![1353 States Reorganisation [RAJYASABHA] Bill, 1956 1354](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
1353 States Reorganisation [RAJYASABHA] Bill, 1956 1354 such an utterance; and, secondly, whether it SHRI P. N. SAPRU (Uttar Pradesh): was right on his part to indicate that nothing I would say that from a constitutional would be changed when one of the Houses point of view the Prime Minister was had yet to discuss the matter and bring to bear perfectly right in saying what he actual its wise judgment upon it. This is the submis- ly said. The responsibility of the sion I would like to make. Government is primarily to the Lok (Interruptions.) Sabha and it is the Lok Sabha ................. (Interruptions.) SHRI H. P. SAKSENA (Uttar Pra desh): Most of the Members of the SHRI BHUPESH GUPTA: There I join House do not in any way feel that the issue with the hon. Member. It is not a speech of the Prime Minister................ question of to whom the Government is responsible. We are dealing with the question SHRI K. S. HEGDE (Madras): What was of how a thing becomes law. An eminent said was that Lok Sabha's decision was final lawyer like my hon. friend should not mix up subject to Rajya Sabha's concurrence. the two issues. Sir, you are the guardian of the rights and privileges of the House and I (Interruptions.) request you to take up this matter with the SHRI S. N. MAZUMDAR (West Bengal): authorities concerned so that in future we do The question is this. The Government not have a repetition of such things. probably may think that because of its majority this decision is final but here the SHRI P. N. SAPRU: We are prepared question raised is a question of privilege of to dicsuss this fully and ........... this • House. MR. CHAIRMAN: Order, order. MR. CHAIRMAN: When a Bill comes to the Rajya Sabha from the Lok Sabha, it should not be taken that the Bill is going to be returned to the Lok Sabha in the form in THE STATES REORGANISATION which it came. This House has got the full BILL, 1956 liberty to consider, deliberate upon, modify, amend or return it as it is. That is a privilege THE MINISTER IN THE MINISTRY OF which this House has, and when the Prime HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI B. N. DATAR) : Sir, I Minister said about Parliament, there is no beg to move: doubt that he meant the two Houses. Under the Constitution Parliament means both the "That the Bill to provide for the Houses, Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha. Without reorganisation of the States of India and for the concurrence of this House, no Bill can matters connected therewith, as passed by become law. An Act of Parliament means the Lok Sabha, be taken into something which is agreed to by both the consideration." Houses and assented to by the President. Sir, the question of the reorganisation of SHRI JASPAT ROY KAPOOR (Uttar the States has been before the country since Pradesh): Sir, I would like to point out December 1953 when a Commission was that the report that has been read out appointed for the purpose of considering all from some paper—I do not know what the circumstances bearing on the question of it is....... reorganisation and for submitting a report. SHRI BHUPESH GUPTA: It is Statesman. Thereupon this Commission submitted their Report in October 1955 and since then this SHRI JASPAT ROY KAPOOR: Whatever House and the other House considered the it is, the report is not a full and complete recommendations of the Commission in all report. What the Prime Minister said was— their aspects in December or thereabout. The we were present there—that the Bill had to recommendations were also considered at an come up before the Rajya Sabha. He said so earlier stage by the various States Legis- definitely and categorically and that part of latures. There was also public opinion his speech has not been reported on and hence reflected through the representation of various it is not a correct version. bodies and persons as also of the public in general. On the strength of all these materials, that had been received, the Government of India took certain decisions and announced them 1355 Slates Reorganisation [16 AUG. 1956] Bill, 1956 1356 on the 16th January 1956. Thereafter, Sir, the i minently before the public was regarding the question arose of drafting a Bill for the future of Bombay. On that question also the purpose of sending the Bill to the State Government had taken a certain decision and Legislatures for their opinion as laid down in in the Joint Select Committee also naturally article 3 of the Constitution. In the meanwhile, the form remained in which the Government's as the House is aware, there was a proposal decision had been formerly embodied. But, mooted out by the Chief Ministers of West thanks to the efforts, thanks to the earnestness Bengal and Bihar for the purpose of having an that was exhibited by a number of hon. administrative union of the territories under Members of both the Houses of Parliament, it these two States, and this matter was now became possible for the Lok Sabha to considered for a number of months, and that consider a bilingual formula so far as the was the reason why, when a Bill had to be formerly proposed States of Maharashtra and prepared in accordance with the Government's Gujarat and the proposed territory of Bombay decisions on the recommendations of the S. R. were concerned; and this proposal, Sir, though C, no provision was first made regarding West it came suddenly, was one that could be Bengal and Bihar. For that another Bill was welcomed beoause a very important problem, subsequently introduced in Parliament. That a very complicated problem, namely the Bill was submitted to the Joint Select tangle over the Bombay question, had been in Committee and their Report has now been a way solved in as satisfactory a manner as placed on the Tables of both the' Houses, and possible. The honourable House is already the West Bengal and Bihar (Transfer of aware that the Members of the States Reor- Territories) Bill will be taken up in the other ganisation Commission also were anxious that House just today. So far as these two states are so far as Bombay was concerned, Bombay's concerned, they could not, therefore, be the importance in the Indian Union should be kept subject matter of the States Reorganisation up and enhanced to the extent that was neces- Bill. Therefore, in respect of practically all the sary by having a bilingual State. Now, the recommendations made by the States bilingual State that has emerged is larger than Reorganisation Commission the Government the bilingual State that was conceived of and prepared a Bill and, as I stated, sent it out to recommended by the S. R. C. Now, you would the various State Governments with a desire find, Sir, that so far as the new Bombay State that the State Legislatures should be is concerned, it consists of the whole of the consulted. Their opinions were received, and Maharashtra area proposed to be transferred thereafter Government with slight modifica- under the first Bill to the Maharashtra State, tions introduced the Bill in the other House, the whole of the Gujarat area—and the and there was a reference of the Bill to the Gujarat area, as you are aware, consists of the Joint Select Committee. Similarly, that matter State of Gujarat, the Part C State of Kutch and was also heard here, and this House was also also the Part C State of Saurashtra. So far as pleased to select the names of persons who Maharashtra is concerned, the Marathi- were to be on the Joint Select Committee so speaking districts in the Bombay State, the far as the Rajya Sabha was concerned. This Marathwada district from the Hyderabad State Joint Select Committee went into the whole and the Marathi-speaking districts of the matter and a number of amendments were present Madhya I Pradesh State have all been introduced by them, and the Joint Select put to-! gether. We have all the Marathi- Committee's Report was placed on the Tables speaking areas in India and all the Gujerati- of both the Houses. speaking areas in India coupled together and put under a common administration in which Thereafter about a fortnight ago the Bill, as naturally Bombay City and Greater Bombay recommended by the Joint Select Committee, have been included, and thus we have the was taken into consideration in the other happy spectacle of our dream regarding the House, and the stupendous nature of the future of Bombay being realised. The discussions that went on there would be clear ambition that we had of having a larger to this House in that there were as many as bilingual State has been now fulfilled. Thanks 607 amendments tabled to the Bill as it again to the great efforts that the hon. emerged from the Joint Select Committee. Members of Parliament in this House and in Naturally, Sir, as you are aware, the question the other that was most pro- 1357 States Reorganisation [ RAJYA SA1JHA] Bill, 1956 1358 [Shri B. N. Datar.] am quite confident, would be in the direction made, you will find, Sir, that so far as this of supporting the provisions of the present question is concerned it has received the Bill. largest measure of support so far as the other House is concerned. When this particular SHRI BHUPESH GUPTA (West Bengal): formula regarding the new bilingual State of Will the hon.
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