INDEX A Arbeláez, Carlos, 218, 226 abrazo de la serpiente, El, 16, 218 Arévalo, Julieta, 85, 94, 95, 97 abrazo partido, El, 10, 233 Argentina, 3, 6, 7, 14, 16, 19, Academy Awards, 28, 33, 103, 135, 122, 124, 171–180, 185–187, 136, 221. See also flm festivals; 189–191, 216, 220, 232, 233, Hollywood 240, 241, 243, 244, 250–252, actores del conficto, Los, 218, 226 255, 256, 259–261 adaptation, 84–86, 94, 95 Buenos Aires, 19, 171, 175 Aguilar, Gonzalo, 176, 233 Chamber of Commerce, 254 Alebrije Producciones, 28. See also Crespo, 236 production companies dictatorship Frente Para la Victoria, Alemán, Jorge, 258 250 Alias María, 18, 158, 215–229 Entre Ríos, 232 Allende, Salvador, 206, 207 Kirchner governments, 250. See also Almeida, Andrés, 84 Argentine economic crisis 2001 Amar te duele, 78 Patagonia, 244 amigos del muerto, Los, 28 Salta, 244 Amores perros, 5, 120, 128 Argentine cinema, 14, 177, 178, 181, Amores que matan, 28 183, 189, 231, 239. See also Andean regions, 61. See also Peru Argentine flm industry Andermann, Jens, 172, 232, 242, 244, Argentine economic crisis 2001, 14, 245 172, 232. See also Argentina Andrade, Óscar, 226 Argentine flm industry, 7, 18, 190 An Unknown Country–the Jewish Exiles audiovisual production, 250, 252 of Ecuador, 18, 155, 162–167 CineBruto, 255 © The Editor(s) (if applicable) and The Author(s) 2018 265 C. Sandberg and C. Rocha (eds.), Contemporary Latin American Cinema, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-77010-9 266 INDEX Cine en Movimiento (CEM), 225, 240, 243, 256, 260. See also 249–260 middle-class audience Cine Gaumont, 1 Aura, El, 244 Cinema Digitization Programme, auteur, 34, 40, 93, 108, 120, 122, 186 129, 131, 182, 199, 241, 257 Cluster Audiovisual de la Provincia author cinema, 148. See also auteur de Buenos Aires (CAPBA), Avatar, 179 249–260 Avelar, Idelber, 57 collaborative production, 250, 252 Azu mare! 1 and 2, 61 digitization, 171–173, 187, 189 distribution, 2, 15, 171 Espacios INCAA, 172, 181–183, B 189 Bachiller, Diego, 187 exhibition, 2, 7, 15, 18, 19, 171– BAFICI. See Buenos Aires 173, 177, 181, 183, 189 International Festival of Federación Argentina de Independent Cinema Realizadores Audiovisuales, 255 Baja corazón, 28 Instituto Audiovisual de Entre Ríos, Balda, Kyle, 176 235 Banzer, Hugo, 30 Instituto Nacional de Cine y Artes Barea, Marita, 121 Audiovisuales (INCAA), 235 Barreto, Fernando, 121 Law 26522, 250 Bauman, Zygmaunt, 85, 201 Media Law, 250–252 Bauwens, Michel, 259 movie theatres, 256 Bazin, André, 120 national cinema spaces screening Bedoya, Ricardo, 44, 47, 121, 132 quota, 171 Benjamin, Walter, 54 Televisión Digital Abierta, 256 Bentes, Ivana, 76, 256, 259, 262 theatrical screens, 172, 189. See also Berger, James, 55, 59 Argentine cinems Berlin, 40, 122, 139, 211 Arieles, 103, 106, 107. See also flm Berlin Film Festival, 9, 10, 131. See festivals; Mexican flm industry also flm festivals; Golden Bear Aristizábal, José, 222, 227 B-Happy, 211 armed confict, 45, 158, 218, 221, Bielinsky, Fabián, 14, 62, 244 222 Bize, Matías, 13 art cinema/flm, 34, 108, 114, 128, Blanco, Alan, 159, 160, 162 149, 241, 257 Bloch-Robin, Marianne, 220 audience(s), 5, 7–12, 14, 18, 29, 40, Bogotá, 157, 158, 161, 185, 227. See 61, 68, 69, 71, 75, 83, 87, 94, also Colombia 102–108, 113–115, 120–122, Bolivia, 3, 16, 28–31, 33–35, 233, 124, 135, 139–141, 143, 145, 262. See also Cochabamba; 155, 160, 162, 167, 179, 182, Cochabamba Water War 2000 188, 203, 210, 218, 220, 221, Bollaín, Icíar, 11, 14, 16, 27, 28, 30 INDEX 267 bonaerense, El, 14 Casé, Regina, 72, 78 Bonbon el perro, 244 caso Pinochet, El, 211 botón de nácar, El, 211 Casseta, Alejandro, 188 Brazil, 3, 6, 7, 16, 19, 65–67, 77, Castañeda, Liliana, 217 122, 128, 160, 176, 185, 216, Castro, Alfredo, 204, 205, 208 241, 242 Castro, Daniela, 228 Brazilian flm industry, 217. See Catatonia Films, 107. See also produc- also EMBRAFILME; Globo; tion companies retomada CEM. See Cine en Movimiento Bridgeman, Duncan, 86 Centro do Brasil, 9 Brzozowska, Blanka, 155 chacotero sentimental, El, 211 Buenos Aires, 1, 15, 175, 178, 190, Chaski Group (Grupo Chaski), 191, 211, 231, 233, 235, 249, 121–123, 132 253, 255–262. See also Argentina Chávez, Hugo, 3 Buenos Aires International Festival of Chenillo, Mariana, 11, 17, 84, 90, 92, Independent Cinema (BAFICI), 96 1, 211, 240, 256. See also flm Chernin, Andrew, 199, 200 festivals Chile, 4, 6, 7, 16, 20, 135–150, 176, Burman, Daniel, 10, 233, 245 197, 198, 200, 202, 204, 205, Burucúa, Constanza, 124, 129, 131 207–211 Butler, Judith, 92 Chilean economic system, 144 Chilean neoliberalism, 136, 137 Chilean referendum 1988, 18, 135 C collective memory, 200 Caetano, Adrian, 14, 15, 232, 233 concertación, 142 Caetano, Miguel Alfonso, 155 coup d’état, 205 Caiozzi, Silvio, 198, 207, 211 neoliberal cultural practices, 137 Caluga o menta (El Niki), 211 neoliberal expansion, 144 Cama adentro, 78 Pinochet dictatorship, 139, 141 Cameron, James, 179 socialist democracy state terrorism, Campanella, Juan José, 5 197 Campos, Enid “Pinky”, 17, 121–132 transición, Unidad Popular, 143 Campusano, José Celestino, 253, Chile, la memoria obstinada, 211 255–258 Chilean cinema, 13, 18, 135–139, Cannes Film Festival, 9, 68, 135, 137. 141, 142, 145–149, 198. See also See also flm festivals Chilean flm industry CAPBA. See Cluster Audiovisual de la Chilean flm industry Provincia de Buenos Aires CinemaChile, 138 Cárdenas, Israel, 14, 161 cultural commodifcation, 147 Cardoso, Gustavo, 155 flm production, 136–138, 145, 149 Cardoso, Lucrecia, 188 flm professionals, 135–137, 139, Carretón, Manuel Antonio, 142 142 Carrillo, Jaime, 226 history, 136, 139, 142, 200 268 INDEX ProChile, 135, 138. See also Chilean Colombia, 3, 6, 7, 16, 18, 19, 132, cinema 153–162, 167, 176, 185, 186, Chilewood, 8. See also production 215–217, 220, 222, 224–228 companies Guerrilla, 215, 219, 222, 224 Chocó, 218 Revolutionary Armed Forces of Ciangherotti, Cassandra, 29 Colombia (FARC), 219 Cidade de Deus, 5, 72, 76, 128 Valle de Leyva, 157 ciénaga, La, 73 warfare, 19. See also Bogotá Cinco días sin Nora, 93, 94 Colombian flm industry, 226 cine clasemediero, 66, 75 Dirección de Cinematografía, 216 Cine en Movimiento (CEM), 249, flm policy flm production, 226 253–260. See also Argentine flm FOCINE, 217 industry Law 814, 153, 217, 221 Cine Gaumont, 1 Proimagenes Colombia, 216 Cinema Novo, 71 colonial matrix of power, 32 Cinemark, 7, 171, 178–180 colonialization, 9, 31, 32, 35, 36, 39, cinematic space, 65. See also space 129, 157. See also colonial matrix cinematography, 45, 66, 70, 74, 76, of power; decolonialization; 105, 108, 256 neo-colonial economic interests; Cinépolis, 7 Spanish conquest citizenship of fear, 113 colores de la montaña, Los, 218, 226 Ciudad Satélite, 84, 86, 87. See also comedy, 15, 28, 61, 108, 126. See also Mexico genre Ciudad Universitaria, 86. See also communal networks, 19, 260 Mexico community flmmaking, 249–260 clan, El, 178 Contactado, 126 class transformations, 65 Continuidad de la memoria, La, 244 Clavijo, Carlos, 219 co-productions, 127 Climas, 122, 131 Corrales, Javier, 222 club, El, 15 Corro, Pablo, 198 Cluster Audiovisual de la Provincia Cortona, Emiliana, 182–183 de Buenos Aires (CAPBA), 249, cosmetics of hunger, 259, 262 253–260. See also Argentine flm Costa Rica, 7 industry Couldry, Nick, 85, 120, 189, 224, Cochabamba, 16, 27–31, 37, 38. See 225 also Bolivia Coundouriotis, Eleni, 164 Cochabamba Water War 2000, 27, 29. Crespo, Eduardo, 234–236, 244, 245. See also Bolivia See also Argentina Coffn, Pierre, 176 crowdfunding, 11, 18, 154–157, Cold War, 6, 208 159, 163. See also Indiegogo, collective subjectivity, 258 Kickstarter Collor de Mello, Fernando, 6 Cuarón, Alfonso, 5, 10, 66, 93, 120 INDEX 269 Cuba, 6, 122. See also Cuban E Revolution Ecuador, 7, 16, 18, 153–156, 159, Cuban Revolution, 208. See also Cuba 163–167 cultural production, 146, 154, 251, Ecuadorian cinema, 154 259 Ecuadorian Council on Cinema, custodio, El, 78 154 flm production, 154, 167 Law 29, 153 D Elliott, Barney, 14, 126, 128, 131 decolonization, 17, 27, 31, 32, 203 El Salvador, 7 de Dios Larraín, Juan, 140 EMBRAFILME, 6. See also Brazilian de la Calle, Luis, 65 flm industry de las Casas, Bartolomé, 29 emigration, 15 del Solar, Salvador, 14, 44, 124, 125 En la cama, 13 del Toro, Guillermo, 5, 10, 93 En tierra extraña, 28 Desmazures, Guillaume Thomine, Entreluces, 19, 234–236, 238 185, 186 Entre Ríos, 19, 231, 234–236, 242, deuda, La, 14, 126, 127, 131 244. See also Argentina Diarios de motocicleta, 15 entusiasmo, El, 211 Días de Santiago, 44, 122, 124, 125, Erice, Víctor, 28 131, 132 Esnorquel, 19, 234–238 Diegues, Carlos, 76 Espinoza, Fernando, 121 digital platforms, 7, 126 estudiante, El, 245 digitization, 173, 177–181, 184–187, exile, 15, 142, 164 189 Direse, Ariel, 180, 187 Dirty Hands, 18, 155, 159–162 F displacement, 15, 67, 144, 165, 201, Fábrega, Paz, 11 206, 208, 210, 218, 234 Fainchtein, Lynn, 86, 87, 96 d’Lugo, Marvin, 12 Falicov, Tamara, 9, 129 docudrama, 16, 27, 198, 208. See also FARC. See Revolutionary Armed genre Forces of Colombia documentary, 12, 13, 28, 29, 31, 34, Farnsworth, Elizabeth, 211 36, 121, 146, 162–167, 206, fatness, 85, 87–92, 94–97 208, 211, 220, 228, 232, 235, fat shaming, 84, 90 243, 244, 253. See also genre fat studies, 88, 96, 97 dolares de arena, O, 14 favela, 75, 76 Doméstica, 78 female directors, 158. See also women Dorff, Stephen, 127 directors; women flmmaking drama, 6, 28, 29, 36, 44, 46, 78, 93, 124, Fernández Almendras, Alejandro, 211 126, 158, 204, 208.
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