^•DURBIN’S^ Standard Catalogue -OF- POSTAGE STAMPS. FIFTEENTH EDITION. 7% ^ - L. W . DURBIN, Foreign Stamp Importer and Publisher, Fifth and Library Sts., Philadelphia. PRICE 25 CENTS £ r " ù • ,K f¿Jr~ V, ' 'p-¿ ¿ií^ '• î-v\ ,*îïf<‘ '■" Vvf-r-í Y ;Y i’ f '. Y'-: V . ¡, %jr &*- ÿ$S •■• “ ■ -.. -( - ■>.<?. V»-vi. •- ^DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE■ &- POSTAGE * ST0HIPS -------- .A . 1ST 3D --------- STAMPED ENVELOPES OF ALL NATIONS. -0*’©- PIPIUEENTH EDITION. & PHILADELPHIA: P r in t e d b y C h am be rs P r in t in g H ouse, 620 M a r k e t St r e e t , V V 6 j H E prices in this Catalogue are net. The first column gives the intrinsic value of the stamp; the column headed “ N ew ” gives the price of unused stamps, and that headed “ Used” of cancelled specimens. Owing to the growing scarcity of many stamps, it is not possible to have in stock, at one time, all those mentioned in this Catalogue, and it will be weil for correspondents when ordering to give an additional list to select from in case any of those preferred may not be on hand. We will be obliged to collectors if they will write the names of countries alpha­ betically in their order lists. Money sent for stamps not in stock will be returned unless otherwise ordered by the sender. In no case will other stamps, not ordered, be substituted. Our stock is very large, and collectors can depend upon having their orders by mail filled promptly and as satisfactorily as if they called in person. It is needless to add that collectors will get from us only genuine stamps in good condition. The reputation we have acquired in the past seventeen years is an assurance of that, but if more is needed a written guarantee upon any particular stamp sold will be given whenever desired. In the following pages are representations of the Coats of Arms, Devices, Inscrip­ tions, etc., found upon the stamps of various countries, and by the aid of which any stamp may be located with little difficulty. The arms are not always the same size on different stamps, and they are frequently enclosed in a fancy frame, or a wreath, or with a scroll or other device around them. It should be borne in mind that the pictures given are the arms without any of the accessories named, and a little study will soon impress them so upon the mind that they will be known at sight, regardless of what may be around them. These illustrations and list of words and phrases will be found to be of far more value than pictures of the stamps, as formerly employed, and by their aid a stamp without the name of the country upon it can be much more easily located. For instance, the collector finds a stamp bearing a double headed eagle and the inscription, “ /Pais. Kon. Zeitungs Stampel." By looking among the coats of arms he will find the double-headed eagle to be the arms of Austria, and in the list of words, etc,, it will be ascertained that the inscription belongs upon an Austrian stamp. Another has a stamp with a head of Mercury looking to the right and the inscription wholly in a foreign lan­ guage. Looking among the devices as pictured it will be seen at once that the stamp is from Greece, and so on through the entire number of stamps; there are few which can­ not be identified by the tables here given. LilST OP (©OATS OP German Empire, (1871). 33 Denmark. 2 German Empire, (1872). 34 Spain, (Madrid). 3 Prussia 35 Spain, 1874). 4 Wurtemburg. 36 Meek. Strelitz. 5 Baden. 37 Bulgaria. 6 Bavaria. 38 Modena, (1852-53). 7 Bergedorf. 39 Luxemberg. 8 Russia. 40 Modena, (1859). 9 Austria. 41 Mexico. 10 U. S. of Colombia. 42 Saxony. 11 Roumania, (1858-61). 43 Uruguay. 12 Argentine Confederation. 44 Turkey. *3 Costa Rica. 45 Guatemala. 14 Roman States. 46 Orange Free States. 15 Servia. 47 Holland. 16 Spain, {1854) 48 San Marino. U Switzerland, (Geneva,). 49 Finland. 18 Heligoland, 50 Sweden, (1855). »9 Granada Confederation. 51 Argentine Republic. 20 Switzerland. 52 Norway. 21 Ecuador. 53 U. S. of New Granada. 22 Transvaal. 54 Oldenburg. 23 Venezuela. 55 Cordoba. 24 Hamburg. 56 Meek. Schwerin. 25 Sweden. 57 Bolivia. 26 Brunswick. 58 Stellaland. 27 Nicaragua. 59 Schleswig-Holstein. 28 Peru. 60 Panama. 29 Honduras. 61 Roumania, (1862). 30 Lubeck. 62 North Borneo. 31 Naples. 63 Hamburg Amer. Co. 32 St. Domingo. 64 Hungary. Lnsm o p D e v i c e s . 101 Beaver, Canada. 1 16 Tiger's Head, Afghanistan. 102 Pyramid and Sphynx, Egypt. 117 P a rrot, Guatemala. 103 Sw an, Western Australia. 1 18 L ib erty , Switzerland. 104 Pon iard , Alwar. 1 19 D ragon, Shanghai, China. 105 Hope reclining , Cape of Good Hope. 120 M ercury, Greece. 106 Pyramid and Sphynx, Egypt. 121 M ercury, Austria. 107 L lam a, Peru. 122 Hope seated, Cape of Good Hope. 108 Vino o f Sydney, New South Wales. 123 L io n , Paraguay. 109 Liberty, Liberia. 124 Fleur de lis, Parma. n o M ercury, Austria. 125 The Great Seal, St. Vincent. h i B rita n n ia , Barbados, Mauritius 126 D ragon, Shanghai. Trinidad. 127 V irgin , Virgin Islands. 112 Goddess of Health, Nevis. 128 L iberty, Switzerland, 113, Chrysanthemum, Japan. 129 Kam eham eha /., Sandwich Island ■ H Daggers, Rajpeepla. 130 Sea l, Newfoundland. I,S Sun , Uruguay. COATS OF ARMS. S £> gurfcin’ó Erice Catalogue, 5 130 SURCHARGES 2o i to 209—P e r u . 210 to 213—P o r to R ic o . 214 to 218—C u ba. * PORTRAITS 301 Se r v ia , Prince Milan III. 310 Sp a in , King Alfonso. 302 Se r v ia , Prince Milan IV. 311 M e x ic o , Emperor Maximilian. 303 C h il i, Columbus. 312 S ia m , King Phra Bat Somdetch Phra 304 I t a l y , King Victor Emanuel. Paramindr Maha Chuialon-Kcffli 305 P e r s ia , Shah Nasr-ed-Deen. Phra Chula Chom Klas-Yu Hua. 306 ITALY, King Humbert. 313 Sa n d w ic h I sla n d s, Princess 307 S p a in , Queen Isabella. Likelike. 308 Sp a in , King Amadeus. 314 M o n t en eg r o , Ilospodor Nikolo 309 S p a in , Pretender, Don Carlos. Petrovitch-Niegosh. Mortis, j&fifirpinaf'iotis anti J eitos FOUND UPON STAMPS OF VARIOUS COUNTRIES, t o g e t h e r w it h f a m e s o f c o v n t r i e s w h i c h d i f f e r i n a n y w a y FROM THE ENGLISH. A — U. S. of Colombia. Correo— Uruguay, Venezuela. A Percevoir— Belgium, France, Egypt. Correo Interior— Spain. Acores, Azores Islands. Correo Ojficial— Spain, Aktie Bolaget— Finland. Correos— Antioquia, Argentine Republic, Amtlick Erojfnet, Wurtemburg. Bolivia, Buenos Ayres, Chili, Costa Amtlicher Verkehr— Wurtemburg. Rica, Cundinamarca, Ecuador, Guate­ Angbats Post-— Finland. mala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Anotación— U. S. of Colombia. Panama, Peru, Philippine Islands, Sal­ B . G uiana— British Guiana. vador, Spain, Spanish West Indies, St. B. L. C. I.— Bhopal. Domingo. Bayern, Bavaria. Correos Interior— Philippine Islands. Bayer-Pustar— Bavaria. Correos Males— U. S. of Colombia. Belgique, Belgium. Correos Nacionales— U. S. of Colombia. Bolla Della Posta— Naples, Sicily. Correos y Telegs— Spain. Bollo Póstale— San Marino. Curacao— Curacoa. Braunschweig, Brunswick. Damns Peiimus que Vicissim — British B y Post— Norway. Guiana. C. B . R . S .— Sarawak. D an m ark, Denmark. C. R .— Fiji Islands. Dansk Vestindiske, Danish West Indies. Cabo Verde, Cape Verde Islands. D eficit— Peru. Callao-— Peru. Departatos del Sur— Peru. Camb. Aust. Sicillum — New S. Wales. Deutsch. Oester. Postverein Vertrag v. 6 Canal Maritime de Sties— Suez Canal Co. April, iSjo — Baden, Germany, Wurt­ Cantonal Taxe— Switzerland. emburg. Carlos Séptimo— Spain. Deutsche Reichs-Post—-German Empire. Carriers' Stamp— United States. D i Stato— Italy. Certificación con contenido— U. S. of Diare Periodice— Roumania. Colombia, Tolima. Dienst Sache— North German Confedera­ Certificación sin conic nido— V,. S. of tion, Wurtemburg. Colombia. Dios Patria Libertad — St. Domingo. ' Chiffre Taxe— France, French Colonies. Dios Patria Rey— Spain. Chile, Chili. Dios Union y Libertad — Honduras. C horrillos— Peru. Dominicaine— St. Domingo. Colon— Chili. Due di Parma. Piac. Ecc.— Parma. Colonies De L ' Empire Francois— French E a st In d ia — India. Colonies. E. U. De Colombia— U. S. of Columbia, Commission Fur Retourbrieffe— Bavaria, E. E. U. U. de Colombia— U. S. of Colom­ Wurtemburg. bia, Antioquia, Bolivar, Cundinamarca, Communicaciones — Spain. Tolima. Confed. Granadina— U. S. States of Co­ E . E . U. U. D e Venez«- — Venezuela. lombia. Egyptiennes— Egypt. Confe°n Argentina— Argentine Republic. Eindracht_ Mackt Magt.— Transvaal. Continente— Azores, Portugal. Es. U. S. de Colombia«—U. S. of Colom­ Contratos-— Bolivia. bia, Antioquia, Bolivar. Correia— Brazil, Cape Verde Is., Guinea, Emp. Ottoman— Turkey, Eastern Roume- Mozambique, Portugal, Portuguese In­ lia. dies, St. Thomas and Prince. Escnelas— V enezuel a. Correias E . Telegraphos— Azores, Portu­ Estados Unidos De Colombia— U. S. of gal. Colombia., Panama, Tolima. IO Inurbin’ó ¡pries Catalogue. E spaña— Spain. Isla n d — Iceland. Estados Unidos De Nueva Granada— U. Italia n e— Italy. S. of Colombia. J. B. R. S.— Sarawak. Este k. k. pr. Donau Dampschiffarth. J . H . S .— Switzerland. Gesellschaft— Austria. Jornaes— Azores, Madeira, Portugal. Estera— Italy. K . G. L .— Danish West Indies, Denmark. Elat Ind. Du Congo— Congo Free State.
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