Southwest Missouri . UAL IONAL . BATE RNAMENT Southwest Missouri State University, the Department of Com­ munication, and the Holt V Spicer Debate Forum welcome' the participants of the 56th National Debate Tournament, to our campus. We extend a special welcome to Regis University, the Univer­ sity ofRochester, and Seattle University, the first time particpants in the National Debate Tournament. We hope you enjoy your visit to SMSU, and wish each of you' the very best of luck. That the United States Federal Government should substantially in­ crease federal control throughout Indian Country in one or more of the following areas: child welfare, criminal justice, employment, environmental protec­ non,• gamIng,• resource . management, taxation. Official Greeting 4 Tournament Schedule 5 Tournament Information 6 History of SMSU 7 SMSU Campus Map 8 Tournament Participants 2002 9 NDT History 12 Champions, Runner-Up, and Final Four 13 NDT Top Speakers 18 Rex Copeland Award 20 First Round At-Large Awards 21 Participants: 1947-2001 22 .. 3 II Southwest Missouri State UNIVERSITY March 22, 2002 Greetings and welcome to Southwest Missouri State University! We are delighted to be hosting the 56th National Debate Tournament and trust that your experiences here will be good ones. I' I" Southwest Missouri State boasts a long and venerable debate tradition. Founded in the I',I earliest days ofthe institution, our debate program has been a cornerstone ofthe SMSU educational enterprise, and we take great pride in its history, its successes, and its alumni who have made us proud through their many contributions in communities all over the country. We, like all institutions ofhigher education who are committed to debate, recognize the intrinsic value ofthis discipline to the fulfillment ofour fundamental goal of producing educated citizens, defined first and foremost, in my opinion, as people who can think critically. Debate fosters critical thinking as well as any discipline I know. When one adds such skills as argumentation and persuasion to the composite profile of the debater. it can come as no surprise that many ofcontemporary society's leaders have debate ~- backgrounds. We at Southwest Missouri State University salute you, congratulate you for having qualified for this prestigious event, and wish you well in the competitions of the tournament. Sincerely, ~-rMJ.~ ~Belcher, Dean College of Arts and Letters 4 2002 9{ationa[ Debate Tournament Scheduie 7:45 ContinentalBreakfast 8:15 Announcement of'Round I 11:15 Lunch Break 12:45 AnnouncernenrofRound II 3:00 Reception, Meyer Library 4:45 Announcement ofRound III 7:45 Continental Breakfast 8:15 Announcement ofRound IV 11:15 Lunch Br~ak 12:45 Announcement ofRound V 4:45 Announcement ofRo"undVI I 11 ~ 7:45 Continental Breakfast 8:15 Announcement of Round VII 11:15 Lunch Break i fi 12:45 Announcement ofRound VIII :j 4:45 Announcement ofFirst Elimination Round ~ 8:30 Tournament Banquet, Clarion Ballroom j I j I: I 7:15 Drawing ofOctofinal judges, Clarion Hotel 7:30 Announcement ofocrofinals 8:30 Ocrofinal round begins Rounds continue throughout theday at Clarion Hotel 5 ~ :: , , ; ,: . --' ­ ;Pairingswilfb,.ereadintheiPl~ter' ... St~dentUnionin th.eBiUlroo~onthe . thirdfloor.:Tournament announce- . inents wilYBemadeprior to the .... reading ofrhe pairings. ,. BreakfaStsa.ncl lunches : willbe servedinthe 'Balltoomortthe third Photocopying isa~ailable atOfflce flooroFthe Plaster ; Max .(3500 SGlenstone, south of Student-Union. The · the Clarion-on Glenst6ne)an'd , Ba.llonahle~~i1l belocated:iri . reception will be held · KiIlkos (1722 S Glenstonenorth each 'of the cOIIIpetition room ..... in the StudentRead­ oftheClarion onGlenstone).: buildings. The.balloutables ing Room ofthe Kinkos is open.24 hours. .will be on the first Rooi:of each Meyer Library. blJilding• Temi~hotographswilIBet~enbetweenrounds Tournamentidehtific~tio~badges will . on Su . · serve asyour admissiontoalltoumament lldayandMonday. .: functions; induding banquets at the hotel­ ·.and mealson campus. We askthat you . \ · haveyour identification badgewith you .. atalLtimes.Many ofour workers are .. volunteers who are not otherwise associ­ atedwith the debatecommunity..1'hey. will not be able to recognize people who aresupposedto be a,tthe tournament, ,- Pleasebe courteous.in your interactions . · . - -- . .: with'our'volunteers; Histotu ofsusu Southwest Missouri State University was founded in Springfield in 1905 as the Fourth District Normal School. During its early years, the institution's primary purpose was the preparation of teachers for the public school systems in the southwest region of Missouri. The first name change came in 1919 when the school became Southwest Missouri State Teachers College, reflecting its regional mission. By the mid-1940s, the University had expanded its instructional program be­ yond teacher education to include the liberal arts and sciences; and as a consequence, the Missouri legislature, in 1945, authorized an official change in the institution's name to Southwest Missouri State College. By 1972, as additional programs were implemented at the undergraduate level, and with the development of graduate edu­ cation, the University had become an educationally diverse institution. Recognition of this further growth and development again resulted in an official change in name to Southwest Missouri State University. Today, the institution is a multipurpose, metro­ politan university providing diverse instructional, research, and service programs. In 1963, a residence center offering freshman and sophomore level courses was established at West Plains. Now, as a second campus of the university with its own mission, the West Plains campus offers a two-year general education program, which is fully integrated with programs on the main campus, as well as other specialty and skills courses. The State Fruit Experiment Station, established by a legislative act in 1899, is the oldest identifiable segment of Southwest Missouri State University. Until 1974, it operated as a state agency under a board of trustees appointed by the Governor. A5 a result of the Omnibus State Reorganization Act of 1974, administrative responsibility for the Station was given to the Board of Regents of the University. In 1984, the Station was assigned departmental status in the College of Health and Applied Sci­ ences as part of a reorganization of the University. The most recent university mission statement identifies the Station as a separate campus with a research designation. FACILITIES I!J 1. AlumnlCenler 2. Archa8olollyReseerch 3. ArtAnnsl 4. Art& DesignGallery 5. 8ekerBooksiore ri. Basketball Courts 7. Blair-Shannon House 8. BurglssHouse 9. Cerrlnllion Hall 10. Central Stores& Malnlenance 11. CheekHall 12. Craig Hell 13. CustodIal On-len 14. Dogwood Aparlmenls 15. EllisHall 16. FlorenteHall 17. Foren.lcLaboralory 18. ForcytheAlhleUtlCenler 19. FrsudenberaerHDUJe 20. G1usHall 21. GrandSltlllllUnderpaa 22. Greenwood LaboralorySchClol 23. HammOlllFoun18ln 24. Hemmons Houll 25. Hammons SiudeniCenler 26. HIliHall 27. Holland BulJdlnll 28. Honors House 29.lnlramuralSports 3D.Jim D.Morrisremer 31. Juanl18 K. Hammons Hall forlhe PertormlnllArts 32. KSMU RadioSialion 33. KarlsHall 34. Kemper Hall 35. Kentwood Hall 36. KingsStreetAnn61 37. Levy·WolIBulldlnll 38. MadIson Hall 39. McOonaldArena 40. Meyer Library 41. Monroe Hall 42. Morris Hall 43. MolorPool 44. NlwCal"llrla 45. N"wR",ldenn Hell 46. Ph)'llcalTherapy BuHdlng 47. Pln'lu Sludllnl Union 48. POllal D/slrlbullon Cenler 49. Power Houu 50. ProleulonalBuilding 51. Public Atlalrs Classroom Building 52. Pummlll Hall 53. Recrl!llllonfleids 54. Robert W.PlasterSportsComplex 55. Salety& Transporlallon Boolh 56. Salaty&TransportalionOtflces andS.P.O.Substallon 57. ScholarsHause 58. SlcaluflHaU 59. SocterFleld 60. Softball Field 61. SiudeniElIIlblllon Center 62. Sunvllla Tower 63. Taylor Health & Wellness Cenler 64. TempleHa1l 65. Tennis Courts 156. ThealreDepartmenl Support Cenler 67_rransn 0pllralionsCllnler 158. University CollaliaHall 69. WehrBandHell 70. WellsHOU511 71. Woods House 72.621 E.Elm PARKING LOTS@ * Anerved LolSCD000@@@@ @@@)@@I@ 24 Heurs.Mon.Ihru Sun. Residence Halls lOIS(!)@)@@@@@) areeerermn. Lols0@@@@®@@ @@@@ RedPerml1. Commuter lOlS®®®®@®®@@ @@@@@ YeliowPerml1. While Permll (Evenings Only). lOI®® YeliowPermil WhllaP,rmlt(EvanlngsOnlyj. Ho5andayMorningParking. HoParklng2-6a.m.dally (lal 28only). Melered!PeldVlsilar lalsCD®0@)@@@@ @®@ Motorcycle lals0®®®®® Disabled loiS CD@ andanymarked dlsabledspaca,orcommUlerlol (lonadyallow). 8 'Tournament Participants District 1 District 3 California-Berkeley Baylor Nathan Haratani and Tejnder Singh MatthewTitus and James English Ivo Keller and Matt Macdonald Coaches: Karla Leeper, Jay Hudkins, andJoseph Coppola Stavey Nathan and Dan Shalmon Coaches: Dave Arnett, Russ Falconer,JessicaClarke, Emporia State Randy Luskey, Hajir Ardebelli, and Shawn Whalen Sam Maurer and Phillip Samuels SJ Moore and David Register California State-Bakersfield Coaches: Glen Strickland, Ken DeLaughder, James Taylor, Jason Giffard and David Wells Darren Elliot, Doug Dennis, and Jason Stone Coaches: Omar G. Guevera and Paul M. Loupe Fort Hays State California State-Fullerton Paul Mabrey and Brent Saindon Toni Nielson and Cameron Ward Joe Ramsey andJason Regnier Josh Clark andArny Dempster Coach: BillShanahan Coaches:Dr. Jeanine Congalton.Dr, Jon Bruschke, Casey Arbenz, Jason Cramer, Bill Neesen, Justin Skarb, Adam Kansas Symonds Sara Apel and Melanie Wilson Coaches:
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