
•, \.. .. ,-,, i ~ .«t ~' ,,; ~-· ·I NOT\CE OF ENTR'Y.OF APPEARANCE AS AllORNE'< OR REPRESEN1' Al\VE DATE In re: Andrew Roy Gibb October 27, 1978 application for status as permanent resident FILE No. Al I (b)(6) I hereby enter my appearanc:e as attorney for (or representative of), and at the reQUest of, the fol'lowing" named person(s): - NAME \ 0 Petitioner Applicant Andrew Roy Gibb 0 Beneficiary D "ADDRESS (Apt. No,) (Number & Street) (City) (State) (ZIP Code) Mi NAME O Applicant (b)(6) D ADDRESS (Apt, No,) (Number & Street) (City} (ZIP Code) Check Applicable ltem(a) below: lXJ I I am an attorney and a member in good standing of the bar of the Supreme Court of the United States or of the highest court of the following State, territory; insular possession, or District of Columbia A;r;:ka.nsa§ Simt:eme Coy;ct and am not under -a (NBme of Court) court or administrative agency order ·suspending, enjoining, restraining, disbarring, or otherwise restricting me in practicing law. [] 2. I am an accredited representative of the following named religious, charitable, ,social service, or similar organization established in the United States and which is so recognized by the Board: [] i I am associated with ) the. attomey of record who previously fited a notice of appearance in this case and my appearance is at his request. (If '!J<?V. check this item, also check item 1 or 2 whichever is a1wropriate .) [] 4. Others (Explain fully.) '• SIGNATURE COMPLETE ADDRESS Willi~P .A. 2311 Biscayne, Suite 320 ' By: V ? Litle Rock, Arkansas 72207 /I ' f. ;- - - NAME (Type or Print) TELEPHONE NUMBER Katherine E. Woods 501- 2Z7-5400 PURSUANT TO THE PRlVACY ACT OF 19'14, 1 HEREBY CONSENT TO THE DISCLOSURE TO THE FOLLOWING NAMED ATTORNEY OR RBPRESENTA77VE OF ANY RECORD PERTAINING TO ME WHICH APPEARS IN ANY IMMIGR.AttON AND NATURALIZATION SERVICE SYSTEM OF RECORDS: --------~~---:~--~--~-:--------------­ (Name ol Attotney or ReprHentactve) THE ABOVE CONSENT TO DISCLOSE IS lN CONNECTION WITH THE FOLLOWING MATTER: NAME OP PERSON CONSENTING SIGNATURE OF PERSON CONSENTING DATE (NOTE: Ez.ecution of this boz is required, under the Priva?'JI Act of 1974 where t~e person being represented TsTcitizeri. of th_e United States or an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence.) r o RM G-28 . cro: 1an c. 235.731 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Rev. 9-27-75) N Board of Immigration Appeals and Immigration and Naturalization Servic, '--- 1 • • ' . • ADIT 1v0Rf.SHEET i Sec. 245 1 . I I , • Gibb Andrew Roy LA.ST NAME FOOT NAME MIDDLE 2. March 5 1958 J. A IEI'r UUMBER L-----~.,,--__. (b)(6) ..M!,ami 2 Florida 33161 , ~­ CITY., STATE & ZIP C~DE 60 Barbara 7,., ' Hugh MO'.I.'Hlili 1S Fm5T NAME FATHER IS F.LRS? NAME 8. ·.Manchester, England 9. Miami, Florida CIT'! OR TOWN OF YOUR IN WHAT CITY mn YOU RESIDE BIRTH WIDN APPLICAl'lON FILED 1o.., Entertainer /Songwriter . 11. Miami, Florida PRESENT OCCUPATIOif CITY TO WHICH YOO WHERE D&STINED . W'ml IOU ARRIVED I11 THE UNITED STA'rm 12. Nassau, Bahamas PORT OF EU1U.Y PRGGtt.iiED FOR l•&&I. ~~~~__ f/;_o/.tt.~-·----­ . AT :{-~/.lflf.{l __ CARD TO BE MAIi.ED 1.Jll:AW 1 WITHIN J.6-12--~ DA ft - 2 .. .. 1 :~ J ;.,; MOUNT SINAI May 9 , 1979 MEDICA~ CENTER Nathan Segel, M.O. 1688 Meridian Ave. Suite 809 Mfami Beach, Florida 33139 Dear Dr. Sege 1 : In viewing Mr •. Andrew Gibp.ls X-ray, _l find the resuT.t.s negative. · Professor of Radiology UniversJty of Miami S~hool of Medfc1ne · LM/ia MOUNT SINAI MEDICAL CENTER OF GREATER MIAMI 4300 Alton Road, Miami Beach, Florida 33.140 Tel, 674-2121 2050415 3 ~.c. 245 cp I!~ sTA1~S oEPAR;ENt 0F\~1ce . IMMIGRATION AND NA!URALIZATION SERVICE FILE N0:....,4 ____1 ~. .--··--·' (b)(6) , .. DATE: 4-3- 79 MEDICAL EXAMINATION AND IMMIGRATION INTERVIEW Andrew Roy Gibb. (b)(6) Mis.mi,Fla 33161 . ' ... ,;' ! • •t ,, INSTRUCTIONS FOR ,•MEDICAL .EXAMINATION A medical examination is~rf'ecessary as· part of your application for adjustment of status" to permanent resident. If you have reached you~ fifteenth birthday you must IMMEDIATE!..Y obtain and bring with you, when you appear for your medical examination ·a serology report and 14" x 17" chest X-ray film _with a reading by a licensed physician interpreting the X-ray film. The serologic test must be performed by a· laborato_ry approved by a state or local health depai:tment. The X-ray film and serologic test for syphilis may not be more 'than 90 days old . .YOUR MEDICAL EXAMINATION_ CANNOT BE COMPLETED WITHOUT THE (1) SEROLOGIC REPORT, (2) X· · RAY AND (3) READING OF THE X·RAY FILM. Pieaie note. also the boxes. checked 18J below with regard to your medical examination. 0 ~lease obtain your serologic report, X-ray film and reading promptly. You may telephone your· state or local He~th Department for the name of an approved laboratory w.here you may obtain these. Bring them and copies of this letter with you when you appear for examination by a: physician-oi tile U. S. Public liealth, Ser,,ice for which an appointment ha~ been made at the place and date indicated below: · • · ADDRESS DATE TIME. 0 Please communicate immediately with the below listed physician o~ with one_ of the physicians on the attached list. if. a list is attached. (1) to ascer, tain whilt arrangements you should make to obtain a serologic report, X-ray film and .reading prior to your medical examination. and (2) to .arrange ior your medical examination by him, which· must be completed before . · All expenses' in· connection with ttiis examination must be paid by you. PHYSICIAN'S NAME. A~DRESS, AND.TELEPHONE NUMBER Please show this letter to' any laboratory performing tests. Also present the copies of this letter to the physician performing the medical ...._ __,--e_x_am_in_·a_tlo_n_. a_n_d_fu_rr_u·s-'-h._h...,im_v...,.1i_t~_Y_o.u __ r_s_ig.,..na_tu.,,.re_w_r_itt_,e..:..n ..,.in_h=is.,,.· p_re-;s_en_ce-,,.-fo.,;..~ _;n_cl_us_io_n_w_ith_hi_s _re-c-p_ort,.... --,--·-·-..,.-;,.....,____,.,,,..,.• ._ .... , _____.,_- -c:--'' :-! ___ .. ; . i '\: T ''· ·' • ~-' . TO PHYSICIAN. PERFORMING' THE'-EXAMINATION· ' PLEASE OBTAIN THE APPLICANT'S SIGNATURE IN THE SPACE PROVIDED AND MEDICALLY EXAMINE HIM FOR ELIGIBILITY FOR AD· JUSTMENT OF _STATUS. IF THE APPUCA.NT IS FREE OF MEDICAL DEFECTS LISTED IN SECTION 212 (Al·OF THE IMMIGRATION AND NATIONALITY ACT, ENDORSE THIS COPY OF FORM 1·486A IN .THE SPACE PROVIDED· AND HAND IT TO THE APPLICANT IN A SEALED ENVELOPE FOR PRESENTATION AT HIS IMMIGRATION INTERVIEW. IF THE APPLICANT IS NOT FREE OF •SUCH MEDICAL DEFECTS, DO NOT SIGN THIS FORM. INSTEAD WRITE 'SEE FS-398' IN THE PHYSiCIAN'S SIGNATURE BLOCK AND PREPARE MEDICAL CERTIFICATE ON FORM FS-398 AND HANO IT TO THE APPLICANT IN A SEALED ENVELOPE TOGETHER WITH THIS COPY OF FORM 1·486A FOR PRESENTATION AT HIS IMMIGRATION INTERVIEW. {IF EXAMINATION IS CONDUCTED BY A CIVIL SURGEON, INSERT IN ENVELOPE BOTH COPIES OF FORM 1-486A, X-RAYS AND LABORATORY REPORTS AND TWO COPIES OF FORM FS-398 IF APPLICANT IS NOT FREE OF MEDICAL .DEFECTS.) DISTRICT DIRECTOR SEROLOGY REPORT (BLOOD TEST) RELATE TO ME . I PENALTY THE LAW PAOVIDES SEVERE PENAL TIES FOR KNOWINGLY ANO WILFULLY FALSIFYING OR CONCEALING A MATERIAL X / FACT OR USING ANY FALSE DOCUMENTS IN CONNECTION WITH THIS Af>PUCATION. MY EXAMINATIO , INCLUDING X-RAY, BLOOD SEROLOGICAL AND OTHER REPORTS; WHEN NEEDED, SHOW THE APPLICANT TO BE FREE °tA4- 0EFECTS. _DISEASE OR Ol~ABILmES LISTED IN SECTION 212(A) OF THE IMMIGRATION ANO NATIONALITY ACT AS AMEN.OED. :0, • SIGNATURE OF PHYSICIAN . DATE TITLE FORM 1-486 A (REV.11·10-76)Y 4 .,,. ' ., • • Al Coury President Chief Operaling Officer October 24, 1978 United States Department of Justice Immigration and Naturalization Service 51 s.w. First Avenue Miami, Florida 33130 RE: Andrew R. Gibb Al I (b)(6) Gentlemen: Pursuant to your request, this letter is submitted as evidence that the above referenced applicant for permanent residence will be employed by RSO Records as an entertainer and songwriter •. His employment will be permanent in nature. Vea yours, Al Coury j President AC/lw RSO RECORDS, INC. 8335 Sunset Blvd., Los Angeles, Calif. 90069 Telephone: (213) 650-1234 Form 1-464-A UN\TEO STATES DEPARTMENT OF ~-.'PCE (Rev. 1-1-77)N IMMIGRll.:ION II.ND NA.TURA.LIZATION SERVI ___ ) .• 51 s. w. First A.venue . · .. Yiami, Flo~ida .33130 . NOTICE OF. ·[l, THIRD O · SIXTH PREFE-RENCE PEbTION APPROVED UNDER SECTION 203 (a) OF THE , IMMfCRATION AND NATIONALITY, ACT, AS AMENDED.. · . · ' , IMPORTANT:· IF THERE IS ANY CHANGE IN YOUR INTENTION TO EMPLOY OR BE EMPLOYED IN THE CAPACITY INDICATED IN THE. JOB OFFER. NOTIFY THIS OFFICE IMMEDIATELY. Name of Beneficiary File No. ·Occupation Entertainer; lied S"'"•-i.te.r 4/26 78 _VALIDiTY: The a~proval of'a•petition for third or sixth preference c_lassification is valid for as long as the supporting labor certiflca­ tio'! _is -~a lid and _unexpired, provided there is no change in the resp'!:lctive intentions of the prospective employ_er a_nd the beneficiary that the beneficiary will be employed by the employer in the capacity indi~ted in the supporting job offer. > ~lease be advised that _approval of the petition• confers upon the. beneficiary an appropriate classifica · . _ uon._ T~e approv:ll c?nsututes. no ass~rance th_at t~e beneficiary will be found eligible for visa ·issuance, .:. a~lrrpss1~n to the _Dmted States or adJ~stment to lawful ·permanent ·resident status. Eligibility _for visa is­ / s~anc~ 1s _deterrmn~d only w~en. apphcation 'ther~for_ is made to. a consular officer; eligibility for adm~s­ ,.
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