בס“ד MarCheshvan 5778/ 2017 Special Days in MarCheshvan Volume 28, Issue 8 In MarCheshvan, the first Beis HaMikdash was completed, but was not dedicated until Tishrei of the following year. MarCheshvan was ashamed, and so HaShem promised that the dedication of the Third Beis HaMikdash would be during MarCheshvan. (Yalkut Shimoni, Melachim I, 184) Zechariah HaNavi prophesied about the rebuilding of the Second Beis HaMikdash. Tishrei 30/October 20/Friday First Day Rosh Chodesh MarCheshvan MarCheshvan 1/October 21/Shabbos Day 2 Rosh Chodesh MarCheshvan Shlomoh HaMelech finished building the Beis HaMikdash, 2936 [Melachim I, 6:35] Tzemach Tzedek. He was sitting and MarCheshvan 2/October 22/Sunday studying the Zohar. He closed it and said, The Rebbe RaShaB sent a Mashpiah and seven "When the holy Tzadik of Rizhyn says Talmidim to start Yeshivah Toras Emes, in Tehilim the whole world is open before him, Chevron, 5672 [1911]. and in the Tehilim of Shabbos he sees the source of all the matters of the world and Yartzeit of R. Yosef Engel, Talmudist, 5679 can correct them in their source, and thus [1918]. the decree is rejected and cancelled. And I agree with the advice of the holy Tzadik of Yartzeit of R. Avrohom, son of R. Yisroel Rizhyn." Noach, grandson of the Tzemach Tzedek, father- And this was the story: There was great in-law of the previous Lubavitcher Rebbe, 5698 love between the Tzemach Tzedek and R. [1937]. Yisroel of Rizhyn. Once there was a great general crisis and the Tzemach Tzedek sent M.Cheshvan 3/October 23/Monday the Gaon, Tzadik, and Chasid, R. Eizik Yartzeit of R. Yisroel of Rizhyn, 5611[1850]. HaLevi Epstein of Homel to R. Yisroel "...The day of the passing of the Rizhyner, of Rizhyn to consult and plan with him Cheshvan 3, 5611, was very rainy. At three in the about annulling the decree. When R. Eizik TZCHOK CHABAD OF HANCOCKafternoon PARK in Lubavitch, the Tzemach Tzedek HaLevi came to the Rizhyner, he received called his servant to tear Kryiah for him and told him very graciously, and said: "We'll say a him to bring him his Tefilin. At that time news few chapters of Tehilim, HaShem Yisborach by telegraph didn't exist. The Rebbitzen asked will light up the gates of light, and we'll see him what happened; he said the Rizhyner had what happens." passed away, and he observed the practices of a "On Shabbos," R. Eizik HaLevi said, mourner." [Sefer HaSichos 5702, p. 105] "when the Rizhyner said Torah—as was his "...The Alter Rebbe first saw the Rizhyner at a custom—he stopped in the middle, told meeting when the students of the Baal Shem Tov everyone to go out, and told me to stay. He and the Mezeritcher Magid gathered. He said said, "My advice is to send two people to then of the Rizhyner, "Imru Tzadik Ki Tov"— the capital with these arguments and the "Say of the Tzadik that he is good", since the decree will be annulled, with HaShem's Rizhyner was then seventeen ("Tov" is Gematria help. And your Rebbe agrees with seventeen)..." me." (Letter of the previous Lubavitcher [The Rebbe MaHaRaSh related]: "When I was Rebbe, Kovetz Michtavim, 1) eight I went in on Shabbos to see my father, the Chabad Chodesh MarCheshvan Chodesh Chabad CONGREGATION LEVI YI Yartzeit of R. Yehudah Leib of Yartzeit of R. Meir Shapiro, not see the light. They told him there Kopust, second son of the Tzemach founder of the Daf Yomi, 5694 was a light burning, but he still said Tzedek, 5627 [1866]. [1933]. he did not see it. He said the light He was known as the Maharil. He was lit on Shabbos by a non-Jew and was born in 5568 [1808] The Alter MarCheshvan 9/Oct. 29/Sunday he can’t see it. (Sicha of the Rebbe, Rebbe was his Sandik. From his Yartzeit of R. Asher b. Yechiel, the Parshas Chukas 5740—1980) youth he had great hiskashrus with his "RoSh", renowned codifier of The Rebbe Rashab writes in one grand-father, the Mitteler Rebbe. His Halachah, leader of German Jewry, of his ma’amarim: Fatness of the grand-father used to wait for him 5087 [1326]. body can result from the spiritual before reciting Chassidus. The pleasure and delight derived from Mitteler Rebbe nicknamed him “mein M.Cheshvan 10/Oct. 30/Monday G-dliness. They say of R. Nachum Shtender” because he used to lean on Yartzeit (and birthday, in 2196) of of Chernobil that he became corpu- him while saying Chassidus. One time Gad son of Yaakov Avinu, 2321. lent from answering Amein Y’hei the Mitteler Rebbe said eighteen hours (Midrash Tadshe) Sh’mei Raba. (Hayom Yom Tam- of Chassidus, while leaning on him muz 15) the whole time. The Friediker Rebbe MarCheshvan 11/Oct. 31/Tuesday His grandson, R. Yaakov Yisrael writes in Sefer Hasichos 5705 [1945] Yartzeit of Meshu-selach married the Mitteler Rebbe's that the Maharil was a partner with a HaTzadik, 1656. HaShem delayed daughter. It is told that the Alter business man, and one time he made the Flood seven days in his honor. Rebbe picked R’ Yaakov Yisroel to an account of the business and when (Yalkut Shimoni 56) marry his grand-daughter when he he tallied it up he wrote, there is no was yet in his baby crib in his place that is void of Hashem. Yartzeit of Rachel Imeinu, who grandfathers house. A few months after the passing of died while giving birth to Binyamin his father the Tzemach Tzedek, he left son of Yaakov Avinu, and thus Yartzeit of R. Shneur Zalman the city of Lubavitch and settled in the today is Binyamin’s birthday, 2208. Aharon, son of the Rebbe city of Kopust. He was only there for His Yartzeit was also today, 115 MaHaRaSh, 5669 [1908]. a few months. On Simchas Torah years later in 2323. The Friediker Rebbe said about 5627 [1866] he fell ill, and the third of his uncle, Reb Zalman Aharon, that Cheshvan, a half a year after the Yartzeit of R. Menachem Nochum he was a man of Baal Midos Tovos passing of his father he was Nistalek. of Czernobyl, student of the Baal (a person with good character traits) Shem Tov and the Mezeritcher and a person with a very strong M.Cheshvan 4/October 24/Tuesday Magid, author of Meor Einayim, heart. The Rambam reached Yerushalayim 5558 [1797]. Personally, he went through and set aside this day as a private One time R. Menachem Nochum many difficult times and suffered a holiday for himself and his family, was served milk and he did not great deal. Nevertheless there was 4825 [1165]. touch it. They asked him why he always a smile on his face. He was not drinking it, he replied that never shed a tear for himself. But MarCheshvan 5/October 25/Wed. he did not see it, probably the milk for the pain of another would touch Yartzeit of the sons of King was not Cholov Yisroel. The Mish- him very deeply, the smile would Tzidkiyahu, a fast of Tzadikim, 3340. nah says, “Milk that was milked by fade, his face would sadden, his eyes (Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim a Non-Jew and a Jew was not ob- would fill with tears and he would 580:2) serving it,” He explained this as, “If do everything to help the person in a Non-Jew milks, the Jew won’t see distress. MarCheshvan 7/Oct. 27/Friday it. (This story was cited in a Reb Zalman Aharon was a Baal In Eretz Yisroel they begin asking for Ma’amar of the Rebbe Rashab, Sef- Shmua and the Friediker Rebbe in the er Ham’amorim 5666, and in Liku- heard from him many stories of the (ותן טל ומטר לברכה) rain Shemoneh Esrei. Although they tei Sichos Volume 5 pg. 140) previous Rebbeim. It is told that needed rain after Sukos, they would One time Friday night the can- once a child of one of the Chassidim wait fifteen days to pray for it, until dles went out. The family called in a became sick and the child's father the last person could get home from non-Jew to light the candles. When came to Reb Zalman for a Bracha. the Aliyah LiRegel to the Beis R. Menachem Nochum came into He stood facing the window, singing HaMikdash without getting caught in the room, he was walking as if it the Alter Rebbe's nigun. When he the rain. (Taanis 10a, Alter Rebbe's was still dark (tapping the walls, finished singing he turned to the Shulchan Aruch, I:117) etc). He was asked why he was do- Chassid and told him, "Go home, the ing this. He answered that he does child will live." VOLUME 28, ISSUE 8 Page 2 The Rebbe said that the Rebbe Rebbe RaShaB", the fifth When the Rebbe Rashab was a RaShaB said that he himself did not Lubavitcher Rebbe, 5621 [1860]. child of four or five, he entered the realize the humility of his brother, The Tzemach Tzedek called the year room of his grandfather, the Reb Zalman Aaron. (Sicha “Kisrah” (crown, in Aramaic). The Tzemach Tzedek, and burst into Cheshvan 11, 5712, 1951) Rebbe RaShaB was named Dov Ber tears. His teacher in cheder had for his great-grandfather, the taught the verse “And Hashem re- MarCheshvan 12/Nov 1/Wed. Mitteler Rebbe, and Shalom for the vealed Himself to Avrohom...” Yartzeit of R. Zeev Volf Kitzes, father of the Tzemach Tzedek, R.
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