BROWNSON LIBRARY CATALOG SHELF LIST - AUTHOR ORDER Call # Title Author Subject LP Sub Heading Date E ABI T'was In The Moon Of Wintertime Abisch, Roz 1969 234.4 ABR Wesley for Armchair Theologians Abraham, William J. Reformed Church Doctrines 2005 740 LAW The Law and the Prophets Abrams Art Religious 9999 R 220 BIB Good News for Modern Man ABS Bible New Testament 1966 R 220 BIB Good News for Modern Man, Large Print ABS Bible LP New Testament 1966 R 220 BIB Good News for Modern Man, Large Print, c. 2 ABS Bible LP New Testament 1966 173 ACH The Committed Marriage Achtemeier, Elizabeth Ethics Marriage 1989 224.1 ACH The Community and Message of Isaiah Achtemeier, Elizabeth Bible Isaiah 1982 R 220.3 HAR HarperCollins Bible Dictionary, Rev Edition Achtemeier, P. ed DictionariesBible Dictionaries 1996 225.61 ACH Introducing New Testament: Literature & Theology Achtemeier, Paul J. Bible New Testament 2001 230 ACH Old Testament Roots of our Faith Achtemeier, Paul J. Bible, OT Theology 1994 R 227 ACH Romans:Interpretation Series Achtemeier, Paul J. Bible Commentary 1985 221 ACH The Old Testament Roots of our Faith Achtemeier, Paul J. Bible Old Testament 1962 E ADA With Love, Little Red Hen Ada, Alma Flor 2004 242 ADA Forward to Freedom: From Exodus to Easter Adam, David Devotions Lent 2001 254 ADA Pastoral Administration Adams, Arthur Church Management 1964 236 ADA Heaven: Coming Soon! Adams, Harry A. Heaven LP 2000 E ADA What Is Easter? Adams, Michelle Medlock EasterJuvenile Literature Jesus Christ 2005 211 ADL How to Think about God Adler, Mortimer J. Religion Meditations 1980 220.9 AHA Carta Bible Atlas Aharon, Yohanan Bible Atlas 2002 221.9 AHA Land of the Bible Aharon, Yohanan BibleOTGeography JewsHistory 1980 978 AHA Macmillan Bible Atlas Aharon, Yohanan Atlas Bible 1993 362.2 ALA As We Understood AlAnon Family Group Welfare Alcoholism 1990 362.2 ALA Courage to Change LARGE PRINT AlAnon Family Group Welfare LP Alcoholism 1992 B ALB Have a Little Faith Albom, Mitch Mitch Albom Albert Lewis 2009 921 SCH Tuesdays With Morrie Albom, Mitch Biography Morris Schwartz 9999 158.1 MOO Care of the Soul, c. 2 Alcoholics Anon., ed. Spiritual Life Psychology, Religious 1994 306.9 ALD The Losing of Gordon: A Beacon Through the Storm Aldrich, Joni James Grief 2009 Called Grief E ALE All Things Bright and Beautiful Alexander, Cecil 1996 J F ALE Behold the Trees Alexander, Sue 1927 226.7 ALL The Touch of the Master's Hand Allen, Charles Miracles Jesus Christ 1956 223.2 ALL The Twentythird Psalm Allen, Charles Bible Psalms 1953 248.3 ALL All Things are Possible through Prayer Allen, Charles L. Prayer Christian Life 1958 242 ALL Healing Words Allen, Charles L. Devotions 1961 248.4 ALL Life More Abundant Allen, Charles L. Christian Life Faith 1968 248.86 ALL Perfect Peace Allen, Charles L. Consolation Peace of Mind 1979 248.3 ALL Prayer Changes Things Allen, Charles L. Prayer Christian Life 1964 234.2 ALL The Miracle of Hope Allen, Charles L. Salvation Hope 1973 227.3 ALL The Miracle of Love Allen, Charles L. Bible Corinthians 1972 248.4 ALL The Secret of Abundant Living Allen, Charles L. Christian Life Faith 1980 248.86 ALL When You Lose a Loved One Allen, Charles L. Death 1976 2/17/2016 Author Order Library Catalog Master11232015 21716.xls Page 1 of 79 BROWNSON LIBRARY CATALOG SHELF LIST - AUTHOR ORDER Call # Title Author Subject LP Sub Heading Date 248.4 ALL You are Never Alone Allen, Charles L. Christian Life Loneliness 1978 262 ALL Barefoot in the Church Allen, Donald R. Church Renewal 1973 242 ALL Gift of Inner Peace Allen, James Devotionals Anne Frye 1971 264 ALL Speaking the Word! Scriptures for the Speaking Allen, Robert BibleLiturgical Lessons Choral recitations 1991 Choir 242.63 ALL Being Reborn Allen, Sue Devotions Women 2013 305.4 ALL Chocolate for a Woman's Courage Allenbaugh, Kay Courage Anecdotes 2002 268.1 ALL Growing a Healthy Children's Ministry Alley, Steve Christian Education Teaching Handbook 2002 E ALL Jesus' Little Parables of the Kingdom Allison, Diane Worfold Parables 1998 268.41 ALL You Can Teach Creatively Allstrom, Elizabeth Christian Education Teaching 1970 262 ALS The Church: Guides to the Reformed Tradition Alston, Wallace M. Reformed Church Church 1984 221.4 ALT Art of Biblical Narrative Alter, Robert Bible, OT Language and Style 1981 222 ALT Genesis: Translation and Commentary Alter, Robert Bible, OT Commentary 1996 394 TOC To Celebrate Alternates Holidays 1987 394 TOC To Celebrate, c. 2 Alternates Holidays 1987 225 BIB Bible for Today's Family American Bible Society Bible New Testament 1991 DVD SIG Signs of Lent Anastos, A. Lent 2008 223.2 AND Out of the Depths: The Psalms Speak for Us Today Anderson, Bernhard Bible, OT Psalms 221.95 AND Understanding the Old Testament Anderson, Bernhard 1957 220 AND Unfolding Drama of the Bible, The Anderson, Bernhard Bible Study 1988 230 AND A Funny Thing Happened On the Way to Church Anderson, David Theology 1981 808.8 AND Can We Talk? Student Journal Anderson, Emily J. Journaling Youth 1999 808.8 AND Can We Talk? Teacher's Guide Anderson, Emily J. Journaling Youth 1999 E AND The Emperor's New Clothes Anderson, Hans Christian 1989 242.33 AND Encounters at Bethlehem Anderson, Jean Jones Meditations Christmas 1985 235 AND Where Miracles Happen Anderson, Joan Wester Miracles Angels 1976 232.9 AND Jesus: An Intimate Portrait of the Man, His Land, Anderson, Leith Jesus Christ Biography 2005 and His People 248.3 AND Scent of Life: A Pocket Prayer Book Anderson, Michael Prayer Christian Life 2005 253 AND Victory Over the Darkness: Realizing the Power of Anderson, Neil T. Christianity Pastoral Counseling 2000 Your Identity in Christ 246.5 AND The Jesse Tree Anderson, Raymond Symbols Advent 1966 285.1 AND The Story of Montreat from its Beginning Anderson, Robert Campbell Presbyterian Church History 1949 E AND I Know the Moon Anderson, Stephen A. 1976 E AND The Shepherd's Christmas Andrews, Michelle 2000 E ANG The Ark Angel, Marie 1975 285.1 ANG How to Spell Presbyterian Angell, James W. Presbyterian Church Doctrine 2001 248 ANG Yes is a World Angell, James W. Meditations Daily 1974 234 ANK Fast Facts on Defending Your Faith Ankerberg, John & John Weldon Theology Faith 2002 264 APO The Sacred Play of Children ApostolosCappadona, Diane Worship Children 1983 E APP The Best Kind of Gift Appelt, Kathi 1967 291.43 APP The Oxford Book of Prayer Appleton, George, ed. Prayer 1992 2/17/2016 Author Order Library Catalog Master11232015 21716.xls Page 2 of 79 BROWNSON LIBRARY CATALOG SHELF LIST - AUTHOR ORDER Call # Title Author Subject LP Sub Heading Date 211 ARM A History of God Armstrong, Karen God History of Doctrines 1994 211 ARM The Battle For God Armstrong, Karen God History of Doctrines Fundamentalist Religions 2000 211 ARM The Case For God Armstrong, Karen GodHistory of Doctrines 2009 285 ARM The Presbyterian Enterprise Armstrong, Maurice, ed. Presbyterian Church History 1956 301.42 ARN When Your Parents Divorce Arnold, William V. Divorce 1980 248.4 ART More Jesus Less Religion Arterburn, Stephen & Jack Felton Christian Life Faith 2000 220 ART How to Study Your Bible Arthur, Kay Bible Study and Teaching 1994 F ASC The Apostle Asch, Sholem 1943 F ASC The Nazarene Asch, Sholem 1939 275.99 ASE Rice in the Storm Asedillo, Rebecca G. Christianity Phillipines 1989 230 ASH Rudolf Bultman Ashcraft, Morris Theology History 1972 226.8 ASH Soaring into the Storm Asher, Alison Parables Adversity 1996 242.68 ASQ Lively May I Walk; Devotions for the Golden Years Asquith, Glenn H. Devotions Elderly 1960 200.9 ATL Then and Now Bible Map Book Atlas Bible Atlas 2005 746.9 ATW Banners for Beginners Atwood, Cory Textile Art & Handcrafts Church Penants 1986 179 AUG Come, Let us Play God Augenstein, Leroy Ethics Medical 1969 E AUG Christmas A to Z Augustine, Peg Christmas 1958 E AUG Counting to Ten with Moses Augustine, Peg 2001 E AUG One Surprising Night Augustine, Peg Christmas SP E AUG Paul Says Augustine, Peg 1999 E AUG Take Time for Christmas Augustine, Peg Christmas 1970 E AUG Take Time for Christmas Augustine, Peg Christmas 2005 E AUG Take Time for Easter Augustine, Peg Easter SP 2005 E AUG The First Christmas Augustine, Peg Christmas 2008 R 220 BIB Holy Bible: Westminster study edition Authorized KJV Bible study edition 1989 R 220 BIB The New Scofield Reference Bible Authorized KJV Bible KJV 1967 232.96 AYC Eight Days that Changed the World Aycock, Don M. Meditations Easter 1987 222 SZI Story of Israel Azikszai, Stephen Bible Old Testament 1950 248.4 BAA Joy Together: Spiritual Practices for Your Baab, Lynne M. Spiritual Life Faith 2012 Congregation 221.8 BAC Women in the Hebrew Bible Bach, Alice, ed. Bible OT Women 1999 173 BAC The Intimate Enemy Bach, George R. Ethics Marriage 1975 R 222.1 BAI LeviticusNumbers Bailey, Lloyd R Bible SmytheHelwys Commentary2005 253 BAI Choosing Partnership Sharing Ministry Bailey, Marcia CommunitesReligious ChristianityCommunities 2007 248.4 BAI Faith is not a Feeling Bailey, Ney Christian Life Faith 1978 277 BAI Faith of our Fathers: Destiny & Disappointment, v. 7 Bailey, Raymond H. Church History America 1997 242 BAI Diary of Private Prayer Baillie, John Prayer Prayer: Anne Frye 1986 242 BAI Diary of Private Prayer, c. 2 Baillie, John Prayer 1996 274.7 BAI One Thousand Years Baily, J. Martin Christianity Russia 1987 B LUT Here I Stand Bainton, Roland H. Luther, Martin 1950 2/17/2016 Author Order Library Catalog Master11232015 21716.xls Page 3 of 79 BROWNSON LIBRARY CATALOG SHELF LIST - AUTHOR ORDER Call # Title Author Subject LP Sub Heading Date 270 BAI The Church of our Fathers Bainton, Roland H.
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