fflu' Jvliuu Hampslttrr L No 35 Issue 8 Z413 UNIVERSITY OF NEW HAMPSHIRE, DURHAM, NEW HAMPSHIRE, NOVEMBER 15, 1945 PRICE THREE CENTS College Chest Drive, 1945 Durham, New Hampshire U N H Representatives November 12, 1945 "Kiss and T e ll” a H it; Dear Solicitors: Thanks to your help, we went O n 'W h o ’s W h o ’ Chosen over the top in our drive. Well Chosen Cast You took it well. Admittedly, it Thirteen Seniors, One is rather a shock to get that card Equals Professional; Outing Club Sponsors in the mail telling you that you are Junior Named; Faculty Realistically Acted Informal Dance Nov. 17 to solicit. Then at the meeting, YWCA Official Helps Make Selections just as the impossibilities of the A play which is a hit with a pro­ Fay Emerson and his band will play whole idea are getting you down, fessional cast is not necessarily a hit Thirteen seniors and one junior have Here Nov. 17-19 for the informal dance to be held at' we announce that we want $1.25 as an amateur production, but Hugh been selected by a committee com­ New Hampshire Hall this Saturday from each student. You groaned H erbert’s Kiss and Tell had the au­ posed of faculty and students to rep­ SMC Supper and Meeting evening, N ovem ber 17. T he dance is then, but then# but before Thurs­ dience rolling in the aisles all through resent the University of New Hamp­ sponsored by Outing Club and will be day came around you had changed Held Sat. from 2-10 p.m. its three comedy-packed acts last night shire in the 1945-1946 edition of W ho’s held from 8 to 11:30. The price is 60c face and came through with flying Miss Fern Babcock, Program Co­ in New Hampshire Hall in the first W ho Among Students in American per person and tickets will be sold at colors. ordinator of the National Student of a series of three performances. Universities and Colleges. Chosen on the dance. Your fine spirit has set an exam­ Council of the Y.W.C.A. will be a Mike Coombs was one of the out­ basis of character, scholarship, leader­ Chaperones will be Mr. and Mrs. ple for the solicitors of other years visitor on this campus from Novem­ standing players of the evening as ship and prominence in extra curricula William A. Medesy, Mr. and Mrs. to follow. Your money will now ber 17 to November 19. Raymond Pringle, the roller-skating activities on campus, these students Clinton Condict. be used for relief and rehabilitation Saturday afternoon a meeting will boy scout with an eye for business and will be ranked along with other out­ a nose for trouble. Com pletely at The general dance chairman is and for the spread of that same be held- at the H ighland H ouse from standing students throughout the ease, Mike stripped several years Betty Collins. Committees are: Band spirit of cooperation among the 2:00 to 10:00. Supper will cost .75 country. from his life and becam e a real 12- Claire McQuillan, chairman, Nancy people of the world. and those interested are requested to The purpose of W h o’s W ho is to year-old even to his voice, which Ferguson; Decorations, Eloise Braun, Appreciatively, notify the SCM office. serve as an incentive to students to cracked and quavered and ranged chairmen, Elsie Deming and Jean Helen Fay, for the Miss Babcock was graduated from get the most out of their college ca­ from soprano to bass. Ashton; Heelers, Rebecca Fairbank; College Chest Drive Committee Kansas State Teachers College, Pitts­ reers, as a means of compensation to Corliss Archer was played by Bar­ Refreshments, Laura Hamm, chair­ burg, Kansas. Her M.A. degree is students for what they have already * bara Mackay with refreshing enthu­ done, as a recommendation to the busi­ man, Myrtle Hilton; Tickets and Post­ from Teachers College, Columbia Uni­ versity. European travel includes at­ siasm and naturalness. She has that ness world and as a standard of ers, Polly Averill, chairman, Jane Elections for Class tending two conferences of the well-scrubbed, healthy appearance measurements for students. Whitney; Chaperones, Grace Shaylor, W orld’s Student Christian Federation, which her part calls for as well as be­ The following students are the chairman, Alvan Hiller. one in England in 1924 and one in ing very easy to look at. newly selected members: Officers, Nov. 27 Switzerland in 1933, and participation 'Casting Leon 'Stevens as Mr. Ar­ Joseph Bennett, Newmarket, N. H. At the special Student Council in the European Seminar conducted by cher must have presented no difficul­ — Sigma Alpha Epsilon; Student ties because they seem to be one and Musical Club Starts meeting held at the council head­ Sherwood Eddy. Council, treasurer, 2, president, 4; quarters last Tuesday evening at Bal­ the sanie person. Leon’s voice has Class President, 3, 4; Student Veterans lard Hall the council set the date for 1 th$>se qualities which the stage re­ Advisor, 3, 4; Student Veterans Gov­ On Campus Nov. 19 the election of Class Officers for No­ quires in diction, carrying power and erning Board, 3, 4; College Chest A new musical organization is be­ vem ber 27. Name Band for change of mood. The reputation he Fund Committee, 3, 4; Varsity Sports. ing developed on the campus of the All petitions must be turned into earned last year in Claudia is raised Evelyn Cass, Southwick, Mass. — University of New Hampshire through the Deans’ office on or before No­ Mil. Art Ball Dec. 8 still higher by his fine performance in Chi Omega, Vice President, 3, Presi­ popular demand. The purpose of this vember 19 and any which are not Kiss and Tell. dent, 4; Yacht Club, 2; SCM, 2, 3, 4; club is to unite all students interested passed in on that date will not be ac­ A military ball without the military! Leon Grodzins, who may be known Student G ov’t., 3, 4; M ortar Board, 3, in music in a com m on body to act as cepted later. Yes indeed, the good old days are in the future as “ H oly C ow ,” loosened 4; Phi Epsilon Omega, 3, 4; Home sponsors for student musical activities The elections will be held at New certainly on the way back to the UNH up as the play progressed, to play the Economics Club, 3; Mask and Dagger, on campus, and to help promote a Hampshire Hall at 4 o’clock Tuesday campus. On December 8 we’re go­ love-sick Dexter Franklin in typical 3, 4; Student Choir, 3; Big Sister, 3f greater interest in music among the afternoon on November 27. ing to have a military ball sponsored teen-age fashion, while Lucifte Uhr Outing Club, 2, 3, 4; Blue Circle, 3, 4; student body. by a peace time ROTC completely made a vigorous and authoritative M odern Dance Club, 3, 4, President, 3; A s far as the group is concerned, unmolested by GI regulations. (Does Louise. Mrs. Pringle, Elizabeth Mc­ Skating Club, 3, 4; College Chest the program committee will promote anyone recall the days when the Clelland off-stage, stormed through Committee, 3, 4; Carnival Ball Com­ a series of lectures and small recitals Flying Club Plans STARS and ASTP’s' had to get spe­ her scenes with much success. cial permits to stay out any later than mittee, 3. to be given to the group on their Mildred Pringle, better known as eight o’clock?) With the paper short­ Jean Gleason, Reading, Mass. — In­ stipulated meeting nights — the first Resumption of Group Barbara Sharrock, was a convincing age almost completely alleviated ternational Relations, 2; Granite Heel­ and third Mondays in every month. 17-year-old, looking all the time as if There will be a meeting of all those er, 2, 3; New Hampshire News Editor, The members of this organization are there’ll be dance program s as in pre­ she were really in love which is just interested in flying at the Organization 2, Editor, 3; Newm an Club, 1, 2, 3; at liberty to bring one or two guests war days, and, of course, all the glitter what she was supposed to be doing. Room in Commons at 4:00 p.m. Tues­ and splendor that a military ball can Religious Council, 2, 3; Sociology each to designated open meetings. Constance Armstrong as Mrs. Archer day, November 24. Plans for reviving bring. The cadets will wear their Club, 3; Big Sister, 2, 3; Concert Lec­ The club is open to all students w ho shouldered maturity gracefully, acting the UNH Flying Club will b^ dis­ uniforms, and plans are being made ture Committee, Student Representa­ have completed eight hours of credit with poise and assurance. cussed. so that the veterans may wear theirs. tive, 3; College Chest Committee, 3. in the music department. Freshmen Dick Gangi as Private Jim Earhart The group will either buy and main­ Can you imagine the wonder of it all Laura Hamm, Reading, Mass. — or transfer students who will have and Steve Aliapoulis as Lieut. Lenny tain a plane, or buy flying time. If a — to know that the fair ladies you see Phi Mu, 3, 4; SCM, 3; Home Econo­ completed the eight hours by the end Archer conducted their respective ro­ plane were bought, some veterans on the arms of their soldier escorts mics Club, 1, 2, 3, 4, Treasurer, 3; Phi of the year are also eligible.
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