6 Adamson, Elizabeth Ingram American Medical Association Baird, Macaran Alexander (b. (1887-1978), 158 (AMA), 2, 19, 32, 34, 46, 49- 1948), 152 Advocates for Emergency 50, 60, 87, 93, 134 Baker, Charles O. (1852-1897), 62 Medical Services, 166 Ad Hoc Committee on Barker, Kenneth Leroy (b. 1939), African Methodist Episcopal Zion Poliovirus Vaccines, 134 viii, 163, 168-169 Church, 65 Committee on Medical Barker, Mary A., 74-75 Ainsworth, Elbert Augustus Education, 32 Barnes Hospital (St. Louis), 145 (1849-1916), 62 Council on Medical Education Barney, Clyde Orrin (1882-1966), Alabama Department of Public and Hospitals, 93 96-97, 108, 116 Health, 139 Council on Scientific Affairs, 158 Barron, James (1769?-1851), 7 Albany, New York, 32, 34, 38, American Medical College Barron, Samuel (1763?-1810), 6 47, 88, 100, 120, 131, 135, 153 (Cincinnati), 42 “Barry, James” (1792?-1865), 19 Albany City Hospital, 32 American Medical Women’s Barry, John (1745-1803), 6 Albany Medical College, 32-33, Association, 158 Barry, Katharine (“Kitty”) (1848- 88, 152 American Microscopical Society, 63 1936), 28-29 Albert Einstein College of American Public Health Bartuska, Doris Gorka (b. 1929), 158 Medicine, 147 Association, 21 baseball, 110-111 Allen, Alexander Duncan (b. American Red Cross, 45, 116 Bass, Allan Delmage (b. 1910), 124 1856), 62 American Society for Head and Bastable, Susan Bacorn, 139 Allen, Ellery George (d. 1955), Neck Surgery, 143 Bates, Mary Elizabeth (b. 1861), 105, 129 American Society of Clinical 158 Allen, Ezra Pascal (d. 1895), 12-13 Pathologists, 154 Bath, Patricia E. (b. 1942), 158 Allen, Seth Barnet (1854-1925), 62 American Society of Bauers, Russell Lee (1914-1995), Allied Expeditionary Force, 116 Parasitologists, 106 110-111 Alpinus, Prosper (1553-1617), 71 anatomy, 2, 12, 15-16, 33, 41, 49- Baum, Dwight James (1886- Alsever, William Dewey (b. 51, 55, 58, 63, 66, 73-74, 88, 102- 1939), 99-100 1875), 88, 116 104, 122, 124, 148, 157, 169, 171 Baum, Henry Clay (1859-1916), 83 Alsever, William D. (1914-1984), Anderson, Elizabeth Garrett Baum, Lyman Frank (1856-1919), 114 (1836-1917), 29 46n, 83 Amazon River, 106 Anderson, Hamilton Holland Beach, Wooster (1794-1868), 40-42 American Academy of Family (1902-1986), 94 Beattie, Joseph, 13 Physicians, 152 Anderson, Maja C. (1919-1985), 139 Beekman Downtown Hospital, 27 American Academy of Andreatta, A. Geno (b. 1932), 138 Belknap, Eugene W. (1867-1925), 84 Neurological Surgeons, 145 Andrews, Charles (1827-1918), 50 Bellevue Hospital, 3, 20 American Academy of anesthesiology, 31, 90, 97, 115, Benedict, Michael D., 65-66 Orthopaedic Surgeons, 144 142, 145, 157, 164, 167 Benham, Francis Roe (b. 1876), 84 American Academy of Pediatrics, Anthony, Eugene William (b. Bennett, Charles E. (1855-1916), 62 167 1914), 113-114, 117 Berkshire Medical Institution of American Association of Blood Anthony, Susan Brownell (1820- Massachusetts, 11, 18, 47 Banks, 154 1906), 45 Berlin, Germany, 71 American Association of Armsby, James Harvey (1809- Bernstein, Bernard Alexander (b. Neurological Surgeons, 145 1875), 32 1938), 152 American Blood Commission, 154 Armstrong, Philip Brownell Better Health, 92 American Board of Emergency (1898-1981), 122, 124-125 Beutler, Ernest (b. 1928), 146 Medicine, 166 Asheville, North Carolina, 20 Bibliographic Retrieval Services American Board of Family Association of American Medical (BRS), 150 Medicine, 152 Colleges (AAMC), 87, 93, Binghamton, New York, 153 American Board of Medical 161-162, 165, 168 biochemistry, 18, 55, 89-90, 105, Specialties, 145 Commission on Medical 124-125, 140, 142, 156, 163 American Board of Education, 93 Blackwell, Antoinette Louisa
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