-a Technician North Carolina State University’s Student Newspaper Since 1920 . Volume LXI, Number 79 Friday, April 10, 1981' Raleigh, North Carolina Phone: 737-2411, -2412 Crime areas targeted Jackson arrested by Fred Brown Some of the stolen property has Staff Writer been recovered along withproperty that had not been reported stolen. ac- The department of Public Safety cording to Parker. The items has pinpointed two buildings as the recovered include a beige travel bag on murder charge major crime areas on campus. that contained some clothes. a pair of DH. Hill Library and Carmichael shoes and a gold Seiko watch. Gymnasium are considered the two places where students are most likely “Hopefully when we bring charges by Fred Brown Johnson said Jackson was known to to have their possessions stolen. accor- we can recover some additional pro- Staff Writer frequent the Hillsborough Street area ding to Ca‘pt. Jay McGinnis. perty." he said. where Hall-Kennedy was employed at “We have received probably 20 Parker said he believes there may The investigation into the murder I Play Games. reports of stolen property from people be a bicycletheft ring on campus. of former State student Leslie Hall Heineman said the police could not using the library in the last two “We have recovered one bicycle. A Kennedy was concluded early Thurs- get information from the public weeks." he said. “Items stolen include student was riding it." he said. “He day morning with the arrest of James because people in the neighborhood Wallace Jackson. 22. of 2235 Dorsett did not see who committed the crime. calculators. wallets and coats. We claims he bought it from someone in Drive. have increased our surveillance and Durham at North Carolina Central Jackson was charged with first He acknowledged the assistance of we are going to putup posters in an ef- University. degree murder in the slaying of Hall- State's Department of Public Safety. fort to let people know what is hap “He hasn‘t been charged yet but he Kennedy. a .23 year-old horticulture Sgt. LaDell Parker was assigned to pening." may be charged with possession of honors student. whom police found the task force for the duration of the McGinnis described the gym and stolen property. He's supposed to be stabbed to death March 15 in her investigation. library thefts as “crimes of opportuni- trying to find the person he bought it apartment at 207 Cox Ave. “I got a call in the middle of the ty.” from.” Jackson's arrest. which concluded night telling me to get down there." “People leave things on a table for McGinnis said the major problem over 1.000 hours of investigative Parker said. “I stayed until it was just a few minutes and come back to last month involved thefts from work. was announced at a 10:30 am. wrapped up. find them gone." he said. ”They have automobiles. The time students are press conference Thursday by Raleigh to start realizing that a few minutes is most vulnerable to this is when they Police Chief Frederick Heineman. “The investigative secti it acted as all it takes." are packing to move home at the end RPD’s Major Crime Task Force. head- an intermediary for the l iversity. I Sgt. LaDell Parker said he has of the semester. ed by Maj. John Haley and Lt. Ken- followed leads. called people and got received 28 reports of stolen property neth J. Johnson. was credited with information on people with the since January from persons victimized “Many students like to pack their solving the case. University." in Carmichael Gym. cars in the afternoon. spend one more Heineman said the district attorney Parker said Jackson had been “These people have lost property night and leave in the morning." he con- mostly from around the handball and said. "But often they wake up to find has requested that no specific details suspect for a “good while" and has raquetball courts and around the cage their cars empty." concerning the evidence against fessed. area." he said. “One person has con- To help solve this problem. McGin- Jackson be revealed until the trial. He Public Safety Director James Cunn- fessed to part of these and he has im- nis said he would like to see one area. said he is convinced there is enough ingham said there were four suspects lot. evidence to convict Jackson. during the investigation. This was plicated others. such as Riddick parking “We don‘t want the DA to go into confirmed by Heineman. “We have not filed any charges and designated as a parking area inwhich the courtroom with only three shots we won't until the investigation is students could leave their cars the left in his gun." Heineman said. ”As the investigation progressed completed. We feel certain there will night before they leave. Stall photo 0. Simon Griffiths Jackson was identified and ap we eliminated the other suspects." he be University involvement. We'll be “I'm not even sure it would be us- prehended from a composite drawing said. “There was no one particular going through Student Development ed." he said. “But this way we could Public Safety Sgt. LaDell Parker said he thinks there may be a bicycle-theft ring and was interviewed several times determining factor. The charge is bas- and there will possibly be criminal monitor the cars more closely. provide on campus. According to Parker, one stolen bicycle has been recovered from a before charges were filed at 2 a.m. ed on cumulative evidence." charges." around-the-clock coverage." student who said he bought it in Durham. Thursday. He was on the 700 block of Heineman said this case is a sen- Hargett Street when he was last pick- sitive one because of the nature of the ed up for questioning early Wednes- crime. day evening. Johnson said. “Any time you're dealing with a State investigates possi bility of cable television According to Johnson. the murder capital crime it‘s sensitive in that you was “sexually oriented" but there was want to be sure the defendant is allow- no evidence of sexual assault. Hall- ed all of his constitutional rights and ~ by William J. White contract and enter into a franchise state agencies and schools and for the planned for April 14 to draw up Kennedy was lying on her bed wear- that the case is not lost because of im Staff Writer with Cablevision of Raleigh Inc.. the UNC Center for Public Broadcasting. documents for the new franchise. ing a nightgown when her body was proper police procedure." he said. only firm offering cable television to “The potentialities of cable are in- “We are hoping to upgrade the discovered at approximately 10:40 ”Also there is a possibility he. Editor's Note: This is the first ofa Raleigh. credible and I think the University Raleigh cable system at a cost in ex- pm. (Jackson) may be connected withother twopart series on the future of cable ' “Ifthose steps were carried out soon. realizes that." Porter said. Under the cess of $6 million to allow for 35 chan- Jackson. an unemployed high-school crimes." television at State. The first part will he said. an educational and public- franchise agreement. he said. nels. The present 12 channels are fully dropout. lives on the Dorothea Dix Heineman would not go into detail deal with the political and legal ques- service channel whose programming “nobody can lose. Cable could be a assigned." Whitsett said. Cablevision Hospital grounds with his mother. a about any other crimes in which tions involved in acquiring cable would be controlled by the University great benefit to a great many people." of Raleigh now has approximately hospital employee. Jackson may be involved. television. The second part will could be in operation by the end of Although State has aspirations to 30,000 customers who receive these discuss the educational benefits and 1983. get a channel. “the ultimate arbiter is channels. ' explain the technical installation of “Guidelines and procedures on the the Raleigh City Council," Porter said. cable television. use of the cable would need to be set Thomas Whitsett. general manager up before operation could begin of Cablevision of Raleigh. said in an in- Two to four years Library documents State is currently investigating the because we want the operation to be terview with the Technician that the uses of cable television on campus. ac- professional when it goes out." An- . Raleigh City Council must award a Whitsett said in a Raleigh Times in- cording to University officials. drews said. new franchise to Cablevision before terview that the 35channel system One or two reserved educational any new channels can be assigned. could be in operation in two to four Facilities available Cable television operators are con- years after a contract is signed bet- channels may be obtained by State in the Federal Communica Ween the University and Cablevision near 2 million mark the near future pending a decision by sidered by but State's channel could be available University officials. according to Facilities for the origination of tions Commission to be private com- by Naomi Haddock social sciences and medicine. with the Grover Andrews. assistant vice signals and the production of pro panies and not public utilities. Porter before. the entire 35 channels are in- majority coming from the National chancellor for University Extension. grams are available at the Television said. They are regulated by a fran» stalled. Staff Writer Aeronautical and Space Association; “A decision will be made in 60 to 90 Center on Western Boulevard.
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