UNESCO/Japan Funds-in-Trust for the Preservation and Promotion of the Intangible Cultural Heritage ユネスコ無形文化財 保存振興日本信託基金 UNESCO/Japan Funds-in-Trust for the Preservation and Promotion of the Intangible Cultural Heritage ユネスコ無形文化財 保存振興日本信託基金 Contents 目次 Preface by the Director-General of Follow-up to the Blue of Samarkand - Safeguarding and Promotion of UNESCO ........................................... 4 Project: National Inventory and Revival Georgian Traditional Polyphony of the Traditional Ceramics of (Republic of Georgia) ............................ 23 Background ..................................... 8 Uzbekistan (Samarkand) ..................... 17 - Action Plan for the Safeguarding and - Indigenous Languages: Revitalization Promotion of the Oral Tradition of Presentation of Projects and Preservation in Melanesia and the Gelede (Benin,Nigeria,Togo) ................. 24 Pacific (Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Solomon - Safeguarding and Transmission of the Section 1 Islands,Vanuatu) ................................. 18 Kutiyattam Sanskrit Theatre (India) . 25 Some Representative Projects - Preservation, Revitalization and Promo- in the Early Years Section 2 tion of Jemaa el-Fna Square, Marrakech - International Consultation on New Projects for Masterpieces (Morocco) ........................................... 26 Perspectives for UNESCO’s Programme: Proclaimed in 2001 - Safeguarding, Preservation and Promo- The Intangible Cultural Heritage - Safeguarding, Revitalization and Promo- tion of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (UNESCO Paris) .................................... 14 tion of the Kunqu Opera (China) ....... 19 of the Sosso-Bala (Guinea) ................. 27 - Atlas of the World’s Languages in Danger - The Safeguarding and Revitalization of - Action Plan for the Safeguarding of the of Disappearing (UNESCO Paris) ......... 15 Lithuanian Cross Crafting and Its Oruro Carnival (Bolivia) ...................... 28 - International Conference: World Survey Symbolism: Phase I of the Action Plan - Action Plan for the Safeguarding and on the Application of the Recommen- (Lithuania) .......................................... 20 Revitalization of the Cultural Space of dation Adopted in 1989 on the Safe- - Establishment of Inventory and the Holy Spirit Brotherhood of the Villa guarding of Traditional Culture and Preparation of a Ten-Year Master Plan Mella’s Congos (Dominican Republic) ... 29 Folklore (Washington) ......................... 16 for Safeguarding the Traditional - Bi-national Action Plan for the Safe- - The Blue of Samarkand: Project for the Culture and Folklore of the Boysun guarding and Revitalization of the Oral Revival of Medieval Ishkor Alkaline District (Uzbekistan) ........................... 21 and Intangible Heritage of the Zápara Vegetable Glaze, Used in the Past For - Safeguarding and Transmission of the Community (Ecuador and Peru) ............ 30 Both Architectural Glazed Tiles and Hudhud Chants of the Ifugao Utilitarian Pottery and (Philippines) ........................................ 22 2 ユネスコ事務局長による序文 .......... 4 第2部 - オルロ・カーニバルの保護のための行動計 背景 ................................................... 8 2001年に宣言された 画(ボリビア)...................................... 28 傑作のためのプロジェクト - ヴィラ・メラのコンゴ族の聖霊結社の文化 プロジェクトの紹介 - 昆曲の保護、再活性化及び振興(中国) 的空間の保護と再活性化のための行動計画 .......................................................... 19 (ドミニカ共和国)................................... 29 第1部 - リトアニアの十字架の手工芸とその象徴 - ザッパラ族の口承無形遺産の保護と再活 初期の代表的なプロジェクト の保護と再活性化:行動計画フェーズ I 性化のための2カ国行動計画(エクアドル、 - ユネスコの無形文化遺産保存振興事業の今 (リトアニア)........................................ 20 ペルー)................................................ 30 後の展望に関する国際会議(パリ) ....... 14 - ボイスン地域の伝統文化及び民間伝承の保 - 「消滅の危機に瀕した世界の言語地図」の 護のための目録作成と十年基本計画の準備 作成(パリ)......................................... 15 (ウズベキスタン)................................... 21 - 「伝統的文化及び民間伝承の保護に関する - イフガオ族のハドハド歌の保護と伝承 勧告(1989年)」の実施に関する国際会議 (フィリピン)......................................... 22 (ワシントン)........................................ 16 - グルジアの伝統的多声音楽の保護と振興 - サマルカンド・ブルー保 (グルジア)........................................... 23 建築物のタイルと陶磁器のための植物性 - ゲレデの口承伝統の保護と振興のため 釉 薬(イシュコール)を再生するための の行動計画(ベニン、ナイジェリア、 プロジェクト トーゴ) ............................................... 24 サマルカンド・ブルー保存フォローアップ - クティヤタムのサンスクリット劇の保護と ウズベキスタンの伝統的陶磁器の復興と 伝承(インド)...................................... 25 目録作成(サマルカンド)....................... 17 - ジャマ・エル・フナ広場(マラケシュ) - メラネシア・太平洋固有の言語の再活性化 の文化的空間の保存、再活性化及び振興 と保存(フィジー、パプアニューギニア、ソロモ (モロッコ)........................................... 26 ン諸島、バヌアツ).................................. 18 - ソソバラ無形文化遺産の保護と振興 (ギニア).............................................. 27 Section 3 Court Music (Vietnam) ....................... 38 Intangible Cultural Heritage (UNESCO Projects for Masterpieces - Action Plan for the Safeguarding of the Paris) .................................................. 44 Proclaimed in 2003 Carnival of Barranquilla (Colombia) ... 39 - Preparatory Activities for the Second - Implementation of the National Action Section 5 Proclamation of Masterpieces of the Oral Plan for the Safeguarding of the Other on-going Projects and Intangible Heritage of Humanity Wayang Puppet Theatre of Indonesia - Public Awareness Campaign in Colombia (International) ...................................... 31 (Indonesia) .......................................... 40 on the Importance of Safeguarding the - Implementation of the National Action - Safeguarding of the Art of the Akyns, Oral and Intangible Heritage (Colombia) 46 Plan for the Safeguarding of Traditional Kyrgyz Epic Tellers (Republic of - Traditional Money Banks (Vanuatu) ... 47 Morin Khuur Music of Mongolia Kyrgyzstan) .......................................... 41 - Preparatory Activities for the Third (Mongolia) ........................................... 33 - Safeguarding of Vanuatu Sand Drawings Proclamation of Masterpieces of the - Action Plan for the Safeguarding and (Vanuatu) ............................................ 42 Oral and Intangible Heritage of Revitalization of the Oral Tradition of - Action Plan for the Safeguarding of Humanity (International) ..................... 48 the Aka Pygmies of the Central African “La Tumba Francesa” (Cuba) ............ 43 Republic (Central African Republic and the A map and a list of Republic of Congo) ............................... 34 Section 4 all projects financed - Action Plan for the Safeguarding of the Preparation for the Creation of a under the fund since 1993 .......... 50 Woodcrafting Knowledge of the Normative Instrument in Favour Zafimaniry (Madagascar) .................... 35 of Intangible Cultural Heritage - Safeguarding of Lakalaka, Sung Spee- - International Meeting of Experts on ches with Choreographed Movements Intangible Cultural Heritage (Rio de (Tonga) ............................................... 36 Janeiro) and - Safeguarding Shashmaqom, the - First, Second and Third Sessions of the Classical Music of Central Asia Intergovernmental Meeting of Experts (Tajikistan/Uzbekistan) .......................... 37 on Drafting a Preliminary Draft - Safeguarding of Nha nhac, Vietnamese Convention for the Safeguarding of the 3 第3部 第4部 2003年に宣言された 無形文化遺産のための 傑作のためのプロジェクト 法的文書の作成準備 - 第2回「人類の口承及び無形遺産に関する - 無形文化遺産に関する国際専門家会議 傑作の宣言」準備活動のための支援 ..... 31 (リオデジャネイロ) - 伝統音楽、馬頭琴(モリン・ホール)の保 - 無形文化遺産の保護に関する条約作成のた 護のための行動計画(モンゴル) ............ 33 めの政府間専門家会議(第1回~第3回) - 中央アフリカのアカ・ピグミー族の口承 (パリ) ................................................ 44 伝統の保護と再活性化のための行動計画 (中央アフリカ、コンゴ共和国)................... 34 第5部 - ザフィマニリの木彫知識の保護のための行 現在実施中のその他のプロジェクト 動計画(マダガスカル).......................... 35 - 口承及び無形遺産の保護の重要性に関する - ラカラカの歌唱と舞踊の保護(トンガ)... 36 意識向上キャンペーン(コロンビア)...... 46 - 中央アジアの伝統音楽、シャシュマカーム - 伝統的貨幣銀行(バヌアツ)................... 47 の保護(タジキスタンとウズベキスタン)....... 37 - 第3回「人類の口承及び無形遺産に関する - ベトナムの宮廷音楽、ニャ・ニャックの保 傑作の宣言」準備活動(パリ).............. 48 護(ベトナム) ...................................... 38 - バランキーヤのカーニバルの保護のための 1993年以降の 行動計画(コロンビア) .......................... 39 ユネスコ無形文化財保存振興 - インドネシアのワヤン人形劇の保護のため 日本信託基金による の行動計画(インドネシア).................... 40 プロジェクトの一覧及び地図 ......... 50 - キルギス叙事詩の語り部、アキンズの技芸 の保護(キルギスタン) ........................... 41 - バヌアツの砂絵の保護(バヌアツ)......... 42 - トゥンバ・フランセーサの保護のための行 動計画(キューバ)................................ 43 Preface by the Director-General of UNESCO ユネスコ事務局長による 序文 4 Mr Matsuura Director-General of UNESCO ユネスコ松浦事務局長 Half a century ago, cultural heritage was widely priate action to preserve and promote it. After adopting considered to consist mainly of monuments and mova- the Recommendation on the Safeguarding of Tradi- ble objects. Nowadays, however, it is increasingly seen tional Culture and Folklore in 1989, which is regarded as consisting of both tangible and intangible elements. as a significant initial step in its continuing standard-set- Japan was one of the first countries to realize the impor- ting efforts, UNESCO created new programmes in the tance of the intangible or living heritage for the identity, 1990s with the aim of promoting the protection of the well-being and creativity of groups and individuals, and intangible cultural heritage. These included the Living to act accordingly. Human Treasures and the Proclamation of Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity. In our time, the transmission of this heritage from generation to generation is seriously threatened by At the same time, steps were taken to elaborate a new industrialization, urbanization, migration, armed conflicts, international legal instrument for the benefit of that environmental deterioration, the consequences of mass heritage. Following intensive
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