CITY COUNCIL AND REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY (RDA) CONCURRENT REGULAR MEETING AGENDA John Beaudet Community Center 1525 Median Avenue Shasta Lake, CA 96019 Tuesday, April 5, 2011 at 6:00 P.M. The Brown Act prohibits the Council from taking action on any item not placed on the Agenda in most cases. The Brown Act requires any non-confidential documents or writings distributed to a majority of the City Council less than 72 hours before a regular meeting to be made available to members of the public at the same time they are distributed. Should supplemental materials to be evaluated in the decision making process be made available to the members of the legislative body at the meeting, seven (7) copies must be provided to the City Clerk who will distribute them. Agenda packets are available for public review at City Hall, 1650 Stanton Drive, Shasta Lake, CA during normal business hours of 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. weekdays, excluding holidays. Parties with a disability as provided by the American Disabilities Act who require special accommodations in order to participate in the public meeting should make a request to the City Clerk at least 72 hours prior to the meeting. 1.0 CITY COUNCIL/RDA MEETING – CALL TO ORDER Call to order (please place cell phones and pagers on silent. Statement for the record of Council/Board members present Pledge of Allegiance Invocation 2.0 AWARDS/RECOGNITIONS CC a) Proclamation declaring April 2011 as Child Abuse Prevention Awareness Month. Page 1 b) Proclamation declaring April 10-16, 2011 as National Library Week. Page 2 c) Proclamation recognizing April 10-16, 2011 as National Week of the Young Child Page 3 with the 2011 theme, (Early Years are Learning Years.” 3.0 COMMUNICATIONS 3.1 Presentations: a) Outside Agency Donation Report for the Shasta Lake Heritage and Historical Page 4 Society. Agenda – Tuesday, April 5, 2011 3.2 Public Comment Period: This time is set aside for citizens to address the City Council/RDA Board on matters listed on the Consent Agenda as well as other items not included on the regular agenda. If your comments concern an item noted on the regular agenda, please address the Council after that item is open for public comment. Each speaker is allocated three (3) minutes to speak. Speakers may not cede their time. Comments should be limited to matters within the jurisdiction of the City. Persons wishing to address the Council/RDA should fill out a Speaker Request Form prior to the beginning of the meeting and submit it to the City Clerk. Forms are available from the City Clerk, 1650 Stanton Drive, Shasta Lake, on the City’s website, or at the back of the meeting hall. If you have documents to present to members of the Council to review, please provide a minimum of seven copies. 3.3 Commission/Committee Reports 3.4 Staff Comments/Reports a) Information Item – Follow-up Report on the Goals and Objectives Workshop Page 5 held on February 9, 2011. 3.5 City Council/RDA Board Comments/Reports Brief reports by members of the Council regarding correspondence, events and or/meetings attended. Announcements of upcoming events or meetings. In compliance with Assembly Bill 1234, Council will report on attendance at conferences/meetings/events reimbursed at City expense. 4.0 CONSENT AGENDA NOTICE: The items listed under the Consent Agenda are considered routine business and will be voted on together by one motion unless a Council Member requests a specific item to be removed and discussed separately. CC/RDA 4.1 Approval of the regular CC/RDA meeting minutes for March 15, 2011. Page 11 4.2 Resolution accepting the Montana Avenue Safe Routes to School project as Page 15 complete and authorizing staff to file a Notice of Completion. 4.3 Resolution accepting the annual Tree Trimming Contract in the amount of Page 17 $98,781 as a complete and authorizing staff to file a Notice of Completion. 4.4 Resolution authorizing Shasta County to submit a regional application to the Page 19 California Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery for a local government Household Hazardous Waste Grant for fiscal year 2010/2011, 19th cycle. 5.0 PUBLIC HEARINGS 6.0 REGULAR AGENDA Agenda – Tuesday, April 5, 2011 6.1 Discussion and possible action on Resolution approving the use of the City’s Page 21 existing liability insurance policy for the Skate Movement event. 6.2 Discussion and possible action on Resolution expressing the City Council’s Page 26 interest in using a portion of the Civic Center site for a permanent public museum and in working with the Shasta Lake Heritage and Historical Society as they apply for grant funding for such museum. 6.3 Discussion and possible action on Resolution accepting the Historic Context Page 32 Statement prepared by Carey & Co. dated February 11, 2011. 6.4 Discussion and possible direction regarding the development of a Sunshine Page 35 Ordinance and revisions to the City Council Code. 7.0 COUNCIL/STAFF REPORTS/COMMENTS 7.1 Staff Comments/Reports 7.2 City Council./RDA Board Comments/Reports 8.0 Adjourn to the Housing Authority meeting 1.0 HOUSING AUTHORITY 2.0 PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD: The Chair reserves the right to limit the duration of each speaker to three minutes. 3.0 REGULAR AGENDA: 3.1 Presentation and possible action to accept the Shasta Lake Housing Authority Page 37 2010 Annual Report. 4.0 ADJOURNMENT www.cityofshastalake.org Committee and Commission Meetings: City Council/ Redevelopment Agency Meetings 1st and 3rd Tuesday at 6:00 p.m. Parks and Recreation Advisory Commission 4th Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. in January, March, May, July, September, and November Planning Commission 3rd Thursday at 6:00 p.m. City Council Meetings are televised on Channel 11 the following Wednesday at 8:30 p.m. and Friday at 2:00 p.m. “This is an equal opportunity institution” 2.1 PROCLAMATION _________________________________________________________________________ A PROCLAMATION OF THE CITY OF SHASTA LAKE CITY COUNCIL DECLARING APRIL 2011 AS CHILD ABUSE PREVENTION AWARENESS MONTH ____________________________________________________________________________ WHEREAS, as a community, we have a responsibility to value, nurture, and protect our children to help ensure that they are given every opportunity to reach their full potential; and WHEREAS, in fiscal year 2008-09, Shasta County Children and Family Services received child abuse and neglect referrals for 3,186 children; and WHEREAS, scientific studies confirm a direct link between child abuse and a significantly greater risk later in life for divorce, substance abuse, crime, suicide, and premature death from cancer and other serious illnesses; and WHEREAS, all citizens can become more aware of child abuse and its prevention within the community, become involved in supporting parents and remembering it only takes a minute to brighten a child’s life with praise, encouragement and love. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Shasta Lake hereby proclaims April 2011 as “Child Abuse Prevention Awareness Month,” and calls upon all agencies, organizations, medical facilities, community members, and businesses to increase their participation in our efforts to prevent child abuse, thereby strengthening the communities in which we live. Read into the record this 5th day of April, 2011 by Councilmember Dixon __________________________________ ROD LINDSAY, Mayor 2.2 PROCLAMATION A PROCLAMATION OF THE CITY OF SHASTA LAKE CITY COUNCIL DECLARING APRIL 10-16, 2011 AS “NATIONAL LIBRARY WEEK” WHEREAS, our nation’s public, academic, school and specialized libraries transform their communities; and WHEREAS, America’s libraries are cornerstones of our democracy, and libraries are the guardians of free access to information and resources; and WHEREAS, library resources make available opportunities for personal, professional, and educational growth, as well as recreational reading for individuals of all ages; and WHEREAS, the City of Shasta Lake City Council recognizes the vital role that libraries play in supporting our community quality of life. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Shasta Lake City Council proclaims April 10-16, 2011 as “National Library Week.” Read into the record this 5th day of April, 2011 by Councilmember Lucero. ROD LINDSAY, Mayor 2.3 PROCLAMATION A PROCLAMATION OF THE CITY OF SHASTA LAKE CITY COUNCIL RECOGNIZING APRIL 10TH – 16TH, 2011 AS NATIONAL WEEK OF THE YOUNG CHILD WITH THE 2011 THEME, “EARLY YEARS ARE LEARNING YEARS” WHEREAS, Week of the Young Child is held each year to honor young children and to thank teachers and all those who make a difference in young children’s lives; and WHEREAS, all children need and deserve high-quality early learning experiences that will prepare them for life; and WHEREAS, Week of the Young Child is a time to recognize the importance of early learning and early literacy; and WHEREAS, it is the goal of the National Association for the Education of Young Children to raise awareness in communities of the need for early education and public policies that benefit all young children. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED that the City of Shasta Lake City Council recognizes April 10th – 16th, 2011 as National Week of the Young Child with the 2011 theme, “Early Years are Learning Years.” Read into the record this 5th day of April, 2011 by Councilmember Farr. ROD LINDSAY, Mayor 3.1a Report and Recommendations Reviewed and Approved ____________ City Manager AGENDA ITEM City Council Meeting TO: Carol Martin, City Manager FROM: Jessaca Lugo, Program Manager DATE: March 17, 2011 SUBJECT: Outside Agency Donation Reports FILE NO: RECOMMENDATION: Presentations By: Shasta Lake Heritage and Historical Society Barbara Cross, President BACKGROUND The City of Shasta Lake provides annual donations to various outside agencies for services that will be utilized towards the benefit of our community.
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