Faculty Profile Name : Dr. Shashikanth S. Designation : Professors Qualification : M.sc.,Phd. Area of Specialisation : Organic Chemistry: Synthetic organic chemistry, biodegradation of lignin, lipid peroxidation, medicinal chemistry. No of projects : Completed : Sl. Title of the project Funding Agency Amount Year No. (From- To) 1 Synthesis of UGC (Research Rs. 1999-2002 azapodophyllotoxin award) 3,00,000/- analogues and study of their anticancer activity 1996-1998 Structural studies of Jack UGC (Minor Rs. 15,000/- 2 Pine Kraft Lignin research project) polymerized by Trametes Cingulata On-going : Sl. Title of the project Funding Agency Amount Year No. (From- To) 1 Design and synthesis of non- ICMR, New Delhi Rs 2006 - sugar based pyrimidine 12,00,000 2009 nucleoside analoguesas HIV Reversed Tnscriptase inhibitors Number of Ph.D candidates successfully completed: Seven Number of Ph.D candidates currently working: Five Number of M. Phil candidates successfully completed: Two Number of M. Phil students guiding now : One Research Publications : Sl.N Title of Article Journal Yea o r 1 Iodine-Catalyzed Aza-Diels-Alder Reactions of Aliphatic Synthetic 200 N-Arylaldimines Niethnadka Premsai Rai; S. Communications, 9 Shashikanth; P. N. Arunachalam. 39, 12, 2125-2136. 2 Synthesis and antifungal activity of 2-azetidinonyl-5-(2- Pest Management 200 benzoylphenoxy) methyl-1,3,4-oxadiazoles against seed- Science 9 borne pathogens of Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn. Shaukath A Khanum , Sheena Shashikanth , Syagadadu (In press) Giriyanna Sathyanarayana , Siddalingaiah Lokesh , Saligrama A. 3 Synthesis and crystal structure of 2-(4-chlroro)benzoyl-5- Anal. Sci, 23, x179. 200 chlorophenoxy ethylacetate. T.D.Venu, S.Naveen, 7 B.K.Manuprasad,S.Shashikanth, M.A.Sridhar, J.Shashidhara Prasad. 4 Synthesis and crystal structure of [2-(4-chlorobenzoyloxy)- J. Chem. 200 5-methylphenyl]-(4-methylphenyl) methanone. T.D.Venu, Crystallogr, 37, 7 S.Naveen, S. Shashikanth, M.A.Sridhar, J.Shashidhara 787-791. Prasad. 5 Antisporulant activity of watery extracts of plants against American Journal of 200 Sclerospora graminicola causing Downy Mildew disease Agricultural and 7 of pearl millet, S.A.Deepak., G. Oros., S.G. Biological Sciences Sathyanarayana, H. Shetty and S. Shashikanth. 2, 1, 36-42. 6 Diastereoselective reduction of 1,3- oxazolidin-2-ones and Journal of Korean 200 1,3-thiazolidin-2-ones Shimoga Nagaraj Sriharsha Chemical Society 7 and Sheena Shashikanth. 7 Synthesis, Docking and anti-tumor activity of β-L-1,3- Medicinal 200 thiazoidine pyrimidine nucleoside analogues, Chemistry, 3. 7 Shimoga.Nagaraj.Sriharsha, Sridhar Ranganarth Pai, Suhas V.L., Sheena Shashikanth, Nagasuma Chandra, Medicinal chemistry, 3, (2007). 8 Synthesis and crystallographic analysis of benzophenone Bioorg. Med. 200 derivatives-The potential anti-inflammatory agents. T.D. Chem., 15, 3505- 7 Venu, S. Shashikanth, S.A. Khanum, S. Naveen, Aiysha 3514. Firdouse, M.A. Sridhar and J. Shashidhara Prasad. 9 Antibacterial activity of Synthetic precursors of International 200 Podophyllotoxin. N. Nanjundaswamy, S. Satish, K.M Journal of 7 Lokanath Rai, S. Shashikanth and K. A. Raveesha. Biomedical Sciences, 3, 1. 10 Design, synthesis and antibacterial activity of 1,3- Bioorg. Med. 200 thiazolidine pyrimidine nucleoside analogues Shimoga Chem, 14, 7476- 6 Nagaraj sriharsha, Sridharmurthy Satish, Sheena 7481. Shashikanth, Koteshwara Anandarao raveesha, Bioorg. Med. Chem, 14 (2006) 7476-7481. 11 Synthesis and antimicrobial activity of 1,3-oxazolidine Heterocyclic 200 nucleoside analogues, S.N.Sriharsha, Sheena Communications, 6 Shashikanth., Heterocyclic Communications, (2006), Vol 12(3-4). 12(3-4). 12 Novel synthesis of 1,3-oxazolidine pyrimidine nucleoside Bulgarian Chemical 200 analogues and study of their antimicrobial activity, communication, 38, 6 Shimoga Nagaraj Sriharsha and Sheena Shashikanth. 4, 243-247. 13 Synthesis and crystal structure of (4-Hydroxy-3- Analy. Sci. 22, 200 methylphenyl)(4-methylphenyl)methanone S. Naveen, x183. 6 Shaukath Ara Khanum, T. D. Venu, S. Shashikanth, Mandayam A. Sridhar and Javaregowda S. Prasad. 14 Antiangiogenic effect of 2-benzoyl--phenoxy acetamide in INVEST NEW 200 EAT cell is mediated by HIF-1α and down regulation of DRUGS 6 VEGF of in- vivo B. T. Prabhakar,Shaukath Ara Khanum, S. Shashikan 0167-6997 (Paper) th and Bharathi P. Salimath. 1573-0646 (Online) DOI: 10.1007/s1063 7-006-6587-0 15 Synthesis and crystal structure of (5-Chloro-2- Analy. Sci. 22, 200 hydroxyphenyl)-(4-chlorophenyl) methanone T. D. Venu, x157. 6 S. Naveen, S. Shashikanth, Mandayam A. Sridhar and Javaregowda S. Prasad. 16 Synthesis and crystal structure of 2-[(4- Analy. Sci. 22, 200 Methylbenzoyloxy)-5-methylphenyl]-phenyl methanone S. x155. 6 Naveen, T. D. Venu, S. Shashikanth, Mandayam A. Sridhar and Javaregowda S. Prasad. 17 Synthesis and crystal structure of (2-hydroxy-5- Acta Cryst. E62, 200 methylphenyl) (4-methylphenyl) methanone, S.Naveen, 01664-01665. 6 Shaukath Ara Khanum, N. Mahendra, S. Shashikanth, M.A.Sridhar and J.Shashidharaprasad 18 Synthesis and crystal structure of [5-fluoro-2-(4- Acta Cryst, E62, 200 methylbenzoyloxy) phenyl]-(4-methylphenyl) methanone, 05896-05898 6 S.Naveen, T. D. Venu, S. Shashikanth, M.A.Sridhar and J. Shashidharaprasad. 19 Crystal structure of tetrazole derivative, H.S. Yatirajan, Cryst. Res. Technol, 200 M.Netaji, B.Prabhuswamy, C.R.Raju, 41 (3), 299. 6 P.Nagaraja, S.Shashikanth, M.N.Punnuswamy and K.Palani. 20 Synthesis of lignans part-I; synthesis of 1-acetoxy 4-aryl- Bulgarian Chemical 200 3-ethoxy-carbonyl naphthalene and 4-aryl-3-ethoxy- communication, 38, 6 carbonyl-1-naphthol, A.Kumar Singh,S.Shashikanth. 126-130. 21 Synthesis and crystal structure of (4-chlorophenyl)-(2- Acta Cryst E62, 200 hydroxy-5-methoxylphenyl)-methanone, S.Naveen, 02233-02234. 6 T.D.Venu, S.Shashikanth, M.A.Sridhar and J. Shashidharaprasad. 22 Crystal structure of (2-hydroxy-5-fluorophenyl) Analytical Sciences, 200 methanone S.Naveen, T.D.Venu, S.Shashikanth, 22, 95. 6 M.A.Sridhar and J.Shashidharaprasad, 23 Anti-tumor and proapoptotic effect of novel synthetic Bioorg. Med. Chem 200 benzophenone analogues in Ehrlich ascites tumor cells 14, 435-446. 6 Prabhakar B T, Shaukath Ara Khanum, Jayashree K. Bharathi P. Salimath and S.Shashikanth. 24 Synthesis and crystal structure of 2-benzoyl-4- J. Chem.cryst. 35, 200 methylphenyl benzoate, N.Mahendra, Doreswamy, (6), 463. 5 M.A.Sridhar, J.Shashidharaprasad, T. D. Venu,S.Shashikanth ,Shaukath A. Khanum. 25 Synthesis and antimicrobial study of novel heterocyclic Eur. J. Med. Chem. 200 compounds from hydroxybenzophenones Shaukath Ara 40, 1156-1162. 5 Khanum, S. Shashikanth S. Umesha and Kavitha. 26 Synthesis and crystal structure of 1,3-dibenzoyloxy Analy. Sci., x193 200 benzene. S. Naveen, T. D. Venu, Shaukath A. Khanum, S. 5 Shashikanth, Mandayam A. Sridhar and Javaregowda S. Prasad. 27 Synthesis of Benzoyl Phenyl Benzoates as Effective Bioorg. Med. 200 Inhibitors for Phospholipase A2 and Hyaluronidase Chem. Lett. 15, 5 Enzymes. Shaukath Ara Khanum, Satish Kumar 4100. Murari,Bannikuppe Sannanaik Vishwanth and Sheena Shashikanth. 28 4-Methoxyphenyl)(2-methylphenyl) methanone Acta Cryst.E. 200 Madegowda Mahendra, , Shaukath A. Khanum, S. 5 Shashikanth, A.K Singh, Beeranahally H. Doreswamy Mandayam A. Sridhar and Javaregowda S. Prasad. 29 A facile synthesis of dihydrobenzofuranols by Het. atom Chem. 16 200 photocyclization of (2-alkoxy -5-methyl phenyl) (aryl) (3) 212 5 methanone and ethyl-2-aroyl-4- methylphenoxyactetate. S. Shashikanth B.S.Sudha and Shaukath Ara Khanum 30 Synthesis and Pharmacological activity of 4-aryl-thieno- Indian J. Pharma. 200 [2,3-d]pyrididazines. A.K. Singh, G.L Hedge, S. A. Sci. 67, 210. 5 Khanum and S. Shashikanth. 31 Antisporulant activity of leaf extracts of Indian plants Archives of 200 against Sclerospora graminicola causing downy mildew Phytopathology and 5 disease of pearl millet.Saligrama Advigwoda Deepak, Plant Protection. Gyula Oros, Syagadadu Giriyanna Sathyanarayana, 38(1) 31-39. Nandni Pratap Shetty, Huntrike Shekar shetty andSheena Shashikanth. 32 2-Benzoyloxy-5-methyl benzophenone. Leslaw Acta Cryst. E60, 200 Siero'n,S.Shashikanth, H. S. Yathirajan, T. D. Venu, B. 01889. 4 Nagaraj, P. Nagaraja and S. A Khanum. 33 Synthesis and anti-inflammatory activity of newer Bioorg. Med. 200 analogues of dibenzoyl hydroxy phenyls Shaukath Ara Chem. Lett. 14, 4 Khanum, Venu T. D, S. Shashikanth, and Ayiesha 5351. Firdouse. 34 Synthesis and antimildew activity of 5-(2-aroyl)aryloxy Pest Manag. Sci. 60, 200 methyl-2-phenyl-1,3,4- oxadiazoles against downy mildew 1119. 4 of pearl millet. Shaukath Ara Khanum, S. Shashikanth and B.S.Sudha. 35 Synthesis in the field of Podophyllotoxin and related Indian J. Chem. 43 200 analogues part-XII. Synthesis of benzodioxan analogue of B, 1713. 4 -apopicropodophyllin". Didemethoxy-S. Shashikanth and Ganesh L Hegde. 36 Synthesis of 5-(4'-aroyl)aroyloxy methyl-4-H-1,2,4- Heterocycl. Comm. 200 triazoline-3-thiol and their biological activity. 10, 85. 4 B.S.Sudha, S. Shashikanth and Shaukath Ara Khanum. 37 A facile synthesis and study of biologically significant 3- Indian. J. Pharma. 200 (2-aroylaroyloxy) methyl-5- mercapto-4H-1,2,4-triazole Sciences. 66, 293. 4 analogues. Shaukath Ara Khanum, S. Shashikanth and B.S.Sudha. 38 Synthesis and anti-inflammatory activity of benzophenone Bioorg. Chem. 32, 200 analogues. Shaukath Ara Khanum,S.Shashikanth and A. 211. 4 V. Deepak. 39 Synthesis of Benzoppheone oxime Anlogues as inhibitor Bioorg. Med. 200 of secretary phospholipase A2 with anti-inflammatory Chem. Lett. 14, 4 activity. Satish Kumar, S. N. Sriharsha,S. 2423. Shashikanth and B. S.Vishwanth. 40 -nitrovinyl)Crystal structure of 2-chloro-3-( quinoline. K. Anal. Sci. Japan 20, 200 palani, P. Ambala Van, M.N ponnaswamy, H.S Yathirajan, 403. 4 C.R Raju B. Prabhuswamy, P. Nagaraj and S. Shashikanth. 41 Microwave-assisted synthesis of 2-amino and 2- Het. atom Chem. 200 azetidinonyl-5-(2-benzoyl-phenoxymethyl)-1,3,4- 4 oxadiazoles. Shaukath Ara Khanum, S. Shashikanthand 15, 37. B.S.Sudha.
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