'ounqunJDw Jo e^qeleJtsasolc eq7sE'-lunaLurT snuoSueIsV-o4V eql lseSSnsoq^\ (€661) qcultlg T, sseJpug ,{q pezuuuurns ueeq seq eeeceur8nltonlurqlr/( sdtqsuoqelu ctreue8 uo qcJeeseg eJeqpe,,trolloJ 'eeat?ulSnlloI^{ '886I sr srql pu? Jo uopruSocerpelno^BJ a^Dq (t66I qcutllg d, ssalpug qclllllg '3 '066I e) I.s eeeceozrv eqt uo sorpnlsluacau (/96I qsDIErd lleq8lH 6, sqocel 3 e) eualeoz\Y '286I '3 '(986I urqlrnreeaprou6n11o1r1 ,(Iurz;qns ro (t96I rpre{cg lo p epeeg e) ee$uur8nllot\i '/86I ssod T, ,{oluEts (eFeqq?I^I 3 e) eeeceozty uI popnlcul uaaq ,{lsnouE^ s?tf t/ltnquorDw 'serceds 'leded ueqeqsny uJelse \ ol sdrqsuorlularJleql ol p:e8eJuI uuql Joqlo slql ur Jer{unJpelEalt tou aJ€ulPllsnv uJals?aol cllllepue "xBl arLL Ells]lsnY uJel{llou Pu" uJe}sBeur rncco (rqcsda1ra.7"ra^,t/ sEereq peqrJcsep ,{1,trau sr qcrq/r^;oeuo) selcedspeu€uun o,^\lpu? ('llenJ { C 'W 't/'l'ssod'WgolouoldwoJ oJ\qwo)oau puBellqlA J J,eaplorpaqda y'{) selcedspeurBu aerqJ '€rl€.rlsnv uJ?lsel\ uI Jnccool u^\oDI serceds1p;o ,(ruouoxelaqt s,ter^arpue €rct peqlJcsepuneql JoJseureu pru:o; sept,tord 'peueleeJqt :eded srql .ro eJ?JsB pepm8er ere (BxBl pequc$pun eql Jo euo Supnlcut) :no; pue 'peuEuun eJBo^11 'BI[€J]snV uJalsai[ ol snoue8rputsetceds eq1;g BII€qsnv ulelsee puB uJequou '?rleJlsnv ur Suurncco Jepul?ureJeql qlr.r uJelselAJo lse,r-qlnos aql ol crutepueeJB qclq.{l Jo e^IJ 'serceds uel ,tlet"urxordde go slsrsuoc lpugxe lFa''jHounqlro,DW snueaugrleJlsnv cluepue eqJ uollJnporlul 'pegrd,ftoeu ',4 srlpua xe 1ean11st\o4smt arfiLltrDiDl l eutuueql puE eu sE 'w 'seneds paqrjcsepere rqcsde-lxaua^ pu? t\csde'I!fuaq3! ! plntqltpco1,t1 polcelesJo suoD€$snlll 'pepr^oJd 'pesI qlru Suop eJs sdvur uo4nqrnsrp pu? ,{e{ V pezruSoce:ere sercadsxrs pue eJ sr erle.qsnv rrletse \ ur (eBeceur8nfiol) ourulJtooory snue8 aqJ O66D ng-Lt:(I) II PIs]fnN 'Erlvosnv '1 'qcsdal rrJelsed\ ur (e€eceur8nllotrI) utnqupJgry Jo uorsrloJ anuouoxul y 9 fJBJlsqv 't0 €869lrle.qsnv urelseA'e.Due3,{m IoC,(e[}uo{ t 8egpalro'I 'umlr?qlaH lueura8Euel{pue.I pus uo!!^resuoC Jotueulurdec UEIIe-qsnVuiatselA rqf,soe'II q BIIBJFnY uJalsajll u.r (aBerBu.r8nllotrl) Dunqvmow lo uolsl^ar f,lruouoxpl V (966t) t9-rE :(t) I I prst,{nN NuyrsisVol. I I, No.1 (1996) Taxonomic history Macarthuria was describedby S.L. Endlicher in 1837 (Endlicher 1837) to accommodatea single species,M qustrulis, the type of the genus. Steudel (1845), working with material collected by L. Preiss,described M. foliosa (synonymouswrth M. australis), with M. apetala added by Harvey (1855)andM. neocambricaby Mueller (1865). Mueller was apparentlyalso awareofan additional taxon to which he applied the manuscriptname M apetqla yar. rigidor, but it was not until 1982 that this plant was formally describedas M. intricqta (Keighery 1982). Three other specieshave been recognized in recent times, viz: M. ephedroides(White 1946), M. georgeLna (Keighery 1983) and M. complanata (Ross 1984). Materials and methods This study is basedon examinationof herbariumcollections ftom BRI, CANB (including CBG), DNA and PERTH, with selectedmaterial ftom K, KPBG, LD, MEL and TCD. All measurements were made from dried specimens,reconstituted in the caseof reproductiveorgans. Terminology for indumentumfollows Hewson(1988). Notes on morpholog;r Shapeand size ofleaves variesgreatly dependingon the stageofgrowth ofrhe plant. Seedlings, plants regeneratingfrom the rootstock following fire or other disturbanceand plants producing new growth at the beginning of the growing seasonall have larger leaves at the base of the plant (occasionallyin a false rosette),and on new stems. Thesebasal leaves are often withered at anthesis and aregradually lost, with the plant producingreduced leaves further up the stems. Basalleaves have been seenin all speciestreated in this study,except M. georgeana and,M. intricata, and are included in the descriptions. Such leaveshave alsobeen seen in the eastemAustralian species M. complanata, M. neocambrica and an unnamedtaxon from northernQueensland, but in M. neocambricathe basal leavesare usually persistent(in a false rosette),as are the vadously developedcauline leaves. 'southem Seedlingplants of M. apetalct(at least the variant' of this species)and M. vertex may flower and fruit when quite young, and with their basal leavesstill presentare superficially similar to the predominantlyherbaceots M. neocambrica(see above). The more usualcase for thesespecies would appearto be a period of active vegetativegrowth, followed by flowering and fiuiting once the plant is established. For this study filament lengths are measuredfrom the baseof the point of divergencefrom the staminal ring to the filament apex. Taxonomic treatment Macarthuria Hiigel ex Endl. Endlicher (1837: 11). Type: Macarthuria australis Higel ex Endl. "" EIEladB'I I ecueredsgol Eqq€eua salEcsJBlnBuEut pesse:dde ol pocnper lle l€,\eu 'qnJqsqns lnq'lletus ue+o se^pel :etBculurlou paqJu€Jq-elUIIlce.Ig :9 ' ElBc.rJlu.r'trtr ureqle) ol {eg Ir€qS seLeJS ruln8uurrl pesse:ddeot pecnpeJse^eel IIE :quqs peqcuEJq,{letPculul g ".' 'snoncrdsuocul'tueseld g 8uol rulu 8 l-t 0 '.(DlDJadD ueqt 71 ur pecnpo:d ,{lpuolsecto) luesqv ,{l1e.reue8spleg :g sllBJlsn"'tr{l slncol red seln^o g-Z qlr,^d,{JE^o'pere,trog-,{uuur-1seu,{a :selucs.rcln8uerrl pessardde o1 'pedole^ep pecnperI[€ Je^eulnq ,{lsnou€ s3,\Esl:uaof'qloouls stus]S :t '14l . eueaS.roa8 elncol ted eln,lo 1 q1r,n,{m,to 'peJe,,!\oU-ZJo -l ^ltuetsrsuoJseul,tc:selEcs m1n3uurr1 'pesseJddE ol 'osocnrre,\ pecnpal se^"€l II€ :snocnelSJo u,rorq ,{1sn.r ,{ltcutlsrpsuelS 7 .' 'snoncldsuoJ'tuesald t 8uoyurur t-Z s,{€,,!\lPslBtad t """"" 'W 8 (Dlotado u'! Jtaao ,{B(uepllldBd llurus euos flerer ,(re,r)snorqElB luEld :Z 'hl ".' " . 1,(:aq31a1 ,{IEq luEld Z """""""" 'Z 2" €rls.usnv ujelsed\ uJelse,{\-qtnos(turelel s,{e,,\\puoq} ro I 'lle,t\ fpu€lslsuoc sJe,^douJI) sluals ulurx eql uo sP ,{llBulruratflPuolsEcco pus,{ll€Jel€l euroq seufc pesuepuocr,{ll€leue8 ut fueru-1 sla,1^olC:l xalaa'tr 1 fuotulal uJequoN puoosuour puu urlErlsnv uJelseldJo uorSerfeyreqrur-y (lte,^\sE ,{nE.Iet€leuJoq auos,{leJ?t) slolqau€Jqecuarserouur eleurrtln eqtr 3o xedu eql l€ saut,{cuI 9-I s.le,^\olc I 'peqs ueeq e,teq,(eru spled eq1su'slrn4 3uno,{ puu sre,rolJ e.InleluJeAo Suruluuxe ueq,,!\ue{Et eq osl€ plnoqseleC (slEdese^rJ) sued qluer.rede,rr; ,(luo sra^\ou snolBtede '(spled e,lg 'spdes a.tr;) sged qtuurraduel a,vq syutedqtr^\ sla,rog:sluted se pelerdrelulslu:eq plnoc spdas;o poq,t Jeuulegt .2loN BlIBJlsnv uralsaa\ u! mJnquDJDw Io salJadsol day '(r86r 'rnquEc€r{ seur€g) lsrlemlln.u8p pus tsrlurnllncruoq '288I-008I ruerllr.d\ rrs ngy t3o1ow&g 'selEl!\ qlnos a\eN IrJequouol qlnos puB 'puElsueenopu" fJollrlsJ ureq oN eq] ol spJE/htsBeuorSar ,{eFequrly eql tuo4 Surxnsco JapurerxeJeql 'El["J]snv urelsela 'ErlEJlsnv uralse,r-qlnosol JruJgpueeJ€ e^g qcrq,r Jo ol Jruapua serJadserotrl Jo ual uounq!4slQ 'e1u11ue'pe1d1ncs ueuo teoc pses 'Irep 'prosdrlletsorul€ ol uuoJruel+ ,spaa5 elnsdecpprcllncole rud qcue,lo xade '€ 'rBtncot-t 1" ?ul8us saqcuerqa1&5 eyncolred seyn,rog-I qtr,r &r^O 8uu lEuluels e uo peuesul 'B suawDJS'luesqB Jo 'ee4 'rrr€el3ot atrq.r 'g slplad slJoq,ro,^\t ur 'eag 'g siada5 elellectpedsremog 'seqcuErqeqt uo FllEululratro ,([pFlel peuesur'peJe,rou-,(uEur-I 'snouoloqcrp pu€ uado seu]qeuros 'esouric 'tue]s aJuaJsatoL[ul salEcsol peanper[u ,{[€uorsucco eql dn JeqInJ pecnper,{1e, sser3ord Sururoceq'el"uJollB 'IBSEqosp flera'euqnec ,{psorusaroa1 pe?uvt Jo peu4]Eu 'el€culul(l€JEr 'aterel 'pr8u 'lllrt 'sqnq .sluaJS ,{]I?q,{le]?J lo snorq?I8 ru (Z)g I oj,sqn.qs rc sqntqsqns |Eruuered DlJryuo)DW lo $orsr^ar.rulouoxEtv lt].soet t g NuytsiaVol.11, No. I (1996) 1. Macarthuria apetala Harv. (Harvey 1855: 55). Type: Wlestern] Australia, I. Drummond s.n. (holo: TCD (photo BRI, PERTH)). Erect subshrubto 30 cm tall, glabrousor rarely with sornepoorly developedpapillae on vegetative palts. Stemsterete, wiry or mole or less stout, greenishto red-brown, often glaucouswhen dried. leaves presentmainly towards the baseof the stemsand on young growth, beconing progressively reduced fudher up the stems,sessile to obscurely petiolate; lamina narrowly to linear-obovate,or narrowly elliptic to linear, 1.2-30mm long, 0.3-3 mm broad; basevery narrowly cuneateto attenuate; apex acute to narrowly acuteor very shortly acuminate. Inflorescenceof 1-20 flowers in generally somewhat condensedcymes, inserted laterally (or rarely terminally) on the stems.Bracts broadly tdangular to tdangular,0.5- 1.5 mn long, herbaceouswith a narrow scariousmargin,brown. pedicels 1-3 mm long. SepaLrelliptic to broadly elliptic, 1.3-2.3mm long, herbaceous(inner 2less strongly so), with a nanow scarious margin. Petals usually absent;if present,narrowly to very narrowly obovate to very narrowly elliptic or (rarely) obovate,0.7-1.8 mm long, base attenuate,not clawed. Staminal ring abouthalf as long as ovary; free filaments0.3-1.2 mm long; anthers0.3-0.5 mm long. Ovary 1-1.3 mm long, with 1 ovule per locule; style branches0.2-0.5 mm long. Frall ovoid to more or less globular, 1.5-3 mm long. Seedsblack, tuberculateto pusticulate,shining, broadly comma- shaped,1.2-1.7 mrn long; aril large. Distribution. Largely subcoastal,occurring in scatteredpopulations from Eneabbasouthwards to Northcliffe and east as far as Esperance,Western Australia. (Figure l) conservation status. Previously listed as Priority 2 under CALM conservation codes for western Australian Flora. Following this review, this taxon hasbeen removedfrom the priority Flora listing asit is more widespreadthan previouslythought, with a numberofpopulations occurring on protected lands. For definitions of conservationcodes used by the Depaftment of Conseryationand Land Management,see the end of this issue. Typifi.cation.Harvey (1855) did not cite any type mate al in the protologue of his new species. However, at TCD (theherbarium at which Harveywas curator (Ducker 1988,Stafleu & Cowan 1979)), there is a Drummond specimencomprising an entire,fertile plant, possibly labelledin Harvey's hand (S.C.
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