Initial Environmental Examination_______________ Document stage: Updated Project Number: 47254-003 June 2019 BAN: Dhaka Water Supply Network Improvement Project – ICB Package 2.9 (First Batch: DMA: 201, 202, 203 and 204) Prepared by the Dhaka Water Supply and Sewerage Authority, Government of Bangladesh for the Asian Development Bank. This updated initial environmental examination is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent those of ADB's Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary in nature. Your attention is directed to the “terms of use” section on ADB’s website. In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area. CURRENCY EQUIVALENTS (as of 10 February 2019) Currency unit – Taka (Tk) Tk.1.00 = $0.0127 $1.00 = Tk. 84.16 ABBREVIATIONS ADB – Asian Development Bank ARIPA - Acquisition and Requisition of Immovable Properties Act AP - Affected person AC - Asbestos Cement BRTA - Bangladesh Road Transport Authority BC - Bituminous Carpeting BFS - Brick Flat Soling CC - Cement Concrete CFMCC - China First Metallurgical Group Co. Ltd. DWASA -Dhaka Water Supply and Sewerage Authority DWSNIP -Dhaka Water Supply Network Improvement Project DMA - District Metering Area DMSC - Design Management and Supervision Consultants DNCC - Dhaka North City Corporation DSCC - Dhaka South City Corporation DoE - Department of Environment DC - Deputy Commissioner EA - Executing Agency EMP - Environmental Management Plan EIA - Environmental Impact Assessment EHS - Environment Health and Safety FGD - Focus Group Discussion G o B - Government of Bangladesh GRC - Grievance Redress Committee GRM - Grievance Redress Mechanism GPR - Ground Penetrating Radar HBB - Herringbone bond HDD - Horizontal Directional Drilling HDPE - High Density Polyethylene i ICB - International Competitive Bidding IA - Implementing Agency IFC - International Finance Corporation IEE - Initial Environmental Examination IR - Involuntary Resettlement ML - Ministry of Land NRW – Nonrevenue water OT - Open Trench O&M – Operation and Maintenance PMU – Project Management Unit PCU - Project Coordination Unit PB - Pipe Bursting REA – Rapid Environmental Assessment RoW - Right of Way SPS – Safeguard Policy Statement SEMP - Site Specific Environmental Management Plan SIU - Safeguard Implementing Unit SCADA- Supervisory control and data acquisition TOR - Terms of Reference TMP - Traffic Management Plan USEPA - United States Environmental Protection Agency ZLCC - Zonal Level Coordination Committee WEIGHTS AND MEASURES Km - Kilometer km2 - Square kilometer m2 - Square meter m3/day - Cubic meter per day mm - Millimeter ii NOTE In this report, "$" refers to US dollars. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY viii 1. INTRODUCTION 1 A. The Project 1 2. POLICY, LEGAL, AND ADMINISTRATIVE FRAMEWORK 4 A. ADB Policy 4 B. National Laws 6 C. Legal Framework for Land Acquisitions in Bangladesh 9 D. Environmental Requirements for the Project 10 E. International Treaties 11 F. Relevant Occupational Health and Safety Laws and Rules 14 G. Environmental Standards 15 3. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT 16 A. Need for the Project 16 B. Subproject Components 16 C. Laying of Distribution Network 20 D. Materials, Labour and Equipment 22 E. Implementation Schedule 23 4. DESCRIPTION OF THE ENVIRONMENT 25 A. Objectives and Methods 25 B. Physical Characteristics 26 C. Ecological Resources 31 D. Environmental Quality 34 E. Economic Development 37 F. Social and Cultural Resources 42 G. Site Specific Existing Condition of the 4 DMAs in the Project Area 47 5. ANTICIPATED IMPACTS AND MITIGATION MEASURES 48 A. Magnitude and Significance of Impacts 49 B. Planning and Design Phase 50 C. Construction Impact 55 D. Operation and Maintenance Phase 67 E. Mitigation Measures 69 F. Cumulative Impact Assessment 74 6. INFORMATION DISCLOSURE, CONSULTATION, AND PARTICIPATION 76 A. Public Consultation Conducted 76 B. Consultation and Participation during Updating IEE Report 77 C. Consultations during construction phase 81 iv D. Project Disclosure 81 E. Involvement of NGOs, CBOs and Women’s Organizations 81 7. GRIEVANCE REDRESS MECHANISM 82 8. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN 86 A. General 86 B. Design Rationale 87 C. Implementation Arrangement 87 D. Capacity Building 91 E. Mitigation Measures, Monitoring and Reporting 95 F. Environmental Monitoring Plan 131 G. Monitoring and Reporting 134 H. Environmental Management Plan (EMP) Costs 135 I. Environmental Specifications for Bid Documents 138 9. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 138 APPENDIX 1: APPROVED TOR FROM DoE 140 APPENDIX 2: APPLICABLE ENVIRONMENTAL STANDARDS 144 APPENDIX 3: EQUIPMENT LIST 151 APPENDIX 4: ROAD AND SATELITE MAPS OF 4 DMA 153 APPENDIX 5: ADB REA CHECKLIST (4 DMA- First batch) 161 APPENDIX 6: SITE ENVIRONMENTAL PLAN (EACH DMAs under First batch) 165 APPENDIX 7: OUTLINE TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT PLAN 169 APPENDIX 8: PROCEDURE FOR INSTALLING NEW PIPES IN AN AREA WITH EXISTING AC PIPES 179 APPENDIX 9: LAYOUT PLAN STOCKYARD 180 APPENDIX 10: HEALTH AND SAFETY PLAN 182 APPENDIX 11: Records of Public Consultations - Updating IEE Report 191 APPENDIX 12: SAMPLE GRIEVANCE REGISTRATION FORM 205 APPENDIX 13: GRIEVANCE REDRESS FORM (BANGLA VERSION) 206 APPENDIX: 14 OFFICE NOTIFICATION TO FORM GRC 207 APPENDIX 15: TOR for EHS SUPERVISOR OF CIVIL WORKS CONTRACT (ICB 2.9) 209 APPENDIX 16: ATTENDANTS LISTS for Safeguards Meeting and Orientation Training Program 210 APPENDIX 17: APPLICATION TO CITY CORPORATION FOR ROAD CUTTING PERMISSION for the CONTRACT ICB 2.9 211 APPENDIX 18: ROAD CUTTING PERMISSION FOR TRIAL PIT 212 Appendix 19: SEMI-ANNUAL ENVIRONMENTAL MONITORING REPORT TEMPLATE 214 Appendix 20: EMP cost included in the contract documents 220 APPendix 21: SCANNED COPY OF CONTRACTOR’s Insurance FOR WORKERS 223 v Lists of Tables Table 1: Applicable WHO Ambient Air Quality Guidelines.................................................................................. 5 Table 2: World Bank Group’s Noise Level Guidelines ........................................................................................ 5 Table 3: Relevance of national policies, laws and framework in the context of the proposed Dhaka Water Supply Network Improvement Project 6 Table 4: Relevant Statutory Clearance required for First Batch under Package ICB 2.9................................. 11 Table 5: Relevant International Treaties, conventions, and protocols signed by Bangladesh ......................... 11 Table 6: Relevant Occupational Health and Safety Laws and Rules ............................................................... 14 Table 7: Details of 4 DMAs under First Batch - ICB 2.9 ................................................................................... 17 Table 8: Summary of Components on DMA 201, 202, 203 and 204 .................................................................. 19 Table 9: Details of Distribution Network ............................................................................................................ 20 Table 10: List of Field / Site Personnel ............................................................................................................. 23 Table 11: Planned Implementation Schedule (Tentative Start July 1, 2019) ................................................... 24 Table 12: Administrative Divisions of 4 DMA under Package No. ICB 2.9 ....................................................... 26 Table 13: Summary of Important Features of the Project Area ........................................................................ 27 Table- 14: Noise Measurement Area comprising different DMA area under ICB 2.9 contract packages ....... 36 Table- 15: Average Noise Level for ICB 2.9 Civil contract Package Area ....................................................... 37 Table 16: Road Classification in Dhaka ............................................................................................................ 38 Table 17: Type of Road within DMA (First Batch) ............................................................................................ 39 Table 18: Thana wise Population size .............................................................................................................. 42 Table 19: Age-Sex Structure ............................................................................................................................. 43 Table 20: Level of Income ................................................................................................................................. 44 Table 21: Family Expenditure (in BDT) ............................................................................................................. 44 Table 22: Distances of Heritage sites form Nearest DMA – 202 and DMA- 203 under ICB 2.9 ...................... 45 Table 23: Description of 4 DMA under first batch- ICB 2.9 ............................................................................... 47 Table 24: Summary of Quantifiers and Qualifiers Used for Assessment Purposes ......................................... 49 Table 25: Design and Construction Features of the Package ICB 2.9 ............................................................. 51 Table 26: Design Considerations for the Transmission and Distribution Pipeline Construction Methodology . 53 Table
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